Swiss Paid the Most For World of Goo, Turks the Least


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Tiamat666 said:
Allow me to be a little nitpicky.

South Africa has the third highest generosity rating after Brasil and Hungary. But the equation doesn't consider that South Africa is a country with a very large wealth gap: alot of poor people and only a few rather rich people (who are the ones to own Computers and buy the game). So the per capita GDP of South Africa is not representative for the people actually buying the games there. If only those people where considered, it would result in a much lower generosity rating for SA.

I guess the same thing counts for other developing nations such as Brasil, to somewhat lesser extent.
This is a very good point. The generosity score is a nice idea but it doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.

EDIT: My god that sounds incredibly serious. I'm not that upset about it.


New member
Oct 2, 2008
I'm half-Turkish, and I agree. My dad said he turned off his alarm clock in the morning to save electricity bills back in Turkey.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
I bought my copy of World of Goo before this sale, but I'd make it a rule to pay AU$20 minimum for anything someone offers on a pay-what-you-want scheme, assuming I want it, simply because they have the fortitude to try something different.

I'm inclined to agree the person who paid $150 forgot to put in the decimal point, but if not he has my most sincerest apologies, and deserves a medal.


New member
May 28, 2009
Either I see a misprint or you didn't pay much attention to that scale. Hungary appears to have the highest generosity with 4.54, the only country in the league over 4 I might add.

The countries are not in any order CantFaketheFunk, South Korea was 0.02 less than Turkey. Please redo this, it seems unfair on Hungary and the Turks.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Sevre90210 said:
There's something about indie devs that make my heart flutter, they're saints among sinners.
They do stuff like this for simple survival, if they make themselves out to be more progressive and less evil than, say EA for example, more people would be inclined to part with cash. I just hope that if indie developers do make it big time, that they carry over their indie philosophy.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Piracy is legal here in turkey well functinally atleast it is illegal but it is not enforced as long as stores keep them out of sight they dont mind even if their in the store regularly police buy pirated stuff. We have stores openly selling this pirated material

the reason is simple most turkish people are poor and legally turkish have to pay full price and sometimes more for legal items as they are imports seriously harry potter and the order of the phoenix here is 50pounds for ps2 at the conversion rate.

the reason turkish are stingy for world of goo is simply turkey is poor and the economic recession hashit it hard very hard textile factorys closing and moving to china if your outside the tourist hotspots living is tough


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Well, you know what they say about those two countries..
Because I don't.
This, apparently.

It's nice to see developers using this sales model, though. Restores faith in humanity a little [except the Turkish aspects, ho ho!]

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
Zamn said:
Tiamat666 said:
Allow me to be a little nitpicky.

South Africa has the third highest generosity rating after Brasil and Hungary. But the equation doesn't consider that South Africa is a country with a very large wealth gap: alot of poor people and only a few rather rich people (who are the ones to own Computers and buy the game). So the per capita GDP of South Africa is not representative for the people actually buying the games there. If only those people where considered, it would result in a much lower generosity rating for SA.

I guess the same thing counts for other developing nations such as Brasil, to somewhat lesser extent.
This is a very good point. The generosity score is a nice idea but it doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.

EDIT: My god that sounds incredibly serious. I'm not that upset about it.
Well, it's just a statistic. It's meant to be interesting, not to be something you can mull and write your MBA thesis about.

Also, that didn't sound so serious to me. It actually sounded less serious than it was probably meant to be. That Internet, stealing away verbal clues from out sentences!