Syrupy Water or Watery Syrup?


New member
Jan 4, 2008
I'm going to have to disagree with you (and, apparently, everybody else) regarding the 'final third' of the game.

Sort of.

Obviously, fighting the aliens doesn't have the free-form, pretend-to-be-The-Predator wondrousness of the earlier sections of the game. However, I would argue that it gives an adrenaline charged conclusion to the game (the final level aside, which was meh) that to my mind is intended to be fairly brief.

Personally I spent hour after hour playing through the earlier parts of the game, over the space of a week or so, retrying sections, climbing ravines, and frequently being executed for leaving the mission area (so maybe not all that freeform after all). At one point I spent an hour and a half clearing a small NKA outpost, proning my way through paddy fields, taking the guards down one by one.

Then I reached the Alien ship, and wandered around lost, going 'woah, cool'. Finally I tottered out the other side and BANG! Everything went nuts, the world was frozen, aliens were attacking. Lots of shooting, explosions, a small but awesome rail shooter section, some crazy arse cut scenes and a damaged shuttle later and I was on the home stretch.

Everything after the ship I did in one fairly short session. Maybe I would have been annoyed if it had been a larger part of the game, but as it was, for me it just worked (final mission still sucked, but compared to the end of Far Cry it was gaming gold).

I realise that I am largely on my own here - but I'm right and everybody else is wrong.

As per usual.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
I found the worst part to be the disorentating, boring, and almost nauseating "zero gravity" section, it was pointless, and the level design was poor, meaning that it was hard to progress, due to the fact that some rooms were symmetrical, and even a little bit of weapon firing, or looking around left you arse-tardedly lost.

Also, before the start of level 11, you loose all your weapons. Why is this? I would have thought that an elite Soldier such as Nomad wouldn't have what, thrown all his guns out of the VTOL?

Ros Lai

New member
Dec 14, 2007
After reading that review, I can only describe my reaction as stuponfucious [].


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Very kind, all. Sadly the real world came calling and I had to go write an essay about Freud and Eliot, thus chopping into tiny pieces the amount of time I could spend rambling about computer games. BUT it's done now, so I'm gestating some new computer game stuff...