Anoni Mus said:
Therumancer said:
I'll also say that I lack much faith in the Taiwanese authorities to figure this out, so I imagine it will remain anti-gaming rhetoric for a long time to come.
Let me put it to you this way. Do a search for "Taiwan" and "Pirates", you'll notice that along with all the discussions of game piracy there are issues with real pirates, as in the murdering sea faring kind. Something that has even snowballed into the "Pirate Party" (dealing with software piracy) changing it's name due to concerns about connections. Not to mention recent articles about a Taiwanese fishing boat fighting off Somali pirates, and if you do reading you'll also find that Taiwan has a tendency to be a hotbed of piracy itself where it's own pirates rob and murder people on boats themselves, kidnap and ransome tourists, and other assorted things. Taiwan gets decent press because of it's dealings with the US, but it's basically kind of a hellhole.
With all of this going on, I very much doubt that the law enforcement really gives a crap about some kid who died playing games an an internet cafe. This kind of thing matters more to those of us from the first world, looking at the "disease" of gaming from a very much outside perspective. It's not exactly something I'd expect them to spend a lot of time and resources on, if they even have the technology availible to do a real investigation of something like this other than a basic autopsy (while some people in Taiwan probably do, like in the US resources vary from department to department), and if they have the resources if they really want to use them for this. Unlike TV all of this DNA stuff, and detailed testing costs money, they don't throw it around at every case that comes around, and a nation like Taiwan has to be even more careful with it's resources than the US. Not to mention that the police in places like Taiwan, Thailand, etc... aren't exactly known to be nice guys, oftentimes they ARE the thugs and criminals. As an outsider tourist bringing money into their economy they do have some concerns about what happens to you on a basic level, but as far as their own people go... well life is cheap. Again this is a place where you have fishing boats and pirates, exchanging gunfire, and honestly which is which probably depends on the circumstances since most of the pirates are probably also fisherman who just get involved in the robbery and murder when they think they can get away with it.
Seriously, I'm not kidding, or just making this up to knock Taiwan, it's nothing like things are like around here. It's sort of like how when Bob went off about cultural insensitivity in the "Hangover 2" review, which he kind of recanted to some extent if I remember (at least in response to what I posted). The basic point being that the portrayal wasn't quite as racist or bigoted as he let on (with the movie more or less not being funny because what happened is kind of what you'd expect on a lot of levels), and again one of the things I pointed out was the issue with piracy.
See, when we occasionally get attention on these forums about piracy, and naval actions against them, or how first world navies moving in or out of the region has an effect, etc... this is exactly the neck of the woods where this kind of thing is going on, which says a lot about the countries that are playing host to this crap. As much as we'd like to think that Taiwan, Thailand, etc... are just like here, but with the people being a differant color, that's not actually the case.
More information than was probably needed, but all of this is why I don't put a lot of faith in the police doing much with this. I suspect that we care more about it because of the gaming connection, than the authorities in Taiwan do. I could be proven wrong, because there is after all some level of first world journalism being aimed at it, and it's a good chance for them to show off in front of the world, but in all likelyhood I imagine we won't hear anything more about it. Some coroner will probably do a basic autopsy and maybe a low-end tox screen to see if he was poisoned, probably consider it inconclusive, and everyone will move on because the good cops have much worse things to worry about, and the bad cops have no money to be made off of this.