This is a very strange article. On the one hand, my Christian faith led me to really enjoying the theological parallels in playing a video game. I can see how the satisfaction of completing such an emotionally taxing story could be similar to a spiritual experience, but in the end, I would say that nothing earthly could possibly compare to a true spiritual experience such as the end of Lent. The two experiences are made up of completely different sources of emotion and so I don't see how the two can be compared the way you are suggested. Maybe I just didn't understand fully or something lol.
On the other hand, I can't forgive you for killing Mordin and letting Tali die. Seriously dude, I played a straight Renegade game as well, and the only two Paragon choices I made in all three games was keeping the data and not killing Mordin. And how hard is it to keep Tali alive? I have played through ME3 three times with three separate Shepards making different choices and never once failed to unite the Geth and Quarians. But I know many people who failed to bring peace between them. I don't understand how it's easy for some, but difficult for others. Bah, my nerdrage is overwhelming me!
Also, *Obligatory, generic comment about the suckiness of the ending and something something about red, blue, and green.*