Tales of the Abyss: Shapes of Swords


New member
May 28, 2011
Hello internet! I gots a quick question to settle my curiosity.

I've recently started a play-through of Tales of The Abyss for the 3DS. Enjoying the game sofar. Not so much as Symphonia, or the recient Graces, but thats like comparing Zelda games. While some are better then others, most are in a caliber high above other games.

Now don't worry. This shouldn't be too spoilery for those concerned, as this (vaugely) covers events very early in the game. (Then again, those worried about spoilers probably won't be much help to me, given the situation. ^^;)

Anyways, I've advanced to the point where Luke and the gang returns to Baticul after his and Tear's hyperesonance sends him far into enemy territory, and I've noticed a pattern in the swords.

They tend to be split down the middle, between large, single-sided blades like the scimitar, and more refined, dual-sided blades like the rapier.

Moving forward, my plan is to give the heavier weapons to Luke, and the lighter ones to Guy, as these seem to be more 'trademarked' of them. (And make a tad bit more sense coming out of their respective sheaths.)

I'm well aware this is tactically unwise, considering that often, when two such swords are present, one is objectively better.

But heres my question: Will this decision screw me alltogether, or are there enough swords of each 'kind' that I'll be able to muster through the game, without severely handicapping eaither Luke or Guy?