Target Australia will no longer stock GTA5

Here Comes Tomorrow

New member
Jan 7, 2009

Sorry for the terrible link, but I honestly don't know how to link a pdf from my phone.

Apparently the reason is due to its depiction of violence against women.

Random anomoly or setting a dangerous presedent?
What happened to not taking away our games, or is this just Australia being weird about stuff as usual?
Will spiders be banned next for biting women? Because Australia is full of spiders that kill women.
Can we get God Of War taken of shelves yet? I feel the disgusting violence against the Ancient Greek pantheon has gone on long enough.

This is a big can of worms IMO. The South Park quote "Either everything is okay, or nothing is", comes to mind.

Captcha: love you
I love you too captcha


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009

No, hang on, it's a business responding to customer feedback and choosing not to sell a specific product that is still freely available to anyone who wishes to buy it.

"We are your customers, listen to our feedback! Hear our voices! Obey our comm... whoa, whoa, don't listen to those customers, they're feminazi SJW marxists!"

Heh. I love you all. I really do.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
BathorysGraveland2 said:
The biggest question that needs to be addressed here is who the fuck goes to Target for video games?
Wait, you're from Australia?

Huh. For some reason that I cannot now recall I always assumed you were European.


Hold on one damn second, you're another Tasmanian? That's not something I ever expected to see. Which city? Er... if you don't mind me asking.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Zhukov said:
Wait, you're from Australia?

Huh. For some reason that I cannot now recall I always assumed you were European.


Hold on one damn second, you're another Tasmanian? That's not something I ever expected to see. Which city? Er... if you don't mind me asking.
Dude!!! We've already addressed this twice on these forums. Haha.

Anyways, no city. I'm one of those unfortunate souls who lives out in the bloody sticks. North-east to be precise, so the closest city would be Launceston, which I intend to relocate to next year. :D


New member
Oct 9, 2008
As another Tasmanian I can chip in and say that I really dont care. Targets prices suck anyways they dont seem to actually know the value of a game or they dont care.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
BathorysGraveland2 said:
Zhukov said:
Wait, you're from Australia?

Huh. For some reason that I cannot now recall I always assumed you were European.


Hold on one damn second, you're another Tasmanian? That's not something I ever expected to see. Which city? Er... if you don't mind me asking.
Dude!!! We've already addressed this twice on these forums. Haha.
Oh. Really?

Well, shit.

Now I feel like I've been caught telling the same joke twice to the same person. Awkward.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Zhukov said:
Oh. Really?

Well, shit.

Now I feel like I've been caught telling the same joke twice to the same person. Awkward.
On a somewhat related note, I've seen you tell that story about the guy trying to hit you after asking about a weapon, and then telling you to "fuck off" while walking away twice. So perhaps there is some degree of truth to this.

Here Comes Tomorrow

New member
Jan 7, 2009
Zhukov said:

No, hang on, it's a business responding to customer feedback and choosing not to sell a specific product that is still freely available to anyone who wishes to buy it.

"We are your customers, listen to our feedback! Hear our voices! Obey our comm... whoa, whoa, don't listen to those customers, they're feminazi SJW marxists!"

Heh. I love you all. I really do.
At no point did I mention any of those things.
You're projecting so hard you could host the Rocky Horror Picture Show.


some asshole made me set this up
Jul 31, 2009
They mentioned the games 'depictions of violence against women' now it's been a while since I've played it but I don't recall any violence against women in the game, unless they are talking about how you are capable of killing female NPCs IN THE SAME WAY YOU CAN KILL MALE NPCs!

So am I not recalling a specific scene, or did they just outright lie about the contents of the game to get it pulled from Target shelves?
Dec 3, 2014
First of all proof, the Target.AU release statement can be found below

and the original petition

Let's ruin them. If they want to censor violence lets make sure it isn't sexist. Lets make sure they ban all violence and pay the financial cost of their censorship.

Sign the petition, share your thoughts on their refusal to sell a game due to its violent content, and pray for poor Australians who might have to pirate or import the game from now on.


New member
Sep 9, 2014
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
At no point did I mention any of those things.
You're projecting so hard you could host the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
They'll have some competition from me!
After all, I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night......
( OMG! : Captcha - music machine ! ^.^ )

Back on topic, don't care, lets have a big fight over how GTA is sexist orwhatever. I work across the road from Rockstar North, I can hear them rubbing their hands together with glee ( you know they love this sort of thing, it only improves their sales... no publicity is bad publicity and all that)


New member
Apr 18, 2013
I'm really sad about this. Now these people know they can bully a multi-billion dollar retail chain into submission, you know it's not going to stop there. As an Australian, I know this is just the beginning. Now any game sold from any retailer that offends their personal sensibilities will be fair game and just like Target, the retailers will cave. I wouldn't be particularly surprised if it gets to a point where I can't purchase certain titles from Steam because these groups say I can't. And that... that just makes me morbidly sad.

They're winning down here and there'll be nothing I can do about it.

Spambot 3000

New member
Aug 8, 2011
Don't over-react people, I doubt any other major retailer is going to follow Target and do this same stupid shit.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
01010100101111010100 said:
First of all proof, the Target.AU release statement can be found below

and the original petition

Let's ruin them. If they want to censor violence lets make sure it isn't sexist. Lets make sure they ban all violence and pay the financial cost of their censorship.

Sign the petition, share your thoughts on their refusal to sell a game due to its violent content, and pray for poor Australians who might have to pirate or import the game from now on.
Not sure if bot, Poe's Law in action, or actually serious. Either way, I don't see them actually making a dent in Target and as far as my understanding goes Australia has always had a strained relationship with violent content and video games.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
How is it a dangerous presedent[footnote]Or even, dangerous prime minester?[/footnote]?

A store has decided not to stock something. That's a very big difference from taking away your precious games or banning things. As Clive Dunn would say, "Don't panic!"


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Ridiculous. That store is like a suffocating blanket of political correctness. I don't know the political situation in Austrialia but not selling certain games seems like yet another capitulation to special interest groups that dominate public opinion and perception.

I think its sad that vocal minorities with absolutist tendencies always dictate public discourse to such an extent(instead of common sense). This store caved in to pressure there is no doubt about that and when business takes the side of(in this case) extreme feminist agenda there is only a few flimsy laws standing in the way of banning certain videogames outright.

Then again, it's a censorship shithole like Australia that have a longer trackrecord of infringing on artistic expression/free speech.

Alatar The Red

New member
Aug 10, 2012
thaluikhain said:
How is it a dangerous presedent[footnote]Or even, dangerous prime minester?[/footnote]?

A store has decided not to stock something. That's a very big difference from taking away your precious games or banning things. As Clive Dunn would say, "Don't panic!"
It's really dangerous for the same reason as most US stores / theaters not stocking / showing NC17 films is dangerous. That practice has already massively stifled creativity in the film industry. This kind of thinking has already mostly destroyed and taken away the big NC17 (or films that would get that rating if rated) films. I for one do not want to see the same thing happen with games.

Honestly these days it's extremely hard to differentiate between the "feels" groups of the 'progressive' left and 'religious' right. Both do the same garbage, try to shame and guilt art, products, people, etc. out of different industries due to their own understanding and opinion of offensiveness.

The only reason to petition a retail chain to ban a game is to hurt that game and thus try to take it away. This literally is about trying to take things away from people.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
thaluikhain said:
How is it a dangerous presedent[footnote]Or even, dangerous prime minester?[/footnote]?

A store has decided not to stock something. That's a very big difference from taking away your precious games or banning things. As Clive Dunn would say, "Don't panic!"
the store did not decide anything, it was forced into it by a group of extremists who are blatantly lying to further their own agenda.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
At no point did I mention any of those things.
You're projecting so hard you could host the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Someone with Vivian James avatar posting about the evils of people reacting to violence against women and using inane, non-functional comparisons to totally different situations. Another poster makes the connection to GamerGate and comment on it. It isn't really projecting, more like connecting the dots.

I don't see the can of worms. All I see is one business making a business decision based on customer feedback, presumably.