Team Fortress 2 Competitive Matchmaking Finally Arrives

Infernal Lawyer

New member
Jan 28, 2013
vallorn said:
Infernal Lawyer said:
vallorn said:
I had a go through the full changelog in the other thread so I figured sharing it in here would be handy. Just... Dear sweet god some of these changes...
THE UPDATE HAS GONE LIVE! Let's break down the changelog!
Just one little nit-pick: the only time you're gonna be running away from a Spy is when you have next to no HP, even if you're playing one of the more fragile, indirect classes, and even then he's gonna be using his revolver: his butter-knife is definitely sub-par if you know where he is. So, I dunno... I guess you're right that he's gonna be more annoying if you're trying to sprint to a health kit, but still: his extra speed gets reduced whenever he disguises as a slower class.
It also helps with certain kinds of "trickstabs" though since the extra speed lets you move around people for the 'matador' or 'corner' stabs with them being even less able to track you.
Not convinced that 20 extra speed is going to make that much of a difference in a split second, but you're technically correct, and I guess there's already people who are testing the actual math of it.

That being said, I find that trick-stabbers are easier to deal with when you anticipate their intentions, rather than attempting to twitch-react to their movements. But that's just a relic of my preferred "planning over reflexes" gameplay.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Vigormortis said:
Why is security reasons in sarcasm quotes? Why do you act as though Overwatch adding a competitive mode is the reason Valve added the same to Team Fortress 2, when Valve had announced this new mode last year (and had even set a tentative release date for the summer)?
That's kind of the point though. They'd been "promising" competitive for years, but didn't actually get off their ass and do it until now. I'm willing to bet that if Overwatch hadn't come along they'd still be "promising" it today.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Aeshi said:
That's kind of the point though. They'd been "promising" competitive for years, but didn't actually get off their ass and do it until now. I'm willing to bet that if Overwatch hadn't come along they'd still be "promising" it today.
Except, they announced a launch date for the competitive mode before Overwatch was released. Hell, they've even been running it in beta before Overwatch launched.

I get that there are some on this forum who like to make up reasons to criticize and hate Valve over. Some are legitimate. Some are funny. But this one is just dumb. Jesus...