team fortress 2 weapons


New member
May 6, 2008
x434343 said:
ElArabDeMagnifico said:
Sandwich: If the game ends in a stalemate, then the sandwich replaces everyones weapons, and it turns into a "sudden death" where everyone has to sandwich each other to death.
Lol I got the classes right here!
Scout: Hero Sub
Soldier: Wrapped-up Dagwood sandwich (A sandwich with multiple layers)
Pyro: Sloppy Joe, due to heat
Demoman: Beer sandwich which looks like a bottle.
Heavy: HAMBURGer
Engineer: Steamed Sandwich (It comes from Kentucky, close to Texas)
Medic: Butterbrot sandwich
Sniper: Peanut Butter n Jelly
Spy: Croque-monsieur
Actually, judging from Meet the Scout, it looks like the Heavy prefers simple cold cuts. And the Sniper definitely needs a Vegemite sandwich.

As for weapons, here's a few I've thought of:
Scout - A Mauser that has a larger clip than the standard pistol and is more accurate, but has a slower rate of fire and longer reload time.
Demoman - An EMP grenade that deals minimal damage and low knockback to players, but disables buildings for several seconds.
Sniper - A crossbow with very high damage, and causes some secondary damage over time until healed. It also doesn't need to charge. In return, the bolts move only slightly faster than a rocket, and the weapon has an extremely long reload time.
Spy - A ketchup packet that lets him play dead.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Hostages Win
Now that mandatory comedic quip feild is filled in, (albeit related to Counterstrike, not TF2)

We add a new series of classes: there's Assault, Defense, Support, and now Recon. (Halo 3 armour wearing crazy obsessive people shut up.)
The time inbetween matches is extended for Recon to take their toll on the battlefeild. They cannot fight directly but if nessecary can melee eachother.

-Sapper Feilds: Prevent Building in a certain radius of this hard-to-see mine-like device
-Trip Mines: Demoman would be proud, these detonate on proximity, not player-controlled det
-Crowbar: I know.

-Map Recorder: Run around the area taking stock of the battlefeild including metal, friendly sapper feilds & trip mines, friendly and enemy units
-War Catalyst: Drop special pickups that make players (can be pickerd up by enemy too, place them well!) guns fire faster or harder, walk quicker, ubercharge, etc.
-Telescope: Left click to whack, right click to zoom

Once the match starts, they insta-teleport to the spawn room to change to a fighting class. Only 30% of the servers' players may play as Recon classes during the in-between time.


New member
Oct 3, 2007
Vegimite sandwhich :D awsome.

Maybe a radar system for the engineer to make as offose to a teli, so you know were everyone is BUT you have to get their yourself. Youy can plan more but at the expense of time.


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
Here are some ideas I've heard so far and think are great, as well as a few I've come up with:
* Spy or Engineer ability to make enemy sentries attack their own team or everybody
* Spy or Engineer ability to attach a "tracker" to enemies
* Spy "ketchup packet" feign death
* Spy "engineer building" disguise (perfect for waiting for cloak to wear off)
* Spy or Engineer target dummy that distracts players and sentries (either a hologram or a waving cardboard cutout)
* Pyro alt-fire with larger range/damage but much higher fuel consumption
* Pyro fire extinguisher (bash or spray-and-blind or douse-flaming-teammate)
* Pyro or Demo molotov cocktail (slow burning damage over a wide area for a short time; good for cover)
* Demo EMP grenades (either short enough time that it requires constant spam to keep a building disabled, or a very limited supply; affects both teams' buildings)
* Medic adrenaline shot: give target speed/damage boost, but take more damage (perhaps as an alternative to ubercharge or overhealing)
* Medic shock paddles that bring target back to life, but with low health that they constantly lose (at same rate that medic can heal)
* Scout bat does less damage, but incapacitates/slows enemy
* Scout tazer instead of pistol: drains health at a constant rate while held on target or incapacitates enemy
* Scout "homerun" hit: slow but high damage, requires running at target
* Soldier triple-shot: load the rocket launcher with three rockets. Each hits at slightly different place (poor accuracy). Causes large damage, including splash damage (instant kill for a direct hit). Has a very long reload time.


New member
Feb 5, 2008
stealth suit: increases the cloack duration
dart gun: shoots tranquilisers. Life-loss and blurry vision included on the trip to the grave.
Poison sryinge: a bit similar to the medic's blut sauger. The enemy loses health till he dies or gets cured by a medic.

Super nailgun: shoots faster than the sryngegun and does a little more damage but it can't be reloaded (like the minigun)only 100 rounds
gheto-eagle: a deserteagle esque handgun, similar to the spy's revolver. Only 7 rounds and 2 clips and less acuracy.
wooden bat: Can be broken like demoman's bottle. Less damage but faster.

level 3 teleporters and dispensers: shorter reload times
level 4 turret: laser turret. It shoots a laser beam instead of rockets. They are faster than rockets but less powerful.
spanner: faster than the monkey-wrench but less powerful.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
i think the pyro (or possibly demoman) Should get molotov cocktails, Spys could get something that switches the sides of a turret/dispencer for a few seconds.
engineers maybe a flame turret. Demomen could get proximity mines to replace the stickes, but could only fire out a few at a time.

Also, i wish they would release these updates all at once, i dont like being on a team where over half the people are one class. And while the kritzeiger seems a balanced choice, i can't see why anyone would want to use the original bonesaw or syringegun after unlocking the ubersaw and blutsauger, i know they have slight downsides, but they seem far too possitive


New member
Feb 5, 2008
more ideas:

napalm launcher: just like the Unreal 2 flamethrower: the flamethrower squits out napalm and it can be ignited (?) just by firing on it. Someway, it would work like the sticky grenades launcher.
Torch: let's return to the spanish inquisition times! 3 hits and the guy, if not dead, will run in flames till he dies or gets healed.

Timed TNT: replaces the sticky launcher. It's the timed TNT from the first TF2 trailer. Not remote controlled.
Jan 14, 2008
remember the weapons have to try and be balanced. valve is not going to make an "improved" ANYTHING unless it has a downside. some ppl think that a spy should just get a more powerful revolver... but then there is no strategy in picking which revolver one is going to use is there? you pick the one that is just better. i do however think that the ubersaw doesnt have enough downsides... but then again its hard enough to get it that it really doesnt matter. you worked hard (hopefully) to get it so you deserve something a little better


New member
Apr 30, 2008
renard said:
Timed TNT: replaces the sticky launcher. It's the timed TNT from the first TF2 trailer. Not remote controlled.
I think they will rethink the old weapon concepts. The TNT from the second TF2 trailer might be perfect for this. I'm also wondering what the gun the scout is holding in that trailer is all about. It looks like an automatic pistol or something, and if you look closely at the final screen of the trailer with all the characters, you can see the scout is holding the SMG that now belongs to the sniper. Also, did anybody notice that in the trailer the Demoman's grenade launcher's barrel rotates with each grenade launched to prepare the next grenade, while in the final game it doesn't rotate at all?

Love your avatar, btw ^^


New member
Oct 3, 2007
Demo man: TRip mines: Before buying the game, I had assumed the sticky bombs were like mines that would trigger if you stepped on them or passed them. I think that would be a good alternative weapon for the remote controlled stickies. If your careless you'll get hit, but if your causiouse you can avoid them and get by even if the demo is aware your passing by.

heavy: Brass knuckles: Equip them for a slower but more brutal punch.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
the engineeer thould be able to build manned turret guns, like its 30. then 50. then minigun

the snipers smg should be more pwerful, hold less rounds, only fire in burst, and have a 2x zoom scope

there should jsut be a ninja class....with a katana, throwing stars(hold down primary fire to charge throw), smoke bomb(only one to prevent spaming, and I don't know a silenced SMG


New member
May 7, 2008
renard said:
napalm launcher: just like the Unreal 2 flamethrower: the flamethrower squits out napalm and it can be ignited (?) just by firing on it. Someway, it would work like the sticky grenades launcher.
I like this idea, but I think it would be better to have some sort of gun that shoots gasoline or some other highly flammable liquid, which would ignite if the target is fired upon later.
Or it could be given to the spy as a damage-enhancer, which would be planted on enemies during firefights. Or maybe some sort of negative uber? Instead of invincible, you take more damage.

aussiesniper said:
fire axe:
replace with the fire extinguisher (good idea) but the primary fire is whacking people with the extinguiher, and the alt-fire is the spray.
Fantastic idea. It would be like a flashbang. Perfect for the Pyro's ambush style of play.
Jan 14, 2008
the monopoly guy said:
the engineeer thould be able to build manned turret guns, like its 30. then 50. then minigun

the snipers smg should be more pwerful, hold less rounds, only fire in burst, and have a 2x zoom scope

there should jsut be a ninja class....with a katana, throwing stars(hold down primary fire to charge throw), smoke bomb(only one to prevent spaming, and I don't know a silenced SMG
i dont even understand your manned turret idea, it seems overpowered.

snipers dont need ANOTHER zoom weapon

the day ninjas are introduced is the day i fuk myself with a rake and eat my computer

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
second only to The One said:
the monopoly guy said:
the engineeer thould be able to build manned turret guns, like its 30. then 50. then minigun

the snipers smg should be more pwerful, hold less rounds, only fire in burst, and have a 2x zoom scope

there should jsut be a ninja class....with a katana, throwing stars(hold down primary fire to charge throw), smoke bomb(only one to prevent spaming, and I don't know a silenced SMG
i dont even understand your manned turret idea, it seems overpowered.

snipers dont need ANOTHER zoom weapon

the day ninjas are introduced is the day i fuk myself with a rake and eat my computer
well they first to manned guns would have a slower rate of fire, and the mini gun would have the same rate as that of the sentrys maching gun


New member
Dec 20, 2007
second only to The One said:
the day ninjas are introduced is the day i fuk myself with a rake and eat my computer

After playing a certain amount of hours, you loose the spade, and unlock "the Rake" - if you press "Taunt" - he does horrible things... >_>