Team Fortress 2: Which class did you play as first? Was it your favorite?


New member
Aug 8, 2011
I think I started off as a Heavy because of the supposed simplicity, but I soon realized that you need someone with a bit of know-how for that job.

My current favorite is Medic, because even if you don't get a lot of kills (I'm not the best at TF2, you see), you still don't get hated by your teammates since you can easily give them a hand.

Chunga the Great

New member
Sep 12, 2010
Soldier. When I got the Orange Box for the 360, I played as Soldier first and most. When I got TF2 for PC, I started with Scout, then went to Sniper, now I'm on Soldier


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I started off flailing and trying out way too many different things. At the end I stuck with the Pyro at first. Tried to get good at that, failed miserably and started switching around. The Engie got some playtime during that, but it turned out to be too static for my tastes. I quickly found the Sniper to my liking, and that's my current favorite class. Easily shows too, as I put 150 of my 360-ish played hours into sniping.

I do mix it up a lot more these days. I especially enjoy playing as a Scout on smaller maps with smaller teams, and quite a bit of Soldiering too. The Pyro though is getting pretty much zero playtime.
Aprilgold said:
Sniper is Number 1 still, love to be able to take off a wankers head from 100 feet without them ever even seeing me.
Heh, I actually prefer them seeing me in full glory. I just love standing right in the frontline, using our attacking Heavy as a meatshield, getting super-quick headshots only a few feet away. Down and down they go. And not with the Huntsman of course, oh no. Close range rifle action is where it's at.
Dangit2019 said:
I think I started off as a Heavy because of the supposed simplicity, but I soon realized that you need someone with a bit of know-how for that job.
The whole game is like that really. The basics of pretty much everything is relatively easy to grasp. But to excel in any of it is a different story entirely.

The only classes I really tell beginners to stay away from are the Spy and Scout. They're pretty damn advanced.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I play either Pyro or heavy, though i'm told that i play a really good spy.

though i don't play MP valve games often as i always feel it contribute nothing to the team (as in getting little to no feed back on what i'm doing).


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I think I started off as a Demoman. I was a total camper, which meant my k:d was actually very good for a new player. But my kpm was atrocious.

Demoman is my fourth most-used [] class now. My main class is Pyro (Degreaser + Axetinguisher + Flare Gun = God of crits). Next is Scout, then Soldier, then Demo. But my usage for the Scout, Soldier, and Demoman are all almost even.

I'll play Medic or Engie when needed. I goof around occasionally as a Spy. Heavy barely gets any use out of me since I hate the lack of mobility. I never play Sniper, because Snipers are anti-fun dicks.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
First: Medic
Main: Medic

I've gotten quite aggressive with the medic. Sometimes it works, other times, not so much. Then there are those times where I get really lucky.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
First class I played in my first go at TF2 was the Engineer. Primary reason being he was my favorite back in the old Team Fortress Classic days.

After that I tried Spy; also because it was one of my favorite classes back in TFC.

As for now I still main Engie and Spy, occasionally dipping into Scout and Sniper.

At times I'll go any of the other classes, as needed.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Doogan said:
First time I played I jumped on a server and choose the Heavy and then proceeded to get smack talked because I didn't know what to do and so I left TF2 for six months...

UNTIL! I saw the machinima called Ignus Solus
and that was when I knew my destiny was to become the Crazy Scottish Pyro that I am today!
I love that little piece of machinima. :)


New member
Oct 1, 2011
first class was Scout, didn't like the quick lives, but I sucked at first, so I moved to Heavy, had lots of fun, but i figured Pyro was the way to go. I basically like all the classes except for Demo, i don't know, I just hate demomen.


New member
Dec 10, 2010
Spy was my first, got 400+ hours on the game and 96 of those are spy alone, but I play everyone now pretty equally, scout is awesome with candy cane and scatter gun, goin' Hckeavy Hckunting!