PhiMed said:
A desirable woman choosing a man absolutely increases his social status. If you're going to harp about "trophies", let me stop you there. Trophies don't have the ability to leave, and they don't have the ability to award themselves to other competitors. "Cuckold" is an insult for a reason. Women are able to define a man's social status through their behavior.
All right, I see where you are getting at, and it would be a valid point...if it took her perspective into consideration. You're absolutely right that this might be the case, that men might get some kind of social standing through sleeping with a certain woman. But, why does she sleep with him? You can't talk about her getting power out of that interaction unless we know what's going on from her perspective. So, I can see where you are getting at, but that's a gray area. She might be raising the man's social status, but if it's coming from a place of weakness from her, you couldn't really call it empowering, could you?
And let's move to another point: it's possible for men to use women's sexuality to raise their social status...without women knowing. This is experiential, but I did have a friend who was very upset that a supposed male friend of hers told every he slept with her...even though he didn't. She could say she didn't sleep with him till the cows came home, but his friends didn't believe her...they believed him. So, even in that case, I would make the argument that more often than not, a woman's sexuality can be used to increase a man's social power without any benefit (and actually even at a cost) to her.
EDIT: just being able to affect a man's (temporary) social status isn't real power. There's no agency in it for the woman, necessarily. That's key.