Teen werewolves pop up at texas schools


New member
May 22, 2009
swolf said:
Wow...just wow. That's interesting. At least they aren't committing any crimes. I wouldn't have any room to joke on them, even if I wanted to, considering the vampire bite tattoo on my shoulder.(it has nothing to do with "Twilight" and has meaning to me).
No crimes? Their leader killed a dog, cutted of its head and boiled it for the skull.

If that was my dog, I would have killed him, no kidding :,(


New member
Jan 28, 2010
There's being an enthusiast and there's being an idiot. I like most fantasy stuff, but you don't see me walking around with a chainmail shirt. It's strange how every time freedom of speech/expression is mentioned, I feel sorry. I also love the hypocrisy when it comes to said freedom of expression. The teenagers are allowed to prance around with their tails and indulge themselves, but apparently those who disagree better keep their mouths shut.

Ah well, if you can't enforce something legally you can do it socially. May they be shunned to the point of suicide.

On a side note, since when did high schools become so lax? I know mine would never have let something that outlandish slide.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
What I find hilarious, was that if Werewolves suddenly popped up, those guys would die first.

Then I'd laugh

Then I'd die.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
All I can say that if some little wannabe 'wolf' killed my dog... Well, use your imagination. It would not be a friendly, pleasant, and/or positive experience for them in any way.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Good heavens it's spreading. I've got a kid on my block that went to a comic con and bought himself a tail. I would think anything of it if he hasn't been wearing every day since then.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
Legion said:
King of the Sandbox said:
Legion said:
Yes, because nobody here has ever sought attention in any shape or form. Nobody here was a hormonal teenager looking to be in a group, or do something slightly idiotic in order to be accepted.

These kind of topics piss me off, although at least it brings out all the pedestals and hypocrisy out into the open.

It also irks me that people cannot tell the difference between Emo and Goths. It's pretty simple.
Sorry, no. Not every one of us was an attention whore when younger. Although you've proven your elitism by damning everyone else's opinion, pretty much marking yourself for what you were railing against.
1: I never said everyone was, but I am willing to bet everyone did at least one stupid thing. Not mentioning the fact that there are a lot of different ways of seeking attention, it doesn't always have to be by doing something as dramatic as these kids. They are kids finding themselves, I simply don't see where the aggressive behaviour everyone shows comes from.
2: I didn't damn everyone's opinion, just those with the superiority complexes.
3: Disliking elitism is not a form of elitism. That's like saying disliking extremism is extremism.

I am wondering why you chose to take such a general comment so personally though. Is it too close to the truth? Are you feeling guilty about being insulting for no reason? Are you just in a bad mood and looking for an argument?

Although your second sentence shows what I mean about the superiority complex I am referring to nicely.
1. I never did anything this drastically stupid for attention as a kid. Not a lot do, that's why these, and other goth offshoots before them, are the minority. The aggressive behavior comes from being on the internet, of course. How do you not know this? Are you new?
2. Fair enough.
3. I disagree. I don't feel disliking elitism is elitism. That's kind of, no offense, blatantly stupid. Elitism is a belief that your opinion of something is better than that of someone you consider 'lesser'. If you're playing the semantics game, yeah, you can twist it to mean what you imply, but the lack of me thinking I'm better for them being retarded is a catch 22 in that respect. So, yeah.

As to your wonderings, I took nothing personally. I feel no guilt for my 'insult' to them, as I genuinely feel it's a poorly though out rebellion.

And since we're reading into whatever the other says however we want, your defense of these schmoes indicates that you yourself have suffered a similar persecution.


New member
Dec 11, 2009
So. I'm from San Antonio. I saw this and could only say "God fucking dammit."

I'm so glad I'm not in high school anymore.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
So. I'm from San Antonio. I saw this and could only say "God fucking dammit."

I'm so glad I'm not in high school anymore.
I lived there for a year and from the Texan kids I met, I'm thinking the Texans love of wolves is the only thing keeping them from beating these cosplay-wannabe's into the dirt.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
It's just kids hanging out in groups and dressing funny like they have always done since the very first teenagers wore their animal skins and facepaint a bit differently to differentiate themselves from the others back at the cave. No big deal. Move along, nothing to see here.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Ziel said:
I imagine it's been said already (I'm not reading 9 pages of "lawl, lozerz!"), but this seems no different to what teenagers have been doing for years. Dressing like a goth used to be done for the same reason, but then it became normal for teenagers to be all angsty and depressed, so I suppose this is just the next step up. At least werewolves might be a little less whiny.
Yes teenagers dressed all emo and what happened, they were ridicouled. what do you think is going to happen if they dress up as werewolves?

The southpark goth kids episode about the vamps pretty much sums up my opinion on this.