Tell me if my Brother's band is any good or not...


New member
Dec 21, 2007
It's been done far to many times before. The guitarist sounds like he learned to play with the fx pedal already attached, which if done right can work, but in this case its ended up closer to The edge's guitaring with a great deal less experience. Drumming sounded quite bog standard in the first couple of songs but had some nice rolls in Maybe. Singer didn't have a huge amount of range. Bass was pretty standard as well.

I'm also not sure what to make of the name. I don't think that Woelvs is as crafty as you think it is. Having woe as a part of the whole play on words thing isn't as clever as i'm guessing they thought it was, and it doesn't set about a very good image. My immediate thought to seeing a band with that name is that they're going to be depressing. Judging from the music, I'm guessing thats what they were going for anyway, which i don't think is going to work.

If i could give any advice, it would be take advantage of the fact the singer can play guitar, and get some variation going off, theres no point having two guitarists doing pretty much the same thing, nor is the music pacy enough to warrent rhythem and lead. Failing that, let the singer drop the guitar so he can use more of his body to boost his singing capabilities. You Also need more range in the songs, they all sounded very very alike.

I'm a metal head so my opinion on this sort of music counts for little, however it sounded weak even for coldplay/u2 style music.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
It's good but very generic, I would recommend they do a little bit of experimenting until they find a unique sound that really works for them.

Spudgun Man

New member
Oct 29, 2008
Oh crist my ears bleed.

Not the best i've heared recently.

PS. advertising is not held in even the lowest regards.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Not the best thing I've ever heard, but certainly not the worst.

Drummer is very good. The composition of the songs seems a little dull although the last one 'I Was Wrong' offered something a little more interesting.

Don't put the keyboard at the front of the stage, it may have been the venue layout that limited where it was but if possible put it closer to where the 2nd guitarist originally was playing so he doesn't have to come to the front to swap instrument.

Change the name. Reminds me of the film 'That Thing You Do' where the band are called 'The Oneders' (Wonders) and nobody can pronounce their name.

Hope this is constructive criticism.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2008
I honestly thought it was pretty good, but the songs are a bit too lazy and a bit too alike eachother. "Maybe" just sounded like an extension of "Broken the tide"

Supreme Unleaded

New member
Aug 3, 2009
I found them to be decent suprisingly, everyone here seems to hate them but I think their alright. Not amasing, the singing is alittle bland but the music itself is alright.

On a scale of 1-10 i'd give them a 6.2.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
It gets a resounding Meh. Not sure what type of genre they're going for, I'm feeling a folk-ish almost indie style, but I can't be sure. Either way "Meh" that is all.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Baby Bird said:
Griever18 said:
Is your brother the lead singer? He sounds kind of like Chris Cornell.

Eh, not too bad.
Yup. He is.

The reason why I posted this on a message board isn't because I'm trying to get viewers or anything, its because I want to give him some actual feedback from other people on what they have to say about his music. Thank you.
The vocals are actually in his range, which is good, but they're extremely repetitive, boring, lack rhythmic variety and are essentially incredibly dull. He also swoops into everything, something that pisses me off. He needs to learn how to hit the note straight on, rather than gliding into it from lower.

The guitarist has no sense of rhythm at all, and needs more interesting voicings. Badly.

The drummer is a typical drummer, not the best, not the worst, but he's probably the best musician in the band except...

The keyboard player is actually pretty good. Get that sucker on an acoustic piano, and you might actually have something interesting. He needs to learn 1) Voicings 2) Eighth notes. Quarter notes and half stopped being interesting during the Renaissance, and 3) Fills

Real feedback. Bottom line: Keyboard player + New singer - Guitarist = Pretty cool stuff.

Also, they sound like a mix between Coldplay and Explosions in the Sky, which sounds interesting on paper but in real life is about as fun to listen to as a wounded dog.

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
It's not advertising.

But they're alright, could get better with practice but they have.. something. I'd listen to it maybes


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Decent, just not as good as the thousand other bands that sound exactly the same. They have absolutely nothing unique about them, and honestly, they're really boring. They just sound like one of those mainstream bands that people only listen to in those cheesy "after-school-specials" when the main character has to make a difficult decision.


New member
May 9, 2008
not very special,
tune the guitar lower, make lyrics about the apocalypse, and you got yourself a pretty decent metal band.

and rename it Blood Woelf.

Danz D Man

New member
Jun 26, 2008
I didn't see why everyone's crying about "advertising."
Who cares? Just don't click on the thread, you don't have to post in it.
I thought they were pretty good, it's not really the kind of music I would listen to, but I did enjoy it.
Nice work.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
seems ok i guess. i couldn't find anything very wrong with it.

a bit generic though. doesn't stand out at all.

you can probably ignore my opinion though, this sort of music isn't my thing anyway.


Aug 5, 2009
Ummm, I'm sure they have some appeal to a certain audience, but it's really not my kinda stuff so I shouldn't comment...

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
From a technical perspective they're alright. My main problems are that they're a bit repetitive and the songs are overall fairly dull. Also, the singer's style is ok for the music, but maybe he could vary a little in his singing.