Terraria Goes to Consoles, PC Gamers Go Nuts


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I feel kinda insulted by this article.
It's not like PC gamers in general are going to throw a fit just cuz a game gets ported to consoles. I don't really appreciate being insulted because a few dipshits throw a retarded tantrum.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Delighted by this. Loved it on the PC but Im restricted to my laptop now and unless I plug a mouse in it its not as fun. This title should translate really well to the console so my wallet eagerly awaits this.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
I just don't understand why people seem to like this game so much. I've seen it called a sandbox MetroidVania game... the problem is, what makes Metroid and Castlevania so great is the tightly-crafted worlds. You just can't pull off that level of polish and flow control in a randomly-generated sandbox. What little I played of it felt clunky, unfocused, and seriously hurt by a disastrous UI.

Then again, maybe the console version (and the promised PC updates) will fix all this. Who knows?

P.S. Thanks


Apr 28, 2008
I think people are more angry that they waited with baited breath for months for an announcement that, they assumed, would be that re-logic would finally implement a bunch of promised features they just never did; only to find out the announcement pertained to them in no way at all.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
Whoa!. I've seen bad articles from you, Andy, but this one takes the Most Appalling prize. Sure, some PC gamers make some stupid comments, and now we're all "hopping mad", "an inherently insecure bunch", "venting our rage", etc?. I've never seen a more pitiful article in The Escapist. I'm a PC Gamer and I have absolutely no problem with Terraria going to consoles. It's a fantastic game, and I hope they make a lot more money in the consoles so they can keep making great games. And I'm sure 99.9% of PC gamers share my view.

Shame on you, Andy. This is shoddy journalism. Didn't know The Escapist was descending to this, do you want to compete with Kotaku now?..

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
Checked the forum link and most seemed neutral or positive about it rather than "going nuts" and it was hardly a huge announcement. Really it was some block headed teasing on the part of the devs. Why are people on PC going to be hyped about a console port of a game they already have?

Pointless attempt to get people to rage about the evil "PC elitists."


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Look at what i'm seeing on this forum. People responding to an inflammatory post about how PC fans are rash, elitist, and quick to hate all thing that they consider below them. A good part of the posts here seem to be doing the same thing. Responding without actually knowing why all the rage is happening in order to call PC gamers stupid.

But hey it is the escapist. At least most of you are adding that not all PC gamers are like that. That's a good sign. It would still be a good idea to read what people post though, the escapist newsroom seems to love inflammatory statements. I'm always suspicious of news like this. When news is this easily hateable there's usually something wrong with the report.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
ThaBenMan said:
Unbelievable... PC Elitism at it's worst. They should be happy that more people will get to play a great game, and that the developer will become more successful and in turn make more stuff. That is ridiculous that anybody should think the game belongs solely to the PC users.
Ahh, and how about the absolute shitrage all the console people threw when Dark Souls was announced for the PC? Both camps are equally stupid.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Let them bask in its pixelly goodness. As always: haters gonna hate. I'm wondering how the block placement will work with a controller though. I'd imagine it could get incredibly fiddly.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
...I don't get it. I didn't get mad when I was told that I would have to buy the Dark Souls DLC that PC gamers got for free, and it's going to cost more than this entire game.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I don't doubt that there are some raging Facebook users, but I don't understand why I deserve to be called insecure just because I use a PC. I don't really feel the need to apologize on behalf of PC users either, it's a strange way to classify people.

I like Terarria. I would love to see more Terarria content for all available platforms, but it's good as it is and I accept if the developers want to focus on other things.

Whats next, should we start calling console users immature just because Andy wrote a troll article?


New member
Aug 27, 2010
The only thing I couldn't get to work right on my controller was the whips. If the console version found a clever way to address that it should be more fun for more people.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
PC gamers, an inherently insecure bunch to begin with
Thanks Andy, you're the best.

On the subject of the game itself, I'm not bothered by them ported but interested in how they will have to change the game for the console's controllers. The things that happen in terraria can get insane - the twins boss fight solo comes to mind, they got to be changing some serious variables and mechanics there if they think you can do that for the 360 or ps3.

Although it would suck to miss out on the exclusive content they claim to be making, the least they could do is share the love with their already existing fans. That's the decision that really puzzles me, it even validates some complaints, making it exclusive in the first place.

Considering their history and their adoration by fans, you would think they would say, "Hey guys, it's been a long time but we're bringing you new content and announcing console ports!" - That would be the all-win scenario.

I've bought 6 copies of terraria since launch out of support and to share with friends but excluding, not sharing content, means I'll be missing out on whatever they are adding to the port. For all the content brings, it means nothing to those new to the game, it's always been there as far as the newcomers are concerned so saying, "new content" is just a moot point that waves it in the faces of everyone who hoped for more from re-logic.

At the very least, looking at this as a whole picture I can identify with the rest of the fans. Some like myself that spent over 500 hours and would do another 500 if there was just a little more content. This actually does hurt.

Re-logic, your 2d adventure sandbox with building elements was really great. You probably won't be reading this forum post but all I can say is thanks for sharing. I was sad when the word was that there were no more updates. I can only hope that the port finds a new audience that appreciates your work.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Good to see a great game reach more people (though I have my reservations about the controls). As always,



Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
I do not understand the outrage. Really, W T F.

Im just happy to be able to say, "Congrats Console Gamers for finally getting a game that we've had for years!" for once XD

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
Do not care if it's on consoles. I mean we've had lots of fun playing it, let the console gamers in on the fun I say. Plus us on pc have Starbound to look forward to for more Terraria goodness.

Agente L

New member
Apr 4, 2010
"PC gamers are hopping mad that the indie hit Terraria is coming to consoles."

Not really. I couldn't care less. The chances are terraria controls will be horribly due to clunky inventory management needed on end game, where you need a lot more than 10 fast item slots.

I hoep you don't turn into Kotaku, making sensacionalist and generalist articles just to get extra views. This article is certainly not a good sign.

Also, nice "Idiots" tag. Stay classy.