Andy Chalk said:
PC gamers, an inherently insecure bunch to begin with
Thanks Andy, you're the best.
On the subject of the game itself, I'm not bothered by them ported but interested in how they will have to change the game for the console's controllers. The things that happen in terraria can get insane - the twins boss fight solo comes to mind, they got to be changing some serious variables and mechanics there if they think you can do that for the 360 or ps3.
Although it would suck to miss out on the
exclusive content they claim to be making, the least they could do is share the love with their already existing fans. That's the decision that really puzzles me, it even validates some complaints, making it exclusive in the first place.
Considering their history and their adoration by fans, you would think they would say, "Hey guys, it's been a long time but we're bringing you new content and announcing console ports!" - That would be the all-win scenario.
I've bought 6 copies of terraria since launch out of support and to share with friends but excluding, not sharing content, means I'll be missing out on whatever they are adding to the port. For all the content brings, it means nothing to those new to the game, it's always been there as far as the newcomers are concerned so saying, "new content" is just a moot point that waves it in the faces of everyone who hoped for more from re-logic.
At the very least, looking at this as a whole picture I can identify with the rest of the fans. Some like myself that spent over 500 hours and would do another 500 if there was just a little more content. This actually does hurt.
Re-logic, your 2d adventure sandbox with building elements was really great. You probably won't be reading this forum post but all I can say is thanks for sharing. I was sad when the word was that there were no more updates. I can only hope that the port finds a new audience that appreciates your work.