Texas wants to secede from the Union?


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
AceDiamond said:
I could go on and on and eventually prove (comedy central-style but not nearly as funny) that nobody in Texas has graduated from High School, which would make this general confusion that they seem to be displaying all the more pointed.
How can anyone claim graduating High School in this country is some kind of impressive achievement and keep a straight face? Seriously, congratulations, you graduated from High School, an institution founded by the impressive ideas and doctrine of those independent from institutional schooling.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
when does Texas NOT want to succeed from the Union? I would too, the state is built on freedom of speech and on the 2nd amendment and every time someone brings up a counter point to Obama they get lambasted by being called "Bigots" and "Sexists" insults and just recently the people who were protesting were referred to as "Tea Baggers" now that's really mature good job NBC, what a bunch of professionals.

And now they want gun registration and every time a country starts that it ends up getting the guns melted down at some smelting plant in the middle of nowhere. I dont blame them.

I think its a stupid thing to say but then again Quebec goes through this every year as well So who cares at the end of the day?

no one. don't worry about it

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Flying-Emu said:
If I'm not mistaken... I believe that Texas is the one state that has the legal right to secede, due to the fact that they actually rebelled against the old Mexican government to join the United States.

Of course, I may be hallucinating.
This is true. It is also the only state allowed to fly it's flag the same height as the US flag (but only at the capitol in Austin).

I live in Texas and I havn't heard any seccessionist mutterings just yet.

Therumancer said:
Edited for Win
This is one of the better posts I've seen on the internet and somewhat captures the core of my problem with politics in general.

Both sides believe so fervently that they are right and that their position is the only one that can save America that we no longer engage in civil discourse, instead we berate one another and attempt to foil the other side at every turn. I know quite a few people who voted for Obama (and where I live, such things were rare indeed) because they believed beyond logic that the man was actually going to somehow magically resolve all the problems in the nation.

Every day it seems I get to listen to people rail on about how unfair the bonus situation was at AIG, or how socialist the current administration is or how our national security is being compromised at every turn. It seems to me that these people might be missing the bigger picture: these individual instances of outrage are only symptoms of a larger issue. Namely, that we are more concerned with thrwarting the other side than we are with actually resolving a problem.


New member
Dec 4, 2007
Souplex said:
Every place has its people who want to secede, heck I bet even Washington d.c. has some. I personally think the north east should secede as I am sick of us pulling the rest of Americas weight.
dont forget the midwest is our breadbasket, so food will go up in money if you succeeded, and that you would no longer have any form of military...

atleast take California with you?... and Hawaii!


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Souplex said:
Every place has its people who want to secede, heck I bet even Washington d.c. has some. I personally think the north east should secede as I am sick of us pulling the rest of Americas weight.
LoL! Wow, that second part is quite possibly the least informed statement I have ever heard!


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Therumancer said:
I have been saying for a while now that our nation was dangerously close to a civil war. When a nation is so heavily polarized down the middle it is NEVER healthy since any action is going to upset an overwhelming number of people. If we had a Republican in The White House we'd be hearing the same kind of crud from the other direction.

... and yeah, your seeing some signs of things breaking. Right now it's just BS and rhetoric, but eventually if people on one side or the other keep pushing you will see things break. You probably won't see a North/South divide, but rather a coastal regions vs. middle regions divide (ie East and West Coasts Vs. almost Everything else, although the coasts have as much of a population as the rest. Not a perfect break down but a simplistic one).
You should compare notes with Igor Panarin [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123051100709638419.html].

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
Nibbles said:
Rooster Cogburn said:
ReZerO said:
Here in Canada any Province has the right to leave the Dominion, it has to be voted on in a referendum.
Wow, that's huge. Ironic that Canada would end up more free than the country that revolted.
Quebec nearly left awhile ago. Stayed by about .6%. Not like us West people want em, all they do is make us learn french.
I wish something like that was possible in my country. I'm from the South, so I'm sure you can imagine.