TF2 players, what class do you use the most?


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I heavily play every class,save for the Spy (every server I join has everyone being WAY too paranoid for proper spying...However,I amd devilish with the Reward) or Sniper (I'm a horrendous shot,plus the latency variables between target and shooter). If it's Payload or King of the Hill,and I wanna make sure the objective is acted upon for the longest period of time,I go Heavy. If I notice my team is,somehow,lacking in the defense department,I go Engie.

If I want to supress the enemy team while still being mobile,I go Pyro. If I wanna make a quick early cap,or scatter the enemy,I go Scout. I'm only "Average" as a medic,but I go Medic when there's no one else,while I berate my team for the lack of Medics. And when I wanna do a lot of damage quickly,I go Demo or Soldier.

However,I clocked the most time in as Heavy and Engie (Well over five hours each),with Pyro behind at around two hours. And as a Pyro,I stick to your ass like GLUE! You'll never see me coming.


New member
Dec 4, 2009
I love to play pyro, however, I'm not one of the people who runs wildly at the enemies in attempt to kill them before they kill me. I use the "Puff and Sting" method, (Decreaser+ Axtinguisher+Reserve Shooter,) and I have tons of fun with it.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Pyro with 30 hours. I play a defensive Pyro spy checking the base and helping the engies out or waiting around a corner to surprise would be attackers with my back burner.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Demoman. I've perfected the art of grenade sniping and Eyelander-Chargin' Targe combo.

Grenade launcher -- direct hit has no damage falloff, you can do 100+ damage per direct hit
Chargin' Targe -- dat damage protection, dat rush. Direct explosion hits do so much less damage, Pyros are nothing but a joke (unless they have the Axtinguisher)
Eyelander -- it's the fucking greatest weapon ever. No contest. Run nearly as fast as a Scout, further melee reach, more health than a Soldier. Combine it with the Chargin' Targe, you have on top of the Eyelander bonuses higher explosives and fire resistance, the sudden rush, and the almost certain free critical hit.

It's everything I love about Scout (movement speed, high damage, hit 'n' run) with more health, better weapons, better resistances, a grenade launcher, and further melee range.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
I try to rotate through the classes for learning's sake and have a lot of fun doing it, but I'd have to say I use the Demoman the most. Unlike the rest of you, running around with your heads full of eyeballs...


New member
Nov 21, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Engineer 212 hours
Spy 168 hours
Pyro 143 hours

Not counting beta.

Yes... 22 days worth.
That eerily looks like mine. Swap Pyro for Scout and it's practically identical.

I tend to prefer the more technical and/or tactical classes.

After all, one of the hardest challenges in TF2 is playing Scout equipped with Scattergun/Pistol/Candy Cane and surviving against a team of soldier/demo-spam.
Feb 13, 2008
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Demoman. I've perfected the art of grenade sniping and Eyelander-Chargin' Targe combo.
Hmmm...I must say I prefer the Persuader, Shield, Launcher combo.

With Treasure Hunt Hat and Venetian Shades, of course.



New member
Mar 1, 2011
I play spy or pyro for some fun, medic or demoman when I feel like being useful, and I cycle through the others when I get bored.


New member
May 22, 2010
For me, it's usually medic or scout, but I'll switch to whatever is needed (unfortunately, that's almost always medic; why does nobody else play medic and let me have a turn with some of the offensive classes? :p). Truth is, though, most new players have one class that they're actually kind of good at. You're not ready to start switching between classes as needed until you have at least a few hours of each under your belt, and for serious, competitive play, it's probably more like 25 hours each, if not 90-100. As players get better, they tend to branch out; if they're new, they're better off sticking with what they know until they're ready to start on a whole new learning curve.

Free Thinker

New member
Apr 23, 2010
I usually always end up playing Pyro, Spy, or Medic.
I'm not one for going on massive frontline killing sprees, and the classes just click with me.
I am one badass Pyro, sniping with the Flaregun, etc.
As a Spy, on a good day, I can single-handedly decimate an Engineer turtle on a point and kill more than half of their team.
My Medic skills, I can attest to Starcraft 2 for giving micro skills.

Mr Goostoff

New member
Aug 14, 2008
Well, according to the stats in the game, my most played is Demoman, but that just doesn't seem correct to me.
I most frequently play as Spy, Sniper, Engineer, and Medic. I prefer the unconventional gameplay.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
I use the Heavy the most, because it's the only way I can make any sort of impact on the game; usually I'm just blindly firing everywhere before getting taken out, and the Heavy is kinda designed to do that.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
It's odd for me.

See, I LOVE sniper (Well, I'm Australian, how couldn't I?) and the pyro. Then on the list comes Scout, then maybe Demoman, then Engie.

That is just some of my favourites, right, but guess what? I have clocked I think double as many hours into the Engie class than any other.

Really, for me it's because I can find a spot, dig in, never die, and so why would I change class?

EDIT: When I say why would I change class, I also factor in fun and what the team needs, but if we have really shit Engies, I will go Engie to help.

But, above all, I switch classes when the team needs it.

But I still hate heavy.

Fat, slow, Russian idi-



New member
Jan 23, 2010
engineer is about half the total playtime, but that's mostly because i play on pubs and feel sorta obligated as one of the four guys who knows what he's doing.

when that ISN'T happening, i always have fun sniping and demomanning with loch'n'load sticky launcher caber setup.

for the most i can play all the classes above averagely (although i'm a pretty awesome medic) so i just pick whatever the team could use at the time.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
My playtime is like: Soldier > Pyro > Medic > Scout

I'm just terrible with the other classes.

Though I probably have the only medic that actually looks like a real doctor/surgeon:



New member
Dec 30, 2010

Is it wrong that I have so much fun as a spy not shooting in a FPS? For me, nothing's better than successfully tricking others. Of course this has led me to hate pyros with a passion due to how often they randomly attack team mates. I believe they have my lowest play time.

I use all classes though, but I believe at the moment it's something like Spy(18h),Engineer(8h),Scout(8h),Demoman(7h),...,Pyro(2h).