TF2 Sniper: British or Australian.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Rawne1980 said:
Lukeje said:
His accent is that of a British person putting on an Australian accent. The character himself is Australian though.
Not even close.

Thats the voice actor for the Sniper.

It's an American putting on an Australian accent.
Chemical Alia said:
Lukeje said:
His accent is that of a British person putting on an Australian accent. The character himself is Australian though.
The voice actor is from the US and married to Ellen McLain. He did several of the voices in Half-Life 2. Odessa Cubbage had a cheesy accent, too.
Why does the fact that he's not British mean that he can't put on a British accent (which I presume is the point you two are trying to make)?


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Harlief said:
kidigus said:
Hell, I'm from America and it's pretty clear to me where he's from.
Sinclair Solutions said:
Oh come on. It really doesn't always have to be about that, does it? Not all Americans are ignorant, stereotyping assholes. And by stereotyping Americans, you are doing the same thing you criticize them for.

If I'm reacting too harshly to you post, I'm sorry. But the exaggerated hate for the US really bothers me sometimes.

OT: Yes, he is Australian. There are theories that the Pyro is a British Gentleman, due to the way he runs when defeated and the monocle and top hat items.
I meant no offence, I'm from New Zealand (a country sometimes confused as part of Australia). My logic is that the biggest countries which predominantly speak English are the UK, the US and Australia. No-one in their right mind from the UK or Australia would ever entertain the idea that the sniper's accent is British, there is however a slim chance that someone from deep inside the US might be a tad confused coming from a country with its own set of accents.

I'll admit, this does take some massive leaps in reasoning. I know not all Americans are as stupid as the loud-mouthed morons in the broadcasting business.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be supprised if some people over here could tell the differance between a British and... I dunno, Mongollian accent

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Zhukov said:
Next up, the Heavy: Russian or Chinese?
Well, he's obviously Chinese. One of the achievements you can get is "Factory Worker" and everybody knows that they only have factories in China.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Captain Placeholder said:
ninonybox360 said:
BristolBerserker said:
Aussie without a doubt. The demoman is the only Brit in TF2.
Isn't the Demoman Scottish?
He is. He even said "Scottish one-eyed cyclops" in his short. Or at least I THINK he did.
He is Scottish but Scots come from Scotland which is in the United Kingdom aka Britain. Ipso ergo he is British. Also he would have a British passport.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
BristolBerserker said:
Aussie without a doubt. The demoman is the only Brit in TF2.
I love the Demoman. A black Scotsman, a combination of ethnicities you don't often see in the media; makes him unique.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
daydreamerdeluxe said:
He is so blatantly a massively over-exaggerated Australian stereotype. Case in point: his accent, the vast majority of his items' names. Not only that, but, as stated above, his bio says that he's Australian. :p
One thing I just realised, and am mildly surprised by, is that there isn't actually any character that takes the horrific posh Englishman and runs with it. In a game with dramatic stereotypes, this not being there is actually kinda odd :p
The posh British archetype has sort of been done to death.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Lukeje said:
Why does the fact that he's not British mean that he can't put on a British accent (which I presume is the point you two are trying to make)?
Have you seen Mary Poppins? Dick Van Dyke?

That was an American putting on a British accent.

For some reason, people overseas seem to have a misguided impression we all sound like the bloody Queen.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
intheweeds said:
Z of the Na said:
intheweeds said:
My biggest issue with TF2 is that there are two Americans...
I can understand seeing the Scout and Engineer as Americans, because well, they are, but aren't you forgetting somebody? A certain class who enjoys his psychotic war flashbacks so much he lives them out through his day to day life with extreme gusto? Carries a rocket launcher around?

He's only about as American as they come.

OT: The Sniper is Australian. There is no argument.
I totally forgot about somebody! I even usually play a Soldier too! Bah thanks for reminding me. Okay, three Americans. haha
I actually wonder whether or not the Engineer considers himself American. I mean sure he is American technially, but one of his domination quotes has him call the Soldier a damn yankee.

OT: I knew the Sniper was Australian as soon as I saw him. I mean come on, look at his hat! If that isn't Australian I don't know what is.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Lukeje said:
Why does the fact that he's not British mean that he can't put on a British accent (which I presume is the point you two are trying to make)?
That has nothing to do with it, and no, that wasn't my point either. The accents in TF2 were meant to be comically bad in a B-movie way, and that has nothing to do with anyone's acting abilities. He's purposefully using a cheesy-sounding accent with both characters.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Lonely Packager said:
I hope he's British, because I've never met another Australian that speaks in that ridiculously stereotyped way he does. Valve probably thinks we all use kangaroos as our only mode of transport or something.
Yeah, and as a Canadian I live in an igloo and ride a polar bear to work.

Every character is supose to be the stereotype native to that area.
Eg. the Demoman (being Scotish) is a drunk, the spy (being French) is a suave prick, the solder (being American) is a complete idiot, and the list goes on. That's part of what makes the game so good. It's just part of their zany character design.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
But really ... hunting big game in the outback? What the fuck is he hunting out there? Frill necked frickin' lizards? There's piss all out there, fauna included.


Gone Gonzo ..... no ..... wait..
Jun 18, 2009
Techno Squidgy said:
obex said:
He has an Australian accent (Its similar to British but if you are from either you can tell the difference)
NO. There is a MASSIVE difference between the various British accents and the Australian accents.
As a brit whos uncle (non blood) is Australian i agree but lots Americans and people who speak with neither accent seem to have trouble so i was trying to give reasons why people might think such an obviously Australian character might be British


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Rawne1980 said:
Lukeje said:
Why does the fact that he's not British mean that he can't put on a British accent (which I presume is the point you two are trying to make)?
Have you seen Mary Poppins? Dick Van Dyke?

That was an American putting on a British accent.

For some reason, people overseas seem to have a misguided impression we all sound like the bloody Queen.
Ermm... you know that I'm British, right?
Chemical Alia said:
Lukeje said:
Why does the fact that he's not British mean that he can't put on a British accent (which I presume is the point you two are trying to make)?
That has nothing to do with it, and no, that wasn't my point either. The accents in TF2 were meant to be comically bad in a B-movie way, and that has nothing to do with anyone's acting abilities. He's purposefully using a cheesy-sounding accent with both characters.
How is that different from what I said originally?


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
BristolBerserker said:
Captain Placeholder said:
ninonybox360 said:
BristolBerserker said:
Aussie without a doubt. The demoman is the only Brit in TF2.
Isn't the Demoman Scottish?
He is. He even said "Scottish one-eyed cyclops" in his short. Or at least I THINK he did.
He is Scottish but Scots come from Scotland which is in the United Kingdom aka Britain. Ipso ergo he is British. Also he would have a British passport.
You just made me remember this video:

Oh that Soldier. :p

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Lukeje said:
How is that different from what I said originally?
I don't understand how a British accent even comes into the discussion. I assumed you could have only meant he was a British actor using an Australian accent, which isn't the case.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
zuro64 said:
GvidaZ said:
australian..becouse valve said so...
Well when i first played tf2 i thought he was british for the "God save the queen".....Does australia have a queen?
Not since they became a independent country
Errr... You think so? []

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
This is his Bio

Name:(Lawrence?) Mundy
Country of Origin: Adelaide St., Australia
Job: Assassin (Not a crazed gunman)
Description: In his former life as a tracker of dangerous game in the unforgiving Australian outback, the Sniper would spend months by himself. Prolonged isolation taught him a valuable lesson: You don't have to rely on other people if you never miss.
Seems pretty clear cut to me ;)

Azrael the Cat

New member
Dec 13, 2008
Back in high school (almost 20 years ago, so possibly Americans didn't travel as much) a friend of mine was going on exchange to the US. Before he left, we got hold of a laminator and the school's laser printer, and made him a 'kangaroo driving licence'. His mission was to try to convince an American than the licence was real, and that he actually rode a kangaroo to school and work. He succeeded on his first day in the states, and claims he had around about a 1 in 3 success rate. Then again, he was in rural Texas, so I'm not sure how representative that would be:)