That Game You Feel Has Potential, But Completely Failed Delivering.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Kaleion said:
Midnight Crossroads said:

There is no contest. The game is the argument for casual gamers ruining the industry. Entire sections of the game were ripped out or dumbed down. I genuinely feel sorry for Will Wright just thinking about that abortion of a game. He spent his entire career building up to that game. Every Sims game from the 90's was just a demo of some aspect to the greater whole. And EA fucked him, then fired him.

Then, just to piss off any legitimate customer who would dare buy the game, they added SecuRom. It was like EA was selling "Fuck You" made material.

Oh, my God, Spore
So much that, it would have been such an amazing game if they had left Will Wright made what he wanted to make, I mean why would you do that?! The guy's a fucking genius, I mean his first game ever revolutionized the industry and created a new genre and after SimCity there was wel, The Sims not much to add there, I mean why would you question him? WHY?
minimacker said:
Spore all the way.

Looking at the E3 presentations for it, it was going to be boss.

Then it got dumbed down. Dumbed down again, dumbed down again and then finally someone put googly eyes on the creatures.
Thoric485 said:
Had potential and then completely failed? Spore definitely.
Kekkles said:
Oh? This Thread? Muahahahahahaaaaa!

Spore, because Spore.
albear said:
Mark of chaos and spore

with such an epic trailer MOC failed to deliver an epic sense of gameplay for me and it was all very boring.

spore, yes the creature creator was awesome and all but once you got to space.........yeah :(

I dissagree, because spore, even though it was a shadow of what it could have been, Was still a GREAT game

The creators alone were worth the 60$ I paid for it.

I think a better example would be From Dust, which, actually has a lot in common with spore:

- Both were announced a long time before it actually came out, even for games

- Both involved players interacting and creating the enooverment

- Both came from well respected devs of simulation games

- Both games were acquired by a puplisher who stuck on DRM

- Both games had massive fan backlash and subsqent canceling of pre-orders because of it

- Both games weren't what everybody expected

- Both games, despite of all of that, were still good.

- Both games deserved a whole lot more money than people bought it, BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO OFF PUT BY THE PUBLISHERS TO GIVE THE GAME A CHANCE

The difference, is that From Dust wasn't a full title.

But god damn...

Dem physics.... Running water actually picks up sand, and depoists it as deltas, and it's not scripted: it's a part of the physics engine.

What I HATE about gamers is that we won't buy something just to support it so it can get better.

It took us, what, 30 years with horrible pop out 3d movies before we got avatar?

You should buy a peice of crap that has potentiol, just so next time, it's not a peice of crap.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
minimacker said:
Spore all the way.

Looking at the E3 presentations for it, it was going to be boss.

Then it got dumbed down. Dumbed down again, dumbed down again and then finally someone put googly eyes on the creatures.
Thoric485 said:
Had potential and then completely failed? Spore definitely.
Kekkles said:
Oh? This Thread? Muahahahahahaaaaa!

Spore, because Spore.
albear said:
Mark of chaos and spore

with such an epic trailer MOC failed to deliver an epic sense of gameplay for me and it was all very boring.

spore, yes the creature creator was awesome and all but once you got to space.........yeah :(
EDIT: Ack, meant to add that to the post above.

Sorry for the double post.

Sly Skater Man

New member
Sep 30, 2009
I'm gonna have to say Dragon Age 2, had a great original game to follow up from but dropped the ball in many aspects.
Hell I never even got around to finishing it.

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
The Wanted game.

If the campaign were just a couple hours longer and had multiplayer it could have been one of the best movie tie-in games ever made.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
silkroad online
Still one of the most interesting pvp systems I've ever seen. But completely ruined by the fact that it's easier to abuse than an illegal daylaborer. It also doesn't help that the rest of the game is a completely generic korean ftp mmo. Complete with insane grinds and a cash shop selling power in bulk.

gunz: the duel
A ftp 3rd person shooter where running up walls is normal and the katanas are as lethal as the guns. So basically counter-strike + the matrix.
Sounds great right? Wel, maybe it would be if anyone ever did any of those awesome moves! They have no real purpose other than making you an easy target so noone ever does any of it. Instead, everyone relies on what they refer to as "uberleethaxxorz1337skillcombosomfgz". But it's really just MASSIVE abuse of glitches, poor hitboxes, etc.
Example: if you quickly switch to your katana and block (katanas block bullets in this game) between every shotgun shot, the block-shield-thingy will still be there when holding the shotgun again. So you just bind "fire gun" and "block" both to MOUSE1. THan hold M1 while spamming the quick weapon switch button. Tada! You now block all incoming fire, even when firing yourself.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Anyone remember Auto Assault or is it just me? I suppose it gets swept into the pile of failed MMO attempts of the last decade or so but I had a great time with it, I played it for the just over a year it survived before NC Soft pulled the plug.

It had a crap ton of potential, what most people summed up as "Mad Max the MMO" was actualy more than that if you delved into the story, the factions, the quests, the setting and so on. Heck the summary in the manual was a short story in itself but it completely fell flat in terms of game mechanics. it fell into the trap a lot of MMO's do of just doing "generic MMO with a different skin", in this case post appocalypse with cars as your avatars outside of cities and quest hubs.

It could have been something amazing, instead it became another discarded idea, forgotten in just over a year of its release.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
L.A. Noire - Could've been great but was let down by repetitive gameplay and vague responses in interrogations.

To a lesser extent, Heavy Rain. Still a great game but slightly hampered by the lack of choice we had and, quite frankly, easy quick-time event. I sorta expected to be challenged and have the possibility of characters dying, instead I intentionally fuck up to kill them


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Homefront. Great story, truly emotional moments and functional gameplay. Only problem? It takes 5 hours or less than to finish the campaign.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
The Cursed Crusade was a good game, but had the potential to be great. The pacing needed to be slowed down a lot, and a few combat tweeks wouldn't have hurt.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
bliebblob said:
silkroad online
Still one of the most interesting pvp systems I've ever seen. But completely ruined by the fact that it's easier to abuse than an illegal daylaborer. It also doesn't help that the rest of the game is a completely generic korean ftp mmo. Complete with insane grinds and a cash shop selling power in bulk.
It also had that great job system going for it. If the game would get bought out by a serious company, it could be amazing.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Dansen said:
Brink, if Splash Damage actually carried through with their promises and claims instead of blatantly lying to everyone.
Apparently I'm not the only one.

If they had more missions, maybe dynamic ones like Unit 13 will it would be better. If it had More levels, guns, accessories, I would have played it way more. The game just felt....short.
We were also promised a ton of DLC which we never got. On the bright side, they did talk about a second game, so let's hope it doesn't blow.

Casual Shinji said:

Great concept and visual design, as well as being the only game that used the sixaxis in a terrific manner.

But the end result was rather shit.
How was the end result shit? It was a rather fun game, with a decent story and it was fun. Don't see the shit there, but it seems as if I'm the only one who liked that game.


Aug 5, 2009
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy and Alpha Protocol fit this very nicely for me. Don't get me wrong, I love playing both of them. It just felt like they could have been so much more.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Too Human. It could have been so damn cool, you as a Norse God defeating armies of Robotic mythical creatures but instead it ended up being terribly designed and just plain crap.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
ArcaniA: A Gothic Tale...

It HAD the potential to return the series back to its roots by being developed by a new studio.
It HAD the potential to learn from the mistakes of Gothic 3...but no. Instead they dumbed the series down even more and you could hack'n'slash your way through combat by holding down the left mouse button. Here's hoping that Risen 2 can really improve over the first one, which was what Gothic 3 should've been.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Saints Row the Third, I loved SR2 and I was getting extremely hyped for the third seeing as it was taking SR2 and putting it on steroids. But then THQ created a bland city, drastically cut down on weapon selection, and made the story so over the top it eventually seemed boring when you were beating civilians to death with a giant dildo bat.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I will have to say APB aka All Points Bulletin, good idea failed on the release... still holding out hope...


New member
Aug 18, 2008

It was supposed to be this epic where you can travel the world looking for adventure.

Except that it feels somewhat unfinished. I hate that the game falls into the "here you do it" school of character design. It always makes me feel like I do not belong in the game world. It makes me feel like I am an afterthought in the game design.

Also, while I do not mind playing in a post apocalypse, I prefer if the NPCs act like they care. Every where I go in Skyrim, the NPCs act like they've given up, and are waiting to die. They cannot lift a finger to rescue their own princess, clear their area of wolves, or to green source their own dinners. Instead, you are the only one that can help them. That does not make me feel important, It makes me feel like I'm doing their b***h work.

Jitters Caffeine

New member
Sep 10, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
Skyrim, why were there even conversation "options" in the first place? 90% of the time there's only one option to pick and it's just the continue quest button. Nothing you do has any consequences and the entire game is just running on "look we've got shittons of dungeons! (any loot is crap once you start making your own stuff) and Dragons!"

Dragons are cool when you're having an epic one v one on top of a cliff, but when every single villager starts to punch a Dragon in defense of their town and the Dragon takes out maybe one or two of them if that, you can actually see the believability (or immersion if you will) of the situation break in two.

Really the only reason i'm picking up on all this is because Fallout: New Vegas did the same thing but far far better so I can just point to it and say "aim to be as good as this"

Oh and Saints Row 3, it was awesome... But it lacks content. I hate to blame the publisher but I really can't see Volition doing this shit on their own after SR2.
Yeah, this guy knows what's up. I got SO fed up with Skyrim that I dug out my copy of Fallout 3 to play through it again. Then I played through New Vegas again because of how much better the series is. I just COULD NOT get immersed into Skyrim because of how grindy the skill system is. I always FELT like I was playing a game because I needed to keep letting this bandit smack the shit out of me so I could level up my Heavy Armor, or spend hours buying iron bars so I could grind my Smithing then sell them one at a time to grind my Bartering. I just felt like the game had too much artificial gameplay that was grinding your skills to get the perks you want.