That One (Annoying) Enemy

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Slimes in Odin Sphere. They take an insane amount of damage before going down, and you deal very little damage - like 1 HP per hit - with anything other than napalm bombs, which the game never brings up as particularly useful against them and you probably don't have any on you, so you'll be grinding Habaneristos for a while to get stocked up. The slimes will also stun your character if they so much as touch you, and most times this will kill you, since they take huge chunks of health per hit. The game can become a bullet hell of sorts in the more hectic levels, so avoiding them can become a nuisance, even if they're quite slow.

Ghosts in Silent Hill 4: The Room. They're unkillable, they deal corrosive area damage just by standing next to you and they're not bound by walls or doors unless so scripted. So you spend the whole game avoiding them and navigating around them, which is a nuisance when trying to explore or sort a puzzle out (or dealing with the monsters you can actually kill). You get 2 silver bullets to knock them down instantly, and 5 swords to pin 5 ghosts (out of 15 or so). So they're no fun.

Casual Shinji said:
They're only used in two areas of the game, but they're notorious because of them.
Having just gotten out of Ish's bunker, this is a relief to hear.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Something Amyss said:
One of the things that always discouraged me on the first Infamous was the way even the lowliest peon seemed to have gone to some sort of marksman academy. I can't even imagine what an armoured mini gunner would be like, that in mind.
But it made those moments where you could unleash hell upon them that much sweeter. If there's one thing the first two inFAMOUS games did well is make you feel very vulnerable one minute, and like an all-powerful superman the other.

Evil Raccoon

Ever vigilant
Oct 6, 2009
Rcently, I've found myself getting extremely nettled by engine impairing missiles in Rebel Galaxy, doesn't matter who's firing them at me, those things are just bollocks.

Michael Legault

New member
Feb 27, 2013
FalloutJack said:
Comic Sans said:
Cliff racers. There, thread over. Nothing is more obnoxious.
Ummm...I need context. What game is this?

Something Amyss said:
Though Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast version) was worse than any FF game I remember.
Speaking as a Skies of Arcadia fan, can I...get an explanation there? Without a doubt, it's got annoying enemies, especially in the Looper class and any creature using an instant death move, but I've been wanting to get this game back badly.

OT: And yet, I must say that Final Fantasy 8 takes the cake once again for making ALL the enemies annoying because they grow with you so you cannot level dominate them. This was a TERRIBLE idea. Maybe this was the point of Tactics, because it's a strategy game, but the core games were not.
You can level dominate in FF8, you just have to draw 100 of every spell everytime you encounter new ones, when you junction to stats you will be crazily OP. You can refine tents I think into curaga early on, get that on someone's HP and you have over 1000hp on the first disc. I do that to squall so he does his limit break every turn because his critical level hp is around the same as the other party members' max. Squall does carry my team, but he does it so efficiently.

Sam Billin

New member
Jan 15, 2014
Sigmund Av Volsung said:
Seath the Scaleless.

Took me about 20 tries to get rid of him, fucking diamond cave full of moonlight butterflies.

Finally killed the bastard after training up to get 40 vitality so I can tank his hits (if ever taken).
That guy SUCKS! Especially hard if you get cursed in an early try, which the bastard is more than happy to do...

Running something with some bleed damage helps immensely. I used the great scythe on my second playthrough and it makes him a non-issue.


New member
Mar 21, 2015
Probably the sand-bats in Prince of Persia. Not only was slowly wobbling your way across a bar slow and tedious, these fuckers force you to stop completely so you can slowly swing a sword at them.
They didn't even do enough damage to kill you they were just small and annoying - more so when you fall of the edge because you forgot to balance on the bar.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
I second the ghost fishies. I feel like I usually forget one somewhere and then it sucks a little precious health from me to drop an essence type I dont need at the time.

Also the red wolves from the second game. They aren't any more difficult than other enemies I guess, though they feel harder to delimb and do an ot on, but man, when they catch you and start pounding away it's just soo hard to watch. Hate them. Same for the golden van gelfs. Did anybody mention IS Ninjas yet?

Seath? never gave me any trouble. Try using equipment that helps against getting cursed. I HATE the level down there though, so I was probably extra careful not to have to go thru twice :)

Ridley? I hated the platforming section after with all the metroids. Ugh!


New member
Jun 18, 2011
Currently it would have to be Packmaster rats in Vermintide

Those things can grab you a million miles away, through walls and behind corners, have a bad hitbox, don't make any sort of noticeable sound like the other specials do,

Basically when one spawns, someone is screwed no matter what


New member
Jun 11, 2013
TheMann said:
One word: "Slicers".
Anyone who plays or has played classic Sonic has got to feel my pain on this one. Those assholes are the reason why many of my bids to beat Sonic 2 end at the Metropolis Zone.
Oh god, bringing back so much frustration. Those god damn boomerang claws, and they are always positioned somewhere that you are pretty much guaranteed to get hit.

At least the theme was nice...

Another one for me was from Geometry Wars. The red cubes that explode into 2 smaller cubes. Those freaking small cubes are hard to hit and see, so I always freaking run into them. And a group of them is not bad, it is when 1 or 2 die that they become annoying.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
I hate people with invulnerable riot shields. Especially when there's a minigame tied to taking them down. I.E. Batman, Spiderman, Remember Me.
Metal Gear Solid PPO gets annoying with them coz their riot shields can shrug off basically every bullet in the match, from pistol to anti-air gatings to Walker gatings. You gotta shoot around the shield, or attack indirectly.

Mass Effect 3 did them well coz you could mail slot the bastards, and turn their shields into cardboard with AP ammo, or yoink them with some powers, though the later made them faster with shotgun pistols which is arguably the worst route.

Koei does it well coz it's just a temporary bit of armor, or no better than other weapons if it happens to be held by an officer.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Michael Legault said:
I played through the game twice, the second time cheating like hell in order to squeeze some enjoyment out of it. On the first part, that is not level domination. Level domination is that if I fight and kill it enough times, it will hence forth die without effort and barely scratch me. FF8's system is a finicky and annoying item-collecting/crafting/statting system. The levels are the goggles because they do nothing. The stuff you put on your stats to increase them are a pain in the ass too because if you want to ever use them, you weaken yourself. Terrible idea. I understand that this might be compared to any RPG's use of items to augment a character's deadly power, but it's not suppose to dominate the game. And does it even do enough? I would say no. I wasn't god on the second playthrough, without the BS items that just make you invincible, so it can't be that good. (I didn't like those either.)


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Smokescales in the new expansion for Guild Wars 2. They will make you miss all of your attacks if you're fighting them in melee. They also do quite a bit of damage by teleporting to you a bunch of times repeatedly.


New member
Feb 23, 2015
The Necron Lord in Dark Crusade/Soulstorm.

He was too fucking OP for straight up combat. On the hardest difficulty I remember maxing out the unit cap just to hurt him.

Thank fuck that Gorgutz could at least keep him aggro.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
Kinda glad to see this thread resurface actually, because I ran into a NEW peeve of mine: the Hinox Brothers from Tri Force Heroes. So, to fight them you get into this minecart that goes around and around on this track, while they come up beside you to throw bombs onto your cart. One hinox doing this? relatively manageable. TWO though? TOO MANY BOMBS. TOO MANY BOMBS!TOO MANY GODDAMN BOMBS!!! ;~;

Especially for single player :c


Apr 28, 2008
Every time this thread comes up I always have the same answer:
Medusa Heads from the Castlevania series.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Kingjackl said:
Any sniping enemy in any Souls game
THANK you.

I know that it's part of the challenge, but the insta-Toxic (for me, as I was wearing Knight armor when I arrived) blowgun snipers in Blighttown have caused me more misery than everything else I've encountered in Dark Souls COMBINED.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
slo said:
I recently started to play Serious Sam 3: BFE, and dropped it 10 hours in solely because of the hitscan generic soldiers with generic assault rifles that killed all the fun. They are hitscan, therefore they hit from afar and I can't dodge them, therefore they have to be taken out first, therefore I have to run around with a generic assault rifle all the time myself to kill them timely while all the fun guns collect dust. And they just spawn again and again an again. I hated 'em.
If you don't mind mods, you can quickly mod their and other enemies' hitscan weapons out and replace them with projectiles. Further, consider ignoring them some because they don't actually do that much damage at all.