I have explained simply enough why I don't think your interpretation of the evidence is high quality. There's too much supposition in it, trying to use the unknowns around the established facts to build a case. For every unknown, there are a load of possibilities. In order for them all to line up to build your case is, as per my previous analogy, a bit like rolling a 6 on a die repeatedly: deeply implausible. You're making the evidence fit a conclusion, not seeing what conclusion is most likely from the evidence.tstorm823 said:That being said, you might want to consider that you're not having your mind changed specifically because I am trying to convince with evidence.
Trump has a history of disreputable conduct that long predates his political career, and I really don't think people who routinely use underhanded tactics magically become honest and plain-dealing when they gain political office. The minute his political career started, he was neck deep in ethically-challenged associates (several now jailed) and clearly lacked judgement by sailing too close to Russian election interference, hence the Mueller probe which lined a substantial amount of credible evidence against him. He has aggressively installed toadies into government, including nepotism, and attacked or (when government personnel) removed anyone who he didn't feel showed him enough personal loyalty. Who seriously thinks he wouldn't do this shit?
Although admittedly, I particularly hate Trump because he's a bullshitter extraordinaire. I think democracy requires a degree of "informed consent", and that politicians have a duty to reasonably inform the public. What's the saying? "It takes ten times as much effort to disprove bullshit as to make it"? So what happens when the president is a non-stop bullshit generator? Late-era Soviet information warfare theory (now employed by the Russians) was simply to fill the information sphere with so much bullshit that people could no longer tell right from wrong. And there's your president, undermining people's ability to make sense of the world right from the top.
I'm pretty sure I just hit one of my breaks when I have better things to do and when I return I don't always go back to old threads. I'm sure the Democrats had their political angles, but at the end of the day there was a whistleblower which fairly identified a matter of huge concern about abuse of power that was subsequently vindicated by further evidence. You can complain about process all you like, but the core accusation and requirement for action was substantial.Not to keep circling back, but I suspect the other thread ended where it did because I presented a case that left you disgusted with the House Democrats and you didn't want to defend them.
Giuliani himself said she needed to go to clear the way for investigations. He said she was blocking visas for ex-officials to the USA, and actively attempting to impede investigations. Investigations were Giuliani's task in Ukraine. What's the complication here?Why stick to the idea that this was directly connected to getting at Bidens?
Who else would have the authority to hold that Congressionally-approved aid except the president?Nobody that I know of has absolutely that the Ukrainians knew early on, but they especially haven't said they knew Trump was directly involved.
Maybe not. It might have been a quiet whisper off the record, or an unguarded slip. It doesn't really matter. But we have consistent sources saying Ukraine knew the aid was held, and that hold could only come from the WH.I don't think there is anyone saying they were proactively informed by the Trump administration
But they do know the aid is held, and it must be the WH responsible because no-one else can be responsible. Then the guy who runs the WH asks them for favours...And like, if they don't know Trump decided to freeze the aid, it doesn't matter what Trump wants. You can't do 2+2=4 without knowing both 2s exist.