Agema said:
Ultimately, Trump took the Republican vote as normal. 63 million votes: more than Romney, more than McCain, even more than GWB in 2004, all of which had similar or higher turnout. Leaving Democratic vote suppression aside, Trump evidently cost the 2016 Republican campaign virtually nothing at all depite him being clearly erratic, venal and ignorant of governance.
Now in office he's threatening to dismember all manner of international agreements and institutions set up by the Western allies, treats traditional US allies with open contempt, talks up and defends our geopolitical opponents... and he's still polling healthily enough with Republicans that he's got a pretty good chance of re-election.
I can't but help see Trump as a reflection of the attitudes of his voters, and the lack of respect for other countries and international norms he shows is thus also the feelings of Republican voters. Therefore I am inclined to trust the USA less on the global stage generally, because it really isn't just one dodgy man at the top.
Thaluikhain said:
To add to that, in a sense it doesn't really matter how the PotUS is selected, they've gone and chosen a terrible one, there's no reason for people to trust that they won't go and do that again.
I'm not saying don't be wary. But again, 63 million votes against 327 million people. That's a fifth of the population. If we're judging whole cultures for the actions of a fifth of their population, then I don't know who we can really trust.
I look at the numbers and while I actually have a problem with Republicans' choosing process... and I have to admit that this has shaken my faith in a free vote if people are not going to take this stuff seriously... I more have a problem with Republican Politicians using the Redmap to invalidate proper districts and turn the tide towards Trump.
The Redmap Gerrymandering has been a tactic that's been benefiting for a decade now. From voting more Republicans to restructure and purge more Democratic votes, hundreds of thousands it seems yearly just in time to swing some elections. I honestly feel with even how many Republicans did vote for Trump, the number of districts and even Voters who would have voted in Hilary would have been greater if it wasn't for deliberate tampering.
I mean, we felt it just recently again with the 2018 election cycle []. Americans are coming out against this bull, but the cards are still stacked against them legally because a lot of Republican Politicians were and are hard at work making sure they are passing bills to give themselves more power.
And in fairness, I gotta mention the Party Line. I'm sure there are a few Republicans who think Trump is an asshat, but they vote with their party. I don't know if that's better, but it's something to mention.
Going back to the Tampering idea, I honestly believe that if the actual will of the people were allowed, Hilary would be president now and we all would be thinking how close we came to a tragedy. A fifth of the population voting for Trump would have been taken as it is: a lesser amount of the population.
I hate the fact that he won, but what I hate most is how we were robbed of our actual will and people say we chose Trump. We didn't. Millions of people didn't. Millions of people didn't get a chance. 16 Million []. From 2014-2016, This massive Voting Purge affected a majority of Low Income and Minority voters, also known as Most likely Democratic.
If those 16 million were allowed to vote, what would the likelihood be that Trump would be our president now?
I'll say it before, I'll say it again. No matter people's feelings or emotions, Trump isn't the will of the people. He is the will of the Republican Politicians who have done everything to steal this country from its democratic roots. To look at the country unfavorably to their scheming is anyone's prerogative. Trust me, I wouldn't be trying to move to Canada if I personally liked the country.
But I have to be real that even though too many voted for Trump, too many were denied their voice. That is not the Fault of America. That is the fault of barely a couple of hundred politicians. Blame the corruption. Do not blame the People.