The Accountant - Worth the Investment?


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
The Accountant - Worth the Investment?

The Accountant sees an autistic Dark Knight take on low-level accounting crime.

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Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
First "The Girl on the Train" and now this? That's two weeks in a row that my hopes for a movie I was greatly interested in have been dashed :,( Although you did get me to go see "Hell or High Water", which was awesome and I had no clue about until your review so I guess it all evens out eventually...

It's nice to see that Autism gets a pretty good treatment. The very first thing I thought when I saw the trailer was "Please don't have Hollywood kick out a "Retarded Genius!" angle out of a very serious issue" so it's nice to see that it is at least somewhat respectful of it.

I suppose I'll probably rent it because I'm still curious.


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
So, it should be called "Good Will Goes Hunting"?

I'm about an hour away from watching this movie. I'll keep in mind what you said. However, with a great cast and a novel lead for an action movie. The Accountant does sound like something I would enjoy.

Silent Protagonist

New member
Aug 29, 2012
I was surprised by both this review and the fact that when I was begrudgingly dragged to see this movie I actually really liked it. I'd agree that the action, particularly at climax, isn't very good and that the one of the plot twists is really dumb but I think it more than makes up for it's shortcomings elsewhere. If dry humor is your thing this film has lots of it, which is surprisingly rare even though it's one of the best kinds of humor to fit into a thriller without messing with the overall serious tone of that kind of film. I don't really mind the large amount of exposition because there is a great amount of variety in how it is delivered and the exposition is surprisingly engaging even without the "for what it is" caveat. It's really refreshing to get an action movie protagonist that is awkward and understated instead of the usual extremely charismatic and cool. The philosophies of the flashback father are neat to see presented even ambiguously in the current social/political climate. The final twist/revelation at the very end is great.

Long story short I thought the movie, though far from perfect, had enough great moments and unique/refreshing elements to make the movie worth a watch.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
tippy2k2 said:
[spoilers]First "The Girl on the Train" and now this? That's two weeks in a row that my hopes for a movie I was greatly interested in have been dashed :,( Although you did get me to go see "Hell or High Water", which was awesome and I had no clue about until your review so I guess it all evens out eventually...

It's nice to see that Autism gets a pretty good treatment. The very first thing I thought when I saw the trailer was "Please don't have Hollywood kick out a "Retarded Genius!" angle out of a very serious issue" so it's nice to see that it is at least somewhat respectful of it.

I suppose I'll probably rent it because I'm still curious.[/spoilers]
Nothing most of the reviews are saying about this movie is particularly wrong, but I found it far more entertaining than any of them would suggest. The faults are there, but really don't detract from the great characters, action and humour unless you're going into looking for issues. This is one of the most worth watching movies I've seen in theaters in a while now.


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
I want to see a series of movies with this character. It's that good. This movie is more of a thriller than an action movie. It's all the better for it. It let the movie breathes and give a mostly expressionless character must needed exposition of who he is.

This movie features a murderer row of seasoned character actors. JK Simmons, John Lithgow, and Jeffery Tambor. Jon Bernthal is also great. Also, it's time to give Ben Affleck some credit for being an underrated actor. He may not give flashy performances. I rarely see him give bad performances. Of course, I have never seen Gigli or Reindeer Games. Every actor who have been in the business for a long time is going to be in a bad movie or two.

Overall, I think how they portray autism in this movie is really positive. The biggest twist was easy to predict. However, it didn't spoil the movie. Couple of other twists in the movie were very engaging and unpredictable. I think this should be Ben Affleck's Bourne movies.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Jadak said:
tippy2k2 said:
[spoilers]First "The Girl on the Train" and now this? That's two weeks in a row that my hopes for a movie I was greatly interested in have been dashed :,( Although you did get me to go see "Hell or High Water", which was awesome and I had no clue about until your review so I guess it all evens out eventually...

It's nice to see that Autism gets a pretty good treatment. The very first thing I thought when I saw the trailer was "Please don't have Hollywood kick out a "Retarded Genius!" angle out of a very serious issue" so it's nice to see that it is at least somewhat respectful of it.

I suppose I'll probably rent it because I'm still curious.[/spoilers]
Nothing most of the reviews are saying about this movie is particularly wrong, but I found it far more entertaining than any of them would suggest. The faults are there, but really don't detract from the great characters, action and humour unless you're going into looking for issues. This is one of the most worth watching movies I've seen in theaters in a while now.
I still do intend to see it since I don't always agree with Marter but I have found more often than not that our opinions align. So I will still go see it, I just will probably let it get to Redbox rather than spend a ton of money to go to the theater.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
A meme you say?

Ben Affleck Doing Math .gif
Caption: This is how much I was payed to do Batman.
Caption 2: This is how much my Batman movies lost.