Lately, I've been writing the cheesiest idea I've ever had the patience to run with. Since the Escapist is so very meta, I assumed it would enjoy a bit of fiction about itself. But not just any fiction, but romance. Cheesy, cheesy romance.
However, it's seen so much revision and changed scopes enough time that it's become something horrible and altogether headache-inducing. So, we'll start with part one, and see how it goes from there.
Story continues in part 2, found here [].
Given enough interest, this will continue in the future. Hope you enjoyed reading.
However, it's seen so much revision and changed scopes enough time that it's become something horrible and altogether headache-inducing. So, we'll start with part one, and see how it goes from there.
No society should work like this one does. We don't like to be woken up early, yet we all require alarm clocks of ourselves. We get tired, cranky, weak, and angry when we do not get enough sleep, yet every basic service has the expectation to not close until very late and open very early. We waste away our short lives working day in, day out, only to complain as we get home that life is too short as is. Thus, here we are, gluttons for our pivotal and self-defeating routine.
Although I'll admit to being bitter about being woken by an alarm clock. That's probably what it was. Freakin' alarms... I managed to turn my head just in time to see the alarm launch from its base. The bright orange glow of the clock-face flew off into the dankness of the early morning sun. I got up, taking a pair of steps after glowing 5:00 AM before tripping over a shoe. The helicopter veered to dodge a wall, and I slammed into the carpet. Damn it... I got up, and chased after the little bastard while the sheets on my bed shuffled. I managed clip the spinning plastic propeller, and the helicopter veered dangerously low before getting in a vicious crash. However, instead of an explosion and the smoke alarm going off, it just stopped. I managed to flick the off switch and return the alarm-i-copter to it's base. To launch again tomorrow at 5 AM...
No society should work like this one does...
The rustling sheets folded over to reveal a cat, which blinked blearily at me. I scowled at him,"What?" He mewed, and sauntered off to go preen on one of the dressers in the living room. "Yeah yeah." Freakin' alarm clocks.
After a brief shower, breakfast, and another scowling exchange with my cat, I got dressed and headed out of the door. It was already 6 AM at this point, probably later, so I didn't really have time to sit around and do nothing. The apartment complex I live on isn't nearly as rich as I'd like. Which means it's kinda cheap, but clean enough. The big city isn't exactly the kind of place you can get local apartments for cheap and still be really nice places. I passed the elevators, stepped outside and looking across the city. Most people would complain about having a eighteenth-floor apartment, but I liked it most mornings. The view of the city was breath-taking, even with the lights muted by the rising sun.
I took the steps one at a time, knowing better than to rush on metal steps. The morning dew itself was enough to make the trip hazardous, and with seventeen flights until the bottom, one trip could easily kill me. To death. I made it to the bottom level, on the second floor, and hopped the rail. Catching the rail as I fell, I slowed myself and fell the remaining ten feet to the concrete. I bounced off of my formal shoes, and adjusted my tie as I straightened. Wearing a suit was hot enough with a bunch of flights to conquer, but I was used to it.
"Morning, Nuke." The man dressed in a big coat said, rising from his ratty mattress in the alley.
"G'morning Caime. How's life in the wild?"
"Not as wild as you'd expect. Even with petty crimes happening day in, day out, the mods do a good job of keeping the real threats from getting too threatening."
"Yeah, curse the mods for doing their jobs."
He shrugged.
I waved to him, needing to take my leave, "If you ever feel like getting another apartment, I have a couch if you don't mind getting attacked by my vicious cuddle-kitty."
"That's the one, gotta run. See you, dude."
"Later Nuke. Take it easy."
The cafe was crowded when I walked in. Considering it's the biggest in downtown Escapist, and smack in the middle of the city, there's no surprise it gets so much foot traffic. I navigated the mess of tables and chairs on my way to the counter, and was greet by the cashier. Erana was always to work earlier than me, and I couldn't even begin to imagine what time she woke up in the morning to be at work. She never looked tired, was always chipper, and almost never cussed at our customers. Perfect candidate for the morning shift, more so than me, I'd imagined.
I slipped into the employee room, waving at Puppeteer Putin from across the room. We'd been dating off-and-on for several years, but he ended up leaving me in favor of a woman. I didn't have long to get over it, since Puppet was still my boss. Azrael Karina was a beautiful match for Puppet, and they're happy, so I was happy for them. And only jealous sparingly. "Morning boss, Kari."
"Morning Nuke." The both chimed, almost in perfect sync. Puppet continued, "I know I had you on the schedule for today, but I remembered something I had to do today. So you're free to take the morning off. If you want, you can take Erana's afternoon shift."
"Alright, I'll talk to her about it."
"Cheers, Nuke."
Erana was quite bubbly, cheery, and happy when we talked. I couldn't keep my conversation on business. It took about fifteen minutes to manage to bring up the topic of the afternoon shift, but it didn't go anywhere. Erana wanted to keep it, and we had managed to gather a big line of customers. I bought my drink, waved goodbye, and settled into a booth. Before too long, Aeryn settled into my booth across from me. I smiled warmly, the motion coming to my lips before my brain could even accomplish anything. We were both really flirtatious, and it made for some interesting dinner discussions. She was a tease, but then again, so was I. "Nukey!~"
"Heya Aer."
"Hihi.~ How's my favorite Nukey?"
"Same as he was yesterday," I replied, making eyes at her over the table. She countered by rubbing my leg under it. Like I said, teases. "Although I'm surprised you're up so early."
"I could say the same for you, Nukey. What time did I leave your apartment, two AM?"
She smiled at me, "Same time tonight?"
"For another night of teasing? I'll opt out, thanks."
She slipped out of the booth, "Your loss." I watched as she left, gliding out of the cafe. I took another sip. The cafe was cool and dark, and the tinted windows kept the morning sun out wonderfully. My eyes sunk, and I drooped in my booth. Time drifted by, and I jolted awake suddenly when I heard Puppet's voice over me. "Hey hun-buns. If you're that tired, go back to your apartment. I could come with you, if you'd like."
I turned my head to look at Puppet, and was greeted by LaCoil instead. "Hey sexy, where's Puppet?"
"Putz was never here, and my impression was horrible. I can't believe you fell for it."
I eyed my drink, yawned groggily, and felt her slip into the booth next to me. LaCoil was probably the biggest flirt of the cafe's locals, rivaled only by maybe Aeryn. It made it worse that she was among the mod group. I looked at the umbrella deposit by the door, and the banmop sat comfortably on it. I yawned, and leaned again on the table. LaCoil played with my hair, and I was probably going pass out again at this rate.
When I did wake up again, there was a light poking on my side. I glanced over, "Hey Erana, what's up?"
"I've decided to take you up on your offer. Think you can start working at 1 PM?"
"Sure," I said, lifting my wrist to my eyes. The watch face told me 12:53 PM. "Dang. Looks like I'm getting straight to work."
"Sorry Nuke," Erana chimed, "but I was going to tell you as soon as you woke up. You never woke up, so I had to wake you up." She smiled sweetly, and draped her barista apron on my shoulder. "So, get to work."
I put it on, wondering why I didn't wear my green tie. "Get to work, get to work."
She smiled once last, and disappeared out of the door.
The shift is particularly banal, but I saw a few faces I'm familiar with. I was surprised to see both Shivari and Amnestic come into the restaurant. Even moreso to see they were a couple again. "Hey you two. I haven't seen much of you two lately, much less together."
They were all smiles, "Heya Nukems."
"You two seem happy, I'm proud of you."
Shivari smiled, "Thanks Nuke. What about you?"
"Eh, you know how it is."
Amnestic arched an eyebrow, "Then you haven't asked LaCoil out yet?"
"Uh..." I said, staring at the counter, and rapidly changing the subject. "What can I get you to drink?"
The conversation got more business oriented, and I got them their drinks.
The end of the day came fairly quickly, and I was surprised by a visit from Aer. I was just finishing dinner when she came in. She settled at the table, and passed a smile my way. "What did you make me?"
"Steak and vegetable stew."
She smiled as I set the bowl down for her. I fixed another bowl and sat down. We spent the dinner over flirtations. Plates made their way into the sink and us into the living room to watch a movie.
By the end of the night, Veru was curled up on my lap, and Aer was asleep on my shoulder. I yawned, turned off the television, and fell asleep on the couch, still in my business suit.
Although I'll admit to being bitter about being woken by an alarm clock. That's probably what it was. Freakin' alarms... I managed to turn my head just in time to see the alarm launch from its base. The bright orange glow of the clock-face flew off into the dankness of the early morning sun. I got up, taking a pair of steps after glowing 5:00 AM before tripping over a shoe. The helicopter veered to dodge a wall, and I slammed into the carpet. Damn it... I got up, and chased after the little bastard while the sheets on my bed shuffled. I managed clip the spinning plastic propeller, and the helicopter veered dangerously low before getting in a vicious crash. However, instead of an explosion and the smoke alarm going off, it just stopped. I managed to flick the off switch and return the alarm-i-copter to it's base. To launch again tomorrow at 5 AM...
No society should work like this one does...
The rustling sheets folded over to reveal a cat, which blinked blearily at me. I scowled at him,"What?" He mewed, and sauntered off to go preen on one of the dressers in the living room. "Yeah yeah." Freakin' alarm clocks.
After a brief shower, breakfast, and another scowling exchange with my cat, I got dressed and headed out of the door. It was already 6 AM at this point, probably later, so I didn't really have time to sit around and do nothing. The apartment complex I live on isn't nearly as rich as I'd like. Which means it's kinda cheap, but clean enough. The big city isn't exactly the kind of place you can get local apartments for cheap and still be really nice places. I passed the elevators, stepped outside and looking across the city. Most people would complain about having a eighteenth-floor apartment, but I liked it most mornings. The view of the city was breath-taking, even with the lights muted by the rising sun.
I took the steps one at a time, knowing better than to rush on metal steps. The morning dew itself was enough to make the trip hazardous, and with seventeen flights until the bottom, one trip could easily kill me. To death. I made it to the bottom level, on the second floor, and hopped the rail. Catching the rail as I fell, I slowed myself and fell the remaining ten feet to the concrete. I bounced off of my formal shoes, and adjusted my tie as I straightened. Wearing a suit was hot enough with a bunch of flights to conquer, but I was used to it.
"Morning, Nuke." The man dressed in a big coat said, rising from his ratty mattress in the alley.
"G'morning Caime. How's life in the wild?"
"Not as wild as you'd expect. Even with petty crimes happening day in, day out, the mods do a good job of keeping the real threats from getting too threatening."
"Yeah, curse the mods for doing their jobs."
He shrugged.
I waved to him, needing to take my leave, "If you ever feel like getting another apartment, I have a couch if you don't mind getting attacked by my vicious cuddle-kitty."
"That's the one, gotta run. See you, dude."
"Later Nuke. Take it easy."
The cafe was crowded when I walked in. Considering it's the biggest in downtown Escapist, and smack in the middle of the city, there's no surprise it gets so much foot traffic. I navigated the mess of tables and chairs on my way to the counter, and was greet by the cashier. Erana was always to work earlier than me, and I couldn't even begin to imagine what time she woke up in the morning to be at work. She never looked tired, was always chipper, and almost never cussed at our customers. Perfect candidate for the morning shift, more so than me, I'd imagined.
I slipped into the employee room, waving at Puppeteer Putin from across the room. We'd been dating off-and-on for several years, but he ended up leaving me in favor of a woman. I didn't have long to get over it, since Puppet was still my boss. Azrael Karina was a beautiful match for Puppet, and they're happy, so I was happy for them. And only jealous sparingly. "Morning boss, Kari."
"Morning Nuke." The both chimed, almost in perfect sync. Puppet continued, "I know I had you on the schedule for today, but I remembered something I had to do today. So you're free to take the morning off. If you want, you can take Erana's afternoon shift."
"Alright, I'll talk to her about it."
"Cheers, Nuke."
Erana was quite bubbly, cheery, and happy when we talked. I couldn't keep my conversation on business. It took about fifteen minutes to manage to bring up the topic of the afternoon shift, but it didn't go anywhere. Erana wanted to keep it, and we had managed to gather a big line of customers. I bought my drink, waved goodbye, and settled into a booth. Before too long, Aeryn settled into my booth across from me. I smiled warmly, the motion coming to my lips before my brain could even accomplish anything. We were both really flirtatious, and it made for some interesting dinner discussions. She was a tease, but then again, so was I. "Nukey!~"
"Heya Aer."
"Hihi.~ How's my favorite Nukey?"
"Same as he was yesterday," I replied, making eyes at her over the table. She countered by rubbing my leg under it. Like I said, teases. "Although I'm surprised you're up so early."
"I could say the same for you, Nukey. What time did I leave your apartment, two AM?"
She smiled at me, "Same time tonight?"
"For another night of teasing? I'll opt out, thanks."
She slipped out of the booth, "Your loss." I watched as she left, gliding out of the cafe. I took another sip. The cafe was cool and dark, and the tinted windows kept the morning sun out wonderfully. My eyes sunk, and I drooped in my booth. Time drifted by, and I jolted awake suddenly when I heard Puppet's voice over me. "Hey hun-buns. If you're that tired, go back to your apartment. I could come with you, if you'd like."
I turned my head to look at Puppet, and was greeted by LaCoil instead. "Hey sexy, where's Puppet?"
"Putz was never here, and my impression was horrible. I can't believe you fell for it."
I eyed my drink, yawned groggily, and felt her slip into the booth next to me. LaCoil was probably the biggest flirt of the cafe's locals, rivaled only by maybe Aeryn. It made it worse that she was among the mod group. I looked at the umbrella deposit by the door, and the banmop sat comfortably on it. I yawned, and leaned again on the table. LaCoil played with my hair, and I was probably going pass out again at this rate.
When I did wake up again, there was a light poking on my side. I glanced over, "Hey Erana, what's up?"
"I've decided to take you up on your offer. Think you can start working at 1 PM?"
"Sure," I said, lifting my wrist to my eyes. The watch face told me 12:53 PM. "Dang. Looks like I'm getting straight to work."
"Sorry Nuke," Erana chimed, "but I was going to tell you as soon as you woke up. You never woke up, so I had to wake you up." She smiled sweetly, and draped her barista apron on my shoulder. "So, get to work."
I put it on, wondering why I didn't wear my green tie. "Get to work, get to work."
She smiled once last, and disappeared out of the door.
The shift is particularly banal, but I saw a few faces I'm familiar with. I was surprised to see both Shivari and Amnestic come into the restaurant. Even moreso to see they were a couple again. "Hey you two. I haven't seen much of you two lately, much less together."
They were all smiles, "Heya Nukems."
"You two seem happy, I'm proud of you."
Shivari smiled, "Thanks Nuke. What about you?"
"Eh, you know how it is."
Amnestic arched an eyebrow, "Then you haven't asked LaCoil out yet?"
"Uh..." I said, staring at the counter, and rapidly changing the subject. "What can I get you to drink?"
The conversation got more business oriented, and I got them their drinks.
The end of the day came fairly quickly, and I was surprised by a visit from Aer. I was just finishing dinner when she came in. She settled at the table, and passed a smile my way. "What did you make me?"
"Steak and vegetable stew."
She smiled as I set the bowl down for her. I fixed another bowl and sat down. We spent the dinner over flirtations. Plates made their way into the sink and us into the living room to watch a movie.
By the end of the night, Veru was curled up on my lap, and Aer was asleep on my shoulder. I yawned, turned off the television, and fell asleep on the couch, still in my business suit.
Story continues in part 2, found here [].
Given enough interest, this will continue in the future. Hope you enjoyed reading.