The Babes of Duke Nukem Do Spring Break


New member
Dec 3, 2008
IndianaJonny said:
messy said:
Although it does raise an interesting point, we don't ask the film industry to defend themselves (as a whole) every time a porn film is made.
Very true, I think that's in part due to the fact that film has been in mainstream culture for so long now that people accept that there are various shades to the industry and 'each are distinctly removed from each other' (yes, I realise that might be up for contention but from the perspective of the general public there's certainly a type of cinema that they're 'comfortable' with). Gaming, I think it's fair to say, is still the new kid on the block when it comes to artistic mediums and hence it's harder for people to grasp that we're already taking gaming in a host of various different directions and intentions rather than as a homogenous block that's not yet reached the stage where we start to consider various paths the medium could go down. Does that resonate with you?
Yeah, also because I think the perceived audience of films was always something new and exciting. Something initially done by the upper classes (this is coming from a UK resident btw) and then adopted as somewhere to take your family. Games however was something more "private" and only involving pasty faced teenage males and all the stereotypes that go along with that.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
SturmDolch said:
Oh great! I can't wait to go down with my pickup truck, blasting AC/DC all the way. My friends and I will lounge on the impressive tailgate, cracking open some Coors Light, and trying to catch babes' eyes. I'm already growing out my mullet, so it will sway in the wind to the glorious guitars of Poison and White Tiger. Maybe I can even sneak a kiss from my cousin Sally!

At the end of the day, we'll ask the babes to go see a monster truck show, or if we're lucky, Nascar. Because nothing beats Nascar. After, we can stop by Hooters. For the wings, of course!;) Then when all is said and done, we can go home and play Duke Nukem: Forever together before completing the hillbilly mating ritual for the day.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you just insult AC/DC?
Cause if so there's gonna be heck to pay, heck I say!

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I wonder if despite the pay, some of those women feel awkward with all the strangeness that can come from being part of game-geek idolatry, kinda like booth-chicks at nerdconventions you know aren't really interested in anything other than the pay.

Reminds me a little of a party at a Vegas "geek" convention where there were hot strippers willing to give lapdances and none of the guys there would go for it because their social skills were so skewed they didn't know what to do with a "hot" chick who wanted to grind on them for a few minutes. I felt bad for the strippers cuz they really wanted to do their thing (they still got paid and tipped tho).


New member
Aug 1, 2008
I'm seriously tired of all this stuff. Why do they think they need to parade around scantily-clad ladies to sell video games? It does nothing to elevate this medium. It's in the same league as the EA's Lust promo. What a bunch of immature horsecrap. I'm having trouble forming a reasonable argument through the rage.

*wipes spittle from mouth*


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
messy said:
Yeah, also because I think the perceived audience of films was always something new and exciting. Something initially done by the upper classes (this is coming from a UK resident btw) and then adopted as somewhere to take your family. Games however was something more "private" and only involving pasty faced teenage males and all the stereotypes that go along with that.
No sweat - I'm a student at Liverpool. Sadly, I'd disagree with your notion of 'new and exciting' audiences for film.
One - film (unlike early cameras, motor vehicles or the advent of home televisions) has always tended to have been a rather public medium. The early Kinetoscope-esque cameras (1889-95ish) were demonstrated to small audiences and at fairs alike and were largely seen as an entertaining, fascinating gimmick presented by travelling exhibitors for paying punters until parlors (not unlike the gaming arcades of the 70s-80s) sprouted up before evolving into the mass market that silent cinema brought courtesy of the first decent film projectors.
Two- As such a public medium, with immediate all-age appeal and although, yes, a range of tastes/genres catered for, there has always been this middle target audience of rather predictable tastes based on the main fashions/tastes of the era. 'Blockbusters' - a term used in both the film and gaming industry - cater for this majority appeal and are carefully tailored and appropriately released like any capital-sensible large company would do. Hence sequels, reboots and over-used audience-familiar genres persist in both mediums.

Yeah, the 'privacy' thing is a big issue. Often non-gamers main concern with a game is 'what people get up to in it' in the sense that it's a much more participatory medium than film is. The Wii was a success in part due to the way it circumnavigated this by being a 'family-friendly' platform and I reckon simply with the passing of time, when concepts such as over-the-Internet play/interaction become more and more common, gaming will finally be recognised ('cus goodness knows we've tried to convice people so far!) as a mainstream cultural medium - recognition is the key and this 'Spring Break' doesn't help.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
The only people who complain about Duke Nukem are the people who were too young to play his games back in the day. I don't think Gearbox really expect you to buy it considering everything this age group knows is based off Call of Duty.

I love my dad so much for buying Duke2 and Duke3D when I was a whipper snapper.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
This is exactly what I expected from the Duke. All of you too stuck up to just laugh at this or are even *gasped* ASHAMED of this need to grow up. Yes, i'm telling you that immature marketing is more mature than you.

Hail to the king.


New member
Oct 24, 2010
xSKULLY said:
dude what does the word probably mean, i was pointing out that immature content such as in this game and in alot of EA's is exactly the opposite of what games need right now, sure the odd game can be immature but this one pushes the limits and crosses several lines in the sand and doesnt help games in the long run and overall a much more enjoyable experiance is gained from deeper games than just pissing around in them, and if u need 2 piss around games like GTA offer that, so if u need tits in a game 2 be happy then buy this overwise why bother?

this is the gaming equivilant of american pie when what we really need coming out right now to porve that games are worth being recagnised as more than just a toy for the immature and children then we need somthing more like crash or gran-torino

oh and this happening "all the time" doesnt make it acceptable it makes it worse
While you do have a valid, if a little (I believe) misguided, opinion, doing things like raging at people who also have valid points just because they disagree with you and using a multitude of spelling/grammar mistakes aren't helping your case. While I believe that video games are an amazing art form in an embryonic stage, I recognize that gaming needs both its Citizen Kane's and its American Pies. They are not mutually exclusive.

You do, however, have an equally valid point of view and I wholeheartedly respect that. It's just not doing your side any good to represent it in a way that only engenders further pointless bickering


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Why am I having Dante's inferno flashbacks?

My prediction is the quality of the game is going to be directly proportional to the number of weapons you're allowed to carry. 2-3 guns means a pathetic Gears/Halo/CoD clone. If you can carry your entire arsenal at once, then the odds of it being a return to old-school shooter roots (i.e. awesome) are much better.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
I see they're taking a page from the book of EA marketing strategies..... what a shame

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Since when has New Orleans been on the east coast?

In any case, too bad I won't be leaving this cold tundra called Minnesota or I'd be more than willing to enjoy some eyecandy. I have the utmost faith Gearbox will release an excellent Duke game. Their marketing implies they know how to treat the IP.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
So, when does the Duke Nukem Playboy magazine and porn site come out?

Though I have no clue why they made an action game based around a porno character.

... ARRRRRRGGGHHH!! What the flabber-jibbit does this wakataka have to do with the froking game!? I swear they got the rights for Duke Nukem just so they could label their frat party after a video game.

-End Rant-

Sarcasam-I'm sure this is making games look good in the public eye-Sarcasam