The best day of your life so far.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
When I was 18 I played a Sixth Form gig, and we went down really well (especially considering that by then, my friends and I weren't really speaking that much to the rest of our year)- even had my own super funky bass solo- then proceeded to get hammered and get together with my crush at the time. Yeah, I pretty much felt like Marty McFly that day.

It's been two pretty tricky years since then, hopefully something actually meaningful will happen to me soon.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I don't know, but my fondest memories are what can be considered 'trivial' things. I still remember playing A Link to the Past on a rainy afternoon while my mom brought me a hot chocolate. Only that afternoon seemed to exist in a world that still felt like a wondrous place. Complete happiness.

All of the 'big life stuff' like school, first time romantic experiences and other 'coming of age' stuff for some reason kind of faded into memory for me. It are always the insignificant and little things that I fondly remember the most. :p


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I could say something sweet or big, but I'm not going to lie. One Christmas awhile ago when I opened the biggest present to find it was an N64 really made me go out of control for the whole day and night, since I didn't sleep. I don't believe I'll ever get that excited again.


New member
Jun 11, 2013
One particular night of cuddling where I was so relaxed and it was just the best. There were no thoughts in my head, it was like I could fall asleep it was so relaxing. She was wrapped around me as I was lying on my back, and her head was on my chest/deltoid.
Also, hugging her from behind, and holding her(different memory).

This is kinda making me sad, lol. When I meet another girlfriend, the cuddling and hugs will be just as good, maybe better! That's exciting.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Despite the way things go some days, most of my life as it is feels filled with "Best days". Each day I feel that what I do rewards me little by little, realizing how great a family I have and how blessed I am to have and live in the times I do (despite a bit of sorrow I won't ever travel through space) and how much I love my life. I am just glad that my predictions of either not living past 30 (4.5 years running now) or being old, lonely and bitter have not happened and with each day look less probably. Especially the not living past 30 part since I'm turning 35 this year.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
The day my son was born. Crying while holding this person who I woyld love no matter what for the rest if my life.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
Best day of my life was recently when my wife got me a new tens unit.

See, while everyone one else worries about what their future holds, I know exactly what nightmare my future is going to be. I've got massive amounts of nerve damage. My eyesight and hearing are going, and my skin doesn't feel almost anything at all (I've lost the sensation of pain or temperature).

Every day it gets worse, and one day I'm going to wake up trapped in my own head.

When I was younger I didn't care. I took every hard job I could, and I didn't care how badly I was tearing up my body. Not feeling it in the morning is a hell of a rush, and you'd be surprised what you can do when you don't feel there are any consequences. Felt that way until I met the wife, and things suddenly and instantly mattered.

So with bilateral rotator cuff tears in both shoulders. Scar tissue in my arms, back, and legs. Steel plate in my skull. Well, I'm a wreck, but the wife well.. she cares. Bought me a replacement for my tens unit for Christmas a while ago. Trying to make things better, and gambling on a long shot. I had one before, but as all things do, it broke ages ago. These things happen, and I wasn't feeling the damage anymore so I figured it didn't matter.

It's really kind of hard to explain what it's like, but it's kinda like my life feels like I'm wearing a rubber glove around my whole body usually, and I can feel the pressure that comes from touching something but can't feel the sensation of experiencing that touch. I don't get the pain of stubbing my toe, I don't get to feel a hot shower or a cold rain. It's just a dullness, but..

We used the tens unit and started working on training exercises provided by physical therapy. Building up the muscles in the arms to make up for the tears, eating right.. and now. Now I can feel the wife's touch on my skin. It's faint, and doesn't last, but for a while after building up to it I've actually felt her. I can not explain how that is, to suddenly have something like that back, but the day we found out was.. I'm going to remember every moment of that day for when it matters. Right now, that is what causes me to feel better about the future.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I've had many Best Days of My Life. And they're mine to remember :) I consider myself a relatively lucky and beloved person, despite my bouts of unrest. Anyway, my contribution to this thread is that I like to keep these kinds of reflections to myself. I didn't come in planning to say this. I started writing on and on about That Time and That Other Time until I decided there was no good way of getting the feelings across.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
The day [REDACTED FAMILY MEMBER] di- Oh wait... That was the most indifferent day of my life so far...

Anyway, a few days come to mind, now that I really think about it:

The moment that I realized I had my first real friend...Granted, I haven't talk to this particular person since they moved away just a month after that realization, but I was 8 at the time...
My first[footnote]and technically only...[/footnote] time in drag...Fucking loved Drama class in high school... (Also, I can still fit in my grandomther's heels...)
[Recently[footnote]As in: The first great moment of 2015 for me[/footnote]] just hanging out with my best friend the day before he left for military duty...Sure, we basically did the same thing we would always do when it's just us (including, to an extend, his mother and sister, mostly) hanging out, but the fact that we've been best friends since 2nd grade in elementary school as well as both of us knowing that we will always remain the best of friends no matter what changes around us (both literally and figuratively) just made that day the best day I had so far in 2015...

They're probably others that I'm sure my family would tell me remind me about, probably because they were there to witness it or something, but I digress...


Tentacle God
Feb 28, 2012
Performing a Slapstick comedy routine in my 6th form play. It was great to make the entire hall laugh, and also great because we managed it despite the director trying his best to ruin everything we'd done towards said play. Come to think of it, that more or less set the tone for the rest of 6th form.
Any of the days I spent in Mongolia. At the start I didn't know my teammates very well; by the end our bonds were a match for any of the friendships I'd spent my whole life making. And though I hated it at the time, the hardest bits ended up being the most memerable- being alone in a strangers Ger while a teammate was rushed to the hospital, braving the crowds at Naadam, and Horseriding on the steppe come to mind.
It was a sad day when a few weeks after coming back I realized that I'd probably already had the best month of my life.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
A few of favorite days of mine, from most recent to oldest:

-Going to Nebraskon for the first time. I met some fantastic new friends and got lots of compliments on my costume. What made it more awesome was that my birthday came directly after the weekend of the con; I could not stop smiling that whole weekend.
-Passing my graduate qualification exam with flying stars after a hell of a summer studying for it. I felt that was my redemption after letting my grades slip.
-Graduating from KSU with my bachelor in science in physics.
-The day my dad told me I was a hero to him. It was also on the same day that my parents told my sister and I they were getting divorced. I like that day in particular since it was so bittersweet and it marked a transition point. I'm not so happy about my parents splitting apart, but I admire that day because it means a lot to me.
-All the days I spent in color guard in high school. I was the only boy out of eight on that team, and I got lots of great feedback.
-Being the sound/light person for many a play at the Lawrence Art Center and at my high school.
-Stepping foot onto England after my first overseas flight for a vacation when I was 10. That entire trip was a blast!
-The day I met my elementary school friends in first grade.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Not going to pick just one. Can't do it. Some of these best days ever come around every year!

First day of the first PAX I attended. Surrounded by twenty thousand nerds, I felt a vibe of kinship as at no other time in my life. I never knew I had so many friends! I remember thinking, "This is how regular folk feel all the time: like all the world was made for people like them."

Returning to a certain remote beach campsite my family used every year is right up there. We always had the place to ourselves. Canoeing, tubing, swimming in remarkable glass-clear water, hot dogs and s'mores on a fire.

Hiking to Katahdin's summit for the first time. Standing at the top of the tallest thing visible makes you feel like you own the world. Knowing you climbed all that way yourself, you did it and no one can take it away.

Going to Disney, Busch Gardens, etc. as a twelve-year old. I think that's about the best time to go. You're old enough to appreciate what's going on, to form lasting memories, and to be trusted on your own for a few minutes. On the other hand, you're young enough that Mom and Dad pay for everything and don't give you much responsibility over your younger siblings. I've got to hand it to the folks at Disney. Going there is rather like being in one of their movies. The price might be exorbitant, and the fantasy isn't perfect, but for just one day they can make the magic real.

Hiking the Grand Canyon. It cannot be described to someone who hasn't done it, it's like color to a blind man. Seriously, go there.

Christmas morning. I belong to one of those weird families where not only do we all get along, we actually like each other pretty well. No drunks, no drama. Just a truly epic breakfast, followed by everyone sitting around the tree in a state of genuine good cheer. Right out of Norman Rockwell.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Little Woodsman said:
That's easy.

The day when I first heard that little voice say "Daddy".

I cannot even describe how it has affected my life.
Yeah building robots is so rewarding.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Yeah, pretty hard to find ONE best day (Considering I don't have kids yet, neither won 1 bajillion dollars on the lottery). But I would go with:

- Back when my girlfriend and I just started dating, we were both really shy and didn't talk much, so it started worrying me about the fact that maybe we wouldn't really have too much to talk. Until this afternoon that we spent together just talking about stuff, ourselves, and really getting to know each other. Dunno, it sounds simple, but it felt good to see that she was confortable with me.

- The day I started working as a teacher. Seeing my parents all proud and emotional + everybody "WTF?" face (REALLY shy guy here, no one could imagine me talking to a class of 30 some teenagers) = pretty good day.

- Finishing school and never having to go back there again.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
The best day of my living memory was my graduation from Officer Training in the RAF.

It was a miserable drizzly day with freezing fog. There was a 90 min parade, in which I had to stand completely still for 30 mins of it slowly losing the feeling in my limbs. I had a mild hangover from the previous day. There was a boring service in the church. I had to sit with a horrible university professor who used to be in charge of all our academics at lunch, whom was self obsessed, and a horrible person. I had to spend a lot of the day looking after various guests who came to watch my grad, and then others who came for the grad ball in the evening, which I ended up having to put my then girlfriend to bed, drunk, and sleep on the floor incase she was ill in the night...

But the feeling... that feeling of accomplishment, pride, comradery and the elated feeling that I had achieved what I always wanted. That was the best feeling in the world. So much emotion. So many smiling excited people, that all of the above paragraph dissolved to an insignificant nothingness!
Oct 10, 2011
Caramel Frappe said:
username sucks said:
.. I honestly don't know what's my best day ever ...

Like, I am trying to dig deeply into my past but nothing man. I've had great days, good days, ok days, bad days... awful days ....

Nightmare days. Days I wish that could of been skipped or ignored. Days I dread to this very second. *cough*

Personally, I think that one date I had with one of my ex's was fantastic. We went to a beach, felt romantic and real, plus the dinner we shared was the best overall and everything about it screamed amazing. Granted, I am no longer with my previous ex but that day with her was something else.

EDIT: Nothing I can recall has impacted me to better myself. All the negatives have matured me, but those don't count.
It doesn't have to be something that made your whole life better, it can just be a really fun day or whatever you want to talk about. It doesn't even have to be limited to one day, either.

And there is no reason to dwell on the bad days, yeah?