The best FPS ever on any console


New member
Mar 25, 2008
I would have said the original Doom but now Call of Duty 4 because the fights are just so intense and not only does it have the guts to kill of one of the main caracters it does so in a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!


New member
Oct 9, 2007
Well seeing as how one of the best FPS just recently got a very solid port to consoles via the Orange Box, I'll have to go with Half-Life 2.

As for multiplayer...I would have to go with UT3, simply because it's a step in the right direction for bringing mods and keyboard/mouse support to consoles.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
Joeshie said:
Well seeing as how one of the best FPS just recently got ported to consoles via the Orange Box, I'll have to go with Half-Life 2.
Beat me to it, as you did 99% of everyone else who will be posting in this thread.


New member
Dec 27, 2007
Am I the only person on Earth who actually thinks Half-Life 2 was somewhat rubbish? Probably.
Half-Life 1 was amazing though.
But I'd say the best FPS, nay one of the best games of all time has to be Timesplitters: Future Perfect - If you don't think it's awesome then you're obviously not doing it right.


New member
Dec 1, 2007
HL2 gets a nod from me too, Bioshock also gets manatee appreciation. I haven't played any COD4, so can't comment on that.

I'll get flamed into little black crispy chunks for saying this, but Halo 3 made some big strides for a console game. Solid Coop, with plenty return life in the SP campaign (with the scoring modes, skull settings etc), the video features, a decent community support site from Bungie, and Forge - a console-centric map editor, unlike UT3's PC mod-cooker. Mods might let you do a lot more, but my past experiences with mods have always involved extensive reboots, reinstalls and virus scans, not to mention ending up with out-of-sync versions and no MP.

If every game had the depth of H3, we'd be laughing. Unfortunately, they don't, and we're left with loads of crapulent fanboy ranting about Halo Suxxorz, or whatever the cool kids say nowadays.


New member
Nov 18, 2007
Id have to say Bioshock, but only if you: turn off vita chambers so the game actually has difficulty, and go through the trouble of figuring out what the backstory to rapture is via the audio tapes. Best story ive seen in a game.

Marathon has also given me countless plays.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
Half-Life series, Goldeneye and Halo for changing the FPS genre.

Team Fortress 2 as the best looking MP game EVAR! :)

UT3 as the best cure for people with ADD(or teh twitch-shooting hardcorez!)

Call of Duty 1-3(Fourth sucked) for the best war shooter.

And a honorable mention to Bioshock Demo for scaring the shit out of me(Can't stand that fucking atmosphere.).Yes you can call me a pussy.

Maze War as the first FPS made.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
I don't care for FPSs. Some have great traits (TF2 has good artistic impression, Halo is inexplicably popular, etc.) and some suck, but if you leave it to me, I say almost anything using the Source Engine is the best.
Mar 11, 2008
Serious post:

The first Metroid Prime. Best atmosphere of any of the Primes, IMO. And the menu music is the pinnacle of human culture. If you disagree, prepare to be crusadified.

I'd also have to go on to say the controls were pure and utter win. Hold down shoulder button to lock and flick through locks, and then circle strafe around what amounted to big, moving puzzles with venomous teeth of death.

It's a purer form of the Art of Shooter, if you ask me. Just your quick wit and quicker reflexes in a nightmare fairytale.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
General Mostly Electrified Steel said:
Serious post:

The first Metroid Prime. Best atmosphere of any of the Primes, IMO. And the menu music is the pinnacle of human culture. If you disagree, prepare to be crusadified.

I'd also have to go on to say the controls were pure and utter win. Hold down shoulder button to lock and flick through locks, and then circle strafe around what amounted to big, moving puzzles with venomous teeth of death.

It's a purer form of the Art of Shooter, if you ask me. Just your quick wit and quicker reflexes in a nightmare fairytale.
Finally. This is to me the best console fps out there. Designed SPECIFICALLY FOR A SPECIFIC CONSOLE (no cross-platforming here), most of the candidates on this board are games that started out on PC and then went console or visversa, so that is another reason I think Metroid Prime stands out (sorry Halo).


New member
Mar 25, 2008
I gotta go with the original Half life for what it was when it was. (It got released to console with orange box right?)

It sort of ended the DOOM clone era and made the FPS into a much more immersive experience.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
"Am I the only person on Earth who actually thinks Half-Life 2 was somewhat rubbish? Probably."

No, you're not the only one. Which is why they put people like you into the "crazy house" and not the "crazy 1 bedroom apartment."

Seriously though, I'm curious what you didn't like about it. The episodic content seems like a lazy way to make a buck, but aside from that.. I love em'. Good, quality games.. by a company that at least makes it appear like they give a shit about video games.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
Well, wouldn't (my own biases aside) Oblivion (maybe that was a joke) and Bioshock be RPGs? I don't think they are in the discussion, as much as I think Bioshock is simply an FPS in RPG-clothing...

Golden Eye is a great example. As is HL1. Both were ground breaking. I guess you have to throw in Wolfenstein/Marathon to give a nod to some games that really defined the genre, and, of course, Doom, which is like the Orville Redenbacher of the FPS world.

Quake 2 probably deserves some mention for its online play, which, for the time, was tremendous (shout out to Rodrigo, wherever you are). Anyone remember playing Doom 2 online? I do...

Halo, UT, etc, were all sort of cookie cutter. IMO, nothing ground breaking, though some did do the genre right (which for some reason seems difficult to do...)

I'm going to have to go with HL1 on this one. Taking elements from the FPS genre, and mixing in an added bit of strategy and interaction, and weaving in a great story line to boot.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
runtheplacered said:
"Am I the only person on Earth who actually thinks Half-Life 2 was somewhat rubbish? Probably."

No, you're not the only one. Which is why they put people like you into the "crazy house" and not the "crazy 1 bedroom apartment."

Seriously though, I'm curious what you didn't like about it. The episodic content seems like a lazy way to make a buck, but aside from that.. I love em'. Good, quality games.. by a company that at least makes it appear like they give a shit about video games.
Well...Alyx has got some tiny boobs and ain't showin any body if I have to complain :)