The Best Way For Call of Duty To End


New member
Jul 27, 2011
It's no secret that the gaming community is starting to get, or rather has been for a while, tired of Call of Duty. The most obvious example I can give is the horrid Metacritic score it has (currently sitting at 3.2) [], and I trust you've seen the CoD hate elsewhere for yourself. Even if you enjoy the series, you have to concede that there are reasons to hate Call of Duty. They are all so minutely different from each other that people are not unjustified in calling it a copypasta, or posting satirical reviews praising how great a map pack it is (couldn't find the original review, but here's this []); and by no means do the games deserve to be raking in as much as they do. The franchise on a whole sends the wrong message to developers, because the numbers [] show that games like Call of Duty sell, to the point where one of Call of Duty's biggest competitor is Call of Duty. [][footnote]Why yes, I do employ some hyperbole.[/footnote] When mediocrity becomes the safe bet, the industry suffers. So, yes, I do think Call of Duty should stop.
However, that's not to say it has to leave a bitter taste in our mouths on the way out. I do think that Call of Duty can redeem itself first: It has to become something more than just the franchise that introduced us to Call of Duty 4 over and over. It has to contribute something that actually has substance to it: And for it to be CoD's saving grace, it must be something we could call a CoD game.

I propose that Infinity Ward's next Call of Duty game pick up Atomic Game's Six Days in Fallujah. []

For those of you unfamiliar, Six Days in Fallujah was a game about the Second Battle of Fallujah, a conflict described by the military as "some of the heaviest urban combat U.S. Marines have been involved in since the Battle of Huế City in Vietnam in 1968," and was supposed to act as a sort of documentary of the events that transpired. The developers worked with the Marines who fought in Fallujah (and in fact, upon their request) to make the game, and Konami was set to publish. But then controversy reared it's ugly head [] and Konami pulled out. []
The game is now without a publisher, which is a damn shame. This was video gaming's chance to tackle something topical, but when the heat was on (and let's face it, most of the heat came simply from the fact that it was a game as opposed to a book or a movie), everybody bailed and Atomic was left hanging. And here is where Infinity Ward comes in.

The game itself is mostly done, which is great, because Call of Duty devs are used to working off a finished product []; they would just have to make a few adjustments, such as making the game first person, or (if they find it completely necessary) adding a multiplayer.
It's also perfect because IW has been on a controversy high. Not only do they have the fortitude to withstand controversy[footnote]This [] did not stop MW2 from making a billion and some odd dollars.[/footnote], they seem to get off on it. [] The child's death didn't explode as much as No Russian, because it was clearly a desperate grab for attention. If IW wants to taste real controversy, what better way is there than reviving a game that got everyone so pissy it was shut down?

Any thoughts, qualms, complaints or threats?


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Good idea, but it's probably never going to happen. Publishers always tell developers, in my opinion, to do exactly what the general public doesn't want. With a few minor exceptions, of course.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Thoughts? I think Activision should just run COD into the ground the same way they did with Guitar Hero and a million other franchises. No one will ever want to hear the words Call of Duty again by the time this is all over.

Qualms? I don't know why they would buy someone else's game when they currently have 5+ studios working on COD.

Complaints? This reads kind of like an ad for Six Days in Fallujah

Threats? I'll fart on your hamster.


Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
I'd heard Atomic had had to lay off pretty much all of the Six Days staff after Konami pulled out. I assume it's not coming.

Also, can you explain to me how review bombing a Metacritic score is indicative of a general trend of brand tiredness? Didn't the game set the record for sales? I'm with you that the series is getting stale (single-player-wise, at least), but I have no belief that my opinion aligns with the millions of other people who preordered the game.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
One way i think it could end , whichis somthing i know money grubbing activision will never do is to make a C.O.D. game exclusivley for the PC and offer free updates that could include new maps, new game modes, and new weapons. Also in this edition they should put in some ways to customize your characters. Also they should make the graphics less realistic and go for a stylized look so the graphics will never look too dated. Finnaly they should make all of the characters steryotypes of different races.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
HobbesMkii said:
I'd heard Atomic had had to lay off pretty much all of the Six Days staff after Konami pulled out. I assume it's not coming.

Also, can you explain to me how review bombing a Metacritic score is indicative of a general trend of brand tiredness? Didn't the game set the record for sales? I'm with you that the series is getting stale (single-player-wise, at least), but I have no belief that my opinion aligns with the millions of other people who preordered the game.
Fair enough. I said that the Metacritic score was the most obvious example because it was the first to come to mind. Others examples that came to mind were the various threads and comments I've seen on various websites, including this one: However, I felt it wouldn't be sufficient to say "I've seen loads of people complaining about CoD" without any evidence, and I don't have the threads saved or anything. Perhaps it was a folly to assume that we've seen the same sort of threads, but I assumed that if you're on the Escapist, you're probably at least some involved in the gaming community, the same community in my experience that views CoD negatively.
And I put emphasis on "community," because I don't bat an eye at the millions who preordered MW3, just as I don't mind the fact that shit movies make bank at the box office. The casual moviegoer and the casual video game player certainly do not reflect the position of "hardcore" (for lack of better term) gamers or movie buffs. The people who preordered MW3, or at least I would argue most of them, are not members of the gaming community. They're not looking for anything other than an action movie campaign and a multiplayer to last them until the next edition.

believer258 said:
You seem heavily intent on slandering the series. Which, I'm not trying to defend it because it needs a good slandering, but that is the job of the critics and according to your very own Metacritic link, that's just not happening.

Yeah, when linking to a review you should mention that you are going off of user reviews. A good number of those are just trolls knocking the score of the game down, something that seems to be happening with a lot of games lately.
I didn't mean to slander the game, just take a few shots at it. :p
I suppose I should have mentioned I was going off user reviews, but I think it was implied, even before I gave the score to specify.
The job of the reviewer is to review the game, not the series. Indeed, on their own, they are all fairly well-made games, and they deserve their scores. However, suppose Leonardo da Vinci just painted the Mona Lisa over and over with minor variations. Suppose he would annually churn out Mona Lisas, sometimes with kinda different backgrounds, or maybe blonde this time around. They'd all be excellent paintings, there's no denying that, but for fuck's sake.

Also, WTF Captcha.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Ideally, I'd like to see a more conclusive end to the Treyarch side of the story (WaW, Black Ops) than "Mason stopped the bad guy and then maybe shot JFK". After that, I dunno. I really like the story modes in CoD, but I've stuck with them mostly to see how the Modern Warfare story turned out. Maybe upgrade Spec Ops to be sort of mini, self-containted stories. Instead of taking them from a campaign, each one can just be a single mission or set-piece, with their own little build up and background.

As for the multiplayer, I don't see why it should ever die. As long as people like FPS, people will like CoD. At least, until something better comes along.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Like all Call of Duty games your jumping around through characters all over the world. Then as the game is closing all the nukes are fired. Mw1 ending for all these characters, who if done right, you've just gained a bit of emotional connection to. It's a nice send off showing how war is bad, and also is a little reference to an older game.

What do you guys think?

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
here's how,
The dudes at Activision will start hyping up the "Last COD game ever" make a killing from the fanboys obsessed with this franchise, and then at the end the screen will flash red, we will all pass out and in the morning they'll announce a hot new game called "Call of Duty"


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Frankly, I would like it if they moved on to Call of Duty: Future Warfare. Of course, that would piss off their fans who want "realistic" shooters, so it's not going to happen.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Dethenger said:
It's no secret that the gaming community is starting to get, or rather has been for a while, tired of Call of Duty. The most obvious example I can give is the horrid Metacritic score it has (currently sitting at 3.2) []
So, by "gaming community", you mean the butthurt, impressionable zero-bombers? Well there's your problem.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Most people buy COD for the multiplayer, which is fast paced, silly, OTT and explosively lively.

The fast paced, silly, OTT explosively lively campaign goes hand in hand with the multiplayer. A 'serious' or 'meaningful' campaign would probably detract from the game in my view. That's just not what the series is about. It's about immediate, in your face bursts of demented fun.

Westaway said:
I think the best way for it to die is with fire and tears. No more CoD.
Who didn't see a post like that coming?


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Phlakes said:
Dethenger said:
It's no secret that the gaming community is starting to get, or rather has been for a while, tired of Call of Duty. The most obvious example I can give is the horrid Metacritic score it has (currently sitting at 3.2) []
So, by "gaming community", you mean the butthurt, impressionable zero-bombers? Well there's your problem.
Of course not, I just couldn't think of anything else to cite that may prove my point (I did call it the most obvious example) other than personal experience, though I did ask you to draw on your own. I made a post above in response to a similar qualm; to save you the trouble, I said: Perhaps it was a folly to assume that we've seen the same sort of threads, but I assumed that if you're on the Escapist, you're probably at least some involved in the gaming community, the same community in my experience that views CoD negatively.

I posted the Metacritic score because I sincerely believe that of the ~7000 people who rated it, there's quite a few people who neg-bombed it not because they're butthurt about it being so popular, but because they sincerely dislike the game. Also, I assume a wide variety of people from the gaming community use Metacritic. If it offers any more credibility, the written reviews aren't much more favourable. I like to think that taking the time to write out a review filtered out most of the idiots who just came to negbomb, but I obviously can't confirm that.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
I have just 6 words that will make the series go out with a bang: Lovecraftian horrors versus cyborg super solders. Forget 20% cooler, that would make the game 220% cooler. GOTY material right there.


New member
Oct 9, 2008

Then again... Call of duty planet of the apes sounds awesome...

Alex Tom

New member
Sep 25, 2011
If a new COD game did not come out every year, say every 2 years, and gave gamers time to "forget" it then the serious would be viewed by gaming communities better IMHO.

How to end COD, battlefield 3 :p


New member
Nov 9, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Most people buy COD for the multiplayer, which is fast paced, silly, OTT and explosively lively.

The fast paced, silly, OTT explosively lively campaign goes hand in hand with the multiplayer. A 'serious' or 'meaningful' campaign would probably detract from the game in my view. That's just not what the series is about. It's about immediate, in your face bursts of demented fun.

Westaway said:
I think the best way for it to die is with fire and tears. No more CoD.
Who didn't see a post like that coming?
Well when I wrote it it was meant to come across as a stereotypical Escapist, but I stand by my opinion. The monopoly CoD has is bad for the industry, and now we have a over saturation of modern fps's trying to cash in. If CoD died fast and brutally it would send a strong message to other devs and publishers. Fun fact, EA has 5 shooter series now: Crysis, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, whatever the Infinity Ward guys are makimg, and Crytek bough Homefront, so that should count too.