The Big Picture: Continanity: Rebooted


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2008
This episode runs circles around the cause of all that rewrite/reboot/restart/rewhatever business. And that is absolute stupidity of putting every single "hero" in same universe. That goes far beyond my limit for suspension of disbelief.

I understand that every hero has a weakness and it's, retardedly stupid, code of conduct or honor. But really how many super beeings do you need? Superman is absolute except for his one weakness. So stick Green Lantern with him and voila, team unbeatable. Compared to them Bat-crew can only serve as cheerleaders.

Keep heroes in their universes. Crossovers are fine but only as non-canon what if events. And even then pairings like Superman/Batman, which seems as most popular one over time, don?t make much sense and ultimately dissolve into stupidity because you need some pretty weird reasons to give Superman reasons to need Batman. Everything Batman ever did, superman could do inside one hour. How about that?


New member
Sep 30, 2010
I hate the "comics are weird" part. It was fun early on but now it`s becoming annoying.
Dec 27, 2010
Christ, I hope that accent is some kind of joke that's gone right over my head, because all I kept thinking in that episode was "Does that sound like Mayor Quimby or is it just me?".

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Ugh....The Boston accent......I hate this accent..

No offense to the people from Boston. I just don't like your accent....and your Hockey team.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I think the explanation part of the episode ran a little long so he sped up his voice. might explain the accent.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Gennadios said:
MrMisfit said:
I have to ask, what's up with the accent?
Beat me to it. I was hoping the thick Brooklyn would be explained in the post credits.
It was so he could unleash his BROOKLYN RAGE!

...I'm sorry, i just couldn't resist that one.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
rayen020 said:
damn bob, really letting that bostonian accent out this week huh?

EDIT; for nay and all wondering in his very first video back in the escapist present archive, he talks says his boston accent really comes out when he's mad or emotional about something. It's a boston accent, thats where he lives, thats what it is.

That is what messed up CAPTCHA. I think they forget, HUMANS, still need to read them,

As for the comics change.. This re-boot is for the first time getting into comics. I am one of those guys that needs to start at the begining. I will probably get a lot of back-issues of things if I find a favorite character.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
My issue with comics as a relative outsider on the genre looking in has never been continuity, it's been how damn many of them there are. Even if you like, say, Wolverine and want to start reading comics about him there instantly, what, 5 or 6 different series that he appears in not counting one offs or short cross overs?

Note that I don't know the exact numbers or names of the series but I think that's kind of the point.. and I'm someone who does have a little bit of knowledge and wouldn't even be going in totally cold. Even if I did pick up an issue at random and fall in love with it, the sheer expense in time and money of following even a single character is beyond the scope of pretty much anyone but the most dedicated.


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
The accent was pretty cringeworthy. It's like when Londoners (i'm from the UK) get so 'into' something that they go full on cockney and deliberately draw out every single word and say it with exaggeration. You also see this kind of behaviour a lot when someone is mixing with a member of that particular group when they otherwise wouldn't and as a result wouldn't normally talk that way. Say for example someone who usually makes an effort to enunciate things properly starts chatting with someone who talks with a thick accent - the former will deliberately adopt that drawl in order to show connection with the latter. I think that's what Bob is doing - adopting his thick Boston drawl to show his deep connection with and interest in comic books. I personally can't stand that and have never done it myself, but i suppose we can't really bag on Bob for old habits dying hard. It's probably more comfortable to talk that way. Still, we have "TV voices" for a reason and when presenting a ten minute or so video people are generally expected to talk like a news presenter.

Interesting video. As always, i love these Big Pictures, even if i personally have no stake in anything that's being said - i've never really understood the appeal behind comic books, for example, yet i still find 'comics are weird' episodes to be entertaining in their own right. He's right about not having to start at the beginning when it comes to continuity. It's not quite the same, but how many people do you think enjoyed Fallout 3 without having played Fallout 1 and 2 first, for example? Though if people love something enough they will always want to hit that reset button and start from the beginning. To deny that is to incur great frustration for the fan, which can cause them to go from 'new reader' to 'non-reader' if they feel they will never be able to be in the same position as the 'old reader' who has been there from the start.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
I like the accent. Once I noticed it I kind of stopped caring about what he was talking about. I just wanted to hear more of the accent. I like accents.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
He's got a point really, if it weren't for the reboot would any of us have dc on our minds in the past months?


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Mangod said:
zombie711 said:
He never mentions the Ultimate universe or how it remained pretty reader freindly.
Also whats with the Jersey accent
Didn't the Ultimate universe get rebooted?
No but they almost did. In the ultimate universe once your dead you stay dead (with the exception of Thor, whos lophole was that he would only stay dead if his girlfriend was alive) which ment that after 10 years of no one important die and story building up storys some people thought that things got a little too complicated for new readers (it wasnt, in fact the whole die and you stay dead made things really clear). Ultimatum was a big event that was suppose to kill of all the characters and then reboot the universe so the new readers would start off at the begining and old readers knew what happened before. Alot of people didnt like this so they went halfsies on the whole idea and ended up with a bad story and killing off a loooooooooot of character. They even hinted at killing off Sipderman but they quickly changed that ASAP. Now everythings okay but the fact that alot of AAA characters are dead could be a problem for Marvel. The list includes, professor X cyclopes, wolverien, spiderman, scarlet witch, doctor strange,angel, beast, blob,captin britain, daredevil, dazzler, doctor doom, juggernaut, emma frost, wasp, toad, Madrox, phylocke, Magneto, Hawk pym. Non of those people can come back. Marvel then tried to reboot the ultimate universe again with the death of spiderman, but that didnt work out very well. The comic was good, but nobody wanted to see spiderman die.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
"Every day, dozens of people find a book that looks nifty, find out it's part of a series and consider picking up the rest of them."

A gaming example of mine: I had no idea there existed a series named 'Dept. Heaven' until I played its fourth installment. And then it turns out it's actually the third installment and has very little to do with the others, but they called it 'Episode 4' for some weird reason.

...Just a personal story I thought was relevant.