I'm honestly totally apathetic on this one. Zelda is such a blank slate that the quality of this show will have practically nothing to do with it's source material. I am curios if they'll go with an epic, classical high fantasy direction (LOTR), or a more whimsical, fairy tail aesthetic (Neverending Story, Studio Ghibli).
Now then, "Gaming will be a deeply, perhaps irredeemably, dismal place if Ninteno ever decides to pull up stakes and leave". Does anyone else think this is a ridiculous assertion?
Yahtzee made a joke about the state of gaming in his Alien: Isolation review. It seems like everybody has a different idea about what's ruining video games, but I haven't noticed any actual quality dip in the games themselves. The fact that most games released are mediocre isn't abnormal; it's the definition of the word. In any artistic medium, truly exceptional works will be few and far between.
And, IMHO, Nintendo aren't exactly pushing the fucking envelope. Nintendo games are to gaming what Disney is to animation; consistent. A collection of works that average out pretty good, with a few of greats and a few of duds, most notable for high levels of professionalism and only rarely producing a product that truly misses the mark.
And just like with animation, there seem to exist a subset of people who maintain that this particular company is the sole center of good in an otherwise bleak world, whilst ignoring the other myriad examples of quality.