The Big Picture: Maddening


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Crazy_Man_42 said:
Sounds like the guy got off easy just like every single politician, movie star, tv star, sports player and anyone who is famous in the media.

What a great justice system we have here in america where someone who committed one crime gets two years while a movie star does the same crime and only goes for about a week and then out and back to doing the exact same thing again.

From the sounds of it this guy should be punished a little more for pretty much making those dogs attack each other and ripping each other apart.

And I completely agree about the madden games pretty much everything they do to it each year is at the level of DLC not a new game. I bet with we played a 1998 game or like one of the first games and then compare it to the latest one, well it would be the exact same game just with improved graphics and a few little tweaks and features that should actually be DLC.
But he did not get off easy. He spent 2 years in jail, lost 142 million dollars and had to claim bankruptcy.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Until about 1:15 in that video, I had pretty much sworn by the words of Bob Chipman. His film reviews and outlooks on just about everything have been almost eerily spot-on.

But this? To call a guy a "monster" for killing dogs seems a little extreme. It isn't "murder", as dogs aren't people. And calling him a monster is to conflate him with those who perpetrate genocide.

I submit that it is Bob who has crossed a line here. From now on, color me skeptical about his opinions.


ultimate pwnerer
Mar 29, 2009
maybe its a good thing. Have you heard about the Madden curse if you get on the cover then you will be injured for the rest of the season and possibly the next! so that means vic wont actually be able to play.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
He did the crime and did his time. Yes it was a bad crime but that's why he went to jail for it.

The key is he didn't come back the same he went in. He's worked his fucking ass off to move past this and has spoken with his actions and words that he has turned a new leaf over because of this. He did the time. That was his punishment.

After that you give the criminal a chance to repent and if Bob knew the slightest thing about the football season this year he has changed for the better.

It really makes me sick that people would much rather judge him on who he was rather than who he is now because it fits their skewed view of him. Those people should die in a fire before Vick does in my book. You among those Bob?


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Great point Bob! 100% agree. I'm all for second chances... but causing harm to animals is a slippery slop to eventually causing harm to humans. Any human being willing to cause this harm to innocent animals should more than just serve their time. They should live the rest of their lives unpraised and unwanted by the press. Michael Vic shouldn't even be playing.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Did Vick do something bad and does he not deserve this award: Yes.

Are some people over-exaggerating with things like, "Die in a fire.": Yes

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
What if he wins and there are enough people disgusted by that they boycott the game and kill the Madden series for the future? Two birds with one stone, eh?


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Vicks crime vs every-other-crime-you-can-get-arrested-for would open up an entire can of worms. Strait up: If Vick was as evil as people say he was, he wouldve gone to jail for a much longer time than he actually served.
Im not a cold-hearted bastard, but I support Vick. I followed his story from day 1 and felt he deserved to go away. I supported the NFL cutting him loose when he want through the legal system. After he served his time, the NFL didnt just let him waltz back in-they made him earn the right to play, just like any other ex-con. Lets not kid outselves, children. Its the NFL, not exactly the home of upstanding, high moral people.

Dont everyone get their panties in a wad cuz heres how the vote is gonna end:
Vick got to the semi-finals because he had been matched up against a bunch of no-names the entire time before. He prolly gonna lose now-NOT because of any protests or high moral standards, but because Adrian Peterson is pretty damn popular in his own right.
For the record, I voted for Vick, cuz I hate Peterson.

It wont matter though, because Aaron Rodgers will win anyway. Which is very good.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
I wholeheartedly agree. And let's be completely serious Bob, the fact Vick is so far ahead in the running is BECAUSE of what he did. I make no qualms about it, sites like Something Awful and 4chan's /v/ have had threads talking about how the voted for Vick just to irritate people and force EA to do something colossulally stupid. It's not that he has this many supporters, it's that the internet really does have THAT MANY TROLLS.

As much as I would like to believe EA will step in and deny his win on the grounds of his crime, I'm not that naive. As Activision constantly proves, there is no such thing as bad publicity, and EA will use this. (But there is stupid marketing, which EA has TONS OF.)


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I completely agree. Michael Vick, the fuckheads who were a part of his dog fighting ring, and any vicious, evil, blood spilling animals deserve as much, if not more, suffering than they put those beautiful animals through. Pitbulls, and other "fighting" dog breeds are, at their core, some of the most loving, compassionate, and downright nice breeds of dogs out there. Pitbulls, especially, are very good with children, despite their reputation. If you need proof that pitbulls are awesome, here's a link to a picture of pitbull puppies: Anyone who puts through an animal as beautiful as those dogs deserves no accolades, no recognition; they barely deserve to call themselves human.


New member
Feb 10, 2007

Just when I was starting to forget why I HATE this company and will never give them a dime of my money no matter how much I want their Bioware games.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I don't know this guy and I don't watch football. And he is a "monster". But I fail to see why that should affect whether or not he appears in the cover. They put good players on the cover, not good human beings.

Cory Rydell

New member
Feb 4, 2010
Pretty good stuff but I definitely don't agree with your point that he should be singled out for these actions because he plays sports and throws a ball. There is more to it than throwing a ball. It is about creating a harmony between your movements and the physical world and to say that an artist, who spent his/her early years trapped away perfecting painting, etc., should earn any more respect than someone who simply spent his life attuning himself to the harmonies of his/her body. There is an art form to movement and though it doesn't necessarily translate to pretty pictures that teach us about ourselves and society, I think there is still some merit to it.

In the end I agree with everything you said except that anyone who tortures and murders animals is unforgivable.

the lapalminator

New member
Jul 27, 2010
after watching this, i voted for vick

oh and if you think dog fighting is bad. what about horse racing

is it okay beacuse the horse racers are white upperclassmen and the dog fighters are low profit gangbangers? the horse racers fucking shoot their animals beacuse they are injured

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
As much as I love animals, to the point where I damn well would problem rather beat the shit out of any human being than so much as pinch a dog, I disagree.

The game is about football, not who is the better person.

If he is a better football player than the others, then he should win.

Of course, I know nothing about football and still would not vote for him, but you get the idea.


New member
May 28, 2009
I just looked up the Madden Curse, and on the list it said he was already on the cover in 2002. Why would they want the same guy on it twice anyway?


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Bob I almost always disagree with you, and this time is no difference. Vick fucked up and did some horrible shit. He served time in prison and did not kill human beings. Also, on the sliding scale of humanity, I'd rate a lot of athletes higher than you. You put together a bunch of random pictures and talk over them with your opinion.

Whoopdy fucking do.

I'm pretty sure there's been other ex-criminals on the front of madden games. They also probably committed crimes against human beings which will always be more damning than anything done to animals. I like animals, but in this case you're completely wrong. I truly feel like he's trying to come back from the mistakes he made. Hell, maybe that is impossible, but at least he's trying.

I'm sure you've never done anything wrong though Bob, nothing you've ever regretted. You're just another freaking mouth piece on the internet no different than any other except for the fact that you get paid to spout to other people your opinion on things. Why don't you pay attention to yourself and your own shortcomings instead of focusing on someone who made animals fight each other. I also like how no one gives a fuck if you have a snake fight or something like that, but when it's fluffy cute shit everyone flips. He wasn't stuffing poodles and lolcats into arenas and torturing them (these were dogs trained and conditioned to be violent ANIMALS)

All in all, you're dead wrong. Animals will never be on the same level as humans, no matter how cuddly wuddly they are (and believe me I do love animals-I own a cat). Vick didn't murder a human child, he didn't violently rape anyone, he didn't assualt a grandmother, he didn't slaughter babies, etc. Get your priorities straight. It's time to move the fuck on and get over it. This series pisses me off to no end as well. How the hell do you actually get paid to spew your opinion and spout it off like fact?!