The Big Picture: No No Power Rangers


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Power Rangers kinda faded when people either walked away from it after the Zordon era or jumped ship when they heard it was an Americanization of Sentai. If you really want to get millennial nostalgia take a look at Pokemon. Hope to god no one will make a live action movie adaption of that.

You know they are going to make it.
You know it's going to suck.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I'm just glad those young turks who were clucking their tongues at me when I got upset about transformers will now, very likely, know how it feels.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I used to love Power Rangers when it came out, I still thought it was stupid, but I liked it anyway. I grew out of it after a few seasons but I would probably watch a big-screen reboot of that crap.

P.S. Every Superman movie was and is total crap.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
I was a little too old for Power Rangers, but I'll readily admit that I would poop my pants if they made a Voltron movie, and the only difference between those two series is one of animation vs. live action, so enjoy, kiddos. Just pray you get an Avengers instead of a Transformers.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Flunk said:
I used to love Power Rangers when it came out, I still thought it was stupid, but I liked it anyway. I grew out of it after a few seasons but I would probably watch a big-screen reboot of that crap.

P.S. Every Superman movie was and is total crap.
Every Superman movie? I can't agree with that one. I remember pretty good.


New member
Nov 22, 2012
FFS Bob! You're *supposed* to snark at the next generations culture! It is The Way of Things.

I remember when kids tv was good fer christ sakes! I was on my way to ogedenville, and I was wearing an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time....


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
bdcjacko said:
I had a Power Rangers birthday cake when I was a kid and I rolled my eyes.

Also I own a lawn and will yell at who ever is on it.
But you're from the dawn of generation Y. How is that possible?
Are you saying I'm too old to have had a birthday cake? I think it was from my 12th or 13th birthday, I can't remember. But dinosaurs and robots are 2 of my favorite things, and they had robot dinosaurs.

On point, depending on where you look I am 12 days too young to be Gen X, but i really don't feel like I am a Millennial and it seems Gen Y is no longer in use. That being said I grew up on Transformers, Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers. Maybe Transformers and Turtles happened while I was young enough to not see them for the commercials that they are or maybe they were high quality commercials than Power Rangers, or maybe because Power Rangers is still on mostly unchanged. I don't know. Or maybe the recent Transformers and Ninja Turtle movies have soured me on nostalgia cash in movies. But I just don't feel anything about the power rangers announced movie. I am still upset about the Bay Transformer movies, and I am disappointed in the up coming Turtles teasers. But Power Rangers, I got nothing.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
SnowWookie said:
FFS Bob! You're *supposed* to snark at the next generations culture! It is The Way of Things.

I remember when kids tv was good fer christ sakes! I was on my way to ogedenville, and I was wearing an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time....
Was it yellow or white, the onion? Did nickels have a picture of a bee on them?


New member
Aug 27, 2012
Zachary Amaranth said:
Perhaps TMNT is a bad example of what I was trying to say. I was born in 1990 and I remember it being a big part of my toddler years up until age 5 or so.

My point about pokemon and Power Rangers still stands, it's just as bad as the stuff from the 80s, but it's looked down upon more from Bob's generation (and yours). I think it has less to do with actual quality and more to do with these people just not liking millennials.

There is actual disdain for this stuff, because these people never grew up with it, they don't feel the same way. This is what Bob was getting at, these gen Xer film critics can't see through the eyes of the people who grew up with this stuff, all they see is the stupid kids stuff they grew out of and their little siblings liked.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Holy shit, Rescue Rangers?

That could be awesome. Now only if they could find some way to also make it another Rescuers sequel - Rescuers Down Under was such an underrated gem of a movie...


New member
Feb 25, 2012
It was inevitable, and so was the Gen-X reaction. Anyone who grew up under the 90s Japan-flavored entertainment is already well aware of the tiresome elitism when it comes to western comics, and how that cheesy and predictable quasi-violence is so much better than the stuff made in the 90s.

You can talk about "shows made to sell toys" but comics in the early says were all about cheap gimmicks to get kids to buy the books every month, and then later became just as much about toys. I never got much into western comics although I do like Bob's shows based around them. I just find the idea that they offer so much more artistry and depth just feel laughable to me. There's plenty of real quality stuff and horrible drek on both sides, and pretending like the Hulk is so much deeper and complex than, say, the Green Ranger is just nostalgia-colored lenses. Just because a character is 70 years old and has a zillion different iterations and storylines and alternate personas across 40 different multiverse worlds doesn't mean they're awesome and complex characters.

Billy and Zack spoke to me and shaped my perceptions much more than Batman or Spiderman ever could have. Yeah, production was slap-dash and disjointed because of them rearranging scenes from the original Japanese show, and it was super cheesy at times, but you can't really claim that a dude dressing up like a bat and beating up a criminal clown with the overwhelming power of money is some kind of superior artistic statement.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Random Argument Man said:
drummond13 said:
I'm very confused. Is this guy calling us hypocrites if we like Batman but think a Power Rangers movie is going to be terrible?


It has nothing to do with being from a different age group. It has everything to do with the source material for both sets of characters being vastly different in quality.
No, he's saying that critics of the 80s rolling their eyes about the idea of a film reboot for a show that were made to sell toys shouldn't complain since they've always asked for a film with the same criteria.

It wouldn't be hard to actually have a Power Rangers movie that's good. You just take the premise of Pacific Rim and adapt it.

I remember that I loved that series to death when I was a kid despite not even understanding english. While I understand that the general quality of the show has not aged well, some still look at the show with fond memories. On a personal note, I am pretty sure that I just want the movie to have an excuse to listen to that killer guitar track.

On a somewhat related side-note* Hollywood.. May I have my "ReBoot" movie since you never gave me an ending to my favourite childhood show?

I'm talking about this for those who don't know
I guess you're right. He just says it so condescendingly. I'll admit that I rolled my eyes a bit at a Power Rangers movie, but I did the same for Transformers, GI Joe, and most of the others adapted from my own childhood. I still don't see the comparison to comics, though. Comics may be silly at their core, but they provide some much stronger characters and plot arcs than the average children's television show. Even the children's television shows based on comics tend to be stronger (or they were when I was younger; not sure about the ones being made now).

I agree that with a halfway decent script it might turn out just fine.


New member
Jan 14, 2014
Earthfield said:
I'm exited about a first season Power Rangers movie, I was rather old when they came, but somehow it was something different from what I had as a kid, so I've taken a liking on them. I'm not gonna roll my eyes on it, but I'm not gonna drool on the floor for them either. Let's wait and see.

Is it too late to ask for a Biker Mice from Mars re-launch? I wouldn't mind a new cartoon now.

Or S.W.A.T. Kats for that matter. Or the Centurions... I better stop derailing...
Now the Centurions being made into a movie..... I'd pay to see that - Loved the cartoon as a kid, but rose tinted glasses can be a b***h

As for MMPR being made into another movie (first attempt in 1995 -, I'm not convinced. Sure I'll probably drag my nephew to see it so I'm not the creepy guy in the back of the theater, but I won't go in expecting anything spectacular. Who knows though, maybe we'll all be surprised.


Chronic Malcontent
Oct 3, 2011
So, if I'm a 25-year-old who was never into any of the aforementioned properties (Power Rangers, Batman, the Avengers, Transformers, etc.), and couldn't give less of a fuck about any of it, or the movies that are coming out based on it (except that I find some of the Marvel movies to be good), where does that put me?

I'm not sure why Bob assumes that most people care about one or more of these properties. Some of us don't care, and never did.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
You damn kids with your damn morphy rangers, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
[sub][sub]I think I have heart attack, help![/sub][/sub]

Am I only one scared of what will come out when present kids will be grown up?
Gritty reboot of pokemon?
(Kids are encouraged to tame and train pokemon due to pokemon being actually a genetically engineered warbeasts of 1984-style perpetual war world is in, and eventually kids and their pokemon are drafted into army as fresh cannon fodder. Imagine all the battle scenes of infantry vs. pokemon vs. armored vehicles vs. drones)

captcha: zombie attack
Yes please, just to prevent horrible future of my description


New member
Aug 30, 2011
To be fair, I think there actually is a non-chronological difference between the way properties like the Avengers and Batman are treated and the way we've seen TMNT, Spiderman and Transformers treated. I'd be just as sceptical about a Power Rangers movie as I would of anything from the era before that isn't associated with a group or individual who has already demonstrated some kind of ability in regards to that kind of content.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
I'm 25 years old and watched the first two seasons when I was a kid and I'm genuinely excited about this. The biggest problem with the power rangers series is it's repetetive monster-trouble-defeat monster-big monster-zords formula and the utter lack of good special effects. If this is done right it might be a very awesome movie because it gets to do a deeper story and with modern special effects and acting.