The Call of Duty Community.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
I don't think I've ever got a lobby of the FPS stereotypes that people bang on about like it's going out of fashion. I occasionally get a single obnoxious prick every so often between all the recent CoD games, BFBC2 and Halo 3 and Reach. I use the mute button maybe once a month for people like that. If I don't fancy the entertainment value.

Favourite quote: "You should play RPGs, WoW never has the trolling problems CoD has". Literally ten second later I looked over his shoulder to see a myriad of people wanting to sell resources, buy resources and fuck knows what else all through his chat feed.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
IBlackKiteI said:
omega_peaches said:
...people love to hate on Call of Duty (especially this site.)
Thats it, right there.
Probably because this site has a slightly more mature audience than the average CoD server. Smacktards don't survive long on the Escapist. It's only natural then, that most of us look down on CoD in favour of games with a less annoying playerbase.[/quote]

That is the biggest load of bullshit I've seen this week. If I insulted you or anyone else right now you would throw just of a tantrum as anyone else. Just because it's typed nice and spell checked doesn't mean it's anymore of a "mature" statement.

Call of Duty is popular therefore played alot therefore has a bigger audience therefore has more douchbags

A -> B -> C -> D
A -> D


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
It was the same way with Halo. Have you ever heard the saying "The squeeky wheel gets the grease"? Well in gaming it's "The squeeky tween gets the attention". People tend to forget the 79 other nice people they played a match with when that one JACKASS is so loud and obnoxious he overshadows the nice folks just there to relax and have fun.

Now I'm not saying that the stereotype isn't grounded in reality. Those people do exist. But they aren't the plague of gaming, just a noisy attention-getting minority.

But gamers who pretend that those are the only types of online players do as much damage as Fox News pointing out the one gamer who does something awful after playing GTA7 while never mentioning the (literally) MILLIONS who played the same game and then did nothing deviant at all. Stereotypes, all of them, hurt this industry and they haunt us all at every turn.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
No, people just exaggerate. There are lots of reasons for this, but most of it comes down to creating a justification for why you don't like something without having to actually think too much.

If you believe that Call of Duty is full of 12 year olds screaming into their microphones, then it's quite likely that those are the only people you're going to notice.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Frat boys and seven year olds. AHHH the good now days. Seems just like yesterday I played Crysis 2 with extremely nice people.

Everytime I play BLOPS I usually can find one or two nice guys (if i'm lucky, girls) to have fun with. We team up and make everyone lose.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
RobCoxxy said:
Is it wrong I enjoy crybaby's delicious tears?
CoD, APB, you name it, I love hackusations.

"You're cheating"
"How? Aimbot, wallhacks, what?"
I got called a modder once in MW2, I was using the TAR-21, and other things that (to my knowledge) couldn't even be modded. I told him this, and even went so far as to list my entire class, and told him that even if any of that could be modded, I didn't have the skill anyway. He didn't reply.

OT: I'm agreeing with what was said earlier, that it's only the loud and obnoxious people you remember, not those of us (like me) who don't even use mikes, as I really couldn't be bothered to talk to anyone, cause it's not like anything tactical is ever discussed.


New member
May 15, 2010
It's a mixed bag for sure. With so many players you'll find all sorts of players. Don't let the annoying ones ruin your fun(gotta love the mute button). There's plenty of mature people to meet and talk with.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
IBlackKiteI said:
Yeah but generalisations suck. They aren't all like that, and its probably a minority considering how massive the COD playerbase is.
Also, keep in mind they aren't douchebags because they play CoD, they're douchebags because they ARE douchebags. Stick 'em on another game and they'd probably be the same.
Yes, generalisations suck, and I'd bet money that the majority of CoD players are relatively decent folks. But they have a higher proportion of douchebags because CoD is inherently douchebag friendly. If BF3 plays exactly like CoD and the next CoD game plays exactly like BF3 is likely to, then I bet you that the majority of douchebags will go to BF3. Because it's a douchebaggy kind of game. Doesn't make you a douche for playing it, but you can't deny that if CoD wasn't as douchy as it is, you'd have less douchebags.

Aeonknight said:
Except that my experience with CoD on both Live and PSN says that the whole stereotype is grossly exaggerated. over 70% of the time no one even says anything. Thus it skews your experience, because the only time you do hear anything from the players is that obnoxious brat.

The intelligent types are usually quiet, because they're there to just play. No one hops on CoD to discuss politics, religion, or current events. They get on to play a game. Just like any/every other playerbase out there.
Unfortunately, you're working on false assumptions there... this is a case of "rotten egg spoils whole basket" syndrome. CoD has a higher proportion of obnoxious brats than most games, which means you encounter them more, but it also has much quieter decent folks who could otherwise offset the obnoxious brats. Combine the two, and you have a much more unsanitary community... even if the majority remain relatively decent people.

I stick with my original point. As a whole community (and not counting closed clans or whatever, because they're not really IN the community), CoD is a less pleasant experience than most of the other shooters I've played.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Lawyer105 said:
Unfortunately, you're working on false assumptions there... this is a case of "rotten egg spoils whole basket" syndrome. CoD has a higher proportion of obnoxious brats than most games, which means you encounter them more, but it also has much quieter decent folks who could otherwise offset the obnoxious brats. Combine the two, and you have a much more unsanitary community... even if the majority remain relatively decent people.

I stick with my original point. As a whole community (and not counting closed clans or whatever, because they're not really IN the community), CoD is a less pleasant experience than most of the other shooters I've played.
your assumptions are just as false as mine (which is my entire point.) With larger playerbases, you have a higher chance of running into the stereotypical jackass 12 year old. It comes with the territory, not with the franchise.
I'm not saying you have to like CoD or it's playerbase. But to passively label them all as the stereotype just because you get a game with 1 troll in it is a bit quick to jump the gun.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Well, there are always annoying people on CoD, but haters always blow it waaaayyy out of proportion.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
i myself don't play cod but a friend of mine pointed out that more you change the default setting for a game the less you run into that kind of people, since the cliche cod-kiddy just hits A every time a prompt comes up


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Lawyer105 said:
Yes, generalisations suck, and I'd bet money that the majority of CoD players are relatively decent folks. But they have a higher proportion of douchebags because CoD is inherently douchebag friendly. If BF3 plays exactly like CoD and the next CoD game plays exactly like BF3 is likely to, then I bet you that the majority of douchebags will go to BF3. Because it's a douchebaggy kind of game. Doesn't make you a douche for playing it, but you can't deny that if CoD wasn't as douchy as it is, you'd have less douchebags.
Agreed completely. This is one of the most brilliant posts I've seen on the net, thanks.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
anybody under the age 13 needs to stay away from the COD franchise and this has been my public service announcement


New member
May 7, 2011
I don't like the majority because for every 1 good decent person there are 100 annoying little complaining 10 year olds or 20+ year olds who ruin the game because they take it far too seriously and are overly aggressive about it
May 5, 2010
I've ran into a few of them, but I really only play Nazi Zombies with my friends these days. Anyway, muting players is incredibly easy. I'm not sure why most people don't do it. You don't even have to do it manually, there's an Xbox setting that allows you to automatically mute all players. Saves a lot of time.
