The changing of opinions for Star Wars: How the New Trilogy stack up

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
Really? Who?

The most anybody knows about Lucas' original vision is things he's talked about in a few interviews about how he wanted to take the series microscopic, literally. It was gonna be about how midichlorians were true conciousness, and people were literally just vehicles the midichlorians controlled and moved around in.

Yeah, Lucas definitely wanted to go somewhere that wasn't standard blockbuster fare, but just cuz it's weird wouldn't have made it worth seeing. He couldn't even handle a tragic hero for the prequels, and all he needed for that was to rip off Shakespeare, which some writers have made an entire career out of for centuries now.
If it went that route I'd be ready to start preaching that Kreia was right


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I never made that reply or comment
Indeed not, but it's an imperfect world.

Adam Driver has been proving himself to be a very good actor outside of Star Wars, with very good movies under his belt. So it's definitely possible.

Also, poor Hayden. Last I heard of him he co-starred in a chinese movie with Nicholas Cage.
Driver was, whilst not a big name, reasonably well established enough in film and TV to probably survive intact even if the movies went sour. Ridley, like Christensen before, was an unknown where the risks of things going seriously wrong were much higher. I have no idea whether Christensen is a good or bad actor; he does not come across well in the sequels, but a competent actor's performance can be wrecked by bad direction. I though Ridley came across much better than Christensen did.

Man, the fucking revisionist history pertaining to Fandoms relationship with George Lucas is staggering. Up until the schism from the Last Jedi - I liked but there’s no denying it was divisive - no one was fucking interested in Lucas’ vision because they’d see his unrestrained creative juices in the Prequels and found it to be lacking. Christ most people I knew were hoping that David Filoni would get creative control of Star Wars prior to the Disney buyout, and even after it.
I was interested in Lucas's vision. What I wasn't sure about was that Lucas had the skills to pull it off anymore. I can't help but feel 15-20 years away from a directorial chair running a company caused a considerable stagnation in his skills, and that he became sidetracked with excellence in SFX technology rather than the meat and veg of good script, acting, etc.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Different circumstances, though. The movies Ford played in were beloved. The first one absolutely blew people's minds when it came out. It helped propel his career to the stratosphere. Meanwhile the movies that Ridley played in have been riddled with bitching, controversy and bitterness, on top of being... arguably rather bad movies. If not the first two, the third one certainly. I don't think she'd want to return after that.

But then again, everyone has their price and Disney has deep pockets. So it's possible, even if I don't personally think it probable.
The originals are arguably bad movies too. They just benefit from not being made in an internet age. Leia, in particular, would have been a cottage industry for the like of Pool and the Quartering. Luke is a Whitney brat and probably would have been seen Hollywood being against White Men. He should have been like Solo. You know, a REAL man.

I say probably, but I mean actually. Because these are comments I’ve heard from real people back when the prequels came out. Just like Janeway and Sisko were destroying Star Trek.i was told about Picard seen ss what we call SJWs now, but I didn’t hear that one in person. No matter what Star Wars came out, internet mobs would be ranting about it


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Yep. Give it 20 years and I'll probably be at the level of "Rise isn't too bad as long as you don't look directly at it"

Especially if the new trilogy gets the Clone Wars treatment. If you'd've told me 20 years ago that I'd end up liking Jar Jar freaking Binks as a character...


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Yep. Give it 20 years and I'll probably be at the level of "Rise isn't too bad as long as you don't look directly at it"

Especially if the new trilogy gets the Clone Wars treatment. If you'd've told me 20 years ago that I'd end up liking Jar Jar freaking Binks as a character...
Never mind Jar Jar Binks, The Clone Wars single handedly managed to course correct the fall of Anakin Skywalker from being one of the most ham fisted and stupid pieces of writing ever into one of the greatest tragedies in popular culture. Yes, even with all the blatant child murder.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Never mind Jar Jar Binks, The Clone Wars single handedly managed to course correct the fall of Anakin Skywalker from being one of the most ham fisted and stupid pieces of writing ever into one of the greatest tragedies in popular culture. Yes, even with all the blatant child murder.
Clone Wars has always felt a little bit like an official fan fiction. What if Anakin had a padawan? What if Maul survived? And so on. That's not a knock against fanfiction, cuz execution is everything and there are several things Clone Wars did better than the prequel trilogy. Like you said, Anakin. I always found it hard to think of Prequel Anakin as the same person Obi Wan so fondly describes in A New Hope. But I can believe it of Clone Wars Anakin.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Clone Wars has always felt a little bit like an official fan fiction. What if Anakin had a padawan? What if Maul survived?
The continuation of Maul is probably more attributable to laziness and lack of creativity: pull a prepared, recognisable villain "off the shelf" so to speak instead of the effort of making a new one. There's not that much point thinking of it as fanfic, when the amazing unkillable bad guy is such a consistent trope of normal media (especially comics).

Anakin's padawan I would suggest serves to reflect that the show is for a younger audience, as studio execs would want someone more youth-friendly for viewers to relate to than 20-25ish Anakin.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
The continuation of Maul is probably more attributable to laziness and lack of creativity: pull a prepared, recognisable villain "off the shelf" so to speak instead of the effort of making a new one. There's not that much point thinking of it as fanfic, when the amazing unkillable bad guy is such a consistent trope of normal media (especially comics).

Anakin's padawan I would suggest serves to reflect that the show is for a younger audience, as studio execs would want someone more youth-friendly for viewers to relate to than 20-25ish Anakin.
Yeah, true. Also, if it were a real fanfic, there would've been 95% chance of the main character being a massive self-insert sue who is the long lost son/daughter/padawan of Anakin, Obi Wan, Yoda, Sam Jackson and Sheev, trained by the spirit of Revan to use both Light and Dark side, master of all forms of lightsaber combat, fluent in 1 pavilion forms of communication, the most superduper pilot/mechanic/pastry chef, besties with every named character ever, and so on. Yet somehow also the most unlikeable git imaginable.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
The continuation of Maul is probably more attributable to laziness and lack of creativity: pull a prepared, recognisable villain "off the shelf" so to speak instead of the effort of making a new one. There's not that much point thinking of it as fanfic, when the amazing unkillable bad guy is such a consistent trope of normal media (especially comics).
I wouldn't really call it lazy, because Maul was just a cool character design and nothing more before his introduction in Clone Wars. As far as I know, they didn't take anything about Maul from the EU either. Everything that we know about Maul comes from Clone Wars.

From what I've read it seems like George Lucas just wanted it to happen. It's easy to forget that the Clone Wars was Lucas' brainchild, and the last Star Wars content we've gotten from him. I've always suspected that this the reason why why have so many Goddamn JarJar and Gungan episodes in the show, because Lucas so desperately wants us to like them.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
I wouldn't really call it lazy, because Maul was just a cool character design and nothing more before his introduction in Clone Wars. As far as I know, they didn't take anything about Maul from the EU either. Everything that we know about Maul comes from Clone Wars.
Darth Maul with robot legs comes from a comic published in 2005, wherein Maul tracked down Kenobi on Tatooine and dueled him to the death (sound familiar?). It was of disputed canonocity at the time.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I wouldn't really call it lazy, because Maul was just a cool character design and nothing more before his introduction in Clone Wars. As far as I know, they didn't take anything about Maul from the EU either. Everything that we know about Maul comes from Clone Wars.
Visually cool, maybe. He doesn't have a character beyond being the most stereotypical of two-dimensional bad guys.

From what I've read it seems like George Lucas just wanted it to happen. It's easy to forget that the Clone Wars was Lucas' brainchild, and the last Star Wars content we've gotten from him. I've always suspected that this the reason why why have so many Goddamn JarJar and Gungan episodes in the show, because Lucas so desperately wants us to like them.
Yes, well. I agree Lucas was stung by the reaction to Jar-Jar from Ep.1, and was invested in vindicating himself.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Man, the fucking revisionist history pertaining to Fandoms relationship with George Lucas is staggering. Up until the schism from the Last Jedi - I liked but there’s no denying it was divisive - no one was fucking interested in Lucas’ vision because they’d see his unrestrained creative juices in the Prequels and found it to be lacking. Christ most people I knew were hoping that David Filoni would get creative control of Star Wars prior to the Disney buyout, and even after it.

But one divisive and one okay movie is all it took for them to run screaming to Skywalker Ranch crying “All is forgiven, George, come back” after they’d spent a decade and change tearing his newer creations apart.
That doesn't really need to be in bad faith. Its without doubt that those that now sing Lucas' praise are also the ones that bastardized him for messing up the prequels. But its not unreasonable to soften your stance on someone when you see how much worse things can get without them.

The continuation of Maul is probably more attributable to laziness and lack of creativity: pull a prepared, recognisable villain "off the shelf" so to speak instead of the effort of making a new one.
Personally I also think it speaks to a lack of faith in count Dooku being able to be the villain by himself. I guess that lack of appreciation could be one thing that the writers and Palpatine have in common with each other.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I mean the new trilogy will go down as one of the laziest, committee designed hack-jobs of an IP in cinema history. Hell even the Tim Burton Batman movies were more loyal to the IP, and Burton is on record he hates comic books and thinks superheroes are stupid.

So i guess its better to have someone who hates Star Wars and Sci-fi in general do the next movies rather than someone who loves it, but worse, thinks they're good enough to write more. That's a level of hubris that should go nowhere near an IP
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Darth Maul with robot legs comes from a comic published in 2005, wherein Maul tracked down Kenobi on Tatooine and dueled him to the death (sound familiar?). It was of disputed canonocity at the time.
Ah yeah, I've read that one. Always thought it was published after the Clone Wars though, thanks for the info.

Visually cool, maybe. He doesn't have a character beyond being the most stereotypical of two-dimensional bad guys.
Yes, that's what I meant haha. Like many of the prequel ideas, he was very interesting but was ultimately never explored.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That doesn't really need to be in bad faith. Its without doubt that those that now sing Lucas' praise are also the ones that bastardized him for messing up the prequels. But its not unreasonable to soften your stance on someone when you see how much worse things can get without them.
"Humans. They are but stubborn and foolish. It takes a journey to Hell for them to accept and praise their God! A fact that tickles, ironies judgement!"—Agnus, Devil May Cry 4

Never see the day when Agnus is right about something.

Master Of Puppets

Regular Member
Apr 5, 2020
United Kingdom
I only saw the Force Awakens. I didn't think much of it so never felt the need to see more. Maybe someday.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I only saw the Force Awakens. I didn't think much of it so never felt the need to see more. Maybe someday.
You're not missing a lot, honestly. If TFA didn't get you excited to watch any of the new post-RotJ movies, I wouldn't bother with the ones following it.

Honestly, Rogue One is the only new SW film I've really enjoyed and would watch again in a heartbeat. It's not perfect(the first half is a bit messy) but damn if it isn't enjoyable.