The Cheating Confessional


New member
Dec 22, 2012
I didn't even know you could cheat in Starcraft II, I take it, it's just the single player campaign? Not mp surely. I once wrote "Laluune has left the game" as a joke but the person I was playing against took it seriously and left... so I won... I felt bad.

I cheat in Sims all the time. I turn ageing off and max my monies. I won't to build myself a mansion dammit!

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Laluune said:
I cheat in Sims all the time. I turn ageing off and max my monies. I won't to build myself a mansion dammit!

*snowglobe smashes*

It's a remastered classic.


Tentacle God
Feb 28, 2012
I remember using the clone command in oblivion to make copies of my character, then use the processing command to make them stand still all the time. Placed them in my house and used them as mannequins for. I also sometimes made copies of myself then used a mod spell to make them follow me around everywhere. Having an army of myself do all the work for me was quite amusing.
Bethesda games aren't fun if you don't cheat all the time, I find.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Minecraft, i actually cheated more than i played legit i still don't remember how it is to not have diamonds within the first 30 seconds

also Oblivion i used the dupe glitch to get infinite cash-moneyz


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I had god mode and unlimited weapons on for about 90% of Max Payne. I didn't really care for the challenge, I just wanted to have fun.

I use console commands in New Vegas once I bought the PC version (did everything legitimately on the Xbox). To start with it was due to a game-breaking bug, then I used it to "fix" a build where I chose stats I didn't want and later to give myself some cool stuff for when I started.

I use walk-through's for collectibles unashamedly where necessary.


New member
May 23, 2010
The only time I can remember cheating is in Ocarina of Time. There's this bug where you can get a Gold Skulltula from the same place a multiple amount of times.

Ok, I also cheated my way through Warcraft 3/TFT. But pretty much any kid back then cheated through strategy games because we had no idea how to play them. Now the games are a cakewalk.

I don't have fun with games if I cheat anymore. I played nothing but F2P MMOs for six years, so I have patience to spare Y___Y


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I cheated my way through Warcraft 3 because I suck at RTS games. However, not too long a go I beat Starcraft with cheats so I think I may be able to beat it now, and it will be worth it because I can't remember the story at all.

Doom I always used cheats, but that's because it used to scare the hell out of me.

I used a full map guide for Super Metroid in a magazine to help me find my way through, but I was very young and stupid. Still one of the greatest games I've ever though, that will never change.

Uncle Comrade

New member
Feb 28, 2008
I used the coc command in Morrowind whenever I couldn't be bothered to trek across the entire map for a mission. I also used console commands a lot the first time I played Oblivion, but that was more because I was running it on an ancient laptop, and any time I was in a fight with more than four enemies at a time the game would lag so badly that my only real option was to use the console to instakill them all.

I used to use the console a lot to open chests that were too difficult in Fallout New Vegas and Neverwinter Nights 2, and also to spawn crafting materials that I couldn't be bothered to search for.

Probably the biggest cheating I ever did was modifying the game files in Freelancer to make myself invincible, as I was finding some of the late game battles impossible without doing so.
Laluune said:
I used the Missingno cheat in Pokemon Red so I could duplicate my master ball and have my pokemon go past level 100

I used level skip to finish Medieval on PSOne.
Did both of these too, when I was but a youngster.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Mount and Blade: Warband, I do a bit of save scumming, because I don't like some of the mechanics. I think that qualifies as cheating, and it's the most recent. I especially dislike the bits about the player character being a goddamn immortal. *takes a javelin through the skull at full gallop for 200+ damage* Unconscious, my ass. I died, reload.

Aside from that, it's been a long time since I used a cheat for other than fucking around in a game I've already beaten. Honestly, I think the last time was with an NES Game Genie. Oh Double Dragon, why did I ever bother with you?


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
The only game that ever almost got me to cheat was Gothic II: Night of the Raven.

The first chapter of the game can be real hell if you don't know exactly what you're doing.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
The_Blue_Rider said:
I killed The End by fast forwarding a week on my PS2. THERE I ADMIT IT
that was a legit tactic!, what was a cheap move was shooting him when he is a sleep in a wheelchair at the beginning,

does minecraft creative mod count as cheating? because i swear i cant even remember how to craft a pick anymore?


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Every single GTA game ever. I probably used every single cheat there is.
I don't want to drive to a millitary base to steal a tank. I. Want. It. NOW!

Skyrim, the sneak / speech tricks.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I playthrough a game without cheats whatsoever... if the game is entertaining by it self (Darksiders II, The Witcher 2) i dont really need to cheat in the game ever :)

though when first playthrough has been done(though if game has the new game+.. its not really needed) i will then use cheats that will make the game so much more fun (though not immortality... ruins the game experience for me) all skills so im a uber demon from hell :p

not ashamed of cheating.. and i never cheat nor have cheated in a multiplayer game. That is just low..


New member
Dec 24, 2012
I am an unashamed cheater. Edit my saves in almost all xbox games. Not cos they're particularly hard but because it's a lot more fun to play(eg. max chaos and money in Just Cause 2).

Tend to use trainers in pc games too, but only if it makes the game more fun. Except for Dark Souls. The difficulty is the only reason people play that game.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I used an action Replay to get the Event Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond, I have no regrets as you could only get Darkrai,Arceus etc from Japanese promotions and as I live in Scotland this was the only way to get them.

I did wait until I'd finished the story first though and only gave myself the items to catch them, I still had to catch Arceus without a Master Ball!


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I don't think I've cheated on a game since GTA IV, 'cause I'm just too damn lazy to go all the way to the gun shop just to buy armor. I've also spawned many a Turismo. Other than that, I can't think of a single time I've cheated, and I just looked through my whole game collection. Although, GTA V comes out soon so I should fill my cheating quota for the last few years.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
In Pokemon Blue I used the talk-to-old-man-in-Viridian-then-fly-to-Cinnabar-and-swim-up-and-down-the-eastern-shore-to-fight-Missingno-and-replicate-your-sixth-item-in-your-inventory cheat a bunch of times.

I also faked my own death on the S. S. Anne so I could revisit the docks later and check out that truck. Guess what? There's nothing under it.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I have a very specific definition of "cheating" when it comes to games. If you're using exploits or external devices in order to beat the game, or to complete a specific challenge, that's cheating. If you doing such things just for the purposes of screwing around, that's not cheating. That being said...

I used a Gameshark on Katamari Damacy in order to unlock Endless mode for the stages you could do this on. I mean, nowadays, I'd be able to unlock this without much problem, but I DID need to do this back in the day.

I also used a Gameshark to max out every single item in Final Fantasy X. Not to beat the game, but to beat the super-secret boss in the monster arena. I used the items to completely and perfectly max out all my character's stats in the Sphere Grid. Really... it would have just been quicker to put in a "instant win" cheat and be done with it.

I used an Action Replay in the later versions of Pokemon to get any item I want. Really, I only do this as a shortcut to make competitive Pokemon. I never hack Pokemon or moves, and I breed and EV train normally. And I beat the game without cheats.


New member
Apr 10, 2011

Just yesterday I 'cheated' on Skyrim to give a certain Giant the companions are fighting ten times as much health so I could reach it and join in the fight before it was killed. I've got a whole lot of mods which make the difficulty static (nothing in the world levels with you, bandits are easy at lvl 20 and vampires will murder you) and since the Companions are famed warriors of immense prowess they kill that giant pretty quickly.

If I don't join the fight then Aela gets pissed, and Aela is awesome so that can't happen. So I gave that giant enough health to live more than ten seconds.