The Cobbler - Atypical Adam Sandler Comedy Yields Typical Results


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
The Cobbler - Atypical Adam Sandler Comedy Yields Typical Results

Adam Sandler walks in the shoes of other men, but the film doesn't capitalize on this premise.

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Oct 28, 2013
Sandler commits comedy murder? Ha, I can dig it. That sounds like fun on a bun! Haha!



Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
This film was never on my radar and now never will. Thanks for the review and the previous ones you've had published as they're exactly how I think a review should be. Long may they continue!


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Caramel Frappe said:
Poor Sandler can't catch a break even when he tries to do something different around his career.
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a joke or not. Of all the comedic actors out there, I think Adam Sandler is one of the few in the least need of catching a break, even despite how negative his career has turned. XD


Choke On Your Nazi Cookies
Jan 25, 2014
So basically none of the 3 films you reviewed this weekend were particularly great and this one looks like the worst. :/ Sorry your first few days as content for this site were for such unmemorable films. I'm assuming you'll do Insurgent and The Gunman next week, along with something else. Early Rotten Tomatoes seem to indicate those movies aren't too pleasant either. Hopefuly by the end of the month or maybe in April, better films will come out.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
This fuels my hate for the egotistical buttmunch even more. I wish they would stop casting respectable actors alongside him in his films. In an ideal world, Sandler and his cinematic endeavours would exist in a vaccume of idiocracy and blind narcassism. But alas, it is not so!
I do wonder if they put such actors/actresses near him, purely for confidence boosting.
"We may often doubt ourselves, but we cannot doubt that we are NOT Adam Sandler. At least not now."


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Yeah, you made the mistake of watching this movie before reviewing it, didn't you?

You know, you could have avoided seeing it, and given much the same review. "Adam Sandler movie really not funny" can't go wrong there.
Jan 12, 2012
I'd love to see a breakdown of where and how exactly Adam Sandler went wrong with his career. His older movies like Happy Gilmore were generally accepted as inoffensive at the least, and stuff like this and Reign Over Me shows that he is at least working with a writer who can come up with interesting ideas, but nothing seems to come home. Marter mentions the direction, but Thomas McCarthy isn't a bad director, and neither are most of the people Sandler works with.

It's like he's afflicted with some kind of gypsy curse that is stealing an ephemeral "goodness" from his movies, possibly channeling it to Marvel.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Thunderous Cacophony said:
I'd love to see a breakdown of where and how exactly Adam Sandler went wrong with his career. His older movies like Happy Gilmore were generally accepted as inoffensive at the least, and stuff like this and Reign Over Me shows that he is at least working with a writer who can come up with interesting ideas, but nothing seems to come home. Marter mentions the direction, but Thomas McCarthy isn't a bad director, and neither are most of the people Sandler works with.

It's like he's afflicted with some kind of gypsy curse that is stealing an ephemeral "goodness" from his movies, possibly channeling it to Marvel.
Well, it's a good thing Mr. Sandler wasn't casted in the MCU, am I right?

OT: Oh glob... This sounds like the worse kind of dark comedy... And the trailer's really not doing it for me at all...
*sees Friends movie trailer in the Youtube recommendations section*
Oh shit...


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Alfador_VII said:
Wow, another review, new guy certainly going for quantity over quality.
He's been doing daily reviews for YEARS now on this very site. He's not new, only newly-paid.

The weekends needed some content anyways.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Skatologist said:
I'm assuming you'll do Insurgent and The Gunman next week, along with something else. Early Rotten Tomatoes seem to indicate those movies aren't too pleasant either. Hopefuly by the end of the month or maybe in April, better films will come out.
GUNMAN is OK. It's your average American-cowboy-takes-Europe plot, with Sean Penn in the Neeson/Costner role. There's some political mumbo jumbo about exploitation in Congo, thrown in no doubt to keep Penn (who has production & writing credits) happy, but is otherwise irrelevant to the plot, which pretty much boils down to "TAKEN meets JASON BOURNE". It also features one of the most hilarious overkills since the first Naked Gun movie, though apparently I'm the only one that found it funny.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Given that the film itself comes off as insubstantial and not worth much thought, I won't dwell on it.

I'm trying to internally debate on whether the User Forums-esque work put-out rate is a good thing or not. It makes it a tad awkward to follow them as they come out, but they also allow for more films to be covered and not left to the dust like they would be before under a weekly show. Hmm, well I suppose I can spam the featured content tab every few days.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Evonisia said:
Given that the film itself comes off as insubstantial and not worth much thought, I won't dwell on it.

I'm trying to internally debate on whether the User Forums-esque work put-out rate is a good thing or not. It makes it a tad awkward to follow them as they come out, but they also allow for more films to be covered and not left to the dust like they would be before under a weekly show. Hmm, well I suppose I can spam the featured content tab every few days.
I'd argue this is better. This way people can delve for the movie review they want instead of just hoping they get one for a movie they want to know about. We may not see all of the reviews he does due to volume, but at least we have a better chance of getting one we want/can use. You allude to this yourself of course, so this is more food for thought for anyone who thinks the output is too high.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Thunderous Cacophony said:
I'd love to see a breakdown of where and how exactly Adam Sandler went wrong with his career. His older movies like Happy Gilmore were generally accepted as inoffensive at the least, and stuff like this and Reign Over Me shows that he is at least working with a writer who can come up with interesting ideas, but nothing seems to come home. Marter mentions the direction, but Thomas McCarthy isn't a bad director, and neither are most of the people Sandler works with.

It's like he's afflicted with some kind of gypsy curse that is stealing an ephemeral "goodness" from his movies, possibly channeling it to Marvel.
I'm interested in the movie. Looks good for streaming from Netflix. The trailer sure sounds better than review here.

Sandler is a mixed bag. One of the newest movies I did like from him was "Click". So sad that it did have some icky parts. It could have been "It's a Wonderful Life" for our age.

"That's My Boy" wasn't too bad either.

Other things like that one where he is his own twin sister? Looks unwatchable.

I guess you could do a retrospective on his entire career. He's had ups and downs. I'm afraid, even if he is fairly good, his appeal is for a demographic that watches movies at home now.


New member
Sep 27, 2014
So, I'm the only one who find it enjoyable? I mean its not the best thing ever but its entertaining. It doesn't offend your intelligence and its kinda engaging. Oh well, anyway...