The DOOM Eternal review thread


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Okay, so, I've played Doom Eternal for about 1.5 hours. I said I'd give my thoughts, so here they are.

Doom Eternal is, overall, better than Doom 2016, but that isn't to say that it's "good." At least, not for me. It's to Doom 2016 what Doom II was to Doom I - more of the same, but with additions. If you loved Doom 2016, you'll love this. If you liked Doom 2016, you'll like this. If you disliked Doom 2016, you'll dislike this. From what I've played so far, Doom Eternal isn't going to shift your perspective on the rebooted series much.

Like I said though, Doom Eternal is still an improvement over its predecessor. On the gameplay front, we've gone from the hell portal mechanic. Y'know how you basically had to activate a fight via the pulsating things, and the things would die or be destroyed when you killed all the demons? Yeah, that's gone. You're still locked into arenas at times (there's these Hell gate things that won't deactivate until enough demons have been killed), but there's less of a sense of artificiality. In D2016, you activated an arena fight. In DE, you kind of stumble into an arena fight, if it's an arena fight at all. It's a small difference, but it's one I appreciate.

Something I also appreciate (well, sort of), is that there's more strategy involved. Some demons are specifically vulnerable to specific weapons. For instance, the Arachnatrons and Cacodemons are both vulnerable to your shotgun's grenade launcher, the later especially. Your flamethrower will cause enemies to drop armour, which introduces a sort of loot system - longer they're on fire, the more armour they drop, but the longer they're on fire, the longer they have to kill you. It's a sort of mini risk/reward system. Also the dash is fun to use, and the platforming is...decent. Honestly, it's kind of quaint for platforming to be in an FPS these days, but here we are. That said, less than 2 hours, and I'm already kind of bored. You find demons, you fight demons, you kill demons, you move to the next area, you kill some more demons. I know that's what Doom IS, but I'm already getting tired of it. Point is, the gameplay of DE is improved from D 2016, but it's not enough to make me love it.

On the flip side, there's the story/lore. One of my complaints about Doom 2016 is that its story and lore felt haphazard, like someone was just throwing it together on the fly, but left me wanting more (e.g. Argent D'Nur). Doom Eternal has the opposite problem. As in, the lore feels better put together (note that when I say lore, I mean codex entries), but the flipside is that I find myself unable to care about, well, anything. Oh sure, it's explained how Earth's forces are holding out, and their plan to escape the planet (hello Doom 2), but you never see another living human. Oh sure, it's nice to visit Argent D'Nur (wasn't it consumed by Hell though?), but it's really just Caliban from Warhammer 40,000 (also there's Imperial Titan wreckages on Earth, or what look like them). Oh sure, it's nice to learn a bit more about Hell, but I just find myself unable to care about anything that's going on, especially when in the first two hours, I'm expected to learn about the ARC/Allied Nations, Hell, the Night Sentinels/Argenta, and there's already references to Heaven (I may have seen an angel, but I'm not sure what IT is).

I think a part of the problem here is that clearly the Doom Slayer knows much more about what's going on than me, and codex entries aren't enough (and it's not like I'm missing them). How is VEGA with him? Where did the Fortress of Doom come from? What's his relationship with King Novik? I mean, some of these questions will presumably be answered, but the protagonist knows stuff ahead of me, and honestly, it's jarring at this point. The protagonist knowing more than the reader/watcher/player isn't new, but here, it's particuarly egregious, at least for me. So, at the end of the day, so far, Doom Eternal has better crafted lore than Doom 2016, but I find myself caring less about it. If you paid any attention to the lore in Doom 2016, I don't know how you'll react to this. Honestly though, if you didn't care at all about the lore/story, you might find yourself resenting this because there's third person cutscenes in the game that do go on at times (though I'm pretty sure you can skip them). Doom Eternal is certainly more vested in telling a story, I just don't think it's a particuarly engrossing one.

So, TL, DR, Doom Eternal is overall better than its predecessor, but it's still not a game I'm enamored with. As heretical as it sounds, Doom 3 is still my favourite in the series.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Hawki said:
Okay, so, I've played Doom Eternal for about 1.5 hours. I said I'd give my thoughts, so here they are.

Doom Eternal is, overall, better than Doom 2016, but that isn't to say that it's "good." At least, not for me. It's to Doom 2016 what Doom II was to Doom I - more of the same, but with additions. If you loved Doom 2016, you'll love this. If you liked Doom 2016, you'll like this. If you disliked Doom 2016, you'll dislike this. From what I've played so far, Doom Eternal isn't going to shift your perspective on the rebooted series much.

Like I said though, Doom Eternal is still an improvement over its predecessor. On the gameplay front, we've gone from the hell portal mechanic. Y'know how you basically had to activate a fight via the pulsating things, and the things would die or be destroyed when you killed all the demons? Yeah, that's gone. You're still locked into arenas at times (there's these Hell gate things that won't deactivate until enough demons have been killed), but there's less of a sense of artificiality. In D2016, you activated an arena fight. In DE, you kind of stumble into an arena fight, if it's an arena fight at all. It's a small difference, but it's one I appreciate.

Something I also appreciate (well, sort of), is that there's more strategy involved. Some demons are specifically vulnerable to specific weapons. For instance, the Arachnatrons and Cacodemons are both vulnerable to your shotgun's grenade launcher, the later especially. Your flamethrower will cause enemies to drop armour, which introduces a sort of loot system - longer they're on fire, the more armour they drop, but the longer they're on fire, the longer they have to kill you. It's a sort of mini risk/reward system. Also the dash is fun to use, and the platforming is...decent. Honestly, it's kind of quaint for platforming to be in an FPS these days, but here we are. That said, less than 2 hours, and I'm already kind of bored. You find demons, you fight demons, you kill demons, you move to the next area, you kill some more demons. I know that's what Doom IS, but I'm already getting tired of it. Point is, the gameplay of DE is improved from D 2016, but it's not enough to make me love it.

On the flip side, there's the story/lore. One of my complaints about Doom 2016 is that its story and lore felt haphazard, like someone was just throwing it together on the fly, but left me wanting more (e.g. Argent D'Nur). Doom Eternal has the opposite problem. As in, the lore feels better put together (note that when I say lore, I mean codex entries), but the flipside is that I find myself unable to care about, well, anything. Oh sure, it's explained how Earth's forces are holding out, and their plan to escape the planet (hello Doom 2), but you never see another living human. Oh sure, it's nice to visit Argent D'Nur (wasn't it consumed by Hell though?), but it's really just Caliban from Warhammer 40,000 (also there's Imperial Titan wreckages on Earth, or what look like them). Oh sure, it's nice to learn a bit more about Hell, but I just find myself unable to care about anything that's going on, especially when in the first two hours, I'm expected to learn about the ARC/Allied Nations, Hell, the Night Sentinels/Argenta, and there's already references to Heaven (I may have seen an angel, but I'm not sure what IT is).

I think a part of the problem here is that clearly the Doom Slayer knows much more about what's going on than me, and codex entries aren't enough (and it's not like I'm missing them). How is VEGA with him? Where did the Fortress of Doom come from? What's his relationship with King Novik? I mean, some of these questions will presumably be answered, but the protagonist knows stuff ahead of me, and honestly, it's jarring at this point. The protagonist knowing more than the reader/watcher/player isn't new, but here, it's particuarly egregious, at least for me. So, at the end of the day, so far, Doom Eternal has better crafted lore than Doom 2016, but I find myself caring less about it. If you paid any attention to the lore in Doom 2016, I don't know how you'll react to this. Honestly though, if you didn't care at all about the lore/story, you might find yourself resenting this because there's third person cutscenes in the game that do go on at times (though I'm pretty sure you can skip them). Doom Eternal is certainly more vested in telling a story, I just don't think it's a particuarly engrossing one.

So, TL, DR, Doom Eternal is overall better than its predecessor, but it's still not a game I'm enamored with. As heretical as it sounds, Doom 3 is still my favourite in the series.
A. What would you like to see from a Doom game? I thought the reason they scrapped the original plans for 2016 reboot was because it was straying too far from the tried and true formula

B. What was it about Doom 3 that makes it your favorite, since it?s still mostly about killing demons? Is it because it?s arguably more atmospheric?

C. How did you get a copy this early?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I have not looked at Hawki's comment. I got my copy from Gamestop this morning. They released Eternal a day early, because they don't want a whole bunch of people gathered in 1 location. Animal Crossing will be released on Friday, so that is another reason too. Right now, they're only letting a max of 10 people in a store. The store was dead empty when I came in. Installing the game right now, and I will play later after lunch and the RE Demo.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
hanselthecaretaker said:
A. What would you like to see from a Doom game? I thought the reason they scrapped the original plans for 2016 reboot was because it was straying too far from the tried and true formula
I'm not sure at this point. I mean, as stated, Doom Eternal has sorted out issues I had with the original, but I'm still not loving it. I mean, I'm fine with FPS games, I'm fine with killing demons, so I don't think there's anything intrinsic about Doom that's made me less enamoured with DE than some of the other games in the series. Honestly, I might just be getting old - Doom was the first FPS I've played, and I've played a lot since.

B. What was it about Doom 3 that makes it your favorite, since it?s still mostly about killing demons? Is it because it?s arguably more atmospheric?
-I really like the atmosphere of Doom 3. It's atmosphere that begins as soon as the game does - like, Mars City feels like a Martian base that could concievably exist at some point in the future. That also extends to the surface of Mars itself - the desolation, the howling wind...Doom 3 reminds you that Mars is actually a very hostile planet (it's an example of what I call 'quiet horror' when we see that demons are completely unfazed by Mars's hostility, adding to their otherworldly nature), and even if the UAC wasn't poking Hell in the eye, maintaining a base of that size would be labour intensive. Of course, it's atmosphere that continues when the lights go out (or flicker), and there's also Hell. I love the game's take on Hell, and I love how it starts 'bleeding over' into the base once you return from it.

-Concerning story/lore...neither of them are spectacular, but both are decent, and the game has some standout moments, such as when Hell's forces first turn up. Reading/listening to logs gives the sense that all of this was planned by someone (or a group of people), so I get a strong sense of how Mars City operates, how the UAC operates, and further along the line, delving into the history of the Martian civilization, slowly revealing just how big the stakes are, and you're following in the steps of someone before you. I'll also give it credit that if you somehow had never heard of Doom up to this point, the game does a decent job of building up to the reveal that these are indeed demons, not aliens. And since that revelation comes after you've sent Kelly's transmission (or not - I actually read the text of the transmission, it's telling that you could interpret it as Kelly either working with Hell, or taking appropriate precautions, such as ordering the fleet not to bombard the city; expensive investment and all that), then, yeah. Again, few people would go into Doom 3 not knowing that demons were involved, but in terms of structure, the reveal is sound.

Of course, it's hardly Shakespeare, and other games have done it beter (e.g. how Rapture is built up in BioShock, in part because of the logs you find), but it was enough to draw me into the setting. It also helped that its tie-in novels synced with the setting while the novels of the original game...well, didn't.

-The gunplay is fun. Slower than the other games, but fun. Doom 3 isn't exactly survival horror, but it does have a horror atmosphere to it that, at least for me, made me feel strong enough to hold my own, but not so strong that I felt overpowered. There's reasonbly manuverability as well (e.g. you can easily dodge the imp's fireballs if you know what you're doing), but there's a sense of desparation to the gunplay as well. You're just one guy trying to survive in a base where everything is trying to kill you.

Of course, this being said, everything I've just described could be considered antithical to what Doom actually is. It's telling that Doom 3 and its associated games are completely isolated from everything else in terms of lore (whereas the original games apparently sync with Doom 2016) and gameplay (said gameplay being faster, more action-packed, etc.). Fair enough, but D3 does remain my favourite in the series for the above reasons.

C. How did you get a copy this early?
Some guy arrived at the door, asked me to sign, voila.

In seriousness, EB Games (the Oz/NZ version of GameStop) is trying to stagger out orders from what I understand due to C-virus concerns. I guess I just got lucky.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
The game is awesome. I can barely stop playing. And I'm supposed to be working from home right now LOL. Rip and tear, baby.


New member
Jun 21, 2013
I played a bit this morning. My big thought right now is did they make the demons more aggressive? They feel more aggressive, but that might just be because I don't have the dodge move yet, so I can't get around them.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
B-Cell said:
Runs like a butter
Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Did someone slather animal by-products all over your monitor and this is a cry for help?


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Avnger said:
B-Cell said:
Runs like a butter
Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Did someone slather animal by-products all over your monitor and this is a cry for help?
I?m concerned about this too. Maybe he meant like a pat of butter, or a hot knife through butter? Who knows.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Avnger said:
B-Cell said:
Runs like a butter
Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Did someone slather animal by-products all over your monitor and this is a cry for help?
I think he means it melts easily and makes a goopy mess when it does.

Or he plans to spread it all over his popcorn.

What does DOOM flavored Popcorn taste like anyway?