The dumbest assignment you've ever been given?


New member
Nov 25, 2008
The worst would be for my circuits class. We were the test class for online homework. The first assignment had ten questions, 7 of which had errors which could not be fixed, and the right answer would be rejected. Almost every other assignment had at least one problem that was in error. This is worse when you consider that it takes no effort for a computer to solve basic circuits.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Aidinthel said:
Ariyura said:
I had to write a twenty page technical manual on setting up a fish tank, I was so bored.
Twenty pages? How is that even possible?
I included pictures and diagrams... and I broke it down to the point a five year old could of followed the directions. Damn technical writing class, the teacher sucked. I think I also included a history of why people keep fish.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Kukakkau said:
Okay so I am doing third year university Immunology and Microbiology and for Microbiology we have been given this assignment:

Write a 1200 word essay on the features of a virus you would want in order to combat an HG Wells, War of the Worlds martian invasion. You have to assume that the martians are genetically identical and possess the same physiology and immunities as humans. You almost create control measures to stop the virus killing humans. The virus can have any features from any virus even if it is impossible for them to be together

...So the essay is to kill aliens... that are humans and develop a vaccine... which they can steal and ruin the whole plan. In reality it feels like I am writing an uneducated fanfic.

[Audible facepalm]

In reality it feels like I am writing an uneducated fanfic.
Anyone else have anything as dumb as this?
Im assuming this assignment used to be design a bio weapon/ design its counter measure. This just seems more politically correct.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Souldead341 said:
The worst would be for my circuits class. We were the test class for online homework. The first assignment had ten questions, 7 of which had errors which could not be fixed, and the right answer would be rejected. Almost every other assignment had at least one problem that was in error. This is worse when you consider that it takes no effort for a computer to solve basic circuits.
we... weren't in the same class were we?


New member
Apr 25, 2011
A small assignment for a Sound Design module - Find a sound or piece music that portrays the following three things:
1. Hope
2. Daylight

These 2 were easy. Then came number 3.

3. Tangerine

I don't think anyone in the class knew what they were doing for that last one.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
I had an assignment where I was supposed to weigh pennies from before and after 1981 and then tell why there was a difference. Seriously? If this all you can come up with in chemistry?


New member
Nov 25, 2008
mcnally86 said:
Souldead341 said:
The worst would be for my circuits class. We were the test class for online homework. The first assignment had ten questions, 7 of which had errors which could not be fixed, and the right answer would be rejected. Almost every other assignment had at least one problem that was in error. This is worse when you consider that it takes no effort for a computer to solve basic circuits.
we... weren't in the same class were we?
It's possible, this was the Spring 2011 semester in a University of Wisconsin school.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
WickedFire said:
3. Tangerine

I don't think anyone in the class knew what they were doing for that last one.
At that point just pick any random music and make up some bullshit explanation for it. It's probably what you're expected to do anyway.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Fiad said:
Our science teacher did not think seat belts did anything. We disagreed. She told us to do a 5 page paper on why seat belts are ineffective. She told us not to voice our opinions in it, only present the one side of the argument, her side.
Did you tell her to fuck off?
I would have done.

Easily the stupidest assignment I ever received was everything involving "The House on Mango Street"
It's a shitty little book with no merits whatsoever, but we have to pretend it's big and important because a mexican woman wrote it about a mexican girl and her family in a hispanic-populated slum going to a predominantly mexican catholic school. in america.

I get it, folks. Different cultures exist. poverty exists. Poverty and nonwhites in america often can be found together. That sucks. But can we please get over it long enough to realize that this shitty little book is in fact a shitty little book and not high literature deserving praise? No? We can just move it down a few grades where the kids are less liable to realize how shitty it is, or make waves about the rape/sex references? Whatever

that damn book wasted a good portion of my freshman english class. My supposedly higher-level english class. What did the regular class read? ENDER'S GAME! And extremely well-written, thought-provoking piece of literature that raises very heavy philosophical and ethical questions. And what did they do with Orson Scott Card's fantastic exploration of humanity? TITTER OVER WHETHER OR NOT TEN YEAR OLDS WERE GAY!

god damn piece of shit ************! I HAVE MUCH UNRESOLVED ANGER AT MY HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATORS!


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Kukakkau said:
Okay so I am doing third year university Immunology and Microbiology and for Microbiology we have been given this assignment:

Write a 1200 word essay on the features of a virus you would want in order to combat an HG Wells, War of the Worlds martian invasion. You have to assume that the martians are genetically identical and possess the same physiology and immunities as humans. You almost create control measures to stop the virus killing humans. The virus can have any features from any virus even if it is impossible for them to be together

...So the essay is to kill aliens... that are humans and develop a vaccine... which they can steal and ruin the whole plan. In reality it feels like I am writing an uneducated fanfic.

[Audible facepalm]

In reality it feels like I am writing an uneducated fanfic.
Anyone else have anything as dumb as this?
Your prof is a martian and using you as part of a think-tank to design a biological super-weapon to be used against humans. Throw talcum powder at him. They hate that shit.

OT: I can't recall any truly stupid assignments from college, but one that I did think was a poor use of time was the memorization of somewhere between 100 and 300 chemical formulas of various minerals in my mineralogy class. I can only remember a handful of them now, and if I need to know the formula for a mineral, I can either look it up on the internet or in one of the books I always bring to the field. I think the time could have been better spent on the environments they are found in.

As for high school, I can't say that Jane Eyre really has any place in literature class, unless you want to make people think it's an intolerably boring subject. So many better choices. And group reading in class was always aggravating, waiting for most of the students to stumble through their paragraphs at 15 words a minute. Let's teach them to read at their grade level before making them the bottleneck, no?


New member
Nov 8, 2009
8-Bit_Jack said:
Easily the stupidest assignment I ever received was everything involving "The House on Mango Street"
It's a shitty little book with no merits whatsoever, but we have to pretend it's big and important because a mexican woman wrote it about a mexican girl and her family in a hispanic-populated slum going to a predominantly mexican catholic school. in america.

I get it, folks. Different cultures exist. poverty exists. Poverty and nonwhites in america often can be found together. That sucks. But can we please get over it long enough to realize that this shitty little book is in fact a shitty little book and not high literature deserving praise? No? We can just move it down a few grades where the kids are less liable to realize how shitty it is, or make waves about the rape/sex references? Whatever
This is about my thoughts about being forced to read Catcher in the Rye. Poorly written book about a guy who can't spell flunking out of school and wandering New York aimlessly cussing at everything and dreaming of being a dude who keeps dumbass kids from running off a cliff. I asked my teacher what's supposed to be so special about it and she told me that it's because the main character is relatable. How the FUCK am I, an upper-middle class high school student having no problems in school, supposed to relate to some deadbeat moron whose idea of a good time is ranting to himself about how people in hotel windows are disgusting perverts? Hate that damn book.

McMullen said:
And group reading in class was always aggravating, waiting for most of the students to stumble through their paragraphs at 15 words a minute. Let's teach them to read at their grade level before making them the bottleneck, no?
This this a thousand times this. What is it with people reading so goddamn slowly?


New member
Sep 29, 2011
McMullen said:
And group reading in class was always aggravating, waiting for most of the students to stumble through their paragraphs at 15 words a minute. Let's teach them to read at their grade level before making them the bottleneck, no?
I swear I was one of maybe five people (all friends of mine of course and hated by everyone else in the school) who could read at anything approaching the proper grade level.

Dumbest assignment for me lately was in my Principles of Management class. We had to read the first 6 chapters of the Book of Nehemiah (a part of the bible I had never heard of) and answer several questions relating what he did to various concepts we had learned about in class and then answer the same questions about a current CEO or Military leader (For the record I chose Bill Gates). This would have been a fairly reasonable assignment especially considering I go to East Texas BAPTIST University except that up to this point the class had NOTHING whatsoever to do with religion.

I actually felt vaguely offended on behalf of any non-Christians having to do the assignment. Heck compared to a lot of people at the school I barely qualify as one.

Captcha: the ingble Ok what the heck is an ingble and what do you want me to do with it?


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Obama was elected when I was a sophomore in high school. I got an assignment to write a report about his energy plan, and what I thought of it. What made the assignment bad was that our teacher loved Obama, and she wanted everyone to agree with her.
I have nothing against Obama supporters. I'm not one of those conservatives who thinks liberals are all commie scum, but I don't think I should be graded on how identical my opinion is to your.

It's either that, or the assignment I got in high school asking me to draw what "perseverance" means to me. I just wrote, "This is not a physical object, so I can not draw it." in the middle of the paper. I passed.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
I don't mind assignments that are random or supposed to be fun, even if they fail in being fun and kind of wind up lame. However I was doing a Uni design assignment, the main task was to create five images from various 'makers marks'; signatures, thumbprints etc. Then for some reason another task just came out of left field: You have to create and bind a small 80-page hardcover book. What? Where did this come from? Does this have anything to do with the maker's mark? No? Then why the fuck is it in that course? I'm busy doing this actual assignment which includes teaching myself everything you aren't teaching me and now I have to teach myself bookbinding? Are you mad? What am I supposed to fill the book with? Anything? What's anything? "It has to show a progression" - what the fuck does that mean? That example is a book made from assorted shopping receipts, I don't even shop enough to gather 80 shopping receipts! That one's made from scraps of paper stolen from stationary stores, how does that show a progression?

So on top of every fucking other thing I had to do I bought myself bookbinding glue, researched how to make a respectable hardcover, created 80 pages which I had to individually cut out with a scalpel, stuck it all together, attached the makeshift cover to it and wound up with a dog's breakfast - but a passable dog's breakfast. I still have no idea what it was supposed to teach me, no idea how it related to the course and no idea what the fuck "it has to show a progression" means.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
When I was in highschool, my English teacher wanted us to evaluate the "Cultural Attitudes, Values and Beliefs" (CAVB) of... I kid you not.... a movie poster. Not the movie.... the poster for the movie. I had to write 4 pages analysing a goddamn movie poster. I think I literally wrote that the colour blue somehow indicated subconscious imperialist desires, because about half-way into the assignment I literally had NOTHING else to say about it, so I started making up crap.

The teacher loved it, by the way.