The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn Hanger Bay: Kazuya/Rising Dawn

Caim kept his attention firmly on Kazuya's explanation on what was to go down, and gave a nod in Storm's direction,
"I'm with the Spartan on this one, we've a goal, a target, and a location. What are we waiting for?"
The dragoness beside the warrior gave a roll of her eyes, and added, "A plan of extraction, perhaps? All we have are the details of where Doom is; no strategies to capture him aside from charging in! [sub]...Don't tell me that IS the plan...[/sub]"

After thrown in her two cents (as well as rubbing her temples), Angelus answered back to Devon over the rings, "I don't see a reason why myself or Caim would find any reason to be unhappy with the idea; at least, before we get a chance to reunite with the little ones ourselves."
She couldn't help but smile at that thought, as she started to sense greetings from the Cuties in her mind. Now, if only her brute of a partner noticed as well...


Ton Ton huddled a little closer to Devon's neck, giving a little shiver in memory of Inuart, [color=15650D]"Don't remind me, he almost got me with his sword once... I won't forget that at all.

Also, Devon's right, Ms. Chris. We were only in that world for about 3 days. I guess it took a lot longer than that for us to come back though; because now that we're back, months have gone by! Then again, I don't think Cadolbolg or I have really been told what you guys were up to after we went to the Mistress' home..."[/color]

Cadolbolg, on the other hand, was looking at Chris's hair with curiosity, and asked the Drow, "Can I sit on your head? Your hair looks soft, and Father said I could only sit on people's heads if they gave permission! As for the lessons, I don't think Mother and Father should have an issue; but I'd like to say hi to them before we go on the mission; it's been a while since we talked to them properly..."


Teri laughed nervously as she was rooted out by both wolf and elf, and lowered her head a little, [color=0E59e4]"Okay, I'll admit it, I was a little scared. Mainly, because I thought that there would be another person on that list... I guess they're not, and that's what matters. Sorry for worrying you two like that."[/color]

Garm raised a brow slightly, then decided not to prod further, as he knew very well what his Pup was going on about. Rather, he sprung off of Melethia's point, [color=356D60]"If that person isn't on that list Kazuya had, I don't think you should stress out about it. If anything, worry about your training and your magic, since that's the stuff that keeps you alive out on the field. That and I don't like seeing you worry so much about stuff. I'll sick Melethia on you if you keep this up!"[/color]

The wolf gave a cheeky wag of his tail on that note; and as Kazuya's speech went on, Teri frowned at his classification of those dwelling the ghettos; particularly the bit about "they won't be missed", [color=0E59E4]"Unless it's pertinent, I think I'm going to go out of my way to avoid our temporary CO, Mel."[/color]

Rising Dawn: Jenny's Room: Jenny | Ella | Blade | Edge | Furiae

Furiae took mental notes of Ella's introduction to the group, and gave a friendly laugh when she mentioned Blade and Jenny, "Oh, I know Blade and Jenny, they're my best friends! We all work for the same people, and they helped me with my training. I actually owe them, and my Master, a lot. Nice to meet you, Ella."

However, at Jenny's apology and Blade's mention of her codename, the young woman's cheeks became a light pink, and she laughed nervously, "Don't go dropping that name all over the place, Blade! Caim's gonna blow his top if he knows I've been doing Strider work! Well, if he hasn't already figured it out, I think I saw him a while back on one of my jobs... Hopefully, him and Angelus can accept what I'm doing now, without any sort of fuss; I can only hope anyways... As for Hien, I hope he falls out of the airlock, the jerk. He's done nothing but act like a, pardon my language, ass since he's taken over!"

The young woman crossed her arms with a frown at the thought, but then found her attention drawn by Edge's work with the water, "That's some neat magic there... I didn't know water of things could be used like that..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Deadshot | Wanderer/Wanderer G-Corp Agents
Location: Internment Area, G-Corp occupied Hanger | Rising Dawn.
"[sub], I couldn't eat another bit-[/sub] *Snort* Eh-Wha?!" Deadshot murmured as woke up with his hands behind his back in the holding bay of one of Kazuya's VTOLs with Wanderer sitting opposite him.
"Whoa-hey-what the-OH DICK MOVE GUYS! DICK MOVE! COME ON! LET ME HAVE MY LAWYER! I GOT RIGHTS!" She protested as he struggled against the handcuffs as 2 men in suits and sunglasses, Classic MIB get up, walked into the hold.
"With a rap sheet like yours? The CEO could just put a bullet inbetween your eyes and call it day and most likely get commended by the UN for it." one of them pointed out as the other pulled out a needle before jamming it in Wanderer's chest to revive him.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty..." He then remarked as the pair of them kept their guns where they could find them, just in case Wanderer was still acting up.

"Now then...Do you know why you were tased and locked up?" One of them asked as Wanderer woke up

Ramien Grey

New member
May 25, 2014
Rising Dawn Hanger Bay: Kazuya/Rising Dawn

Chris nodded to Devon and Ton Ton in thanks for the explanation, although an expression of worry still crossed her features. "I... suppose you have a point, although this... version of Earth does have... communication fast enough that they... might still get ahead of us..." She shook her head a little as she took a larger drink of the margarita than before. "Still, as you say, there's... only so much that can be done. And you... are the experts, so I'll... trust your knowledge about this place and... these people."

Her frown deepened more as she heard Kazuya talk, muttering softly once his attention was safely elsewhere. "They'll... miss each other, won't they? We're... working to capture their... bosses, but no cares about... bringing 'justice' to the ones who are... at the bottom?" She sighed softly, closing her eyes for a moment and pinching the bridge of her nose with one slender hand. She'd been at the bottom of society for longer than she'd cared to remember, and instinctively felt sympathy for anyone else in similar positions.

Her mood shifted from dark to puzzled as she listened to Cadolbolg's request, smiling a bit and giving him a small nod. "I... think that would be... fine, mister Cadolbolg." Her cheeks darkened slightly as he talked about her hair, reaching behind her to gently tug at a lock of her silvery hair. "And... thank you for the compliment..." She relaxes a little, setting the rest of the drink back down at the bar, deciding she'd rather focus on the youthful energy and friendliness of the two youths for the time being instead of worrying herself further, although one ear stays focused on the conversations around her. "And... just to start your... lessons, hair is called lauske in my language."

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Name: Katya Rostikova
Age: 18
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Romanian by way of New York City, New York.
Origins: Experimental Cancer Treatment gone... right?

- Hair: Technically bald, Katya is able to grew synthetic hairs that can shift colors at will. Currently: Ruby Red
- Eyes: Brown
- Clothing: Stylistically, Katya prefers clothing that are comfortable and useful for travel but also clothing that reflect her attitude and upbringing. Her typical the desired effect is by taking scissors to a set of coutour clothing. Currently she is wearing a pair of designer black jeans with the frayed knees and a black designer jean jacket with the sleeves and three of the top buttons removed. A pair of black boots completes her outfit.

Back story:
Born to a pair of Romanian immigrants who found their American dream, Katya Rostikova was the envy of many of her peers growing up. With a father working for SpaceBook and a mother working for the Attorney General of New York State, Katya never wanted for any thing, except perhaps for the attention of her busy parents. Young miss Rostikova was frequently left her up to her own devices while her parents were out of the home. Without any parental guidance Katya was raised by the technological devices they gifted to her. Video games became her father while YouTube videos and SpaceBook became her mother.

Having been raised by the Internet and Social Media, it's easy to see how it was that Katya's personality deviated from that of her peers. While she was far more advanced in the ways of technology than others her age, there was a noticeable gulf when it came to socialization and communication. A conversation with a young Katya frequently left her conversation partner with a migrain and an urge to throttle the child.

At the age of 12, Katya's life changed when she was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia and found herself the sudden focus of attention for all those around her. Those who had largely ignored her (Her parents) found themselves feeling guilty for not having paid any attention to the young child. The guilt was further increased when doctors assessed that the standardized treatments were having no effect. Desperate for a cure Katya's parents turned towards experimental treatments that could provide no guarantee of results. Faced with this uncertainty, they left the decision up to their daughter. Being the technologically included young girl that she was, Katya opted for a prototype cure that involved the use of microscopic robots.

It was quite a surprise to all involved that the cure worked. The young girl was declared free of cancer only weeks later. This was to be her first test but not her last. The long term cost of the experimental cure did not rear its ugly head until years later when Katya started developing tremors and having seizures. Fearful that the cancer had returned, the Rostikovas returned to the doctors and were partially relieved that no cancerous cells were detected nor, curiously enough, were any other bacteria or virii commonly found in the human body present. Curious of the implications of these findings, Katya delved into the hidden parts of the Internet, where secrets go to be buried and uncovered a document regarding the Bio-Enhancement Weaponized Phage.

The Bio-Enhancement Weaponized Phage was originally designed to enhance the natural abilities of soldiers and augment them with enhanced healing and absolute protection. The cost, however, was the degeneration of the central nervous system and reduction in cellular production, thanks to B.E.W.P. (or B3WP as Katya's taken to calling it) hijacking its hosts cellular production to create more of itself. Katya's miracle cure was a synthetic copy of the very disease it had eradicated.

Concerned for their daughter's welfare, the Rostikovas hired Penny, a doctor formerly employed by B3WP's designers. It was Penny that came to the conclusion of what Katya needed to do in order to survive. Years passed peacefully for the Rostikova family as well as the city of New York as it experienced the sharp decline in violent crime.

Now 18 years of age, neither Katya's outward personality nor the danger posed by B3WP have softened, though with 6 years of tinkering under her belt, Katya and Penny have reactivated some of B3WP's military subroutines that had been dormant and found a way to prolong the young woman's life while suppressing the seizures that Katya had suffered from. The process that involves the harvesting of a large amount of Bone Marrow, neural tissue and spinal fluid from a living source a process that involves B3WP drilling holes into the source and sucking the needed materials through tiny straws. While harvesting this material, B3WP is also depositing malfunctioning nano-agents, that if left to their own devices would compromise Katya's health.

Having graduated from High School, Katya opted to take a year off to travel and live to the fullest what life she might have left.

What happens when two extremely busy parents allow the internet, YouTube, Twatter, SpaceBook and Internet Forums to raise their daughter from the age of 8 until the age of 12? The answer is solely and squarely Katya Rostikova. The young woman is extremely savvy when it comes to technology and how to best utilize it but socially, Katya could be described, to put it mildly and politely, as odd. Using her trademark mash-up of English and #HashTag, maintaining a conversation with @KatyR is challenging and having a coherent conversation with the girl-with-the-souped-up-ADHD is near impossible, unless the conversation partner is in-the-know. It also doesn't help that she has a constant news feed going, compliments of her phone and B3WP.

Note: Under no circumstance should any one ever assume that Katya is not in the middle of making a Twatter post under one of her two accounts (@KatyR or @WetWorkD1v@).

It appears that Katya Rostikova is eternally perky and packs an ever present smile for all to see. This is, as they say, just the tip of the iceberg. Having been under the constant supervision of her parents' worries, KatyR has learned how to master putting on the brave face and has ensured that it is always on and always ready to perform for the next person that she meets.

There is only one person in the world that gets the real Katya Rostikova, her nanny/nurse/Personal Assistant, Penny.

- Pistols: Though not the best of marksmen, Katya's skill with these firearms is adequate enough to survive the real world. The two pistols, called Love and Hate by their owner, are a pair of custom painted 45 Caliber pistols. Hate has been painted black with ripped hearts. Love has painted with with hearts and contains a single bullet in the clip, all that's needed if Katya's suffering becomes too intense.
- Survival Knife: A serated ceramic-bladed survival knife that contains various survival accouterments (such as a fire starter, fishing line, fish hooks, needle and thread).

- Smart Phone: A heavily modified current generation phone that has been enhanced with a better processor, more memory, a low light high pixel density camera. The phone's battery has also been replaced with a larger, high efficiency battery that allows the phone to maintain a charge even with regular use. Note: Normal use for Katya is much higher use than what one might think is possible. Additionally, the phone's wifi is always connected to B3WP's distributed network allowing for heavier data crunching when needed and the variable standard antenna allows her to always be connected to the internet.

-Bio-Enhancement Weaponized Phage aka B3WP: Originally designed for military use, B3WP's purpose was to improve a soldier's survivability and combat effectiveness. While the project showed promise, the project designers were unable to overcome B3WP's side effects, a horrifically painful death. With the potential of a contract cancellation, B3WP's designers made the technology available for civilian medical purposes. Ultimately, the military and civilian projects were scrapped due to a near total mortality rate.

B3WP is a networked colony of miniaturized machines that bond with various human tissues to strengthen muscles, enhance neural pathways, repair damaged cells and eliminate harmful chemical or biological agents. The chemical and biological agents collected by B3WP are used to create more nano-agents. In the event that no harmful chemical or biological agents are present, the B3WP system harvests raw materials from bacteria and viruses found on or near the surface of the host's skin. The result is a faster, stronger and smarter soldier with higher survivability.

As previously stated, there were side effects to the B3WP system. The heightened activity along neural pathways and within bone marrow (used for the manufacture of B3WP's nano-agents) causes them to burn out faster than can be replaced. As a result, mental degradation was common among all test subjects. In order to overcome the side effects, Katya is forced to harvest neural tissue and bone marrow from living donors, usually involuntary donors, to repair the damage that B3WP has caused.

Defensive Capabilities said:
-Sh33ldz Up!: By surrounding its host, B3WP is able to create an armored protective barrier that can sustain massive amounts of damage. This makes the user of the B3WP system impervious to small to medium caliber weapons and near impervious to large caliber and explosive weaponry. During hand to hand combat, B3WP's Sh33ldz protect against bladed attacks while blunt attacks will have more of an impact on the host.

-M3D1C!: Any wounds suffered by the host are healed very quickly as B3WP's nano-agents are able to create microscopic sutures that bind wounds shut. Broken and fractured bones are also easily mended by the B3WP system through the same molecular bindings. B3WP's healing functions are able to be transplanted to others temporarily, allowing the host to act as a mobile medic.

-St1ll Br33th1ng?: In the event that the host is unable to breathe, B3WP's nano-agents are able to pull oxygen from the surrounding environment and transfuse it into the host's body.
Offensive Capabilities said:
-M3L33!: Swarms of B3WP's nano-agents can be used to fashion various melee weapons on any surface of the host's body.

#LUNCHTIME!: While not truly a combat related power, B3WP is able to inject a number of its nano-agents into a target body and harvest the tissues it requires to keep its host alive. This process it quite painful to the victim and quite fatal.
Utilities said:
-T00lZ: Because B3WP's nano-agents can be shaped into various objects, B3WP can also create tools ranging from screw drivers to scissors to hammers.

-3 Handz?: Multiple appendages for multiple the fun.

-#ISPYWITHMYLITTLEEYE: Using an array of the nano-agents, B3WP can create miniature video and audio capture devices.
-L33t H@XXOR: Uh... what? Yes she knows computers better than Stephen Hawking knows Black Holes.

-R3p@1Rz: Need an engine rebuilt, a processor brought back from the dead, data recovered or a hole in your car's door repaired? Just ask KatyR. She'll fix it.

-Magnets Son, Magnets Just like Wolverine, Katya has quite the issue with Magnets due to B3WP's high concentration of Ferous metals. Being unable to get through airport security unscathed is just a minor inconvenience compared to having all of Katya's blood vessels, muscles , organs and bones explode if she were to be exposed to a high intensity magnetic field.

-S-S-S-Seizures: If Katya doesn't harvest the needed fluids and cellular material that she needs to keep B3WP happy, the young woman begins to suffer from seizures, black outs and eventual death.

-#NoLightNeeded: Each of B3WP's nano-agents has a weak bioluminescent that can be strengthened by Ultraviolet light. This causes the Host's skin to glow while under UV light.

-Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow: Continued and sustained attacks on Katya can cause breeches in B3WP's defensive systems. If that occurs, Katya becomes as fragile as a regular human being.

Location: Outside of Monterrey, California
Time: Morning

Highway 1 was a lone stretch of road that connected Monterrey to Los Angeles and on that lone stretch of road stood a solitary figure waiting for someone. Dressed in a sheer, long sleeved grey shirt and a pair of black cargo capris, the figure looked the part of a hitch hiker, which was the point of the exercise. Even though it was summer, the morning was still very cold and Katya Rostikova was regretting her decision to come out to this stretch of the middle of nowhere that seemed to come directly from the dark ages. There wasn't a Harbucks or a Dilly's or ever a McDonobell's for miles around, heck, she was only getting 3G reception on her phone.

"#Lame," The Young Woman said, shivering against the coldness of the morning, pausing for a few moments before addressing the unseen entity that waited with her. "B3WP can't you make me at least a teensy weensy bit warmer?"

B3WP (for those of you who haven't read the Character sheet above), the artificial intelligence swarm that resided within Katya's body would have shaken its head, if it had one.

"Sorry, Little Miss, I cannot.  We have just enough energy to follow through with the plan that you have laid out.  There is very little energy in reserve to compensate for deviations,"
B3WP responded, hesitating for a moment before continuing,
"Little Miss, my nano-agents have been monitoring your body for deviations in mental state and have not noted anything outside of known thresholds.  It forces us to query you why you continue to speak in a fashion similar to a primate that has been dropped on its head during the birthing process?
"#Whatevs, B3WP. You're pretty #retro for an AI." Katya said through chattering teeth, none too thrilled that B3WP was unable to help her get warmer. Neither the chattering teeth nor the not being thrilled would last much longer however as the young woman spotted a car, a convertible of all things, speeding down the road with its driver and passenger. A quick primping and check of her breath later, Katya's thumb shot skyward to display the universal sign of "I NEEDZ A RIDE YO!"

A relieved smile passed over Katya's face as the car began to slow down and pull over on the side of the road, disappearing as she heard the #retro music that blared out the #Ultraretro speakers. Waving at the driver to hold on a sec, Katya quickly grabbed her phone and began jabbing at it ferociously until suddenly the song on the radio changed.

"#WayBets!" The Young Woman shrieked before approaching the car door.

"Where you headed?" The Driver, who looked like he belonged behind a bar in a DiveBar where everybody knew everyone's name.

"34.0522, -118.2437" Katya responded as she turned around and pointed the phone's front facing camera at herself, the driver and the passenger, who looked like she would date a guy whose lastname was grape, "#ChezPlez!"


"Where?" The passenger asked as she climbed into the backseat, unsure if they should give the girl a ride or run far far away.

"Oh - Um - L.A.?." Katya responded before hopping in. With that, the car pulled back onto the road towards Katya's destination... mostly.

"So you got a name?" The Driver asked conversationally as he looked at the rear view mirror at his partner in the back seat.

"Oh sure, I got tonz o handles. @KatyR, Kay, Kat, FrostyRosty, #Pimpin'," Katya started to say before she was interrupted.

"Were you dropped on your head as a kid, kid?" The Driver asked suddenly.

"#Noperz!" KatyR responded, "ASL?"


"Um... who're you guys?"

"Oh!" The Passenger blurted out, finally getting it, "Well, I'm... um... Melony and that's... um... Nick."

"Nice to meet chu, um... Melony and um.... Nick." Katya managed to say before Melony slipped a clear plastic bag over the hitchhiker's head, causing Katya to struggle.

Nick and Melony, or should I say Mick and Mallory, had done this a million times and as Katya's body went limp, Nick turned to smile as his serial killer wife, at least he would have smiled if it wasn't for the sudden and inexplicable hand, belonging to a should have been dead girl, shooting out and stabbing(?) Mick in the shoulder, causing him to pull on the steering wheel and aim the convertible directly for the tree line.

"Oh Shiiiii...." *CRRAAAAAAAAAASH*


The world sounded strange as Mick started to regain consciousness and coming into clear resolution as pain shot up from Mick's leg.

"Auuugh!!!" Mick screamed as he saw the red tinged bone jutting out of his leg. Another scream soon followed when he looked back to check on his wife, Mallory and saw her open eyes, staring out into the woods but focused on nothing. That *****! That ***** killed his wife! Pulling the knife out of its hiding place between the center console and the driver's seat, Mick looked for the girl that had caused all this.

Identities confirmed:  Mickey and Mallory Know.  Wanted for Multiple counts of Capital Murder, Torture, Arson, Larceny...
A digitized voice droned before being interrupted.

"'Nuff said." Katya said as she stood up, her face slightly bloody from where it had impacted against the car's door... no... more than bloody, Mick realized as he saw the indentation in the side of the girl's skull, one that should have killed her. But there she was, standing and talking, and changed apparently since she was now wearing a pair of black jeans and a black denim type of vest, without a care in the world.

"Oh you're awakies," Katya said as she walked towards the wrecked car, smiling like a shark at Mick as he tried to swipe at the girl with his knife," too bad about Mallory though. She deserved worserz."

"You shut the hell up," Mick snarled, his anger overriding his brain's alarms that something about the girl was super wrong.

"Well, how about you start screaming your <3 out?" Katya countered as she placed a hand on the driver's chest, causing a wave of pain to wrack his body, a wave that started focusing itself in his bones and back.

"AHHHHHHHH-AHAH-AHHHHHHHHHH" Mick screamed as he felt his body being harvested by Katya's nano-agents. Luckily for Mick, the sensation didn't last too long as his nerve cells were collected fairly quickly. Minutes later he was silent and Katya was once again alone... sorta.

Twatter Post said:

Mickey and Mallory Knox get knocked off.
The responses came flooding in soon after, causing the young woman to smile as the last of her wounds healed and she started off down the road to good ole San Francisco, hopefully she wouldn't be leaving her heart there. The phone rang:

"Hey Penny. No, I'm fine. They weren't too much of a hassle. L.A? Yeah I'm pretty close to there, why? Rising Dawn? I heard they're a bunch of bad asses with a few asses in there. Alright. I'll check it out. Give my love to my mom and my dad. Tell them Ibiza's awesome." Katya said as she walked down the road, feeling a bit warmer since B3WP had finally started warming her up.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Deadshot | Wanderer | G-Corp Agents
Location: Internment Area, G-Corp occupied Hanger | Rising Dawn.
The needle was plunged into, and through the dirty white shirt that was beyond the Wanderer's doctor coat. Immediately the slumbering danger rose with great energy, enough to make both agents flinch. Looking around quickly while mouthing a certain swear multiple times. He spotted out Deadshot and the agents, more importantly, his large sharp carbumper weapon by the agents. Taking a multitude of breaths, the Wanderer's gasps of air were soon back to normal. Looking towards the agents, Wanderer grinned slightly. "Adrenaline ... jeez, I hope you had medical training." He quipped, knowing and remembering his medical training .

Looking down, and taking a couple of seconds to gather his thoughts, the Wanderer looked back up and sighed. "Yes ... yes. I know. He tried to 'force' you people out of her. For disturbing his experiment with a disembodied head, and broody mood. I shall apologize ... " The Wanderer said with full genuine sadness. "We've gone through a lot ... now, what did I miss?" He said, brimming enthusiasm, his mind racing about what just happened. The last thing he needed was his memories, the present was far more pleasant.

The President | [color=6c1504]M. Bison Congressman Vincent Vega[/color] | The Advisors.
Location: The White Crib | Washington D.C.
The phone was hung, The President's mouth was left with open. A smacking noise rang in the room, the Leader has dropped to the phone to the floor. "Fucking *****! They took Pierce! They took my homie!!!" He yelled, immediately got up and threw the glass across the room, ultimately hitting the wall, allowing many shards of glass fall to the ground. A scowl had appeared on The President's face, he immediately looked to his both intelligent assistants.

"Trace that damn call, inform everyone ... " He said, palming his face in annoyance. One of the advisors was about to lean in, trying to comfort the man. Yet he only screamed, "Everyone!" The two jumped back, silently running out of the room. Then, the disguised Bison felt two very powerful and angry eyes on him. "I suggest you leave ... I have an interview to get to".


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Deadshot | Wanderer | G-Corp Agents
Location: Internment Area, G-Corp occupied Hanger | Rising Dawn.
"Split Personality. Just like in his file." one of the Agents commented as Wanderer returned into his "Sane" mode, pulling out a remote before pushing a button that released his binds.
"You're free to go, just note that any transgressions that your other side engage in will be shiftily engaged and disarmed. We can't run this operation with a crazed mutant trying to kill everyone. I'm sure you understand. Now, go on. You're free to go, but we'll have to keep the sword." The other then explained, much to Deadshot's annoyance.
"Hey?! What about me?! You can't do this?-[sub]can they do this?[/sub] Come on! I just wanted a margarita!" He protested as Wanderer was led out of the room.
"Hey-HEYHEY-WANDERER! COME ON! HELP A BROTHER OUT HERE?! Please?!" He pleaded as Wanderer was led out of the VTOL before given a copy of the Briefing.
"All the CEO's orders are detailed in this. Now go, you'll miss deployment." The Agent explained as the doors to the VTOL closed shut behind them.

The President | [color=6c1504]M. Bison Congressman Vincent Vega[/color] | The Advisors.
Location: The White Crib | Washington D.C.
Vega was watching the whole time, more then a little stunned at what he had saw.
[color=6c1504]Someone kidnapped the White Crib Communications Director?...Man, security here is worse then I thought. I might just be able to proform a coup...[/color] He wondered to himself before the President ordered him out.
A grin reappearing on his face, He finished his drink before discarding his cigar, crushing it under his shoe on the carpet.
[color=6c1504]"Still going despite this? Huh...Guess you'll have to write your own speeches now..."[/color] He taunted before he left the room, while he had no role in the kidnapping of Pierce Washington, he certainly didn't mind this turn of events.
Either way, the clock was ticking...

??? | ??? | Pierce Washington (Hp: 100%)
Location: ???!
With the message delivered, The woman smirked as she hung up.
"Gooooood...Alright, my esclaves salaries. The Secret Service will be here soon. Move dear Pierce where the press will find him." she ordered her men as the Communication's Director, now bloodied, bruised, in his underwear with a red ball gag in his mouth was shoved in the trunk of his own
Screaming in his gag, The woman kneeled down in front of him, a hand caressing his face as she said "Hush now my little chienne. It'll all be over soon, Monsieur Washington.".
Throwing his phone in the trunk with him for the Secret Service to track before closing the boot, she then motioned for the car to drive off into the streets of DC with it's captive still in the back...

Current Objective: Save Pierce Washington

-The Phone will act as a GPS, Pinging it's current location regularly. If you wish to use other means to track down Pierce, go nuts. That one was just a freebie. :p

-Just don't get too wreckless though. Go in too heavy and you'll have get Ben King to write your speeches...

-...Though that would be an improvement arguably... :/


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Generic NPC 22 said:
You can have your character notice the VTOLs dropping the group off in the city
Rising Dawn Hanger Bay: Kazuya, Violet, Rising Dawn

After heeding the comments of both Storm and Caim, Kazuya then answered [color=9F2B68]"I was waiting on your acceptance of this assignment, though I had the foresight to have your ship's AIs to move us into a good deployment position near the city. When you are ready, take one of my VTOLs. They have orders to drop you off in the city. Remember, the main objective is to find, engage and capture Doom. You can contact me though a mobile device or one of your Communicator rings. We've recently found a way to tap into those. That concludes this debriefing, you are all dismissed."[/color]
With the briefing done, Kazuya then made his way towards the mobile command center his men had set up as he oversaw the fueling and pre-checks.

Violet meanwhile was enjoying his role as bartender at the refreshments table, taking note of Mel's comment about them being too sweet.
"I'll ease up on the hard stuff then. Thanks Mel." He said as he leaned over to the two before returning to his work.
It was then he overheard the shy one (Chris) talk about the woes of the lower classes in the area.
While he usually stayed out of briefings like this, seeing how Kazuya's back was turned, he leaned over to the group before saying "Kaz means well, it's just hard for him to see anything outside of his target. You know, on the way over here, I took a look at that "Diabs" guy's file, turns out he's a Mid-To-High gang enforcer in the area, like a...Store Manager...only with more guns and drugs. I mean, I know it doesn't really help us against Bison, but...Well, if you..."Rough him up" a little or at least get him to leave town, it'd really hurt the Bookies in that area. Won't get rid of them all mind, but it'd make life a bit more bearable for the little guys...Just a thought..."
With his hint delivered, he then innocently went back to tending the refreshments table as The VTOL pilots waited until the crew was on board before taking off for the inner city.

[HEADING=1]SCENE TRANSITION! Everyone who is going to LA gets on a VTOL now![/HEADING]​

Los Angeles Inner City: Bookie's Turf: Everyone who got on a VTOL

One quick VTOL trip later and the crew was dropped off in one of the city's Flood control channels within walking distance from one of the more crime ridden neighborhoods.
From there, there was a number of areas to go to: The Nearest Residential Area, one of the Local shops, The Old Rail Yard and if they were feeling lucky The LA Docks.
These were just some of the areas they could take a look in. Doom was in this city somewhere. Time to get to work.
Current Objective: Find and Capture Victor Von Doom
Bonus Object: "Rough up" Diabs/Run Diabs out of town

-Sorry for the delay, you are now in the streets of LA. Go off and search for your target. Use any means you feel necessary, I ain't gonna stop ya :p

-If you wish to take down Diabs, go for it, though it will be a bit harder then finding Doom.
Just in case you feel like dishing out some social justice :3

-Any questions, feel free to ask :)


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Hey guys. Old RP vet here looking for something to pass the time. Apologies for the "not OOC" formatting (it has been a while but I was wondering if you were looking for anymore people for plots and if so, could I hop in. (alss if you do want more people could I get a quick 5 sentence summary of the current plot.

Thanks guys!


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Hussmann54 said:
Hey guys. Old RP vet here looking for something to pass the time. Apologies for the "not OOC" formatting (it has been a while but I was wondering if you were looking for anymore people for plots and if so, could I hop in. (alss if you do want more people could I get a quick 5 sentence summary of the current plot.

Thanks guys!
Greetings! We actually have a chat for OOC stuff over this direction [], so feel free to hop in and try to acclimate yourself. The current DM for our arc is Diablo1099, but we can do what we can to answer your questions if he's not around.

EDIT: Also, for that summary: M. Bison is trying to become president of the United States. Are you a bad enough dude to stop a villain from becoming the president?


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Bookie's turf | Inner City | Los Angeles

Los Angeles had been rebuilt. No. It was another strand. A Continuum Shift. This was not the Los Angeles he knew. This was not the place he had left. It seemed long ago, a thousand lifetimes past when he first departed the ashen city. Things were simpler back then. His master, and him were one. A single beating heart. He was the blood that coursed through her veins. She was his body, his daughter, his love. Nothing mattered here, soon all would return to as it were, an ephemeral emptiness. A blackness that consumed the world. Despite the confidence, BlackHarte felt ill at ease. There was something in the air, an indescribable forebody presence in the area. Not immediate, but approaching. It felt familiar and distant at the same time.

The VTOL landed and opened its loading bay. Hot Californian autumn air rushed past him. The sun shone bright above the concrete towers and dreary suburbs. BlackHarte basked in the warm heat, closing himself and expanding his own body outward. Once, twice, a hundred, a hundred thousand times. His mind was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It felt empty, the city. There was no one he knew, but still he could not shake the dread feeling of familiarity.

"Does the Slave Demon have apprehensions about our mission?" Azan announced loudly, his booming voice echoed off the steep slate slopes of the flood channels. Azan's head swayed as he walked, his steps were more akin to a childish waddle than a knight's marching pace. His feather-mustache fluttered in the breeze. "By Gods, the air here smells like Pompeii! Ashen, hot, full of filth and death."

That is simply the smell of modern poverty. BlackHarte answered, settling down his body onto Azan's helmet. The polished steel reflected a good deal of the violent sun. The inky murk of BlackHarte's body however absorbed all that it could and more of the sun's rays. Not that he minded, solar energy was a welcomed ambient energy store. We would do well to tread lightly here. This is a place unaccustomed to your faith.

"A proud knight and a demon, hand in hand, lost in a city of heathens!" BlackHarte didn't have the energy or patience to dispute Azan's declaration.

Azan's grand-mace made a harsh 'clack' everytime he brought the shaft down onto the sidewalk. Beneath his grinning helmet, his face was composed and serious. Wrinkles in the lines of his face betrayed his age and experience. "Young demon," he said. BlackHarte was almost taken aback, but considering when Azan was from, he was technically older than even most supernaturally gifted humans, "The one place to look for a masquerading buffoon in armor and a green cloak who's very poor is the one place he cannot be without. Do you know what that is?"

Master need not lecture this humble servant. BlackHarte wondered where Azan was going with his question. Whether it was a rhetoric or a genuine attempt at teaching BlackHarte was hard to discern.

Azan continued anyway, his voice still and stern. "A discount goods store." The glass doors of 7-11 slid open and a gust of cool air rushed out to greet the Bridge Knight. BlackHarte brought his body to bear and looked around the small convenience store.

The store clerk looked up, eyes bleary from staring at his hand held device. The store was scarce for customers at the time of day, and Azan was a huge sore thumb in the middle of LA. The clerk smirked, "You lost or something? San Diego Comic Con is way south of here breh." Azan turned toward the clerk, eyes glinting in the fluorescent lights. He slammed the pole of his grand-mace onto the linoleum floor, cracking one of the panels and then demanded "Have you seen anyone wearing a green cloak and a metal mask that lives around this area!?"


The (Un)Real World
Location: Pruneridge Lot | Cupertino | California
Time: 12th of August, 2014​

What have I done to incur this. Titania looked up, her eyes gleamed in the moonlight. The stars above shone defiantly in spite of the hubris of man. Around her the air was dusty, torn up by massive machines. Steel and stone had begun to take root in a bowl of dirt. She scowled, white hair blowing in the night breeze. She wore little and nothing, her feet bare against the ground, the dirt between her toes. A ethereal dress whipped around her body, wrapping her thin fragile frame in its soft cold fingers. For the first time in ages, she felt weak and lost. Titania scoffed, the world was her playground, she went where she wanted she took what she wanted when she wanted. She had no responsibility, her was a lusty maiden, a petulant child, and a protecting mother. Yet, she couldn't place why her heart beat with such self-contempt. Tears rolled down her cheeks, silver in the moon-mixed-starlight. The dropped, clod onto her dress and soaked through, plastering the thing fabric softly against her skin. The wetness drifted down, ran across her chest and down to her navel. She felt the teardrop run. "It's a strange time for it to be raining," she muttered under her breath as more tears followed the first. Soon she was bawling, falling to her knees. The dust around her made her feel sticky and dirty, but she couldn't stop. Her shrill shrieks and sobs filled the night air like a ghost. The city around her was asleep, like it always was. The lights were on and cars inched along the streets, but there were no people. It was a surreal city, a place of quiet lonesome living.

The council had met, and everyone had agreed to gamble on summoning the Master Unit. Titania was adamantly against it. Summoning the Master Unit was folly even worse than genocide. Red Mage had tried once, and failed. His unregulated magic only managed to disrupt the movement of fictional planes. More than a hundred million souls, of men, women, and children, were required to create a rift large enough to summon Amaterasu back into the physical world. Titania wailed, her voice carried in the still night air, several cockroaches scuttled across the construction site to flee from her.

Deborah was bound several feet away, her naked body gleaned in the blue moonlight. She squirmed, kicking up dust. Her red eyes were wide as the scuttling insects scurried across her body. She squealed when one of the fat roaches found its way into a particularly sensitive spot. "M-master! P-p-please untie me!" Deborah's body contorted and slammed into the ground, scaring of a few of the curious vermin. Creatures disturbed by the massive construction project taking place around them.

Titania continued to cry, "I can't forgive you," she said between gasping breaths, "the lives taken here can never be returned, how could you vote with the rest of them. Why do you even care about that world,"

"They're ev-ever-everywhere!" Deborah screeched again hysterically. Several big black rats, victims of curiosity, had approached Deborah and nibbled absently on her exposed skin. "I'm sorry, master, I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"You would sacrifice the lives of those who truly live, people who cannot be brought back to save a fictional world of zero consequence." Titania bit the bottom of her lip, "What kind of monsters are you people." Titania looked up toward the moon. An indifferent white sentinel drifting among the stars. "Why would you all do that. Why would all of you make such a stupid decision. You aren't even bound to that realm anymore!"

Deborah didn't answer, she only cried out hysterically. Titania didn't care to listen to what she was saying, but she understood the gist of it. Something had crawled into somewhere it definitely wasn't supposed to be. The Queen of the Fey brushed the tears from her eyes. She knew, however, of the reason they acted like they did. It was something that someone like her, born in the (Un)Real World didn't think about. Titania picked up Deborah's old leather tome and held it close to her breast. It was weak, but there was a lingering breath and warmth in the book. "You all voted to do so because it is still your home. I know."


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Name: Nicholaus Kin
Alias: "Kin" "Fishbowl" "The old man" "White Bear"
Age: approximately 270
Occupation: Freelancer
Height: 5' 11"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
country of origin: Egypt (Non native)

Psychometry: The ability to infer things about innate objects that are not obviously apparent. In Kins case, his psychometry goes beyond inanimate objects and extends to living beings (even "mind reading" to a degree). However the extension comes at the cost of his range. He requires physical contact with the object or person.

Imperiomancy: His powers of the mind also give him a staggering intellect. He is well versed in a number of subjects due to both his mental prowess and his life span (he has had plenty of time to study)

Poly-lingual: He knows English, Latin, Russian, French, German and Arabic. He is currently learning Mandarin Chinese.

Wing Chun: He has studied Wing Chun, the art of Chinese Boxing, for several years. He is a formidable hand to hand combat expert.

History: Kin is, by all first appearances, a regular middle aged human. However due to two different instances of "body swapping" he is actually estimated to be 270 years old. His mind has been preserved by an intense stasis field of energy which it can use to project itself into others. When done with enough force, it can lead to a permanent change.

The Mask: Kin keeps on him at all times, a mask. It is a full face mask made of steel with a reflective gold covering. Various wear and tear marks are present on the surface. A small leather piece keeps it secured firmly from the back. The mask has no features, even eye holes for sight. Instead Kin makes use of his Imperiomancy and his Psychometric powers to see right through the mask while it covers his face and conceals his identity. The mask has always been in his possession, and has even housed his mind at times completely when his body has been destroyed. Towards that end, it tends to act as a living creature at times. His ability to see through it, for instance, is almost passive and second nature to it now.

Weapons: None.

Weaknesses: Kin, though physically very fit, is still ultimately human. He can be worn out. He has a high pain tolerance threshold, but an injury is still and injury and he is only able to ignore serious wounds for so long. Bullets make him bleed, edges make him bleed etc.

Mentally, Kin does suffer from a troubled mind from time to time. The conditions of his life have left him with questions, doubts etc. Having buried two different wives in his time, and having lived many lives, he often may have trust issues.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Jenny | Ella | Blade | Edge | Furiae ((Prior to LA landing))
Rising Dawn: Jenny's Room
Jenny doubled down on Furiae's statement on Hien: "Ohhhh, What I'll do to him for putting my Blade though!" she vowed as she and Edge put the finishing touches on Blade, playfully dabbing his nose in the Potion mixture.
"I wouldn't if I was you, Hiryu would be pissed if we went about attacking COs like that. Anyway, Furiae, sure, Caim does basically the same thing himself. It's not like you don't know what your doing either, you've yet to fail a single assignment. Sure, I think he's be happy to see his little sister being so successful." Blade meanwhile commented as he slightly flexed his arms and legs a little, enjoying being able to do so without having to worry about extreme pain.
"Thanks guys. Ohhhh, it's so good to be home..." He sighed happily as he reclined in his bed slightly before Jenny asked the others "Guys, mind giving me and the Hometown Hero some space? I want to hear all about his exploits and adventures~!"
"...Well, what if they want to hear them too? I mean, I got lots of stories th-OW!" Blade interrupted before Jenny silenced him with a punch to the arm.
"So if you wouldn't all mind leaving, that would be great!" She said in a tone that just screamed "Get the hell out."

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Location: Los Angeles | California | 90210
Time:Mid-Afternoon | August 12, 2014

It had taken approximately 4 additional hours of hitchhiking for Katya Rostikova to reach her destination, though it might have taken less time for her to reach Los Angeles if it wasn't for the fact that she'd been kicked out of a few cars after riding for a scant few miles. She'd reached LA however and was a little less than impressed by the city. Having grown up in New York, she knew what a truly cosmopolitan setting was and what she was looking at barely fit the bill. Sure, Beverly Hills had some impressive shops and the music she heard pumping from the Bentleys that drove by was #rockin AND there was a strong 4G LTE signal coming from just about every cell-tower-dressed-like-a-palm-tree but the lack of skyscrapers and Yellow Cabs and a mishmash of people from all walks of life made Los Angeles feel like the plastic set of some movie.

"I have completed the search that you have requested Little Miss,"
B3WP chirped, breaking Kat's thoughts in regards to 90210. Whilst traveling to her destination, she had requested that B3WP run a search for everything related to the Rising Dawn (Missions, Personnel, Tech).

"#l3333t." The Young Woman exclaimed as she started walking down Rodeo Drive, one of the more famous streets that revolved around high end shopping. Looking over the historical files of the Rising Dawn, she noticed that more than a few of them had, as Katya would call it, A Pretty FUCKED Up Past. She pulled up old new reports of whole cities getting leveled by members of the Rising Dawn, near world ending calamities and worst off, poor fashion choices.

"#WTFUWearin'?" The young woman asked the picture she had pulled up of a man in armor riding what could have been called a Dragon, if dragons existed. His tech was an anachronism of low tech weaponry mixed with super uber tech. Still, there was something about the #TotezRetro look that Kat found sort of appealing. As she continued to walk down the street, studying B3WP's query results, Katya didn't notice the Big-Assed Brown Haird Diva walking in front of her until it was too late.

BOING!!! Went Katya against the Fat-Rumped Realitard.

"Hey! Watch were you're going? Don't you know who I am?" The Rapper's Delight asked.

"#nopez. You look like e'ry1 else 'round here." Katya said as she tapped her phone a couple times and began siphoning the data off of the woman's phone before walking off and throwing a couple of deuces into the air, "YOLO!!"

24 Hours later, the Kardash-a-tante would notice that all of her personal pictures had been posted on the Internet and her bank accounts had been cleared out, 75% of which was donated to Ass Cancer Awareness.

"Little Miss, I've connected with the LAX radar array and noticed a Vertical Take Off and Landing transport entering Los Angeles airspace.  The Aircraft's radar cross section matches those of known Rising Dawn vehicles."
"#lezgothen" Katya commanded, walking towards the vehicle's assumed landing spot.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
"whiskey and women, ain't no good fer me, ooohhhhh whiskey and women, almos' wreck mah life...."

The sound flooded Nicholaus Kins ears as he stirred from his slumber. His hair in a mess. He was a "toss and turn" sleeper.

"whiskey an women, almos wreck ma life, whiskey an women, almost wreck ma life..."

He reached over without looking, attempting to push the snooze button.

" if it weren't for whiskey an women, i's be a happy man, woaaaa-"

The sound of John Lee Hooker was finally silenced out at he manages to grope his cell phone and flick the "off switch"
The sun shone through the window into the loft apartment, overlooking the south end of Hollywood. The sky still tinted red around the edges in the fresh morning. Kin finally mustered himself out of bed and stretched. as he idly pasted by his kitchen unit, he tapped the button, bringing the coffee maker to life and the whirring sound of the devices insides to fulfill their purposes.

Crossing over to the other side of the studio loft, all one singular room, save for a closet and bathroom on one wall, he came to the wooden dummy, Mook Yan Jong, and stretched his back once more before assuming the stance. Soon the sound of his impacts against the wood could be heard ringing out. The smacking sounds echo'd through the room. This could go on for as long as an hour (ironically the coffee could become cold by then).

Once he felt satisfied, he made an attempt at breakfast. His omelettes were never as good as his old mans, and it still left him slightly hungry. Once dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, backpack with camera gear on his back, he hit the streets. This was his day off, and he had just procured a new lens.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Hussmann54 said:
Feel free to have your man bump into one of my characters!

Los Angeles Inner City: Bookie's Turf: Everyone who got on a VTOL
((Also, I apologize in advance for the post relying on my characters talking with one another. The party hasn't really scattered yet, so I scattered my roster around to give someone to talk to in each area. Feel free to join in the conversations?))

Residential Area: [color=15650D]Ton Ton[/color], Cadolbolg

Cadolbolg fluttered around in the air of the residential area, Ton Ton riding on his back as the turtle-dragon baby fluttered about, "You know, I can't remember the last time I went toe to toe with any of those Cartel guys. I don't remember them all super well, but I remember them all being a big pain in Mother and Father's butts... The multiple explosions probably didn't help either..."

The Tonberry scratched his head in confusion (the little star above his head giving an extra spin as well), [color=15650D]"You know, now that you mention it, why DID you explode in the first place? That doesn't seem like something Mr. Caim and Ms. Angelus would do to you..."[/color]
"Oh, they didn't do that, my creator Puce did. It's a long story, back when I was construct. Stuff was kinda weird then. And you're not really one to talk either, you used to be a stuffed animal!"

The Tonberry giggled at that jab, and nodded, [color=15650D]"Point to you there. Now, back on topic, how are we gonna find Doom again?"[/color]

Cadolbolg paused mid flap for a split second, before continuing his usual wing beat and pointing in a random direction (and subsequently at Katya), "We could talk to that person over there? It's as good a lead as any. Hey Lady~! Do you know anything about a guy called Doctor Doom?"
[color=15650D]"Cadolbolg; what happened to subtly?!"[/color] Ton Ton cried out, despite subtly never being a thing him or Cadolbolg had to begin with (what with being a Tonberry and a turtle-dragon thing).

The Old Rail Yard:
, Angelus

The Pact Partners stepped out into the train yard, the duo coming to the agreement that a train yard was to be full of possible vagrants and delinquents - ripe with information about criminals in the area. As they began to explore (Angelus in Human form for stealthy purposes), Caim "voiced" the option,
"You think we should split up? We might catch some thug unawares if we're alone..."
The dragon-in-mortal flesh shook her head at the thought, "I don't particularly like the sound of that. Even if the vagrants here are standard issue, I'd rather not open room for that idiot in green to catch us with our metaphorical trousers down to our ankles. I'll use my nose instead, and see if I can detect something aside from fear, sweat, and regrets..."

The LA Docks: [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], [color=356D60]Garm[/color], [color=3897E0]
AI Dimitri

"Your Ladyship, is this locale really a place where your abilities should be needed?"
The Cleric gave a faint smile at her AI's query, and answered while she wandered around the docks with her wolf companion (which could have been mistaken for a very large husky, or some kind of Great Dane Mix; given his size),
[color=0E59E4]"I think you worry too much, Dimitri. This area is surrounded by water. Water's my 'thing', so if we get into trouble, I'll have outlets, and that's not even accounting for Mum and Dad's training and our friends here."[/color]

Garm gave a huff of breath at the Cleric's confidence, and added quietly, [color=356D60]"You probably shouldn't announce those things too loudly, Tear-ri. You forget we're on the prowl for the Man in the Iron Mask-"[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"Which was a great movie-"[/color]
[color=356D60]"Yet another to add to the watch list of your 'movies', but anyways, we don't really know where to start, and I don't have his scent."[/color]

Teri gave her lupine companion a pat on the side, and gave a shrug, [color=0E59E4]"Well, we don't have TOO much to go on; but that doesn't mean this is a bad place to look. Just keep your nose sharp, alright? And Dimitri, the moment you detect some Wi-fi, hop on board and try to find anything related to Doom, kay?"[/color]

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Los Angeles: Residential Area:

Katya had been walking for quite some time towards the VTOL's projected landing area. Had this been a real city with a copious number of options for public transportation, the Gear Headed Girl would have been there in no time.

"#Lame," She muttered as she continued to trudge through the Suburban Sprawl. It seemed that the peeps round these parts didn't exactly enjoy their wireless service since Kat had passed more than a few Cell relays that had been stripped of their copper wiring. Copper that had probably been stripped by the same peeps that had been muggin' her with their eyes when she passed by.


Those were some the tamer comments that she had to endure during her travels, a majority of them being #NSFW. So when yet another voice called out towards her, her reaction might have been understandable given the context of her travels.

Hey Lady~! Do you know anything about a guy called Doctor Doom?" Asked a voice in the distance.

"LEMME GUESS HE'S IN YOUR PANTS AND WANTS TO MEET ME?! OR MAYBE HE'S A DOCTOR OF WRECKING MY NETHER REGIONS?! #CREEPZ!" Katya yelled out blindly before seeing the person asking the question in question and it was definitely before seeing that the source of the question was the most #totezadorbs remote controlled drone #evah!

"OH MY GAWD!!!! How #TOTEZAMAZEBALLS! #CUTEEPATOOTEEZ! #MINDBLOWN!" The young woman exclaimed when her eyes finally resolved on Cadolbolg and Ton-Ton.

"H0LEE CRAPPERS!" She continued until her excitement died down, "Who made you? What's your range? Why can't I see your data stream? What encryption are you using? Do you auto-post to Twatter or SpaceBook?"

Clearly there was some sort of misunderstanding here.

"Can I take a selfie with you? #Cheeez!" *CLICK*



The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Deadshot | Wanderer | G-Corp Agents
Location: Prior to Rising Dawn deployment | Internment Area, G-Corp occupied Hanger | Rising Dawn []
Time: Afternoon.
Upon leaving the VTOL, Wanderer [] only groaned as they kept his large bumper sword. Almost angry, but quick to not go to that mental space, he started to walk forward, hearing Deadshot's moans behind him. Turning around he covered on ear and cupped half his mouth with the other hand. "Sorry! I can't hear you, this thing is on!" He yelled and pointed to the VTOL, shrugging and continuing on his way. Checking out the brief, he quickly muttered, "I need to hack and delete their shit on me ... as well as add "Massive homosexual porn collector"" He said giggling to himself, returning to the main group.

Wanderer, Unarmoured Storm, & Rising Dawn Crew.
Location: Flood Channel [] | Inner City | Los Angeles.

Time: Afternoon.

"Huh, ain't so ... "blown up". Boneyard is looking quite good here. If it ever gets nuked, the Dweller's memoirs might come true." Remarked Wanderer, as his Doctor's coat coiled around him in the wind. Partially revealing some scars on his arms, yet he was not worried about them. "Any who ... I'll ... be doing my thing. Alone." He said while dodging his looks upon some members of the ground, and proceeded to run in a random direction. If anyone examined him, two large spiked brass knuckled were curled around his fists. Yet within his mind, he knew what to do, it was just that he didn't want anyone to see him.

What is the best way to get to a criminal? Interrogate the lower part of the chain. By interrogation, he meant the military standards he learnt in his NCR days. Besides, with the drugs in his invisible inventory, he can rival Doctor Doom or lure out "Diabs" with all his new product from another world.


Stepping onto the wet ground, Storm [] sighed. In the open, he felt naked, he was without his Spartan armour so he would not attract attention. Though at the moment, he did not want to involve his AI lover who still remained on the ship. For good reason too, Storm would rely on her in case anything goes bad on the ship. Almost grinding his teeth, he sucked air through them and avoided the urge to call her. He would allow his guilt to flow through this operation, and his fists.

Kicking the water, he started heading in a random direction, following the closest person to him. Yet this man, was really large. It was the new knight commander Azan.

Storm, Azan, & whoever.
Location: Local 7-11 [] | Inner City | Los Angeles.
Time: Afternoon.
Walking down the roads of LA made the Spartan look around. His white hair flowed with the wind, and the same with his jacket, revealing two holsters with pistols within. Even besides them was the weird half moon shaped energy sword that he carried around. Besides, a katana would be just as noticeable like his large, chunky armour. Checking that he still had his phone and minor currency on him, Storm looked up to see the store in front.

Opening the door, he was about to announce his presence, yet his question about the local crime was stopped in it's tracks. Storm had noticed the rather large Azan talking to the cashier, mace, armour, and all. "Oh Lord, I'm regretting this mission already." He face-palmed before walking to the giant. To him, this man was even bigger than the Chief himself!

Wanderer, Caim, Angelus, & whoever.
Location: Old Rail Yard [] | Inner City | Los Angeles.
Time: Afternoon.
Within the train yard were the traces of old trains, new trains, and of course containers. Yet this creepy and dark-looking environment were outmatched by a noise somewhere in the yard. "Goddamn it! I know you are a junky, I gave you water, now give me information!" A loud voice rang through the old carriages. Obviously the Wanderer was going to work on whoever he could find, if it got out of hand, his other side could possibly come out and give these old trains a new coat of paint.

The President | [color=6c1504]M. Bison Congressman Vincent Vega[/color].
Location: The White Crib [] | Washington D.C.
Time: Evening.
"I swear, if you are behind this ... I'll kill you!" The President tried to say quietly, but his fury overcoming him, with his scowl of fury leaving a mark upon his face. Soon an agent entered the room, flinching at the sight of the room, yet kept his calm to escort The President to his convoy to the studio. Right afterwards the same man called upon the cleaners of the crib, when Mr. President gets back, everything will be clean, yet his mind is the only thing that will remain the same.

Merlin, and Shorn.
Location: The White Crib []'s Secret Service Center | Washington D.C.
Time: Evening.
One level underground, laid the giant white mansion's intelligence center. Two giant screens were in the middle of the room, serving as the main part of the large complex. Along the walls were computers, trackers, radios, plans, maps, and many other equipment pieces. At the dead center of the room was a large black table, not any black table, but one that had holographs on top, making a map of cities and statistics. The two big helpers were here.

Merlin [], a new edition to the AA world was busy tapping on the table, slowly thinking of a way to track the call with magic. The difficulty here was his little experience with technology, at the beginning of his arrival, he slowly began to learn about this new world tech, yet this room was beyond his knowledge. He had mostly remained silent, unless one of the many agents in black addressed him about another problem.

Across the long, white-haired master magician was Shorn Edelweiss [], a similar history between the two. Both new to the world, both new to technology. Yet Shorn has had many other experiences with tech, and thus knew more to it, all thanks to The President personally hiring him before he was in office. While Merlin was from a mythic tale's world, Shorn was from a completely different fictionally world, where he was a grand tactician for a Prince.

Both wore clothing of their world. Merlin, a Camelot knight tabard, with a shining stone hanging around his neck from a silver chain. His long hair partially braided, the whiteness shining in any light, allowing focus upon his blue tattoo coiling on his cheek. While not dressed like a royal house guard, Shorn wore a rare purple cloak, with gold trimming and hood back. Revealing a light blonde hair, worn short. Shorn was ordering the room around, telling to track the phone, and finding Pierce's car, for apparently it is not at the Crib. The difference between the two was large, yet as Shorn ordred one final member, Merlin grinned.

"Hmm? You look like you want to say something Magician." Shorn asked, lifting his head from screens in front of the main table. "Heh ... I have found a result to my cognition. Is there any of Mister Pierce's hair around?"


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Also, something myself and Ninjamedic discussed was the possibility of putting a "Nonlethal" modifier on some spells, on account of this character's proclivity towards not killing people. These will be marked with [NL]

6 |0-level spells per day
4 + 1 |1st Level + 1 of Either Domain per day-1st Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |2nd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 2nd Level Domain Spell
3 + 1 |3rd Level + 1 of Either Domain Per day - 3rd Level Domain Spell
1 + 1 |4th Level + 1 of Either Domain per day - 4th Level Domain Spells

0 Level Spells
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.

First Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5)
Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
Ice Slick: Creates a 20-ft. square of slippery ice.
Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
Shivering Touch, Lesser: Touch deals 1d6 Dex damage; reducing movement to enemy

2nd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10).
Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Frost Weapon: Weapon gains the frost special ability +1d6 cold damage. [NL]
Lastai's Caress: [] A gentle touch fills the target with tremendous feelings of love and compassion, and has the power to unnerve and debilitate evil creatures.
Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness.

3rd Level Spells
Domain Spell: Water Breathing: Breathe underwater freely
Aura of Cold, Lesser: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft. [NL]
Conjure Ice Beast 3: Summons an icy version of a monster from either of these [] lists [].
Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
Shivering Touch: Touch deals 3d6 Dexterity damage; robbing them of mobility. Depending upon how well this is rolled, it can paralyze.

4th Level Spell
Domain Spell: Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Giant Vermin: Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into bigger versions of themselves.
Summon Monster 4: Can summon a Lantern Archon, Celestial Giant Owl, Celestial Giant Eagle, Celestial Lion or a mephit of some kind (that is not evil aligned)

Additonal note: Teri can use a Reppuken [] (a ground bound projectile) from level 1 and higher, and costs 12 seconds of recharge after it's use; or a Kaiser wave (large aerial projectile), from Level 4 and higher, and costs 24 seconds of recharge after use.

Caim's Sword 13:02

Crimson Hood 5:35

Fheng's Glaive 9:40

Guardian's Sorrow 10:40

Hymir's Finger 16:20

Ozymandias's Might 8:49

Slaughterism 9:49

Swordsmasher 15:35

Windsinger 3:45

On Loan to Angelus
Kingsblood 12:35


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Los Angeles: Residential Area:

Just as Ton Ton was attempting to warn his friend about the finer points of subtly, the two were assailed by Katya's myriad hashtags and a set of selfies, leaving the two to try to come up for air after the storm of questions, (which also meant they gave their own to Katya)

[color=15650D]"Twatter? I thought that was a bad word. And what's a selfie?"[/color]
"What's a hash tag, and why do you keep talking about them? Are they like hashbrowns? And why would anyone wanna get in your pants? Can't they wear their own pants? And aren't doctors supposed to fix things?"
[color=15650D]"Also, what's a SpaceBook? It sounds like it'd be pretty! As for who made us, I guess the Mistress brought me to life? Then again, I'm pretty sure I'm pure flesh and bone now..."[/color]
"And why are you calling us drones? I stopped being a construct a long time ago! Imma real dragon now!"

There was a brief pause from the little ones, till the green one spoke up, [color=15650D]"Oh right, she asked us to introduce ourselves. We gotta be polite and all that. Er...I'm Ton Ton. I'm a Tonberry."[/color]

The turtle-dragon of the duo gave a wave of a friendly claw as well, adding, "And I'm Cadolbolg! We're best buddies, and we're looking for Doctor Doom. He's a bad guy who's associated with a bunch of other bad guys. You wouldn't happen to know about him, would ya?"

Well, if there was one thing Katya was learning very quickly: One, the two speaking to her didn't sound like they were much older than 12 (and the hovering one even less), and two, they seemed to be awfully responsive for Drones...

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Los Angeles: Residential Area:

If Katya had the ability to unhinge her jaws, she would have definitely done so in order to properly express the befuddling amazement that she suddenly felt in the presence of the not one but TWO!! drones. If Katya had the ability to explode her head, she really would have done so. Whomever had built these machines had really outdone themselves, though they could have designed them to be a bit more subtle. A dragon-turtle and a mini-Herpe Sapien? #Obvi!

"#OhMahGERD," The Social Media Psychopath exclaimed after the counter volley of queries that had been launched by the duo, "AutoDronez!"

AutoDronez, or Autonomous Drones in r3g sp3ak, were drones that were built with varying levels of Artificial Intelligence. They could problem solve, observe and make independent decisions based on a given set of goals. Clearly whomever had built these two and sent them out was looking for someone named Doctor Doom, but they had a great deal to learn about when it came to the real world.

"Twatter ain't a bad word, it's like SpaceBook but you can only write 128 word messages. You write messages to your peepz!" She continued, showing the two her Twatter feed.

Twatter! - Twat Something said:
@MiuMee: Just got mah handz on j00ktoast! Comin' over?
@ProfMeowinstein: Just perfected a procedure to give cats 10 lives!
@BizzyB33: Got home. Hungry. Meh!
"#Hashtag? You use em' to categorize your twats, like 'OMG lotz of peepz wanna get in my pantz, yo! #BURNED,' and no not all docs fix things, trust me, but this Mistress sounds like a smart biatch if she progged you, 'specially if you progged you to think like you d00ds do." Kat rambled, answering the questions that had been rattled off at her by the @C00ti3Br00zerz all the while making duck faces at her phone's camera which clicked a new selfie every 10 seconds or so before settling on a photo of herself and the two AutoDronez.

Twatter! - Twat Something said:
@KatyR: Ran N2 s0me autodronez that l00k like a dragz and a liz3rd! #DronezRk3wl
Little Miss?
B3WP chimed in as there was a lull in the conversation, "
A search query for the name Doctor Doom yielded some results that you might be interested in.

"0'rly?" The Young Woman said, apparently into thin air as the c00ti3Br00zerz didn't note anyone else that she could have been talking to in the immediate area, "Oh HoleeCrappolaz! This Doctor Doom's one craycray hombre. But seriously, your Mistress is totez using the wrong toolz, Dr0n3c00ti3z. She should be tappin' that sweet sweet CCTV Net that LA has."

As she was speaking, Katya started tapping into the Los Angeles Metro CCTV relays and activated its facial recognition subroutines. It wouldn't be hard to spot an armor wearin' sicko. In the mean time, Katya had more pressing matters to take care of.

"You 2 wanna follow me to Roscoe's? They got the b0mb chik'n n waffles." The Hacker Hooligan said, motioning for them to follow, "So does your mistress have a handle? Cause she did a swwweeeet job on you two."