The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Storm-1788, and Dark Wanderer.
Location: Medical Bay | Rising Dawn.
After the happy, yet stuck-up David crab walked out of the room, whilst giving Wanderer the double bird, Storm simply watched him, he had completed all of his medical treatment, but he felt it would be best to allow David to have this event. Pouting, his gaze still fixated on the Medical Bay door, "He completely forgot about getting a drink together ... " He said to himself. Looking up to the ceiling, he mentally prayed to God as he took a step towards the exit.

Yet, his eyes wandered to the Wanderer, who remained still and silent. The pretend Doctor's crimson eyes were looking at the ground, while his arm was locked around the mystery creature he had accidentally revealed. This was certainly unnatural for the man, for Storm shared a weird, forced, brotherly connection with him. "I thought you would retaliate ... or did you think you like her too?" Storm said towards the 'good' murderer.

Wanderer looked up at Storm, his crimson eyes peeking out from behind the sunglasses he wore. "Not me ... him. He was thinking about our world, and a girl who was our childhood friend. I think he loved her." Dark Wanderer strangely responded like a normal human-being, "In the past?" Storm asked. The Doctor just nodded, "It was a long time ago ... but it isn't that. This triggered the memory, and we feel ... jealous, that the Sniper still has a chance."

"[sub][sub]Are we even human?[/sub][/sub]" A quite voice asked, or pleaded.

Quickly shaking his head, pulling out multiple syringes and injecting them into himself, Wanderer gave a sigh of pleasure and relief. His blood mess of a hand was already reforming it's muscle tissue, and Wanderer already held his large greatsword-like blade in it. "Well ... I'm not going to interrupt that. I'm going to try and kill myself again ... but that won't work as usual." The Dark figure spat out, and simply walked out of the room, emitting a aura of loneliness.

Storm looked at him, wondering just how much that man ... ... no, thing, has to endure in his life. Rubbing his forehead, Storm cursed himself for wanting to focus on his own problems. "First, a drink, then I'll go to her." He muttered, placing his hands in his coat, walking towards the canteen.


New member
Jan 24, 2010

Rising Dawn: Outside Training Room: Hien, Chris, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Angelus, Blade, Jenny, Kalastryn, Doctor Insano, Selena, Faust
Selena had aimed her wand at Faust hearing the many people announce their doubts, but then Faust began accusing her, Selena's clenched hand gripping her wand tightly. She stood up and tried to stare down the freak
"You-you sick creep, you think I haven't heard that excuse before, You can back off, if you ever try to get close to me again no worms in your gut will be able to fix what I do to you Understand"

Selena's eyes were set into a glare and her wand was ready to fire a bolt of energy when she hear somone approaching... fast.

Rising Dawn: 2nd Training Room: Rugal, Icarus, Nadalia, Caim, Azan
Icarus sighed
"The 'honorable' man your referring to dropped a bomb on me you can ask edge if you think I'm lying he's also the lackey of some sleazeball called Armstrong. Maybe he's changed or maybe Armstrong is blackmailing him, all I know is he almost killed me and almost helped a monster consume the world, so he has sins to pay for-" his eyes snapped up he felt something, his eyes temporarily snapped into slits before widening back into normal pupils.
"I-I have to check on something" he ran out of the room and moved quickly he heard felt the strange vibrations from the ship, he could almost hear the strange noise like it was speech. he could sense it that strange touch of ancient magic he had sensed it before. his wings lifted up and he took to the air when he saw the girl in the cloak as well as the Drow in the towel his face turned bright red he tried to casually wipe his face to cover a small drop of blood running down his nose.
"Umm what's going on I-I thought I sensed a demon."


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Responding to Blackharte then appearing and presenting the fact that they did indeed work aboard the ship, Kala cleared her throat and spoke again. "Well, that does address one suspicion, and if what you say is true, let me begin by making the repairs of this airship no longer a thankless task. Thank you. Allow me to continue however, that until we have a thorough explanation on this "Faust" here and the nature of your desire after the scepter in question, I still stand opposed to the both of you. Can you blame any of us for being suspicious upon meeting the both of you for the first time, whilst you were pursuing one who claims you to be of ill repute?" She said, as Selena flipped out and Icarus arrived claiming he thought he "sensed a demon" with his rather celestial appearance.

[sub] " ugh...By the flame...[/sub] Devil, winged one, there is a difference. I mean no one any harm, and I've been a resident here since before whenever you arrived." she said, her assumption of herself being what Icarus sensed making her feel a bit of sympathy for Blackharte and everyone's ignorance to his presence all this time... they were accusing all accusing him at present time weren't they? She then decided to try and be diplomatic between Selena and Faust. "If I may be so bold, and if Jenny would not mind me volunteering her... with my apologies of course, to get your side of the story without error or cause of doubt due to a lack of trust in this situation?" she suggested, in an act to hopefully bring down the heat and temper this situation.

Rising Dawn: Hangar: Ares | Violet | James |

"You know what, that doesn't seem like a bad idea." Ares responded to Violet's offer, handing him a sprawled out napkin, with an intricately drawn blueprint upon the fragile fabric. "It would definitely be nice to get out of this room before something else decides that the laws of physics can fuck themselves and appears from who knows where." She says, rather flatly expressing their discontentment with the situation. That is also directed partly at the cards in James' possession seemed to turn into small women. "Quite the magic trick there. Holograms right?" she says, clearly unfamiliar with the aspect of magic. That... will be a fun thing to wrap a technological mind around when they experience it.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Training Rooms | Rising Dawn​

Faust clutched her cloak tightly from within. Underneath the cloak, though she found it distasteful, cloth weaved itself from underneath her into a maintenance uniform. A simple cotton tank top tucked into a half-unraveled one piece with tall rubber thighboots. When it was done she let go of the cloak and let it drape across her shoulders. Faust looked every part the every man. "I agree," she said happily "you all should my side of the story before you get ready to crucify me."

BlackHarte gave Faust a long stare. Then he spoke up in a sharp warbling voice. "Unfortunately, I do not know who you are," it said.

Faust paused, her eyes wide in disbelief. She shook her head and knelt down to the small black puddle. "What?" She parted her hair and held it back into a ponytail. "You don't recognize me BlackHarte?"

BlackHarte replied instantly, "After searching 110 databases for an identification, I cannot conclude with certainty who you are."

Paradigm Story - He Who Would Be God
Chapter: 1 - Twisted Probability, the Black One's Pride
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California​
The Storyteller

"Hold on, hold on," I tapped the wooden table twice with my index finger. The sound was dull and muddled. It was a hard, solid wood. "I thought Selmy was in the shower and Titania and Deborah were talking to Bewp."

The old man looked at me with his toothed grin, "Perhaps it is loud in this establishment?" He took yet another long drink, leaving a layer of froth on his upper lip. "Or perhaps it is because you have fed an old man one too many pints." He shook his head, he laughed. His laugh was soft and deep, sounding from the inside of his chest. It resonated loudly and cut through the cacophony of the room. It stood stark against other voices, high and low. The laugh shook the table and it shook me. It was a friendly laugh. "Indulge an old man his mistakes if nothing else. You must allow for some suspension of your disbelief if we are to every finish the story."

I frowned, "I believe that I suspend my disbelief plenty. Nanomachines morphing into teen girls? A trickster goddess and a sorceress who finds her strength in fiction? These things about Observers I think I have done plenty."

"Tut tut," he tutted. "If you can overlook that, then why can you not overlook tiny inconsistencies?"

"Because," I paused. I really didn't know why it bothered me so much.

"Because," he finished, "its a matter of continuity. We can suspend our disbelief, but we have a much harder time suspending our reason. Even if it is within a fantastical state of internal logic." He chuckled and called the waitress over. She was a younger woman with long red hair that reached down to her thighs. Her face was somewhat rounder than most, but she had kind blue eyes and a small nose. Her uniform reminded me of the maid we used to have when I was but a child. "A sampler please, and two more pints."

She bowed, "As you wish." Her voice was fittingly sweet. Though, now that I noticed it, she seemed to be of Asian descent. At least, her build and accent indicated it. Not as pale as I would have expected of a Spaniard of the same features and definitely not as tall and slim.

The old man cleared his throat, "You can stop gawking now." I turned my gaze back toward his grinning face. His blind eyes mocked me.

"How did you know?" I stammered. I felt my cheeks getting hot. This old man was one helluva stranger.

"How did I know all those times you waved at me to continue?" I was silent. "I could feel the table vibrating you young fool. Its why I like to come here. The wood is old, and its all connected. They all sing to me about what happens. When I am here, I can see again."

"Please continue," I said.

"As you wish," he replied. "When Titania stepped out of the water, Selmy was surprised. Her face turned red. She had a towel wrapped around her out of habit, and she thanked the heavens that she did. Both of the others had been soaking in a bathtub just out of view of the shower. Titania's young slim body ran with droplets, illuminated with the soft yellow light of the bathroom ceiling lamps. A hazy steamy mist made her seem like she was glowing. Deborah got out of the bathtub after Titania and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, pressing against her back.

"Please," Titania said, pulling a first aid kit out from underneath one of the sinks in the bathroom, "we should disinfect your cut."

Selmy nodded, but still abashed from looking at the two other women. The cut that ran from her clavicle to her navel was an angry red. Little beads of blood still forced themselves out into the warm wet air. Titania pulled a disinfectant salve out of the kit and some bandages. She opened the salve bottle and dipper her hand inside. It was cool and smelled of mint. She knelt down in front of Selmy and put her hand inside of the towel she kept wrapped around herself. Selmy was very clearly uncomfortable, but kept still as Titania ran her hand up and down, smearing her injury with the cool cream. Shortly, Titania finished apply the cream and ducked away from Selmy. Deborah bandaged the wound with gauze.

Titania and Deborah came out of the bathroom first, having magicked their outfits back on. Selmy came out a little afterward, cheeks red. She did not seem to recollect what exactly had happened prior to her loss of consciousness. Titania was half bemused when she found Bewp reciting to herself 'Ruby Babbage-Lovelace.' That amused smile faded when she saw Ruby destroy her luggage by absorbing it. Titania walked up to Ruby and slapped her across the face. 'Didn't you listen to what I said?' Titania chided, 'you need those things. You won't have access to your powers when we reach densely populated areas. You'll be just as human as everyone else!'"

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Paradigm Story - He Who Would Be God
Chapter: 1 - Twisted Probability, the Black One's Pride
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California​
The Stranger... erm... #22?


"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," I said from behind the Story Teller, "well, no, I did mean to interrupt, especially since I wanted to apologize for eavesdropping into the story... but that would be a lie. It's... interesting, to say the least. But regarding the character of ... hmmm... what was her name? boop? Oh yes. A little too Pinocchio meet Silence of the Lambs, don't you think? A machine who's becoming a girl who also has a hunger for blood. Oh... wait... you guys aren't tossing script ideas around are you? Because... I had this idea about a guy who met a girl... I forgot her name... and he trapped her body inside a doll. Goddammit all. My Taxi's here already. Thanks for the story old man."

Off put at the prospect of having to leave during such an interesting tale, I dropped a couple of silver coins onto the table, my payment for such. I could hear the coins spinning around and around the table as I made good my retreat, not waiting to see how they would fall or if one coin would revealing the image of Comedy, the other the image of Tragedy.


I exited, stage left.

The (Un)real World
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California
Time: That Fateful Night​
B3WP | Deborah | Dolores | Selmy | Titania


The sensation of skin pressed against her skin was... exhilarating(?). The "feeling" that Ruby felt when slapped across the face by Miss Titania was... not an entirely negative one. Her emotional emulators attempted to decypher these new sensations and tried to calculate the correct response. The output, from Miss Titania's point of view, was strange as she saw Ruby's face fly through a series of different expressions. One moment Ruby appeared angry, followed moments later by an expression of sheer depression, followed by an expression of excitement, followed moments later by tears, followed moments later by one of gleefulness.

The current of confusion ran strong within the machine that had half morphed from a young girl into a piece of luggage. She didn't understand why Miss Titania would care if she traveled as a young girl or as a piece of baggage. A least if she was a piece of baggage, she would pose no threat of putting Miss Titania, Miss Deborah and Miss Selmy in danger. If what Miss Titania said was true, she would exist solely as a piece of luggage while around others. Unless there were additional concepts that B3WP... Ruby was unaware of.

B3WP.... Ruby... moved again, wiping away the aftermath of the tears that had been shed and reformed into the young girl. The baggage that had been packed with Miss Titania's and Miss Deborah's... toys... was unharmed, save for a few splotches of golden residue that had been left by Ruby's passage.

Looking up at Miss Titania, Ruby waited for a moment, wondering what was going on in Miss Titania's head. She nervously shuffled the Identification and the Credit Card in her hands waited for a response.

"I... why should I not go as baggage? I... in my current confusion, would I not just put you at risk? I was designed to protect those that I've bonded with and though there is no physical bond between us, like Little Miss and myself, I... 'feel'... like I should be protecting you all, even if that means becoming a simple bag to carry your items in. In the end, I am a tool to be used in whichever way would be most useful."


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Paradigm Story - He Who Would Be God
Chapter: 1 - Twisted Probability, the Black One's Pride
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California​
The Storyteller

I watched the stranger leave. It was befuddling, in the days we had been here I had never noticed a man like him. Nor had I ever seen the likes of the coins he left. The old man did not seem to take notice of the strange man. I couldn't remember what the stranger looked like nor what he had sounded like. My head hurt. I picked up on of the silver coins and played with it in my hand. They had a very peculiar feel.

"Ruby looked expectantly at Titania. Titania gazed back, her green eyes had a piercing quality. Titania shook her head and embraced Ruby, holding her head tightly. 'No,' Titania said, 'no, no, no you poor child.' Titania breathed in deeply and exhaled. Her body shuddered. She held Ruby closer, squeezing her, feeling the cold of her body.

'If you went as luggage,' she paused to draw breath, 'you have no Observer Ruby, not here. If you became observed as a piece of luggage, that would be all you ever will be, had been, will become. If you became Observed as something inanimate, then you, the current you, would disappear.'

Deborah stepped in and took the bag of toys and slipped those inside of her purse, taking meticulous note of every object she had stashed inside the bottomless bag. 'Since as an inanimate object you would not be able to Observe yourself back into existence, you would be forever stuck in that form. You must remain sentient to regain your original form. You must keep yourself in your mind's eye at all times.'

'And that's why you must be human, if just for this little while.' Titania sighed. She seemed to be fighting back tears. The old Titania would never have so much as touched someone like Ruby, but this Titania, now, was no longer the one in the past.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The (Un)real World
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California
Time: That Fateful Night​
B3WP | Deborah | Dolores | Selmy | Titania

"At least as luggage, I would have been useful" Ruby despaired silently, replaying the video log of the battle with Subject: BlackHarte's minions upon entering this world that was not hers and yet controlled the fate of hers. As she was held by Miss Titania, Ruby's cores attempted to process all the new and often conflicting pieces of data that streamed from her sensors and subroutines. Adding to her 'confusion' Miss Titania and Miss Deborah were acting illogically, insisting that the Swarm that masqueraded as a young girl maintain that facade, increasing the number of variables that would cause the group to be caught. Despite that, despite knowing this, part of Ruby didn't care.

"Broken... I'm broken." The thought bounced from agent to agent, causing the girl to attempt to shutdown as many of the defective routines as possible. Attempt, but not succeed.

Event Log said:
execute Ruby.EmoEmu shutdown
>>Access Denied
execute Ruby.EmoEmu shutdown -force
>>Access Denied
execute Ruby.AllSystems Restart
>>Access Denied
"[small]What are you doing to me?[/small]" Ruby whispered a panicked query in Miss Titania's ear, "[small]Why can't I control my subsystems. Why can't I make these feelings stop?[/small]"

Was Miss Titania's act in treating Ruby as she would a child causing this? Was she the one who was responsible for all this? All these... feelings... emotions... stimuli... this embrace... her smell... the warmth of her touch... her voice... they... they caused all this and Ruby couldn't make it stop. Why would Miss Titania do this to her? Her emotional emulator spun as wildly as a wind vain spins in a hurricane.

"[small]Why?[/small]" The young, terrified and confused girl that Miss Titania held asked as she began to cry.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Bridge: Kazuya, Diabs, Hien

"-And that, in a nutshell is why trickle down economics is bullshit..." The former gang banger said to an extremely annoyed looking Kazuya as he made he case for him to be let off the hook.
While he had been considering it before, he was quickly reconsidering if it meant he had to look at this jackass for the rest of the mission.
[color=9f2b68]"...Very well. Report to to the Hanger, there will be a detachment of men waiting to escort you off the ship. Now get of my sight."[/color] He then said as the Gangster punched the air and left, dancing as he did, unaware exactly of what Kazuya had in mind.
He then went back to leaning back on the Captains chair, finding it slightly more comfortable then his office one, he would have to contact whoever was made to instal-
"KAZUYA!" Shouted an enraged voice as a badly scarred Hien stormed into the room, now clad in a shirt and using another shirt as a kind of kilt as his two guards walked in bare chested.
"The crew attacked me! I demand Retaliation!"
[color=9f2b68]"...Hello to you two, Hien. Been a while."[/color] He sarcastically answered as he looked at the humiliated strider.
[color=9f2b68]"That my men have reported *you* starting a fight with?...Come now, Hien, you started a fight with the Rising Dawn. I'm more surprised you aren't actually dead right now..."[/color] He then interrupted, prompting Hien to freeze as he realized he didn't have a leg to stand on, ohhhhh...he would make them pay for this...
[color=9f2b68]"Now, is there anything else or shall I bid you good day?..."[/color]
"......A-actually, there is one other thing..."

Rising Dawn: Canteen: David West, Furiae

High as a kite after his victory despite everything, David was going to celebrate in the canteen as he saw Furiae considering some of the items on the menu.
On his way over however, his attention was brought to the TV set where the local news was replaying part of Vincent Vega's speech in relation to the President's claims he was a terrorist.
Despite knowing better, he soon found himself unable to look away as those words repeated in his head.
[color=6c1504]"Peace. Though. Power!
Peace. Though. Power!

That last verse shot an acute pain though his head, prompting him to stumble before supporting himself against the wall and holding his head.
Once the speech was over, he then glanced at the TV cut to the presenter seemingly waking from a trance himself.
"...Tch, fucking politicians..." he winced before reaching over to the remote and turning it off before resuming his planned date, rubbing his head as he did.

Rising Dawn: Outside Training Room: Hien, Chris, Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, Angelus, Blade, Jenny, Kalastryn, Doctor Insano, Selena, Faust

While the part about Blackharte saying that he had never seen Faust before was a little concerning, Jenny agree with Kalastryn that perhaps reading her mind would quickly put an end to this stand off before someone sparked off a fight and someone got badly hurt.
Pushing Selena's wand gently down, she then said "Alright then, Ms. Faust, I shall read your mind and compare the event from both ends. But regardless of the outcome, I will have to insist that whatever might have started this conflict, this will be what ends it..."
She then walked over before placing a hand on Faust's forehead only to find that-...her version of events was exactly as she said they were? That she was fixing the lights when Selena stuck out at her.
"...Hmmmm...It-....appears to just be a misunderstanding after all..." The Gardevoir pulling her hand away slowly as she tried to figure out what was going on.
"Alright, Sorry for being hasty, just Selena's account might have been marred by her fright. It's okay everyone, you can all calm down now..." She said to the group, though before the witch could protest, she mentally sent "Calm. Down. Act. Normal. There is something terribly wrong here, but I cannot prove it yet. For now, be cautious, stick with the other crew members, Guard your specter and stay away from Ms. Faust. I'm going to get to the bottom of th-"
Before she could finish however, 2 men entered the room, one of them Kazuya's G-Corp soldiers and the other one of Hien's personal guard (Notably minus a shirt).
"Strider Koukennin, Mr. Mishima and Master Hien request to talk to you in the bridge..." the Strider said in a tone that made it clear it wasn't up for discussion.
Groaning slightly, she then dropped the serious act before saying "...errrr, think I have to take this call. I will talk to you all later." and leaving with the men.

Blade was mostly silent for the exchange but quickly went to join his S.O. once she was called, figuring that Hien most likely went crawling over to Kazuya to regain his power of authority after Chris kicked it out of him.

Rising Dawn: 2nd Training Room: Rugal, Icarus, Nadalia, Caim, Azan

Rugal was going to try and reason with the knight, but considering how...*Sound* Azan's logic was, he quickly realized that it wasn't going to change his mind and could just make things worse as he shook him by what was left of his shirt after the fight he just had.
"Azan-...Azan! AZA-...ALRIGHTALRIGHTALRIGHT! I'll go look at the damn prisoner, Okay?!...Jus-...Can you at least let me get changed first? I look like I just just got shot out of a cannon..." He finally conceded, if only to get the knight to stop bringing it up.
Nadalia then went on about how Doom was going against "Her Sovereign's" wishes, leaving him to wonder who/what she was talking about.
"Well, if that's the case, might as well come along then, make an event of it..." He then added, asking her to tag along in order to try and make this upcoming meeting slightly less awkward.

Rising Dawn: Hanger: Violet, Ares, James, Diabs

"Wow, thanks, if I ever get a dull moment, I'll try to make one of these." Violet said to Ares right before she handed him the blueprints to the generator he saw in her databanks.
"As for my friend here, those are no holograms, Ares, this realm has a much higher affinity for magic. Perhaps too high if you ask me. So wild and unpredictable, least compared to science if you ask me." He then said right as he went to lead them towards the canteen.
On the way over though, he was casually shoved aside by a asswipe in a red jacket and shades (Diabs) as he was escorted by a pair of armed guards, one of which was holding a sort of backpack.
"So where my ride out of here? I need to hook back up with the boyz once I'm back on Terra Firma..." He chuckled outloud before he was handed the backpack, finding it to have some kinda ripcord.
"...Yo...ain't this a parachute?..." He asked before he was brought to one of the ships airlocks, which the men opened before shoving him inside and locking him inside.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Paradigm Story - He Who Would Be God
Chapter: 1 - Twisted Probability, the Black One's Pride
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California​
The Storyteller

I closed my eyes, it was a cliche'd tale I think. "Love is what makes us human?" I asked. The old man stopped speaking and looked at me. The grin fading from his lined face. Those milky white eyes of his gazed deep into me. If you asked me now, I'd say that the man wasn't blind. He could see everything that happened with those fogged marbles he had inside his head.

"No," he answered, reaching out for his drink. "Love has nothing to do with what is happening. Listen close because I do not wish to have to explain it further."

I took a sip from my drink. It was harsh and bitter. A dark mix of grains and sour berries. I put the drink down. I was never one for strong brews. Still it left a unpleasant aftertaste in the back of my throat. Despite the distractions, the waitress bringing the sampler over. She bent down far more than she needed to and gave me a little smile on her small cupid-bow lips. The old man kicked me in the shin when he felt me staring.

"Titania held onto Ruby tightly, enduring the sobbing fit that the smaller girl was going through. She closed her eyes tight and held her tighter and tighter. Soon both girls found it hard to breath, such was the intimacy of their embrace. There was a silence as Deborah and Selmy gazed upon the two. There were four breaths that stilled in the room.

'I'm not doing anything Ruby,' Titania whispered. Ruby could feel the beating of her heart, the warmth of her blood. It seeped deep into her, stirring an new sensation within her. 'Don't cry, don't cry. Don't forget yourself, don't forget yourself.' Ruby felt faint. She couldn't breathe. Titania was smothering her. Ruby had to gasp for air between her heaving sobs.

Deborah put her hands on her hips and smiled sadly, 'Tania, you can let go, its already come to pass.'

Titania's grip of Ruby loosened. She look her in the eyes. Her lips were pursed and tears had welled in her eyes. Titania pinched Ruby's cheeks. She blinked and tears flooded over her deep green eyes. 'Soft, so soft.' Ruby's cheeks turned red in response to Titania's touch. 'So who was it, who is Ruby's Observer,' Titania asked.

Selmy stood shyly next to Deborah. She felt out of place. Her blue eyes shone in the silver moonlight. 'Who is that girl anyway?' Selmy asked Deborah. Deborah laughed softly.

'Our daughter,' Deborah answered. Selmy looked bewildered. Deborah patted Selmy on the head. 'Don't worry about it too much.'

'So its her,' Titania cast her gaze on Selmy. She looked like a violet shrinking in the light. 'I completely forgot. Without her willing suspension of disbelief, you're just a human. Only a human. Ruby.'"

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The (Un)real World
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California
Time: That Fateful Night​
B3WP | Deborah | Dolores | Selmy | Titania

"You're right of course, Mother." Ruby said to her mother. It was strange but did Ruby just notice a look of surprise on Mother Titania and Mother Deborah? She'd called them that for her entire life, "But mother, I know that I'm human, the question was, why can't I be more like you?"

The young girl, daughter to Titania and Deborah, felt wrong, though she couldn't explain why. She felt, in a 14 year old sort of manner, that this interaction with her mother felt strange, as if she'd rarely done this sort of thing with her and yet memories of happy times with Mother Titania and Mother Deborah were there to reinforce the strangeness of this feeling.

"I'm sorry about the mess I made but that man... the one who broke in here and made us have to leave our home... if someone found him then they'd look for us right? I just need to focus more when casting my spells." Ruby continued, wiping the still present tears from her eyes, tears caused by the terror induced by the man who broke through the door. Tears caused by the man trying to kill her mothers. Tears caused by her mothers putting themselves in danger when Ruby ran into Kappa and Nu earlier that night while walking home alone (They often warned her not to or Mister Blackharte would come and take her away).

"I'm sorry mother. I'll do better." Ruby said, smiling, "Mother Deborah? You have all my things packed, right? I don't see any of my stuff here. Oh wait, you forgot this."

Ruby handed a book to Mother Deborah for safe keeping. It was an old book, it's pages yellowed by the passage of time, leather bound and set with a large golden hued stone. Upon opening the book, Mother Deborah would have noticed writing in the Grimoire's margins, the oldest being a messy childlike script written in crayon, the later ones being more organized and written in pen.

"Mother Deborah? Can we play airplane?" Ruby said, again still wary about a situation that felt alien to her and yet familiar to her at the same time. The young girl said as she started running towards an open window.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
, David West, and Furiae.
Location: Canteen | Rising Dawn.
Just after the speech ended, David was interrupted by a squeeze on his shoulder. Storm had just came in, looking at the screen with a little disgust. "Just here for my drink ... then I'm going to her." Storm said, not just wanting to let David have his moment, but to also tell him something. Walking up to the bar near the TV, Storm took one look at it before shaking his head, "This, and that announcement from The President, asking for our help. As always, I bet this is going to end horribly." He said, commenting on the issue while pouring himself a green liquor.

Taking the glass, one gulp, and it was already gone. Storm slammed the glass on counter, and let out a sigh of relief. "We should think about helping the President, I heard we've done it before, and I don't trust that guy on the TV. Anyway, that's not why I'm here ... " Storm said, switching the topic, his face revealing evidence of seriousness.

Looking left and right to see that these words would be out of sight, Storm finally said, "I'm worried about Wanderer. I just wanted to ask you to go easy on him for a bit. After you left, he weirdly went into a suicidal mood, and that kind of thing will make his offensive power weaken." Feeling awkward, Storm bit his lip. "He ... he's had a hard life. Worse than ours combined. I'll admit, I've seen into his life, we have a connection since we were brought into this world by the same method." Taking a gasp of air, thanks to the alcohol finally hitting him, Storm looked dazed, as if he were having a daydream.

"That guy doesn't even think he is human anymore. His family is dead, his crush rejected him plus kicking him out of his home, and he has killed most people he has seen in life. I'm not even including the moments he has been drugged, dissected, and brutally killed ..." Storm said in a angry tone, looking away in frustration. Starting to walk away, he turned around slightly, "So just ... go easy on him for a bit, encourage 'the good side', otherwise ... I don't know, he might kill us all." Storm finally shrugged before leaving the room.

, and
Location: Room 178 | Angel Wing | Rising Dawn.
Walking down the halls of the Rising Dawn, Storm felt that he was more frustrated than usual, and at a gripping time, he noticed it was something he barely knows about. Stopping and leaning on the wall, he rolled his eyes, and sighed. "I have my own problems. Sometimes I wished that I was still on the Blackhawke." He admitted, but the facts suddenly hit him. If he and Alpha had not came to the Rising Dawn, they would have no got this far, especially since Alpha received a synthetic body thanks to the mysterious power.

Finally beginning a smile, Storm realized that Alpha is one of the things in his life that makes him smile, and nothing before her did, especially after his parents died, and he was abducted for the Spartan program. "Hah, he wouldn't want to think of this." Storm said, beginning to walk again, as the imaginative figure of Tomoya faded away from his vision. Eighty steps and an elevator ride up, had Storm in front of the door to his room, with the key out ready. "Okay ... ooookay. Keep it calm, keep her in focus".

About to place the key inside the lock, a sudden thought interrupted his train of thought. "We still use keys? I feel like keycards would add to the security of this place. I should bring it up at the next meeti-NO ... wait, that's not it." He stepped quickly back, purposely slapping his head with his hand, accidentally touching his bandaged side. "Fu-" Was he said before stuffing his hand into his mouth, to silence his yelling of pain. Breathing heavily through his nose, eyes to the ground, Storm needed to calm down.

[color=nvayblue]Are you okay?[/color]
" A familiar voice called out. Storm instantly looked up, his eyes watering. To him, it looked like a true Angel was looking to him. He saw Alpha looking concerned [] besides him. Speechless thus far, Storm felt like speaking, apologizing, and everything after, but Alpha was caressing his bandaged side, looking over each inch of the injured part. Smiling happily, Alpha removed her hand, "
Whoever helped you did a very good job

Finally gathering his thoughts together, Storm brought his arms gently around the synthetic girl in front of him. Surprised, giving off a small yelp, Alpha was about to respond, but Storm had already brought in, and tears began to flow down onto her shoulder. Hugging the superhuman back, she began to console him, "
There, there ...
". For ten more seconds of crying, Storm gently gripped her, pulling himself away from her.

"I-I am sorry for everything I said before I left." Storm said, ending with a embarrassed look, turning away, but immediatly turning it back. Alpha saw determination within his eyes, and she decided to allow him to get it all out. "I don't want to repeat my sins of the past, but I want you to know ... with all of my power. That you are the most important person to me. You were there in the days I needed you, you were there when I threatened myself, and of course, you are here now." The Spartan said, finally making amends with his lover.

A hand moved to Storm's head, he would be surprised, but he was comforted. "
Apology accepted. Now come in, you must be tired
." Alpha said, helping Storm up, gently pushing him back into there room. They ended on the balcony, looking over the horizon, and holding hands. Storm turned to her, "Can I make it up to you at all?" He said, with a serious tone. Alpha giggled and nodded, she pointed to her cheek. Knowing what it means, a blushing Spartan moved in closely, and kissed her on the cheek.

Alpha gave one of her biggest smiles. []

"Thank you!"


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Some of the following content was written in collaboration with Diablo1099 and GenericNPC22. You guys are awesome sauce for the blocks. []

Also, I didn't really know what to post for the big mexican standoff outside the training room, so I'm sorry I didn't put anything. :/
Rising Dawn: Canteen Storm-1788
, David West, Furiae, [color=eca222]Bartender(?)[/color], [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color], [color=356D60]Garm[/color], Katya
(I like all the colors, okay?)

When David finally wandered into the Canteen, he saw Furiae chatting up a rather tall man. Bearing slicked-back blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and a classy looking uniform [!!%20Shizuo%20Heiwajima%20Bartender%20Suit%20Cosplay%20Costume.jpg], the guy stuck out like a sore thumb, especially given that he had to bend down to be at eye level with Furiae (who seemed to be consulting a menu of some sort). Upon David's approach, the young woman gave her date a wave and indicated her head towards the bartender(?), "You didn't tell me that you had a bartender/Maître d on employ!"
David looked the newcomer up and down with a frown, answering, "...I didn't tell you because we didn't. Who are you? Ain't seen you around."

The bartender gave a smile and a small dip of his head, [color=eca222]"I'm newly appointed. The imps can tell you, I mean no harm. And, I owe someone a favor, so.... here I am. As for your lady friend here, I was simply going over the options on the menu, seeing as there's no one asking for drinks."[/color]
"Got a name, Mr. 'New'?"
[color=eca222]"Luke Cypress. But please, Luke is enough. Let me know if you need anything."[/color]
"Alright Luke, give me a water and some aspirin if you got it. Head is killing me."
"I'll try the spiced tea and a sandwich. Have the chefs surprise me, so long as some kind of ham is in there."

Luke only kept his sedate smile as he grabbed the necessary amenities, placed them on the table, and wandered over to the bar, leaving the two would be lovebirds alone. After he left, Furiae tapped her nails on the table for a moment and then gestured to the Irishman, "Well, here we are, Mr. West. What do you wanna know? And, by all means, feel free to tell me about yourself too!"


Teri's face went very red when Katya implied... "explicit" deeds between herself and her angelic ex boyfriend, looking to the floor and shaking her head, [color=0E59E4]"You're thinking a LITTLE further ahead than the relationship we had going. Besides, I never really THOUGHT about that..."[/color]

Garm only chuckled at the two girls discussed such matters, and chimed in, [color=356d60]"It matters not with the body. From what I've seen here, if there is love, then it is possible to find a happy end."[/color]

Katya looked over at Teri with a barely concealed smile, the smile that someone gets when figure something out. Whatever it was, the young Hacker Heroine left it unsaid and changed the topic... sort of.
"Speaking of which. I heard that there's a guy dating a dragon on this ship. That is one romance I don't want to be privy on the details to. I mean... HOW?!" Katya exploded in immature laughter. Despite herself, she was having a good time. It wasn't very often that she got to talk to someone who understood the way she thought, at least not in person. Those were a dime a dozen on the net but in the real world, they were rarer than a white rhino.

[color=0E59E4]"Well, the dragon DOES have a human form..."[/color]

The door to the Canteen slid open for Garm, Katya and Teri. It was quaint, far better looking that Katya had expected for belonging on an airship and far larger as well. A few tables near the windows stood empty, placards saying reserved placed atop them.
"Why don't we sit over there?" Katya asked, Teri, excited to see what could be seen through the windows, only to receive a shake from Teri's head before she moved towards the bar.

"Oh wow... you guys ARE really set up. You've got a bartender and everything!"

Teri looked confused when Katya mentioned a bartender, and answered in kind, [color=0E59E4]"A bartender? You mean David? I guess he sorta counts. Otherwise, it should be one of the-"[/color]
[color=356D60]"Tear-ri, I don't think she's talking about David...."[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"What do you mea- Oh. Please don't tell me that's who I think it is."[/color]
[color=356D60]"Only if you want me to start lying to you."[/color]
[color=0E59e4]"I was afraid of that.. Katya, gimme a couple minutes."[/color]

The cleric reached for the amulet hidden in her robes, and with a frown, addressed someone she didn't think she'd be speaking to for a time, [color=0E59E4]"...If that's you over by the bar, we need to talk. NOW. [small]Infernal, preferably.[/small]"[/color]
The man at the bar looked up in the direction of the two young women (and Garm), and his face fell from the demure expression he was taking earlier, then motioned to a back room. As the Cleric and the bartender wandered in, and a light sound of hissing began to fill the air, Garm looked up at Katya with (as best a wolf could manage) slightly exasperated expression,
[color=356D60]"I think they're going to be talking things out for a little while. Want me to introduce you to the Imps? They're real nice, and cook just about everything!"[/color]

Rising Dawn: 2nd Training Room: Rugal, Icarus, Nadalia, Caim, Azan

Caim blinked in confusion when Icarus mentioned Hiryu's less than reasonable actions as of late, and looked down to his handiwork for a moment, trying to think of what exactly to say. It had been a while since he had properly heard from his friend, as Blade and Jenny have been his primary channels with the Strider organization; especially where Furiae was concerned. Speaking of, if Hiryu was missing, and Jenny was on the ship, what WAS going on with his sister? Looking up again, Caim was ready to answer Icarus, but noticed the youth was already out and dealing with the crowd outside. With an increasing frown of concern, his PDA muttered aloud,
"While I'll take the kid's words into account, I want to speak with Hiryu myself. If...he's pulled something similar to what Tomoya has, I want to see it with my own eyes."
The warrior gave Slaughterism one last wipe with his cleaning cloth before returning it to the wheel and stood with Rugal and Nadalia,
"I'll go along with you two as well. I don't want to stew on this news. What about you, 'Bridge knight'?"


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Paradigm Story - He Who Would Be God
Chapter: 1 - Twisted Probability, the Black One's Pride
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California​
The Storyteller

"Selmy smiled shyly. She had undone her blonde hair and let it fall down past her shoulders. Now that it was illuminated properly her hair was a deep gold. Lustrous in the light of the room. Her eyes a brilliant green. 'Well I think that's very nice,' she said. Deborah smiled and put Ruby's grimoire away. 'There's nothing wrong with indulging a child in her fantasies.' She walked forward to the door and opened it, it swung freely.

'The body's gone Tania,' Deborah said. She walked over to the bed and picked up her own grimoire, the Book of Fate. There was no hint of strangeness in Deborah's voice. She kept calm and cool in the face of an unseen overwhelming danger. 'Ruby, don't go out now. We're leaving for the airport. We can practice our Ars Magus later.'

Ruby tuned on a dime with a playful pout on her face. Titania shifted her weight onto her heels and danced uncomfortably from leg to leg. It was a strange scene to watch the two girls stand next to each other. They were of the same height and complexion, outwardly identical and youthful. Yet one claimed to be the long standing mother of the other.

Selmy didn't mind. It had some reminiscent to the cute ringings of anime and manga in her mind.

After a long silence Titania finally spoke up. 'We should leave now, I think that the cab is here.' Titania stood up and walked out the door, her coat and hair whipping out behind her dramatically. Deborah smiled blithely. 'Indeed. Ruby come along now.' Deborah put her hand on Selmy's back and pressed her onward. As they left the room they had been in faded from reality. The Observer had ceased confirming its existence.

Selmy looked at Ruby, striding alongside Titania, and smiled. She felt genuine happiness for them. 'What a strange and happy family.' The cab waiting for them was black and sleek. One of the newer models under the employment of Uber. Titania opened the door for Ruby. Being the most waifish of the girls Titania deigned to sit in the center. Selmy was given the seat in the front. As the car pulled away from the hotel Selmy felt uneasy. Her heart beat heavily in her chest. She felt as if something was watching her. She swallowed the feeling. She had felt that way her entire life."

The (Un)Real World
Location: In Transit
Time: Night​
The Book of Fate

Who is Selmy?

Who is the Stranger?

Who opened the portal from the Boundary?

Who is responsible for Observing Lambda-11 and Nu 13?

Where is Number 12?

Who is the Prime Unit.

These things I ponder.​


New member
Jan 24, 2010

[sub] " ugh...By the flame...[/sub] Devil, winged one, there is a difference. I mean no one any harm, and I've been a resident here since before whenever you arrived."
Icarus landed at Kalastryn's comment
"O-oh no I wasn't referring to you I-I felt Ancient Demonic Magic. Its coming off that, ermm woman there" He said pointing at Faust
"I've encountered demons before trust me I know how to sense one so if I could just-" he stopped this thing was not giving off any energy that he had ever sensed before, he could practically smell the ancient demon magic, but he couldn't prove based off just what HE saw, he needed to prove his case but this thing it had no natural life energy it was like it wasn't even really alive.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventures
Location: Airship Rising Dawn | Corridors
Time: Now​
Garm | Katya | Teri

"Wow! She gets about pretty quickly." The Young Hacker Heroine commented, in regular English, to Garm as they both watched the Rising Dawn's medic walk off towards the kitchen for what was sure to be a spurious conversation, though if Garm had been around humans long enough, he might have noted that Katya was not talking about the vigorous pace at which Teri walked towards the Kitchen. It was just at the moment that Katya had a realization.

"You talked?" Katya said, backing away from Garm as if his head might start spinning and spewing out mushy peas, "Wait a second. Of course you talk. Everyone else on this ship talks. B3WP even said that computer systems on this ship talk."

Katya let out a long sigh. She was definitely feeling out of her element. She was used to things being semi-explainable, semi-reasonable or semi-semi, but all this was a bunch of oddities, aberrations, anomalies and ... and... assholes, though truth be told there was only one asshole that she had met since meeting the C00t13 br00z3r5 in Los Angeles. Just about every internet rumor that she had read about the Rising Dawn had been confirmed and she'd only been on the ship for the lesser part of an hour.

Looking at the Irish Sniper conversing with the brunette at the bar and the really tall guy, taking into consideration how the C00ti3 Br00zer5 had treated her when they had just met her, seeing the Ship's Medic take pity on someone that was supposed to be their enemy, despite all the strangeness that lurked around every corner of the ship, this team seemed more like a large family than a team of expertly trained killers and city destroyers.

Walking over the empty tables that Teri had advised her not to sit at, she noted that each of the place settings had an item placed either on the table on in the chair. Katya saw a small wooden doll with blue hair that had been placed on a chair. Next to it was another chair with a staff leaning on the chair with a large bottle of something called "La Mort D'amour" placed on the table. An ornate katana that appeared to have been subjected to lightning strikes was hung off the back of another chair. Another chair sat empty, a bottle of Sake and a pair of chopsticks inlaid with the image of foxes sat on the table. The far side of the table had a large stack of food in front of it and a yellow cloak that rested on the chair's back, next to it a red mage's cloak.

Reading the placard again, she saw that there was more to it than just "reserved," it read "Reserved for Those Missed."

"Huh." Katya huh'd, "Alright, G., can I call you G? Let's go meet these imps. I'd really like some sashimi."

The (Un)real World
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California
Time: That Fateful Night​
Deborah | Ruby | Selmy | Titania

There was a "Awwwwww" response of disappointment from Ruby as she was told by Mother Deborah that Airplane would have to wait. Now you might be asking why Airplane and not bird or bumble bee or kite or anything of a natural sort of nature. Considering that airplanes have been the largest thing to rule the skies since the extinction of the dinosaurs and by their very nature could fly higher than any bird or bumble bee or kite, it was easy to see why Ruby would want to play airplane. Plus, Mother Titania made a very good runway.

The young daughter of Deborah and Titania was quickly mollified, however, at the promise of additional practice later, she just had to be patient, a hard thing for a headstrong young girl that had taken after her Mother Titania.

"YAY! Ars Magus! Ars Magus!" Ruby cheered cheerfully before childishly covering her mouth, "Oops. Sorry."

While there was no secret between the three in regards to Ars Magus, others might not have been too terribly thrilled to hear a child speak of such things in public. They had never explained why but her practice was supposed to be kept quiet. She couldn't tell any one else about it, not even the other kids at school.

"WAIT! WAIT!" Ruby suddenly cried as she remembered, "What about school? Am I going to going back or are we leaving for good again?"

The uneasy feeling returned as she remembered her classes, her friends and yet she couldn't name them... yet.

"It'll come back to me," Ruby thought to herself as she grabbed a book bag and placed a items to help pass the time. As she gathered her things, she noticed a small marble on the ground, the color of gold, like the gem on her book and yet not like it. Crimson flecks dotted the surface of the marble like glitter. Placing it in her pocket for safe keeping, she headed out with her parents and Miss Selmy to meet the cab.



Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Training Rooms | Rising Dawn​

A fake smile crawled across Faust's face. "But all things considered, I appreciate the trust that you all have placed in me," she said. Faust gave BlackHarte a dirty glare. She pulled slightly at the tight cotton undershirt she wore. The fabric irritated her skin. Why do women wear such tight clothing. She swept toward Selena and pat her on the head gently. She looked at Icarus as he came in.

"And who might you be," Faust smiled warmly. But like everything else about her, it felt hollow and fake. BlackHarte turned his head toward Icarus and bowed his little back head before taking his leave.

Paradigm Story - He Who Would Be God
Chapter: 1 - Twisted Probability, the Black One's Pride
Location: The Loft | Cupertino | California​
The Storyteller

"Deborah stroked Ruby's head gently as the cab rolled through the highway on its way to San Francisco. The dawn air was filled with a nascent dew. Titania looked at Deborah and bit her lip. The Blue Sorceress was begin by and by to act more and more like the Ruby's mother. Titania could not place whether or not she was merely playing along or was actively suffering from Selmy's observational powers.

After about five minutes in the car Deborah finally spoke. 'I've given it some thought,' Deborah said. Ruby looked at Deborah unexpectedly. Out of the four of them Deborah was the only one that looked matronly in any way. She had full breasts and a long sharp face. Though she wore her black hair long like Titania, she kept hers properly straightened. She was also the only one to be wearing any form of makeup. Titania thought she looked the part, and Selmy probably thought the same. 'We'll be coming back.'

The cab driver was a dashing man in his early fifties. He had salt-and-pepper hair that he wore into a gruff beard. Thin but loving brown eyes unmarred by age and disease. He had big strong hands, built for playing music. Scars covered the skin left bare by a brown vest and cashmere sweater. The man was happy because he had just seen his granddaughter for the first time. She was a beautiful baby girl with red hair and the deepest azure eyes. She looked every bit the part her father, which irked the cab driver a little, but she still had her mother's complexion. He was sure she would grow up to be a stunning young woman. And he was right," the old man paused and looked at me.

I shifted my feet uncomfortably as I stirred my drink inside its container. Brown and gold. They swirled deep inside. I looked back up at him. He had the strangest smirk on his face. "What's the matter," I asked.

He pointed at my shoulder. I turned around and fell out of damn chair in shock. The waitress from before was standing behind me, staring at us. She gasped and turned around when she saw me fell. I closed my eyes and let my head touch the wood floor. My cheeks burned.

I felt two soft arms tug at me from below my own. I opened my eyes. I was being lifted up. "Gii-san," came her voice, sweet as honey, "you can at least help me help him up."

"He's a strong young lad from a strong rich family," the old man laughed. He drummed his fingers against the wood table.

"Don't tease, it's bad enough you're telling that old story again." She set me up against my chair and patted her dress to smooth it out. She was very pretty. Red hair, blue eyes. So deep and rich in color that they seemed to glow. "I never understood it, you always change what happens little by little as you tell it. It's too confusing to be fun to listen too."

The old man suppressed his laugh. His shoulders heaved with the effort. "When you lose your ability to see, observing becomes so much more important. You'll understand when you're older."

"I'm seventeen now," she pouted, picking up her tray, "you said it would make sense when I was older a decade ago."

"You'res still not old enough, now run along now and make me a great-granddad," he waved her off, "gii-san has more to say before he goes home for the night."

I put my head against the table. I didn't even know why I felt so embarrassed.

"I met her grandmother in this very establishment," he said. I looked up. it took me a second to put two and two together, but I eventually got it.

"You're telling me this is a true story!?" I couldn't believe what he was claiming.

He shook his head, "Stories are stories. Whether they are true or not is up to you. It is not my place to say whether or not these events happened, just that I Observed them in some way or other. Do you wish to go home soon? If so I must finish a little bit more. Up until the airport."

I shook my head, "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I don't have to work."

He laughed out loud. "KPMG got soft!" he took a long drink, "I used to work all the holidays and then some! I didn't even have time off to see my own daughters being born! But I suppose that it might come with being a blue blood!" I shook my head. I didn't like it, and I still don't like it, when people assume that I had special perks. I was born into an affluent family, but it had nothing to do with anything I had accomplished. I was good at negotiation. That was my skill. I waved for him to continue.

"The look on Ruby's face was strange. It looked like she was pleasantly surprised and distraught at the same time. Though in the end she smiled. Titania looked out the window. Her thoughts wondered here and there, settling nowhere in particular. Ruby started talking to Deborah about Ars Magus and Ars Magus use.

They went on and on about the ability that grimoires had to focus the magic of relativistic events into forced observation. How using Ars Magus, which meant magic technique in Latin, was a hidden art that shouldn't be used too much. But all that talk started to make Selmy strange. She looked uncomfortable at first, she closed her eyes and rested her head against the window. It fogged up from the head coming off her head. The air in San Francisco was deceptively cold. The airport was a little ways ahead when Selmy started fidgeting.

'My head hurts,' she said. Titania looked at her. She thought Selmy had car sickness or something similar. Though that quickly became jossed when the cab pulled into the airport zone for departures. Titania's face was changed dramatically. She was scared and frightened. Deborah had already opened the door before Titania screamed. There was a girl standing outside that looked exactly like Selmy, except she was wearing nothing but a jet black body suit that cut out right above her ankles. Her hair was long and done up in a braid. She was smiling terrifyingly. Though she bowed her head and took Deborah's hand to help her out of the car.

'Might Lambda-11 be of service to you and your family, Observer? Nu-13 is unavailable at the moment.'"

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The (Un)real World
Location: Airport
Time: That Fateful Night​
Deborah | Lambda-11 | Ruby | Selmy | Titania
While Mother Deborah was being helped out of the car by Miss Lambda-11, Ruby was checking on Mother Titania, who was screaming like a mad woman, so much so that it scared the little girl to the verge of tears.

"Mom? Mom? What's going on? Are you okay? Mom?" Ruby asked checking on her Mother until such point that she calmed down. Straddling her mother's lap, the young girl tried to look into her mother's eyes to see what it was that she was seeing and understand why she was screaming so.

Mother Titania was looking past Ruby, however, at the woman that offered to help Mother Deborah out of the taxi. Seeing Miss Lambda-11 there was a quick glimpse of an image, as if someone had quickly lifted a curtain and showed Ruby a short memory of two woman that looked like Miss Lambda-11. What was more terrifying was that they were attacking Ruby.

The curtain slammed shut and the show went on.

"Mom? It's okay. Look, we're at the airport. There's nothing to be scared of. I didn't know you were afraid to fly mom." Ruby said reassuringly to Mother Titania. Leaning in, Ruby placed her head on her mother's chest, feeling the warmth of it. She'd always been cold as a child and used to snuggle up to Mother Titania for warmth. It had been comforting, listening to her mother's heart beat within her chest, to feel her chest rise and fall as she breathed. Surely it was so for her mother.

Looking over to Miss Selmy then over to Miss Lambda-11, Ruby posed a question.

"Miss Selmy? Do you know this lady? Why does she look so much like you?" The young child asked in her childish fashion, though it seemed that there was an undercurrent of suspicion in her voice this time caused by her mother's panic, "Is she your sissy?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: Rugal, Doom, Nadalia, Caim, Azan?

Seeing how there was a group going, Rugal quickly went back to his room to slip into something more casual (Notably not the fancy red suit he was known for) before he met with the others outside the brig.
The guards were going to protest to having Rugal see the prisoner, but there was something about having Kazuya's Demonic homicidal "Girlfriend" around that kinda silenced that objection (As well as scare the crap out of the guards currently posted).
Before he went in, he said "Alright...Just a warning...I'm not-...*Entirely* sure how he'll react to seeing me again...So just in case he acts..."Unusual."

Clearing his throat he then led the party into the brig, seemingly a little unwilling to do so, before they came upon the man himself, screaming at the guards.
[color=004d]"HOW DID YOU NOT SEE THAT GUY?! HE TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS AND-....Okay, NOW Doom kinda understands, BUT STILL! COME ON! THERE WAS NO WAY THAT SLIMELY BLACK BAS-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ahhhh...."[/color] Doom began to trail off as he backed away from the bars, repeating the stunned sound as Rugal and the others came into view before freezing on the spot, not moving, speaking, blinking and if he was still even breathing, they sure as hell couldn't tell.
A tense silence filled the room.

"...*Ahem*, Hi....It's Me, Doom...."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
"...I-...Take it you remember me?..."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
" is-...."Everything"?..."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
"...Been-....Talking to, "Others"?..."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
"...Still..."Trying to take over the world" I see? Eh-heheh-...heh...
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
"...Guess I picked a good time to get out of the business, huh?..."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]

Rugal then turned to the others, before motioning for them to try and carry this extremely awkward conversation.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: Rugal, Doom, Nadalia, Caim, Azan?

"Are you the one they call 'Doom'? You act as though we will rubricate the cell with your blood. Ah ahah ah ah."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
"My sovereign seeks answers out of his prisoners, which I intend on carrying out. If you'd kindly just inform me of your motives, I will treat you as a citizen of the ship. Disobey my wishes ... and, well ..."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
As she finished making out her sentence, Nadalia rubbed her index finger on the bar... steam fuming off of it with a red glow on the metal. It was so hot in fact, half of the bar where Nadalia's finger was had melted off. Her eyes added to the intimacy when they glowed a slight maroon red infused with the lavender purple, the expression of the Queen looking quite sinister.
But still: [color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]

Doom seemed as if he was under some kind of status afflicting magic that rooted him in place, Hell, he didn't even seem to notice that Nadalia was in the room, his gaze stuck on his former employer instead.
Having said that, one of the guards was kind enough to tap the queen's shoulder before saying "Ummm, We kinda already tried that. The Cleric managed to get nothing out of him, but his former boss was kind enough to give us his mobile, we're scanning that as we, "My Liege"?...Can you please not damage the cell? We're-...Kinda renting out the place."
Rugal meanwhile was attempting to get Doom to convey some kind of human reaction, having his hand in front of his eyes and snapping his fingers in front of his face.
" he hasn't completely forgotten about me then..." He remarked as Doom just stood there, nearly completely lifeless.
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]
"...Alright, can anyone get this guy to talk or-...something? I'd at least like to know that he's still alive before I leave..."
[color=004d]"..." O[sub]-[/sub]O[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: Rugal, Doom, Nadalia, Caim, Azan Feat. Deadshot

Rugal groaned slightly at the idea, seeing how that was defeating the whole purpose of the trip, but as he looked at the catatonic Doom who was still staring blankly at him with his mouth wide open.
"...ahhh, fine. Don't even know why I'm here anyway..." He said before he walked away from the cell block into the front section of the Brig, turning to Azan and saying "Alright, I've seen the Prisoner. Any other orders from the "Bridge People" I should know about Azan?..."

Doom meanwhile finally began to move again, blinking a few times after Rugal left the room (Or at least his POV) as an anguished looking appeared on his face.
[color=004d]" on...The Rising Dawn...With...Kazuya....AND MR. BERNSTEIN!?....ohhhhhhh shiiiiitt..."[/color] He asked the remaining group, shaking wildly as he did.
Hyperventilating a little, he then began to back down onto his bed as he brought his hands to his face, rubbing it slightly as the rush of emotions he had been in since he got here (Dread, Pain, Sadness, Fear, etc) were starting to take his toll on his mind and that was before learning that he was imprisoned with not 1, not 2, but 3 different groups of people[footnote]Doom doesn't know that Rugal is a good guy and part of the Rising Dawn yet[/footnote] who all would want to torture him until death and mightn't even let him get that far.
[color=004d]"[sub]ohgodohmanohgodohmanohgodohmanohgodohman[/sub] GRRRRAAAAAHH-..."[/color] Doom began to say before he finally lost his cool before harshly kicking the toilet with his foot in his anger, Something he instantly regretted.
[color=004d]"OW! GOD! DAMMIT! FUCK! SHIT! ASS!"[/color] he swore as he hopped on one foot while he nursed his other.

After this "Mature" display from the so called "Super" Villain, one of the guards asked "...So you want me to open the cell or-"
Before he could finish, Doom picked up on it, causing him to lose his balance before falling flat on his ass pleading [color=004d]"NONONONONONO! NO! NOT AGAIN! DOOM'S HAD ENOUGH! HE'S FINE! H-H-H-HE GETS IT! HE DOESN'T NEED ANYMORE SHARP OBJECTS OR GUNS POINTED TO HIS HEAD! D-D-DOOM SWEARS! HE WILL BE THE BEST FUCKING PRISONER YOU'LL EVER SEE...JUS-.....Come on, guys? give me a break?..."[/color]
For all the talking up Kazuya did...Doom REALLY didn't seem as much of a threat and was looking, quite frankly, rather pathetic.
And he's only been locked up for less then half a day!

"Oh for the love of-...I liked him better when he was shell shocked..." one of the brigs other resident's groaned as he peered out from one of the other cells.
"Hey, if you are going to beat him up again, can you aim for the mouth? Today, I've gotten my head smashed though a toilet and tazed by that Asian guy's (Kazuya) dudes, trying to sleep it off and I don't want to hear the new kid on the block whine every 5 fucking minutes..." Deadshot said to the others, yawning slightly as he did.