The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Basically everyone
I carus smiled
"I got an Idea, I've been wanting to see if I can pull this off" he opened his mouth and black smoke billowed out it swirled around him, covering him in black smoke he started to float off the ground, the room got cold when Icarus eventually landed the smoke cleared he was wearing a long black coat with the hood pulled up over his head
"Well that should" his voice he looked at himself and slowly ran his hands down his body, he realized he made a mistake whn he say his new body's subtle curves, he pulled back the hood revealing himself
Selena started snickering as it was revealed
"Well this is dandy Its a technique called a true illusion, meaning for all purposes this is my body It feels so weird." his hands rest on his wider hips, around the skinny waist
"That gonna take getting used to" he admits quietly unfortunately Selena couldn't hold it back and started laughing
"Nice trick."
Icarus scowled
"Oh you have objections?" The girls lips opened wide and a cloud of smoke slithered towards Selena and wrapped around her like a serpent she struggled
"hey, nononono" she soon became entrapped, when it deispersed she had changed
She looked at herself
"O-ok this is, erm I could get used to this I guess" she said a bit uncomfortable with the shortness of her skirt, not to mention she looked a lot younger now.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
I'm trying out a new system I comprised. Kala is still going to have their wizard spellbook, but with one extra slot based on a sort of elemental "stance" they can enter and switch between more loosely than their spell book's one hour per change. Essentially, her spellbook is going to be reserved for a few tricks and traps, and perhaps a few magic missiles and other force based spells just in case, but they are going to *only* be able to use elemental spells via a single extra slot per spell level. The spell occupying this slot is going to be identical to the type of spell occupying the others. This means that a fireball (in fire stance duh) would not be able to be prepared at the same time as a shocking grasp (which is air due to lightning.) The types of spells in D&D terms that relate to a certain stance is based on the type of damage they do. Fireball? Fire obviously. Lightning or sonic damage? air. Cold/water spells? water. Acid? earth.

Level 0 spells:

Prestidigitation: Big word for tiny magic tricks.

Touch of fatigue: When they touch you, negative energy causes you to become fatigued, taking a -2 to strength and dexterity It doesn't last very long, but don't consider running an option... you'll feel to horrible to run for very long at all.

Message: sends a message to a particular person over a distance, as if whispered in their ear. Only this person can hear it however, and they can also whisper a reply heard by the person who originally sent it.

Light: An object or place radiates with a torch-like light. It doesn't make any sort of heat or anything, but it becomes very, very shiny. Enough to light 20 feet of darkness ( and dimly light 20 more feet after that.)

level 1 spells:

chill touch: Not ice damage like it would sound. Moreover negative energy. 1d6 per touch (which can apply to one touch per level.) and if they fail a fortitude save, 1 strength damage.

Ray of enfeeblement: Basically fires a laser of magical energy from Kala's fingertips that saps strength from anyone who gets hit by it. 1d6 strength damage +1 strength damage for every 2 levels. So about 1d6+6.

Magic missile: sends out 5 *missiles* which cannot be dodged. They deal only 1d4+1 points of force damage per each missile. Basically, 2-5 points of damage each.

Enlarge Person: Rugal's favorite spell. Double's a humanoid creature's size, granting them increased strength, and of course making them and their equipment much, much larger. Unfortunately, they are also a bigger target... Kinda hard to dodge when you're twice your normal size no?

Elemental slot? Fire = burning hands, 5-20 fire damage, flammable things catch fire, reflex for half damage. Air = shocking grasp. Her hand basically becomes a tazer for 5-30 electrical damage. earth = acid spray. Identical damage amount to burning hands, but based on an erosive acid rather than fire, reflex save for half damage.. Cold = cold ray. A beam of icy energy shoots out for 1d6 damage per caster level (up to level 5) Layman's terms, 5-30 damage, reflex save negates.

level 2 spells:

Spectral hand: for about one minute per level (or twelve minutes in Kala's case.) Kala takes a very minute amount of damage to create a disembodied, glowing hand that can deliver touch attacks for them. Meaning spells that require physical contact with the target can be channeled through this hand instead. If the hand expires or is dispelled, the caster (Kala) receives the hp they spent to create it back as healing.

Knock: One of the stupidest things people can do while trying to navigate any sort of building held by an enemy is knock. Unless it's a knock spell, which opens the door automatically.

Invisibility: Now you see me, now you don't. Lasts about 12 minutes, but ends if the person attacks anyone else.

ghoul touch: A touch attack made paralyzes a target, making them unable to move for 1d6+2 rounds. In layman's terms, that's roughly 12-48 seconds. They also emit a rather sickening stench much like a corpse for the same duration.

Elemental slot? Fire = scorching ray. Air = gust of wind, creating a gust of wind in a 60 foot line that blows at a speed of 50 miles per hour. Water = N/A Earth = Acid arrow.

level 3 spells:

Blink: Kala will rapidly "blink" in and out of the ethereal and material plane, seeming to disappear and reappear very quickly.

Displacement: Kala appears to be about 2 feet from her actual location. While this seems like a small distance, it makes any attempt to hit Kala miss about half the time. Flip a coin, you have that much of a chance to hit or miss.

clairvoyance/clairaudience: See and hear at a distance.

tongues: speak any language.

Elemental slot? Fire = fireball (yay explosives) Air = lightning bolt Water = frost lance (think scorching ray, but ice with a fortitude save for half) Earth = acid blast (fireball but acid. certain spells that do that as I notice in DDO are sorta like a reskin of another spell with a different element... I can see why, on SRD there aren't many spell levels that have one of each element)

level 4 spells:

Enervation: Target loses 1 to 4 levels.

Greater invisibility: Invisibility not broken by hostile actions (only lasts for just over a minute at Kala's current level.)

Bestow curse: That is some bad juju. selected curse results in -6 to any ability score (losing intelliegence, strength, constitution, the like), -4 to attack rolls (harder for target to hit things) saves (less resilient physically and mentally, less reflexive) or a 50% chance to lose each action (stand still for about 6 seconds without thought) every time it's "turn" comes around. Kala can get creative with her own set of curses, but it can't be made more debilitating than what is listed above.)

Elemental slot? Fire = Firewall, a line of flames along the ground burns anything attempting to pass through it. Air = Solid fog, which fills the air with a vapor that vision can't pierce. Water = ice storm, dropping rather large blocks of hail in a cylinder around 40 feet long. Earth = N/A

level 5 spells:

Prying eyes: (sorry again Selena...) small magical orbs fly freely, given simple commands. Once they return to Kala, Kala has seen everything they've seen.

Seeming: The spell Kala uses to disguise herself. Though it's never come into play, she can also use it to affect the appearance of other people as well.

Interposing hand: summons a large spectral hand (about 10 feet in size) that remains constantly between Kala and whoever she designates it provide cover from. The hand can be moved through, but unless the target weighs over 2,000 pounds it is slowed to half speed whilst inside of it. The hand will not ever attack however, nor pursue it's target, simply remain between the two of them (Kala and other person) to provide cover from projectile attacks.

Elemental slot? Fire = N/A Air = Mind fog, filling the air with a mist that weakens the minds of those that remain within it (-10 wisdom, -10 will saves.) Water = cone of cold (basically a giant fire extinguisher spray that deals 1-6 cold damage per level to anything in a cone shaped area.) Earth = Wall of stone (I kinda did what DDO did as far as representing the four elements by attaching acid to the earth element, but if this does not qualify, I don't know what will.) big old wall of rock, able to be shaped to fit the need. Doesn't *have* to be vertical, and as such can be used as a bridge or other object etc.)

Level 6 spells:

Flesh to stone: Someone looked at a gorgon huh? Person = statue, 'nuff said.

Stone to flesh: person above is no longer statue... again 'nuff said.

Elemental slot? Fire = N/A Air = chain lighting. 1d6 electric damage per level, and then for every level one more jolt jumps between targets, but only deals half that. Water = freezing sphere (another fire-ball type thing, except cold. Can also be used to freeze water.) Earth = Acid fog (An actually physically erosive fog/gas)


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Observing Icarus and Selena being so "enthused" about getting into costume, ARES and Kala agreed that there really wasn't any point in delaying it.

After a few minutes of digging through clothing, armor pieces, and the like...

"Well we don't look half bad... I even managed to hide my tesla rifle under the arm piece of this costume. I did have to put a hole in the boot to be able to use my jumpjets though..."

"Mphmph... mff" ... Evidently speaking through a Gas mask isn't so easy. Taking a clawed finger she carved a small slit just beneath the breather portion, to at least let a bit of sound escape.

"I'll say again... don't mention it... ever... at least the hazard suit is red.

"You seem to like wearing that color a lot."

"I'm cursed."


"No details... I have to. Kinda done for if I don't. That or I murder a criminal every month."

"Forget I as-"

"Forget I told you."

The both of them nodded in agreement... for ARES it actually would be easy to forget... one deleted file later and the conversation would never have happened. On the other hand... it would be handy to know... Maybe just the part about killing people..." she thought, as that bit of speech disappeared from her memory.

Ramien Grey

New member
May 25, 2014
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Basically everyone

The drow ran one hand over her eyes and forehead as she listened to the speech, particularly Violet's enthusiastic interruption. Cosplay? Half the people who came from Earth kept mentioning that... and they were all rather weird... She shook her head, watching as Icarus and Selena used various types of magic to disguise themselves. "I think I would... be better off assembling my... disguise in private." She pushed her chair back as she stood up, nodding to the people she talked to more often, including taking time to give Ton-Ton and Cadolbolg quick pats on the head, not wanting to appear as though she'd been avoiding people this morning - or at least that she hadn't been avoiding them due to any problems with them. Twenty minutes... that doesn't give me much time at all.

Back down in her room, she started pulling pieces of fabric out of her pack. They weren't going to fit perfectly, since they weren't originally meant to be worn by her, but she could modify them with a few quick stitches. She wiggled her way into the black, white, and red tartan skirt that reached down to mid-thigh, sighing slightly. If I understand the... rules of Cosplay, this should be right, but it's still too short! She quickly added a few side panels to a white blouse before pulling it over herself, the fabric still too tight, but at least she could breathe in it. A pair of white stockings only made it to her calves before refusing to stretch any higher. She slipped on a pair of black flat shoes - no silly heels for this drow, thank you very much! - then checked the time. Not a whole lot of time left, so needed to keep the makeup simple. Some light-colored makeup around the collar and sleeves of the blouse, and a little more around the tops of her stockings, with just a little at the fingertips... Add some spirit gum to form a 'seam' on her ears, and she looked very much like someone trying to cosplay a drow, 'worn' makeup and all.

She emptied most of her personal belongings out of the bag, leaving it on her bunk and just carrying a few things that might come in handy for this mission. No weapons, though - her knives wouldn't pass as fake, but a large sewing needle jammed into the lining on the bag would do just fine for deploying her sleeping poison, now resting in a sports bottle, if need be. She looked at the time and hurried through the corridors back into the Hangar with just a minute to spare, hoping she wasn't the last one to make it back, assuming anyone else even had to actually physically disguise themselves.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Escapist Avatar Adventures
Location: Airship Rising Dawn | Hangar
Time: 10:00 AM EST​
Rising Dawn Crew
Let's be honest here. Katya wasn't really paying attention to the briefing. Sure she had gotten the really important parts such as Doctor Neo Cortex posing as Professor Clancy Lang at M.I.T, a University revered for both it's intelligence and lack of anything dangerously close to being Awesome. There were other reasons for Katya's dislike of M.I.T, primarily because her Contra-Strike nemesis, NeCo, attended M.I.T or was a professor or something.

This of course was all before her ears perked at the mention of [color=9f2b68]"MIT is currently hosting a tournament for "Electronic Sports" [/color] and "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO GET AWESOME COSPLAY DISGUISES!".

"W@1t, wut?!" The L33t Haxxx0r Heroine exclaimed, her face positively drooling at the prospect of Gaming and Cosplay. It was like going to a buffet and finding out that they had Mexican food AND Sushi!!!, "#Awesumballz!!!!"

For those of you not in the know, this was Katya getting exciting about what was shaping up to be the perfect mission for her. Not only would she get to crush NeCo in person while dressed up as her current favorite Anime character from Bakemonogatari, Shinobu Oshino.

As it had when she had changed in front of Wanderer, a privacy screen materialized itself around the young woman, isolating her from the world outside while her body reshaped itself with the help of B3WP's nanoagents. Seconds later a youngish looking blonde girl with an aviator's cap sat where Katya had been sitting.

"@lr1gh7!!! 1'm @11 s3t lezzzz g0! C'm0n C'm0n! Wutz t3h h01d up?! Lezzzz g000000 p30p13! T3h n3wbz w0n't fr@g th3ms31v3s!!!!" Katya yelled as she started trying to get into a VTOL, finding that she was having issues reaching the handle.

"0h." She oh'd as she realized that she was quite shorter than she normally was, before turning to Cadolbolg or Wanderer "Little help?"


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Johnny Gat's SAINTs Strike Team.
Location: Blackhawk Heli En Route to Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
As night began to set in around in the Desert, Gat's transport zipped silently though the air as it neared the compound where Vega's speech was broadcast from.
*Tsk* "Attention Team Leader, we're moving towards the [URL=]Target[/URL]. ETA 15 Minutes." *Tsk*
The pilot informed Gat as he looked over the plan that Pierce had mapped out for them.
It was rather complex as he worked out everything from the suspected patrol routes to what times they would be most likely to stop for a piss (God Dammit Pierce).
Either way, there was plenty of time for Gat to consider his options as they neared the base...

Though as he was deciding his course of action, there was a strange shimmering in the air near his helicopter...


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Avatar Adventure
Location: Hanger | Rising Dawn

Azan was sitting against the wall when the speech was given out. He listened intently, mustache bristling with annoyance. If they expect me to take off this armor, then they have another thing coming. It is unfortunate that he had to dress up since he was actually wearing nothing but a pair of boxers beneath his rotund platemail.

No matter, Azan was a man of honor. So he browsed the costumes available, and completely missing the point, he picked another set of platemail. Yet this one was forged from grey stone, wrought in iron chains (much like his original armor.) He donned it over his current gear, placing the helmet above his own like a macabre top hat.

He turned toward Kazuya and spread his arms wide, "Is this satisfactory?"

I did this in 5 minutes between actual pieces, I apologize for its roughness, but in the interest of getting the post out, I don't want to do a full picture.

The Storyteller

"Titania was still preoccupied with Lambda-11. Lambda pressed onward toward Titania, pushing her into a wall. People walked by without giving them so much as a glance. Titania was vulnerable, the only people Observing her was Lambda and herself. She swallowed. Lambda's body felt cold, her skin soft but synthetic. Her uniform began to melt away into her regular bodysuit. Her hair grew long and braided, and slowly but surely those exotic-matter swords re-materialized around her.

'Thank you for remembering Lambda for who she was.' Lambda smiled sweetly. Two blades clicked together and slammed into the wall around Titania. Titania was trembling uncontrollably. The swords broke when they touched the wall, but the force that they emitted was still all too real.

Titania kneed Lambda in the stomach to break her grip and dashed away toward a crowd. Lambda jumped into the air, metal armor forming around her feet and shoulders. 'Murakumo unit activated, anti-Observer modules activated. Idea Engine activated. Dimensional Interference Field Deployed.' A magic circle drew itself around Lambda, shielding her from Observation and making her invisible to the commoners. She was a phantom known only to Titania now. Yet people started to take notice of Titania, locking her into her role as a human being.

The unfortunate fact of the matter is, when an Observer starts Observing someone. They cannot stop lest both the Observer and the Observed vanish.

Titania ran into Deborah and Ruby. Deborah looked troubled, and Ruby looked confused.

'Tania,' Deborah said, 'there's another Observer around here. Its working against us.'

An exotic matter blade flew into Deborah and shattered. She was unfazed. 'Yes, I know. Its Observing Lambda to!' Deborah paused and placed a hand on Titania's forehead.

'Lambda? Who? Are you feeling okay?'

Titania was taken aback. There was a white haze around the entire affair. Phenomena Intervention she thought. But who!? Titania looked from person to person as Lambda rained swords down on her from a far. She, refused to come into a high angle around Titania, failing to get a clear shot of her. The swords kept slamming into bystanders and being rendered unexisting.

Ruby swayed around uncomfortably, her hair twirling around her. She pulled gently on Deborah's hand. Her eyes were shining bright. She could see, the white fog around them. It was like static.

'... Cauldron detected. Activating anti-smelting protocols. Keeping distance.'"

I held my hand up. "You," I said. I was unsure at what I should call her. "You were there weren't you?" The girl nodded. The waitress stirred at my side. She sat up, sad blue eyes blinking the weary sleep away. She smiled and held my hand tightly.

"I was so afraid," she said. I still don't know her name. "I was so afraid that you died because of my stupid grandfather. Please forgive him, he didn't warn you about the special spices we put in that specific drink. The toxic shock almost killed you."

Is that what happened?

She turned to the Stranger and gave a small surprised gasp. "Who might you be little girl?" She frowned, "and why are you dressed so strangely? I hope you're actually wearing something and not one of those holographic clothes. Walking around like that is very dangerous there are lecherous and violent souls out there."

I pulled on her hand, "No, its fine. I think the stranger knows how to handle herself." I turned back toward the Stranger, "Tell me, what's this Cauldron that you mentioned."

The Stranger answered, "An Observer of all things that come before. It is simply an amalgamation of Observing materia that can project phenomena intervention across any period of existence. It is a fourth dimensional interference module in our three dimensional world. It is what's used to create causality weapons and it is used to pierce the boundaries between worlds. I will explain further later."

The waitress gasped, "Cauldron? Grandpa used to talk about it ALL the time." She sounded exasperated. "He said it was like a link between all the possible worlds to ours. A sort of device that would let him see into the future. He kept saying how he found one right before I was born."

I looked at the waitress and then to the Stranger.

"I am the Cauldron, but let me finish the last part of the events that transpired there before you ask anymore questions," she said.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Basically everyone.
Location: Hanger | Rising Dawn.
Time: "Too damn early."
Wanderer, being the ever vigilant 'messiah' of his world, turned up late to the briefing. This probably earned him a bad look from the guards of Kazuya, but he stood in line and watched the speech. If anyone didn't notice him, when The President's speech was being air, "[sub]Bring back John Henry Eden![/sub]" was being chanted in the background. This would possibly annoy some of the people in the room, but in Wanderer's mind, he knew he was chanting a person's name who he ... exploded. ("Actually, I convinced him to blow himself up, quite different, no?") He internally responded.

Quieting down for the rest of the briefing, when the mention of disguises came up.
"Aha!" A sudden voice pierced whoever was talking.
Wanderer, once again being a nuisance, ran across the hanger into what looked like a miniature garage. Sparks flew out of the tiny out of sight room for quite a time, until a figure stepped out. Of course it was Wanderer []. Stepping back towards the group, he ran his gloved fingers along the body. "I heard this as from a video game. A sci-fi one at that. Perfect for ... " Wanderer muttered, before bring out a laser pistol [].

Giddy, happy, and probably crazy again, Wanderer raced to the VTOLs with excitement. A little voice called out, "Little help?" Stopping all of a sudden, he noticed the voice belonged to the girl he almost killed. "Que?" He said in a confused response. Looking, he saw Katya in her own disguise. "Did you get a little short?" He scoffed, yet the jabbing thought in the back of his head, told him that he owed her. Wanderer, almost wanting to roll his eyes at his evil self, but resisted the temptation. ("I'll admit, she ... does look cute.") He though, turning a little red under the helmet.

Quickly, Wanderer gave a quaint, little bow, and offered his hand. "Madam." He said, his tone sounding a little strange. If he was honest, he would admit he has not idea how to be a "gentleman".


Storm and Alpha.

For the couple listened neatly to the announcement and briefing. Storm a little shocked at the new President. "Well ... considering the former one didn't do anything then." Storm muttered quietly. Lacking a bit of attention to the briefing, his mind gave him the mental image, back when the world was in the Angel War, back when he was corrupted slowly without realizing so. Having a depressed face on, he felt a soft elbow in his side. Looking towards the perp, he saw Alpha, giving him a little smile. "
[color=nvayblue]Cheer up, I'm here for you this time[/color]
." She said softly.

Immediately Storm had perked up, yet the sudden briefing about a disguise intrigued him, and he was eager to what everyone would choose, including Alpha. The after-though of not having his armour scared him, especially since he was burnt last time. Healthy, and armed with his partner, he was confident ... of course, he felt sad for the large armour sitting at the back of the hanger. Storm felt like he could see every speck of dust on it. When the two were to gather their disguise, both Storm and Alpha separated for a short while.

Storm [] who came back, was picking at his hair, making sure it was standing up. Grumbling to himself, he witnessed all in the room. "I don't know what to feel ... angry about using a combo of white dye and hair gel, or looking like ... this." He said to himself. Moving his hand, he pulled the katana that hung on his back. Once the point was an inch out of the sheath, it was suddenly covered in a blue energy [], allowing the blade to glow blue.

Hehe, I bet you're happy to finally have a use for that thing
" Alpha called out to him. Storm, who was smirking, placed the sword back. "Certain- ... whoa." He said, finally having a look at his beloved. Alpha [] was dressed like an anime character too, she looked a little different. "
Such a nuisance though ... I had to cut my hair, and dye it blue
." She pouted, her hand touching a metal rapier that hung at her side.

Both happily annoyed together, they climbed onto the VTOL.

Johnny Gat []'s SAINTs Strike Team.
Location: Blackhawk Heli En Route to Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
Seeing what he thought was shimmering air, Gat slapped his back to make sure his parachute was on alright. "Alright. Command, check we are in the green." Gat tapped his earpiece to check in with command. With one hand signal his men were equipping their parachutes and readying themselves for either a drop in air, or waiting for the ground drop. "Okay, thanks to Pierce, we have to plan this on the run." Gat said, everyone in the team groaned a little bit due to Pierce. "Shut up. Okay, so team one led by me is going in by air. We try to sneak in, knives only, once a shot goes off, all guns out. Right!" Gat said, attempting to rally his men.

They all gave a "hoorah" in military tone. Smiling, Gat returned to the plan. "Team two gets dropped on ground. One shot goes off, you get a order to go in guns blazing, and secure the area. If we are okay in stealth, you secure the area ... but of course, I doubt that will happen. Heh." Gat said, a smug look ready to blood. "It's either death or life, no capture, no surrender." Saying this, the men went silent, noting it, Johnny nodded. "This goes both way men ... we take no prisoners, but we do get information out of any of them, depending if they easily surrender."

Giving a little laughter, the pilots warned that Team one should go now. Gat then ordered the heli to fly back farther from the base, afraid that his second team might be in a target zone. "Okay men. Lets fuck em' fuck!" Johnny said over comms before jumping.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Johnny Gat []'s SAINTs Strike Team.
Location: Blackhawk Heli En Route to Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
The operation was going so well thus far, so it was only natural that everything all went to shit.

Right after Gat had jumped from the helicopter, there was panicked chatter over the radio as the pilot lost his shit.
"What the-...MISSILE LOCK?! GET OUT! GET OUT!" Was what Gat heard before a missile seemed to appear from thin air before violently ending the helicopter he was just in before many of his team could get out.
As he watched the debris fall from the sky, The shimmering air gave way to some kind of Stealth Aircraft with a strange Logo on the side of it.

Once Gat landed on the ground, he was nearby the compound, giving him a good view of the rival helicopter as it hovered above the camp, the armed men inside rappelling down in the middle of it before going in guns blazing.
Their equipment was much more advanced then even special forces, they were clearly not messing around, something that was highlighted by what appeared to be a heavy mech unit dropping from the heli, though he couldn't really make it out from his position.

Guess someone else wanted Vega even more then they did...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Johnny Gat []'s SAINT Strike Team.
Location: Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
"Why's everyone think they can fuck with the Saints? Don't they know anything?"

Gat said to himself. According to his memory, whoever opposes himself usually end up dead ... or worse. "I can't even count how many bitches I killed." He finally said to himself, as his hands got hold of a automatic black rifle. Walking with a fast pace, he gave a quick salute to the burning wreckage. It was a good crew, but he didn't bother learning any of their names. "Still, I have more people to add to the ***** list."

Arriving at the edge of the compound, Gat tried to find a easy way inside. According to his philosophy, he finally said, "Lets kill some shit."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Johnny Gat []'s SAINT Strike Team.
Location: Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
It wasn't hard to sneak into the compound, seeing how this rival gang was currently in the process of shooting everything that moves as they rounded up the people into a single group, killing anyone who put up a serious fight while their Helicopter hovered overhead.
As he got closer, he could make out the men a bit better and their equipment was more then just advanced, it seemed to be actively grafted onto their bodies, these guys were freaking Cyborgs! And that wasn't all.
After making short work of the standing guard, the unarmed members of the militia were brought before that Mech unit they dropped, or rather, The guy inside it [].

"Please, look, we don't know where he is, h-h-h-he just showed up."
"Oh really? Because we heard differently. You really think he just "Choose" this backwater little shithole? Or did you offer him refuge and a happy ending? now answer my damn question, Maggot!" Khamsin yelled at the civilian as his mech brought up a rather large hammer.
"Oh g-g-god! I don't know anything! I didn't make the call, No! Please! Don-" Was all he was able to get out before the man in the mech smashed his hammer down on top of him, the resulting mess of a man flying all over the place with no chunk bigger then your fist.
"Alright...Anyone else "Don't know" where the Congressman is?!"

The Enemy commander then went to start the cycle over again with another civilian as his men began to fan out and secure the location, using grapples to get up on the roofs of the buildings as they did so.
Now how was Gat going to take these guys out?...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Johnny Gat []'s SAINT Strike Team.
Location: Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
While all may be lost for the civilians in the compound, it would not be the last of the fun they had in life. For a song [] started to play in the background, and was getting close to the area. Of course, the cybotic guards would be confused and be scanning out for said sound. Yet when a sudden bass dropped, the urge to dance came over everyone in the compound, and dance they did. This was be fine and dandy, but the lights in the compound were going on and off.

Suddenly, the lord of the dance came through the main doors, and it was a man holding a cannon-like object []. Johnny Gat was holding the Dubstep Gun with one arm, while taking shots at the dancing men, this might be said for the mech man, but even he felt his fine metal machine bounce along to the tune.

"This is the shit the Boss did? Man, sure is fun." Johnny said, while shooting the head of one of his enemies.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Basically everyone


Teri was the first to light up at the idea, practically jumping up and down in excitement as she said, [color=0E59E4]"Really?! We're going to go incognito in cosplay?! [sub][sub]ohmygodohmygodohmygod[/sub][/sub] Garm, come here, I've got an idea!"[/color]

As she pulled the wolf aside (with a huge grin on her face), Garm could only give an audible sigh of resignation. Besides, it wasn't like he had an idea either. After a few minutes of poofing an outfit, Violet working with makeup, and stowing away of (most) of her equipment, the Cleric came back astride Garm [], who was now a very powder white color, [color=0E59E4]"Man, this makes me feel like I'm back in high school all over again~!"[/color]
[color=356D60]"I better have a long bath when we get back. This stuff is making my skin itch like crazy..."[/color]

Ton Ton and Cadolbolg looked at each other with curiosity at the thought of dressing up, then fluttered over to the gathering of resources in the back, before eventually deciding that Violet's help would be needed for them as well. After all was said and done, Ton Ton and Cadolbolg were painted up to look like two creatures from two very popular franchises, a pokemon [] and a digimon [] respectively.
As they approached in the new disguises, Ton Ton shifted uncomfortably, [color=15650D]"I feel kind of naked without my robes..."[/color]
"You get used to it after a while, I don't even wear clothes~! This paint and latex stuff is itchy though."
That was when Cadolbolg noticed that now Shinobu disguised Katya was trying to draw his attention and he gave a little wave, "Hellooo~! I'm a thingy called a Patamon, and Ton Ton's a thingy called an Axew. What are you?"

Caim gave a sigh at Violet's shenanigins, and wordlessly turned to find some sort of disguise among the mess of items that were brought out. Primarily, he hoped that he could find some sort of warrior's guise. The prospect of going somewhere without bearing at least one of his blades was a less than pleasing prospect. After some sifting through, Caim returned with Hymir's Finger ['sFinger.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140415014937] on his back, and a differing set of armor [], and slicked hair to match,
"I was told this was something from a tv show? So long as I can keep SOMETHING on me that's blade related, I don't entirely mind..."
[footnote]Fun fact, Drakengard has several references to Berserk, Caim himself being based a little on Guts, and some shoutouts being in the game. you can even find a character called the Skull Knight [] in a painting! (but it might be a shop, I'm not sure.)[/footnote]

Angelus, rather like her pact partner, found the whole situation a little ridiculous, but was a bit more used to several transformations throughout varying travels between other worlds, she was somewhat used to changing her appearance. She scrounged through the piles of clothing, and took note of a yellow jumpsuit, as well as a movie poster [] next to it. With a smile, she donned it and returned, asking her pact partner, "Caim, lend me one of your Eastern blades, I see it suits this costume best."

*Angelus is now equipped with Nobuyoshi []!*

((Apologies in advance for the shoddy writing. I feel like this was a bit lacking. I guess being out of practice does that to you.))


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Basically everyone


Rugal was one of the people even less then keen on the whole idea of Cosplay, though seeing how he knew Cortex would remember his face, he had no choice but to dress accordingly to counteract that.
Sadly for him though, the only thing that fit his size was both Offensive to him and other people.
"...I'm not putting that thing on. It doesn't hide my face and it's flat out goddamn racist...What else do you have?" He asked, starting to get the feeling that Kazuya was playing a prank on him.
Still, he was able to find a different outfit, though it certainly wasn't "Better".
"...I look and feel like a Kentucky Fired Idiot..." He groaned as he made his way towards the VTOL, wondering why the hell this outfit had so much dried blood on it.


David meanwhile was in the camp of people who was actively enjoying the idea of dressing up as he went to make the most of it.
"My time is growing thinner
I'm just a tired old sinner
No chips left on this shoulder
No pride in growing older
But when your borrowed time is though...
I'll be with you..."
He sang lowly to himself as he got changed, taking extra care to find Just the right kinda hat once he had the makeup finished.
"Heh...Redemption Blues..." Then finished as he put the hat on before tracing his finger around the brim of it, He always was a fan of the old westerns that played on the TV in his home country.


Blade wasn't really too invested in the search for Cortex, but seeing how he was on break, he wasn't just going to spend all his time lazing about in the Med Bay.
Remembering a few disguise tips from his master, he then set about finding something that would suit his slightly lizard-like body.
Having said that, a few bits of broken armor and a few fake teeth seemed to do the trick.
It wasn't perfect by any means, but it would do.
"Ewww...Why is this outfit all sticky?..." He whined slightly before getting ready for deployment.


All the while, Violet was leering like a vulture ready to strike, mind constantly processing dozens of possible outfits, just begging for someone to ask him for help.
And one of the people to do so was Nadalia, causing him to rub his hands in glee before saying "Step this way please..." as he lured her away from the rest of the group.
Leading her towards one of the little changing stalls they had set up, there was a mad glint in his eye as he said "Now...Lets make you fabulous!".
A few minutes later while Nadalia realized just how important the concept of "Consent" was, she was then pushed out of the stall in front of the group, having received a total makeover and a demotion.

"There you go~! Isn't Cosplay fun?!" He happily squeed while Nadalia got used to her new look, though as she was doing that, Kazuya did actually glance over.
[color=9f2b68]...Couldn't happen to a nicer woman...[/color] He couldn't help but smirk after all the trouble she had caused him.
[color=9f2b68]"Alright, everyone seems to be ready. All field personnel fall into VTOL 2 for this mission. Remember, we can't let Cortex know we're here until we have control over the situation. A Cornered rat is the most dangerous. Good luck."[/color] he then said to everyone before they got into the VTOL and were dropped off at MIT.

MIT Dropzone: Basically everyone

One quick VTOL trip later (Being sure to drop off the crew out of sight) and the crew found themselves near the Institute's parking lot where a flood of students and gaming fans were gathered, either going to one of the several pro-level matches or just having fun with their friends.
There was 3 ways into the building, though the front entrance, one of the service entrances and if someone felt like climbing, there was also some air vents as well.
All the while, the crowd was maintained by a series of security staff, all dressed up as Terran Marines from Starcraft, keeping with the theme of the event, bulky ass armor and all.
Cortex was somewhere in this sea of people and costumes, time to go find him.

If anyone needs more detail about the building or anything else, feel free to ask me
Johnny Gat [] SAINT Strike Team Vs. Khamsin
Location: Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
Needless to say, the sheer Wubs was enough to sway the battle in Gat's favor as even Khamsin was having an extremely hard time containing himself from breaking into dance.
"WHa-....IS....That-...Weapon?!" He struggled until he managed to push against the communication device in his ear and block out the Wubs, shaking himself out of his stupor as his Ipod came on.
"Alright, you want to get in the way, pretty boy?! Better Buckle the Fuck up!" He shouted before going to retaliate against the Saint, regaining control of his mech before leaping up to slam his hammer right down on Gat, swinging wildly while his men struggled to break free from the Dubstep.

Up above, Gat's entrance wasn't un-noticed as the helicopter swung over head while one of the remaining men inside it began to mount the turret gun, moving to support their captain.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
MIT Dropzone: Basically everyone

The sheer size of the gathered crowd was insane! Kala was among the first to voice this as follows.

"By the flame! This... this will be like trying to isolate a drop of water during a hurricane. That's... that's just the line to the door?! It would take a whole day just to get inside!"

ARES on the other hand was less intimidated by the crowd than the guards.

"I... I thought my armor was impressive... either he already knows we'd be here or he's expecting an alien invasion!" She exclaimed, voicing her paranoia of their incognito approach perhaps being all for naught.

"That's certainly a point... what's our plan of action? It would be hard to get in through the front door for reasons both obvious and mundane... any alternative suggestions?"

"I'd suggest the service entrance but they might have metal detectors there. Even if it weren't for the costume, I could waltz in there unarmed and unarmored and still trip something like that."

As the pair of them puzzled they awaited the opinions on the matter from the rest of the group.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Basically everyone.
Location: MIT Dropzone.
Wanderer []

Stumbling out of the VTOL, Wanderer tried to fan underneath his helmet. "Oh Jesus ... why didn't I do something about this." He muttered, finally coming to see the mass of humans that were within the crowd. Seeing this large amount of humans wanted Wanderer to retch. Almost moving his hand to cover his mouth, Wanderer instead coughed inside his helmet. "Just look at them all, not knowing they're in danger. I can just spell the loneliness, self-pity ... and sexual pheromones." Turning his weapon off, he wanted to it to look like a prop, and not accidentally turning the people into melted ooze.

Eyeing up the air ducts, Wanderer smiled within the helmet. "I don't know about you ladies, but I'm not good with a crowd ... so I'm betting on splitting up, we'd attract less attention, but that's just me. So anyone wanna go vent crawling?" He said to the two dressed up girls in a professional manner, and inquiring to the rest of the group. Wanderer was hoping that he wouldn't be fully alone in this quest, for he was scared of large groups of humans ... or at least, he was scared for them.

Storm [] & Alpha []

Listening to Kala, ARES, and Wanderer talked to the group about a plan, Storm nodded. "Both of you are correct. A large number of us together would attract more eyes, and with our equipment we would certainly be detected ... but ... " The Spartan/anime cosplayer nudged his AI partner. Feeling the nudge, Alpha kept down her urge to yelp and punch Storm. Breathing deeply, she would like to be useful on her first mission. "
[color=nvayblue]Um ... I could try and disable the detectors. As for the groups, usually four to six people are the largest groups to wander conventions[/color]
." Alpha suggested.

Johnny Gat [] Vs. Khamsin
Location: Desert Compound | USA: Texas | Avatar Adventure.
Time: Night
Feeling the movement of the battle, Gat knew he had time to spare for the mech. Before the heavy, metallic hammer came crashing, with a almost inhuman throw, Johnny threw the weird weapon into the air, and shot it multiple times, sending it into a reaction which made it explode. This sent down a unknown material, and when they hit they grown, small explosions littered the compound. They were materialized "wubs". Certainly weird, but a good thing for the other side since the weird weapon was gone. Well, this was true until the helicopter pilot realized the tail was hit by said wubs.

In the main battle, Gat pulled out an object which turned into a glowing purple sword []. Which extended by the time the hammer came down. So Johhny, being the badass he is, blocked said blow. "Got to ... try better than that!" Johnny said, following it up with a aggressive yell. Pushing the hammer off him, giving enough time to get out of the hammer's way. Johnny, now free of a literal crushing defeat, took a slice at the hammer of the mech.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Escapist Avatar Adventures
Location: Airship Rising Dawn | Hangar
Time: 10:00 AM EST​
"Que? Did you get a little short?" A familiar voice asked from behind Katya's position located at the door of the waiting VTOL. Turning around, the Haxxx0r turned 500 year old Katana wielding vampire's pale face turned a particular shade of BRIGHT RED when she saw that it was Wanderer, dressed up in a familiar looking armor. To be clear, it wasn't the fact that it was Wanderer dressed in the armor, rather it was the sudden appearance of Commander Shepard, or at least his body double.

"Aren't you a little short to be a storm trooper?" The Quirky Quipster quipped before hopping up and down in an attempt to reach the VTOL's door handle.


Wanderer's arm reached over Katya's head as he opened the door for her before gesturing inside.

"Madam" He said politely.

"Thanks but I could have gotten that." Katya muttered, unused to the sheer amount of face to face time that she'd endured since joining up with this rag tag bunch of heroes. Entering the VTOL, Katya sat in the seat closest to the door, intent on being the be the first one to have her boots hit the ground and race towards the Tournament. She had a plan.

"B3WP! J00 h@v3 t3h @pp p@yl0ad 1 r3qu3st3d?" Katya asked almost gleefully.

Yes, ma'am.  Speed Hack and Aimbot are loaded into memory and ready for your use.
" B3WP reported.

Just so we're on the same page, B3WP wasn't talking about programs that Katya would be loading into the game terminal when she entered the tournament, she was talking about enhancing her own movements and reaction time to give her an edge over her opponents. Once she won the tournament in record time, she'd be able to locate this Doctor Neo Cortex and beat her rival NeCo in the tournament. It was the perfect plan!!

Glancing over at Wanderer while she waited for the VTOL to take off, she asked him a simple question.

"Why the helmet? Last I saw you didn't need to hide your face."


The Escapist Avatar Adventures
Location: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Boston | Massachusetts | United States
Time: 11:30 AM EST​
There had been suggestions in regards to their method of entry into the building. Katya considered the various opinions before voicing her own.

"J00 kn0w, I cud @lw@yz h@v3 j00 guyz r3g1st3r3d az 3v3nt v01unt33rz wh1l3 1 g0 c0mp3t3!" Katya suggested. While MIT was a rather prestigious school, hiring enough people to run an event of this magnitude was more costly than it would have been worth. As it would have been, there should have been a pool of volunteers that the event could draw upon to get things done whether it was guest registration or running errands for various departments. Not only would it have given them a way into the event it would have allowed the crew the use of the less heavily guarded staff entrance as well as grant free movement throughout the building.

He Who Would Be God
Chapter: 2 Superimposed Possibility, Phenomena Intervention
Location: SFO | San Francisco | California​
The Stranger

I hesitated to continue. I was unused to being interrupted in the middle of a story. Where Patient Zero had opted to ask questions, others that I spoke to generally spent their time recording my every word. There was a sense of annoyance as well as pride as I considered this sliver of interaction between myself and my listener. There was also the fact that I had a name and they were neither "You" nor "Stranger."

"You can call me Ruby, by the way." I said as I picked up from where I had left off.

"As confused as you had been when I referenced 'Cauldron,' I was as well. So far as I knew prior to the arrival of my mother, Titania, and Lambda, I was simply a little girl but I knew, somehow that neither my mother Deborah nor myself could help Titania until we were free of the people who maintained our guise and mother and child."

"The airport had already been locked down and security had been scouring the area in search of whatever had caused the two deaths within the airport. The event was already being broadcast over the airwaves and the passengers at the airport terminals were getting the information regarding the 'attacks' from their loved ones. It was a simple matter to bring the paranoia past its upper limit and force an incident to occur that would clear the humans from the airport."

"I stood there, unaware of why I felt so... sick... so... different as I had moments ago. Seeing Lambda in the air, her metallic petals reflecting in the terminal's lights, I was reminded of a similar episode, one that destroyed my original form. I felt fear and with it clarity."

"As Lamdba prepared to destroy me utterly, I turned to pull the fire alarm."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Wanderer, & Katya.
Location: VTOL.
"Ho ho ... good one. Even I get that reference." Wanderer responded, reminding himself he is not from this time.

Giggling to himself from Katya's quip, Wanderer quickly took his own place in the VTOL, the chair directly opposite of Katya. He had refused to make a return jab, even if his shadow was desperate to do so, but thanks to it's minor presence, it was easy to resist. Right beside Wanderer's leg was the laser pistol he carried, his hand rested on it as if he expected something to happen on the way there. Soon enough, his fingers began to tap the weapon in a rhythm. This was out of habit while his mind played a classical tune.

Snapped out of his musical mood, Wanderer pulled off his N7 helmet. His face and light brown bangs were lightly covered with perspiration. The most notable detail about his face, was probably the bright, blue glowing eyes. "While i haven't played the game and had to go on Youtube ... I don't exactly look like Commander Shepard, and I don't wanna go bald. So a helmet is perfect." Wanderer said, not foreseeing the regret that would soon be introduced to him. "Besides ... " He said leaning his neck, exposing the bare flesh. Pulling out a a weird bag [], Wanderer's face screwed up for a second.

With the beg out, it was attached with a needle, which the mass Effect cosplayer stabbed into a vein. The blue glow from his eyes quickly faded away. "Uh, I haven't told anyone, but I'm radioactive ... literally." Wander said with a slight blushing face, his gun hand now scratching his hair.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Escapist Avatar Adventures
Location: Airship Rising Dawn | Hangar
Time: 10:00 AM EST​
The young woman's little girl eyes flashed as Wanderer refused to pass the time with the time honored tradition of playful banter before she leaned back in the seat, her legs dangling over the side of the chair. Playful banter was Katya's thing even when she was jockeying a keyboard on the forums. Still she couldn't resist Wanderer's vision of Commander Shepard.

"You would have gone with Baldy Shep, huh? That's a pretty brave choice. Not a lot of women can pull off the bald look." The L33t Haxxx0r said with a smirk, playing at the fact that Wanderer hadn't specified whether he's seen a male Shep or female Shep.

A bit of time passed before Wanderer puled out the strange bag and jabbed a needle into his neck. It was surprising since Katya had had that sort of thing done to her almost her entire life. Ironically, the very thing that appeared to be killing the man sitting across from her was the very thing that had been used to prolong Katya's life. It appeared that Wanderer was radioactive.

"Literally... as opposed to being an Imagine Dragons song?" The young girl said before realizing that the joke had fallen flat, "That explains why you live in a shack on the roof... I mean... how'd you manage that one?"


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
FLASHBACK, "and I talk waaaaay too much."
Wanderer, & Katya.
Location: VTOL.
Hearing the fact that he lives in a shack, Wanderer suddenly pointed his finger at Katya, as if he was trying to impersonate a certain video game character. "Excuse me! It's a very nice shack, it has a robo butler, a vending machine, and a good connection to that internet. You would change your mind if you saw it ... well, at least the inside." Wanderer said with a rather excited look. Shortly he took a few seconds to take a breath, and it looked as if some part came back to his eyes. A few more seconds had past, and it looked like as if Wanderer was deciding to talk about his life.

Wiping the sweat on his brow, Wanderer took one more breath."I will admit, it does get lonely. I've done a lot that earned me this body." He said, pulling out the needle in his neck. The blood that slightly came out from the hole was crimson with a yellow-ish glow to it. Yet the drop of blood was ended by the sudden disappearance of the hole. "Funny thing, it isn't that dangerous. It's low radiation that circulates my blood stream ... " He said once more, and allowed himself to take a few breaths. It seemed that this topic was rather hard for him to talk about.

"But hey, that happens when the world surrounding you is a wasteland. The water is radioactive. The food is radioactive. Even the settlements can be radioactive ... ... I actually have a base in a town called Megaton.." He said with a smile and closed eyes, as he remembered his somewhat beloved past. Opening his eyes, Wanderer nodded. "Yes, it was called that because it had a active nuclear bomb at the center, very dangerous, made a religion even." Wanderer said.

Suddenly laughing, his eyes looked wet, and his gaze went beyond the girl. "I somehow deactivated it ... and this was hours after I was kicked out the home that housed me for the first 18 years of my life. Other things happened that made it my home ... mostly saving the Sheriff from the asshole who wanted to detonate the bomb. So I blew a hole in his skull. It saved a father, and gave me my home." He said, but his voice grew dry. Shaking his head slightly, he looked at Katya once again.

"Hah. That bomb, me swimming a lot, eating radiated junk, almost being killed multiple times, and much more got me here. Enough about me though. All of that gives me a reason to love this world, it has the beauty we once had." Wanderer finished, his eyes gazing out to the land outside of the VTOL, and finally back to Katya. Yet this time, while his eyes still contained moisture, they contained something much beyond it.