The Rising Fall - Present Time - The Canteen
[color=5B9C64]Eddie the Dead[/color] | Dolores Selmy | Anjali | A whole bunch of people no one of importance gives a crap about
Schizophrenic paper was not something Eddie saw every day.
The opener was quite strong, though.'You Who Exist Outside of Reason'. Now, Eddie had been called a myriad of things before, but this was a new one. He wasn't quite sure if he should be insulted or flattered, but either way, he thought, it'd fit rather well with his current list of titles.
And it was a pretty long list.
Regardless, the rest were not so solid, with hollow eloquence and flattery winning the day. Christ's sake, this is why he hated formal letters. More emphasis was put in etiquette than the point. And it was
boring. By the point he'd reached the second paragraph he was already half-arsing reading, only barely picking from this pseudointellectual dick-stroking that there was gonna be a party the other day and that he was invited. Could've just said so, and saved all the ink.
But as he was about to throw it away he saw the signee, and that made him raise an eyebrow. Dolores Selmy.
If one was to imagine, for simplicity's sake, and for mortal minds to comprehent, the entirety of existence as an all-encompassing neverending melody, and all the people as notes from which the melody is compromised, Selmy was a note that
did not fit. Normally the composer, Lady Luck, would correct the mistake, or rather, make it there never was a mistake in the first place. Yet this time she decided to leave it. Not that he was complaining. He was, after all, the same.
And finally, contradictory to the warm, happy thoughts bullshit that he had been subjected to from the rest of the letter, a different sign, silver in colour, violent in demeanour, was written, no, seemingly
typed onto the paper.
He had a chuckle at the name. Another Marlow that hated his guts. He knew a Marlow once, that one dressed as a priest, and was on a quest of vengeance. At least, that was until his quest for vengeance was interrupted by a self-serving arsehole, and said quest was made to stop once and for all. Regardless, Eddie certainly was amused by this little piece of coincidence. But why was this particular Marlow hostile towards him? And for that part, how did he know about him, as evidenced from calling him one that 'Exists Outside of Reason'?
Whatever, he thought as he folded the letter and threw it in the ashtray. This wasn't the first nor the last time someone had a grudge against him, and if he spent time wondering why every single time it happened he'd reach the end of time. He smoked his cigar one last time, and put it off on the letter.
At least, that would have been the case, had the cigar not landed on an open palm instead. And Eddie would have exclaimed his surprise, had seeing whose hand it were not sent him into stunned silence.
On the other side of the table sit a feminine figure, seemingly unfazed, or perhaps more accurately, unnoticing of the lit cigar that had landed on her hand, staring off at the clouds outside of the window in front of her. Her clothes were unremarkable, save for the black and white motif. Her skin was of purest white, but not a natural pigment, instead looking as though it was painted over her skin. In fact, one observant enough could see tht her skin was artificial also, and her figure resembled a mannequin's.
Eddie knew who she where, and that knowledge sent shivers down his spine.
He turned to see if the others in the canteen had noticed her, but they stayed as they were, unmoving. Time had stopped, and the colours in his vision were washed out.
'The hour draws closer.'
He turned to her, and found her staring at him, her expression a blank. Her hair was short, and a black circle was drawn on her chin, in stark contrast to her otherwise white skin. But by far the most alien part of her where her eyes, which were not eyes at all, but windows, from which one could peer directly at the entirety of creation, driving any that stared long enough insane. But not Eddie. For they both had the same patron.
'That which is destined, cannot be denied.' She said, her voice one of complete authority. And as she said that, she grabbed his arm, pushed it onto the table, forceful enough for the table to begin to crack and Eddie, for all his effort to resist, found his effort futile. The color of her skin had changed now, from brightest white to darkest black, the circle of black on her chin switched with a circle of white on her forehead, her black expression into a wide, sadistic grin, the dark portals that masquareded as eyes turning into a bright light
'Eftychismeni tha einai i ora!' she hissed, and lunged at Eddie, who shielded his face with his free hand...
...Only to hear the sounds of people talking and music playing, and as he opened his eyes he saw that time flowed again.
[color=5B9C64]'God fucking
damnit![/color] he cussed under his breath, rubbing his arm. Why did
she of all cosmic beings have to appear? He slouched back on his chair and let a long, drawn out sigh. What a fucking day. First he's tricked into babysitting, now he's entangled into some sort of cosmic plot. [color=5B9C64]'Why do I have to take the blunt of it all for her amusement?[/color] The answer was obvious. He was Luck's thrall, and thus slave to her whims. He raised his glass and drained it of its contents, and proceeded to throw enough change on the table to cover his expenses plus a very generous tip. He'd had enough of sitting around waiting for things to happen. He'd find Anjali and go have some fun in Vegas.
But then Katya crashed through the roof. Just as he was about to leave, too. What was it with all kinds of improbable events happening around him
without him using his powers? He stared off into the distance; was he being railroaded into something? He shook his head. If he were, there was little he could.
Apathetic as to the new arrivals, he turned to leave, only to notice a hand sticking out, holding what looked like a letter envelope. But what was more noteworthy was whose hand it was: Dolores Selmy, sitting not four tables away. Another coincidence, another improbability. But this one... this one presented an opportunity. Eddie ordered another drink, to be delivered on Dolores' table. He grabbed his letter from the ashtray, put it in a pocket, and approached the table.
[color=5B9C64]'I don't think she's in a reading mood.'[/color] he said as he circled the table, snatching the letter from Dolores' hand with the dexterity of a professional magician and finding himself a seat between Dolores and Laeta. [color=5B9C64]'What the hell you people looking at? We have injured on board! Get them to sickbay pronto!
Move!'[/color] he yelled at the various crewsmen in the canteen, his voice brimming with authority. He then took his seat, and eyed Laeta with a lopsided grin. [color=5B9C64]'Quite the entrance, huh?[/color] he said, his tone not indigative of whether he was referring to Katya's entrance or his own.
Laeta scooted her chair back in response. She was both surprised and put-off by Eddie's sudden appearance and Eddie's appearance. Laeta wasn't particularly fond of the insane-rocker look.
"Who... are you?"
"That's just Eddie," Dolores answered nonchalantly,
"Eddie the Dead." She turned around and placed her hand gently on the letter in Eddie's hand.
"That's for Katya." She said.
Saren sat up suddenly as if startled. Her blue eyes eyed her eldest sister with an unnatural intensity.
"Hey... hold on... Lola, are you feeling okay?" Laeta recoiled in the same way, eyes wide and fraught with worry.
"Blessed be the hour," Dolores said under her breath. Her eyes mirrored the same dark blue as her sisters. The glimmering within shone brightly - a reflection of some primordial soul.
Then the atmosphere stuttered, as if unsure of how to proceed. The air was static, the sounds muddled together, and Dolores grew uncomfortable.
The world snapped back together as if it had woken up from a brief slumber. Dolores reached out and grabbed at the letter in Eddie's hand, flailing somewhat clumsily on her wheelchair.
"Hey! Give that back!" she whined. The lights above glinted off her green eyes.
"She's going to read it! She's gotta read it!"
Laeta leaned forward and caught Dolores just as she was about to fall out of her wheelchair.
"Calm down there sis!"
[color=5B9C64]"Woah, there. Clingy!"[/color] Eddie said rather amused, letting the letter go. [color=5B9C64]"As a funny guy I used to know would've said, take it easy it's just a social experiment. Look, the camera's over there!"[/color] And he pointed at one of the security cameras placed in the canteen.
He took out his pipe, placed some grade-A tobacco in it, lit a match on the table and used it to light up the tobacco and took a deep breath. While he did that a barely conscious Katya was being carted off to the sick bay behind him with a
"Dare desu ka?" Didn't steer much of a reaction from him, though. [color=5B9C64]"He wasn't all that funny now that I think about it, actually."[/color] he said as he exhaled smoke from his nostrils, [color=5B9C64]"I killed him after he tried to sell some girls off to raiders. Or was it a Yao Guai that got that one?"[/color] He pondered on it for a moment, before dismissing the thought with a wave of his hand, [color=5B9C64]"Whatever, I'm not here reminisce. It's not like you military types appreciate anything remotely resembling a sense of humour, anyway."[/color] And with a movement of the hand produced a letter between his fingers, like a magician. [color=5B9C64]"So I'll get to the point. Nice prose. A bit too superfluous for my liking, but you know how to flatter, I'll give you that much."[/color] He leaned forward on the table, closer to Dolores, [color=5B9C64]"So, tell me, dear flatterer, when I am not one of your 'heroes', when I didn't lift so much as a
finger to help your endeavours, why invite me? And how much do you know about me, anyway? Who is this Marlow character who is oh so fond of me?"[/color] He leaned back on his chair and took another puff, [color=5B9C64]"What. Is. Your. Game?"[/color]
"You're invited because you're Ruby's friend!" Dolores said desperately. She struggled in her chair but Laeta kept her secure.
"Calm down sis," Laeta whispered,
"there's no point in getting worked up over this."
Dolores made a whimpering noise that sorted sounded like the meowing of a cat.
"I don't know a whole lot about you okay? I know your name and I know your powers. Your presence is awkward, as if the strings of karmic destiny are intentionally avoiding you." The color of her eyes was indistinguishable. They seemed to be blue and green at the same time.
"Yet, I have no idea what you mean. I don't know any Marlow person and I'm not trying to play any games." She shook her head and the light curls of her golden hair fluttered with the motion.
"I just extended an invitation to every relevant person on board, okay? You are no exception."
Eddie slouched back on his chair, puffing out smoke, silent, thinking. Trying to make the pieces of this little puzzle fit. He was invited by association. Selmy had no idea who Marlow was. Then how did he have a say in the letter? There were many ways, easiest of all, magic. But rather than take a wild guess, it was better to identify conditions, and from those conditions come to conclusions. And with the little magic trick he just pulled, he'd be finding out a few more pieces of the puzzle soon enough.
But that would have to formally wait for tomorrow, for Eddie eyed Anjali entering the Canteen, more than likely looking for him. Instead of continuing on with his questions, then, he decided to conclude business for now.
[color=5B9C64]"Dolores Selmy."[/color] he said, and a lopsided grin formed on his lips, [color=5B9C64]"From what little I've gathered of you, you have a most fitting name. You are a being that does not quite belong, an anomaly in the tapestry that was intentionally left there. Perhaps to leave a message, make a point. Or perhaps for the amusement of apathetic creators."[/color] He let out a final puff of smoke and dumped the ashes of his pipe in the ashtray. [color=5B9C64]"Either way, I know a stacked deck when I see one. You have my sympathies, for what it's worth."[/color]
And as he said that, Anjali approached the table.
"Hello, Eddie. I am dresssed and ready for Vegass or what thiss was. Oh, and did you alsso get the invitation for a party tomorrow?"
[color=5B9C64]"Ah, Anjali. Just in time!"[/color] Eddie said with a smile, as he got up, [color=5B9C64]"I was just finishing a lovely conversation with Ms. Selmy here, who just so happens to be the hostess for tomorrow's party. I wanted a bit more info on it, and she was gracious enough to take time off organising it to answer them."[/color] he tipped his hat and left a few golden coins on the table. [color=5B9C64]"Enjoy your drinks, they're on me."[/color] and turned to Anjali, [color=5B9C64]"Shall we?"[/color]
As they left, though, he turned to Selmy again, [color=5B9C64]"Oh, one last thing: Make sure to deliver that letter in due time, eh? Wouldn't want to keep Katya waiting!"[/color] And with a wink, they left the canteen.
As they did, he let out a small laugh and pulled the letter out. [color=5B9C64]"Hope you don't mind if we take a small trip to the sickbay first? I've a letter to deliver."[/color] As he had learned, magician tricks were as much sleight of hand as misdirection; and by making a grand show of having Katya taken to the Sickbay, he had bought himself the tiny timeframe needed to switch his letter with Katya's. Hopefully Selmy wouldn't be too mad at him. He was, after all, going to deliver the letter. And it wasn't like he was doing this to snoop into her business either, but to get a few things clear.
He opened the envelope, and had a read of its contents.
After briefly passing the letter on to an unconscious Katya, Eddie lead Anjali on to the hangar bay, where Warpup, his hot rod was parked.
[color=5B9C64]"This is a car."[/color] he said as he patted Warpup on the hood. [color=5B9C64]"It's this world's main means of transportation. It's mechanical by nature, and typically requires some sort of fuel to keep going."[/color] he opened the door to the passenger's seat and motioned Anjali to enter, [color=5B9C64]"Ladies first."[/color]
He took his seat. [color=5B9C64]"Seatbelts."[/color] he said, and showed her how to use them by putting his on. [color=5B9C64]"Alright, now, before we go on, I should clarify that my car is
special. No other cars -at least, to my knowledge- can do as this one can. And I'll need you to close your eyes until I tell you it's ok to open them. Safety procedures, I'm sure you understand.[/color]
He started up the car, the engine roaring as though an infernal beast had just awakened and was thirsting for blood. The sound of the engine awakening always made him smile. He waited a bit for it to warm up, set the speed to 'SPECIAL' and stomped on the pedal.
A moment later they were on the Strip at night, with all its phantasmaghoric structures and lights, its people gold fever-stricken people walking from one casino to the other, hunger for making it big written all over their face.
Truly, this was Lady Luck's favourite city.
[color=5B9C64]"You can open your eyes, now."[/color] he said, and gave her a few moments for the image shift to sink in. [color=5B9C64]"Welcome to the Twilight City, Las Vegas. Entertainment capital of the world. Whatever ya wanna do, you can bet there's a place for it here."[/color] he clapped on the steering wheel and grinned, [color=5B9C64]"So, whatcha feel like doing? Would you like to try out some form of adult entertainment, or would you like me to tour you around the place? There's no hurry. After all..."[/color] he took a coin out of his pocket, spun it in the air, and caught it, [color=5B9C64]"We've got all night."[/color]