Inuart listened to the young woman's story quietly, making note of the strange hands swallowing up the corpses of the soldiers with a grimace. Strange magic seemed to be at work here. Additionally, her rather blase attitude about the entirety of the situation was incredibly off-putting, and made Inuart more than a little suspicious about the current circumstance. What he could draw, however, based off of what Alesha had said told him a few things.
One, she was a person of importance in this world; presumably some kind of priestess, if the mention of Rites and the enemies attacking her entourage were anywhere to go by.
Two, He was most likely not in his home world (or rather, what had *become* his home).
Three, by sticking with this woman, it was possible he could gain his bearings as well as figure out how the hell to get back. The magic on the battlefield was sign enough that stronger magics were possible, and he could use that as a means of return, potentially. Additionally, if Alesha's pull was so much that she had literal armies were fighting over her, he could use that to his advantage as well - maybe even call in a favor.
All of this accounted for, the bard sheathed his sword and spoke quietly, "I am known as Inuart, son of Ipris. Aside from that, I am no one of importance; I just happened to be passing through." He paused, letting that information sink in before he 'graciously' offered, "If... your procession is truly destroyed as you mentioned, this cannot be a safe place for you to be alone. Seeing as I don't know where I am, I think it would beneficial for both of us to stick together, I as your temporary bodyguard, and if possible, you could answer a few questions I have. If nothing else, if we are able to find someone who won'tattack you, and get some directions back to your destination, it will take you somewhere safe. That'd be conducive to your duties, I imagine."
Lost to Love
inuart's story
[hr]inuart's story
Inuart listened to the young woman's story quietly, making note of the strange hands swallowing up the corpses of the soldiers with a grimace. Strange magic seemed to be at work here. Additionally, her rather blase attitude about the entirety of the situation was incredibly off-putting, and made Inuart more than a little suspicious about the current circumstance. What he could draw, however, based off of what Alesha had said told him a few things.
One, she was a person of importance in this world; presumably some kind of priestess, if the mention of Rites and the enemies attacking her entourage were anywhere to go by.
Two, He was most likely not in his home world (or rather, what had *become* his home).
Three, by sticking with this woman, it was possible he could gain his bearings as well as figure out how the hell to get back. The magic on the battlefield was sign enough that stronger magics were possible, and he could use that as a means of return, potentially. Additionally, if Alesha's pull was so much that she had literal armies were fighting over her, he could use that to his advantage as well - maybe even call in a favor.
All of this accounted for, the bard sheathed his sword and spoke quietly, "I am known as Inuart, son of Ipris. Aside from that, I am no one of importance; I just happened to be passing through." He paused, letting that information sink in before he 'graciously' offered, "If... your procession is truly destroyed as you mentioned, this cannot be a safe place for you to be alone. Seeing as I don't know where I am, I think it would beneficial for both of us to stick together, I as your temporary bodyguard, and if possible, you could answer a few questions I have. If nothing else, if we are able to find someone who won'tattack you, and get some directions back to your destination, it will take you somewhere safe. That'd be conducive to your duties, I imagine."