The Escapist Film Festival 2010: Opinionated Reviews: Burn Notice

Savant Crime

New member
Aug 23, 2010
Opinionated Reviews: Burn Notice

Twelfth in a series of video reviews of television shows.

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Savant Crime

New member
Aug 23, 2010
TeH PizZa Guy said:
whats up with "yogurt"?
In every single episode of Burn Notice, yogurt appears. Either they eat yogurt or they talk about yogurt or they buy yogurt or lament its lack. And they never (in show) explain it.


Elvish Ambassador
Nov 23, 2009
Savant Crime said:
TeH PizZa Guy said:
whats up with "yogurt"?
In every single episode of Burn Notice, yogurt appears. Either they eat yogurt or they talk about yogurt or they buy yogurt or lament its lack. And they never (in show) explain it.
Actually, they do, I think. I'm sure they mention that spies like yogurt because it's good for a stressed stomach.

I must say, however, that I didn't like your video. It was very nicely done, and looked good, but I didn't like it. I want to say it's because it feels like a rip of/mix of movie bob and ZP, and that you're trying to hard to be mean/funny. However, I am a huge fan of Burn Notice, so it might just be me being childish and offended so I won't rip on you just yet. I saw a lot of really bad entries on the "First Cut" page and yours wasn't nearly as bad.
In short, you won't be getting my vote, but if you do get selected, I hope you show that you can be both mean, honest, funny, not funny and nice depending on what the series deserves.
Oh, and speak a bit clearer, you sounded muffled at times.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
a horrible yahtzee attempt at best. the yogurt was more interesting than any of what she was saying with her monotone voice. if you're going to give your opinion at least do it with some emotion so that people will actually listen to you instead of play "where's the yogurt now" every time you feel the need to switch pictures.

Reverend Del

New member
Feb 17, 2010
Have to say got tired of the voice before even half way through. It's not suited to verbal diarrhea, unlike Yahtzee's. That and the fact this is a horrible attempt to rip off ZP, only using TV shows instead of games, only means I disliked it even more.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I didn't mind that you ripped off ZP, (you didnt even really...)
I liked the points that you gave, and it was informing. not so much humorous.
Your voice is wonderful, but it becomes hard to keep on listening after the half-way mark.
I'd also like to see more images, I believe thats what drives people away also.
I had a few laughs and was interested to the end, so thumbs up!!!!

Savant Crime

New member
Aug 23, 2010
it feels like a rip of/mix of movie bob and ZP, and that you're trying to hard to be mean/funny
a horrible yahtzee attempt at best
this is a horrible attempt to rip off ZP
Speaking quickly and being critical does, in no way, make me a Yahtzee rip-off.

If I were trying to copy his style, I'd curse more, anthropomorphize everything, make extended analogies, and imitate the art style.

I spoke rather quickly because I had an aggressive time limit, and I had an awful lot to say.

I use the videos instead of a written review because my reviews are usually 1700-1800 words long, and I wanted to keep audience attention.

I use the slide-show style because I'm camera shy.

Yes, I draw inspiration from Yahtzee. I also draw inspiration from a dozen other sources, but mostly, this video, just like the others I've made, is me speaking about something I feel strongly about.

I hope I've explained myself enough to express the other side. If not, I'm not going to argue. You are, of course, as free to associate me with Yahtzee as with Jack Chick, and I put just as much stock in the comparison.

Thank you for taking the time to comment.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Varya said:
I was wondering if people wouldn't like this because they liked BN.

I liked this seemed kind of rushed, but that's the time limit for you. (How long are the videos normally?) I would definitely ;ike to see more.

Savant Crime

New member
Aug 23, 2010
randommaster said:
I would definitely ;ike to see more.
My videos usually run about seven and a half minutes. I've done others and they're on YouTube. If you're interested, I'll PM you a link.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Dear Madam

I liked your video.
No, I loved your video.
Its exactly what The Escapist NEEDS, a show that talks abouts Tv Series.
We have MovieBob for Films and Yahtzee for Games. Why not TV Series?

It may come off as a rip off of yahtzee, but I see it as a redeeming factor. I like yahtzee's work and seeing someone else do something similiar in a totally different field is rather good. If it was about games as well, sure, its a direct rip off. but I just see it as a nod of inspiration.

My only real complaint is the length of the video itself. 5 minutes just is't enough. A solid 10 minutes to fill it out would be perfect. Its even enough time to explain things further. But, I know that the contests limits the videos to 5 minutes, so we will have to live with that.

I have given you my 'I Like' vote and hope you will carry on doing the videos, even if the chips are laid down and The Escapist 4th Annual Film Festival is closed.

I look forward to watching more of your work.


Mike Richards

New member
Nov 28, 2009
I really liked that. I've never seen Burn Notice and have no desire too, so I can neither confirm or deny your claims. However you make valid, well rounded points and do a good job explaining your reasoning rather then just resorting too 'this sucks.' I automatically appreciate any reviewer that manages to be logical and self-explanatory and for that alone I'd support you.

But then on top of that you also manage to be truly funny rather then trying and failing like the reviewed show. And you sound like you actually know something about the topic rather then just being an outspoken but uninformed viewer. Also, I really love that scoreboard at the end, and I hope that sticks around if this gets picked up.

Plus, it's nice to see a series on here that seems willing to cover a wider range of media then just gaming.

On the other hand, the audio quality is a little annoying. Nothing deal breaking, but if you have the ability to upgrade soon do so.

You have my vote, good luck.

Savant Crime

New member
Aug 23, 2010
Wow, two polite, supportive responses in a row. I might cry.

In a good way.

Mike Richards said:
the audio quality is a little annoying. Nothing deal breaking, but if you have the ability to upgrade soon do so.
The mic I'm using is a headset mic that I steal every week from a housemate for the purpose of recording. I intend to upgrade as soon as I have the money with which to do so, so no worries on that front!

Thank you for your support.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
So what if it is done in a similar style compared to ZP, I like the idea of a tv show reviewing series on The Escapist. I didn't see any problems, so you will get a vote from me.

Don't worry about length, 5 minutes is fine, especially for The Escapist. I think that there are too many people out there that base things on length when it obviously isn't a point for judging something, like this video. What matters is the quality of the work within the amount of time.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
I actually quite like the voice of the reviewer. Pleasant on the ears while giving out good solid info. Although I may be excluded since I extremly rarely hear American (Canadian? I can never tell the difference.) people talk in my day-to-day life.

FreeBird, good idea on the music front. As for the elbows, I don't find that to be bugging me at all. I'm surprised you did'nt mention Extra Credits at all, that had no necks\elbows or even kneecaps.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
You'll get my vote every step of the way...We need TV show reviews.

Doesn't hurt that you've reviewed crime dramas, either. Instead of the standard sci-fi nerd stuff.