The only thing weird about this list is the My Days as King entry. It seemed like they were shooting for a list of the numbered entries plus some events and leaving the spinoffs out up until that point.
Overall, this is just a basic entrypoint list for someone who isn't that engaged in the franchise. Sure there's more but if you put everything on there you're going to scare people away. You and I know tactics is a grid based SRPG but a layman is just going to be weirded out that a game with the same title has completely different gameplay.
Mythrignoc said:
Personally, I'm of the opinion that Final Fantasy 1, 6 and 12 were the best games of the series and each game after that got progressively worse until the next awesome game (i.e. 2-5 slowly started to suck and then 6 was awesome, 7-11 slowly started to suck and 12 was awesome, etc). So lets hope my theory holds when Final Fantasy 18 comes out.
As someone who holds 5 up as the best FF I distinctly disagree. I'm really gameplay based though as the stories of FF games have never impressed me. 9 also pops up here and there as a player's fave FF title and in my experience its almost definately favored over 8. But hey, arguing tastes and all..
To me X-2 would've been the best game ever if they'd lost the uber happy Charlie's Angels vibe, the gameplay is a brilliant cross between class management and timing based combat. Its too easy to break the game with some overpowered combinations though, I reckon they rushed it out the gate. Such a waste of good ideas that game was.
That the class-switching has been relegated to the MMO's makes me a sad kitty (I don't like puppies) as it probably shuts down the possibility of 5's or X-2's gameplay coming to a single-player game again.