The Escapist's Official Holiday Unboxing Post


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Merry Christmas, all! :D

I haven't finished unwrapping everything just yet, but so far all looks promising! I've received Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Dragon Age Origins, and that Xbox Live 1-year subscription I wanted, in addition to hot cocoa mix. The Oracle loves his hot cocoa. :p

I may edit this post if I receive anything else noteworthy, but if not, happy holidays, everyone! :)


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Well, my cousin got me a box of chocolate Cadbury's Buttons, and a box of puzzle cards, like a sort of puzzle game. My brother got me a DVD, 'The Last King Of Scotland'. I had loads of toiletries and clothes, and also a Toblerone and a box of Cadbury's Heroes. Plus Assassin's Creed 2 (which is actually annoying because although I wanted this game loads, I can't play it until January as I left my Xbox at university). I also had a CD (Reverend and the Makers - A French Kiss In The Chaos), another DVD (Angels and Demons), and a Discworld novel (the new one, Unseen Academicals), which I will probably start reading before New Year as I am currently rereading the entire series in order (so not counting the kids ones, I'm on Thud now and just have Making Money, then UA to go...). Oh, and I had a new bag for university :D. Plus the usual ritual, even though I'm 19 now and my brother is 17, our parents always get us the Beano and Dandy annuals each year (kind of a tradition, ever since 1996, I think). No doubt I'll probably keep them all so my own kids and grandkids can have them in years to come, or if not then I'll wait until I'm old then when they're worth something, a collection of classic comics and annuals, I can sell them at a profit ;).


New member
Jan 11, 2009
my greatest gift was this hot wheels city set my parent got me. I was the only one who didn't have hotwheels on my block, so when christmas came they not only got me the city set but two briefcase's full of hot wheel cars and planes so that i could carry and show around. It was the best present i ever got

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
I got a PS3 slim and should be receiving games for it later. I also got a Weird Al CD and a book of The Onion front pages. Oh, and I have Deus Ex now (give me a break, I was about 6 when it came out) thanks to my good friend lordlee.

As for the best I've ever gotten, since you asked for past memories, a Sega Genesis when I was 9. It made me into the gamer I am (and as a side effect, one of the few people who still respects Sonic the Hedgehog).


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Ah, I forgot, I listed my presents this year but I didn't make any mention of holiday memories. Well, here goes. I was quite young at the time so I don't have memories myself, though I've heard the story loads. My brother is two years younger than me and one Christmas, when he was about 5 or 6, we had a family friend around for Christmas dinner. Now, my parents would let us have a very small glass of champagne or something with Christmas dinner, as a special treat, so my brother drank his, then proceeded to sneakily drink this friend's drink as well when nobody was looking. Long story short, he ended up drunk and fell into the Christmas tree, knocking it over. That's not the best part though. The funniest bit is that while he was staggering about and telling our parents that "they'd got him drunk" he was going to call the police on them, the friend's mother came to pick her up as she couldn't drive, having had alcohol. Turns out her mother worked for Social Services and we just happened to have a drunk five year-old staggering around the room...

(nothing happened fortunately, the friend's mother didn't do anything about our underage drunk...)

Daniel Cygnus

New member
Jan 19, 2009
My best memory has to be the PS2. I'd asked for one along with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (the best in the series, IMO), and much like the OP, THPS4 for the PS2 was under the tree. My parents tried to act like they were technologically impaired by pretending that they thought the original Playstation had forwards compatibility. I thought something might be up, but I forgot about it pretty quickly. Then, as we were "about to leave" to go to my grandparents' house in Raleigh, they told me to get my shoes out of the closet. Inside the closet was a huge box, and inside the huge box was a PS2. It made little 7th grade me incredibly happy. :D Me and my brother spent the whole morning shooting each other in 007: Agent Under Fire. What an awesome day.

This year, my only big present is a 2-day ski trip to Winterplace with my dad. It's going to be awesome. I also got the Watchmen: Director's Cut edition (with Rorschach case!) and District 9...and some Strawberry Crush. Mmm, tasty.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Well last year I got a Wii, I was pretty excited until I slowly discovered it was bullshit. This year however I got a surround sound system for the gaming computer I built earlier this year. What does this mean? It means Crysis on very high in surround sound thats what it means. I also got a collectors edition live concert dvd of Led Zeppelin and... socks...

Initial J

New member
Dec 14, 2009
I got 70 euros, new cellphone (Samsung B2700), lots of chocolate and some woolly socks (which really help here in -25° C weather).

The Political Gamer

New member
Oct 12, 2008
*Sniper shirt [] not seen because Gabe ate it. :(


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I got a copy of Sony Vegas 9.0 and installed it and....I can't make head or tail of it and have no idea how to use it, best Christmas Ever!
I also got two games and I'm satified with it and maybe just maybe I'll figure Vegas out some day.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
I got the Star Trek Cookbook, so now I can even cook like the huge nerd I am *grin*


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I got a throwback Jim Plunkett [] Jersey, an MP3 player, and a brand-spankin new Phenom II Processor and ASUS motherboard from my folks.

Considering I told everyone I didn't want anything this year, I'd say I made out quite well. :)


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I got a Kindle. This was awkward because the day before Christmas I had remarked that I didn't really like the idea of electronic books all that much. Oh well, I might as well give it a spin and see how it goes, right?

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The nifty Woody-Harrelson-in-Zombieland hat I ordered from Read Deal Brazil [] arrived yesterday!

...but it got taken back to the post office because there's no place to leave packages here, and I can't pick it up until tomorrow. :(

Ah well, I'm patient!