The FIFA World Cup 2014 Thread


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010

[HEADING=1]JoJo Proudly Presents:[/HEADING]

[HEADING=2]The FIFA World Cup 2014 Thread[/HEADING]​

So yeah, England's first game (against Italy) starts in just under two hours at 11pm GMT and I'm surprised I haven't seen any threads yet about the World Cup on this site. How are things down your neck of the woods? Will you be supporting your country or just giving the competition an occasional glance? If your country gets knocked out or never competed in the first place, do you have a second choice of who to support? Feel free to post predictions here, or cheers and/or laments during matches.

Myself, I don't tend to watch too much sport but I'll be watching England's games for sure, cheering on our lads even if we don't exactly have the best chances this year. You never know though, it's been long enough since '66, maybe this is our year. If not, Germany is my next choice to support since they're a very good team and I have heritage from that country.

So, what are your thoughts on this year's FIFA World Cup Escapists?


New member
May 5, 2011
I will be supporting England, Austria, and Mexico, and it's purely coincidental that those are the same teams I got for the sweepstakes we are running at work. I'd quite like England to do well obviously, but I don't think it's going to happen, especially as we have a tough group.


Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
I would support my country but we didn't even qualify.
Good job, Ireland.

I don't really have a back-up team, it's one of those things I mean to watch but then I just forget about it.
I definitely prefer watching rugby. We're actually good at the sport too. :D


Let slip the Guinea Pigs of war!
Sep 11, 2008
I have the matches on in the background (at least the two earlier time slots, the third one starts at midnight that's just too late). And actually sit down properly for the matches of the Netherlands.

In previous years I followed a lot more closely, but then I was in office betting pools so that made even "secondary" matches something of interest.

I support on a case by case basis for the other matches, ie right now the Uruguay - Costa Rica match is on and I've decided to root for CRC.


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
I really like football as a sport, but I'm not interested in any of the non-national teams so I don't follow it usually. However, I turn into a complete football nut during the World Cup. I watch every match I can (got Uruguay vs. Costa Rica on as we speak), and my dad and I will obviously be staying up to watch England get trounced by Italy :p

Being English, I consider it prudent to support a couple of additional teams, so I've chosen the Netherlands because one of my best friends is Dutch (so I was VERY happy last night), and Ghana because they were my surrogate team after England were knocked out of the last World Cup, and being British I love an underdog.


New member
May 4, 2013
The 'Murica vs Ghana match is up in two days, and while I'm going to be rooting for the US, it's not going to happen. Football is America's game, just not the real football. In which case I'm also supporting Germany as a secondary, because the team this year is absolutely stacked. I'm hoping for a crushing victory against Portugal on Monday as well.

Also, in terms of past matches, Spain vs. Netherlands was, frankly, tragic.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I guess I support Argentina but I don't see us winning this year. I know everybody raves about Messi being the next best thing but in truth he just doesn't get along with the rest of the team, and I think it's poor strategy to build the entire game plan around just one guy. His element is playing for Barcelona. I appreciate he'd rather side with the Argentine selection but nothing I saw in 2010 World Cup or afterwards makes me think he's a natural fit for the team. I'm betting Argentina makes it to quarter finals, tops.

Germany, Holland or Brazil will probably win. Brazil is always a strong contender and playing as locals is a huge incentive, in more ways than one. I don't know how closely any of you have been following preparations for the World Cup but the country's been torn apart by government forces brutally forcing poverty out of the streets and violently repressing riots & protests against the massive amounts of money that have been wasted on World Cup perks. It's a fucking shame. Brazil is more or less required to win at this point or the social backlash will be even more catastrophic.

This leads me to the corruption charges the referee from the opening match has been facing since that ridiculous penalty he charged against Croatia. It was depressing to watch and has ruined the whole event for me. FIFA has pretty much arranged for Brazil to win. I'll eat my words if it doesn't, but that's exactly what it felt like since match one.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
I'll be supporting England until they inevitably get knocked out, then it's The Netherlands all the way.

I don't even really care about football usually, but there's just something about the atmosphere during the World Cup that I absolutely love.

Also, WTF just happened to Uruguay in the second half? They absolutely shit the bed. It was a well deserved win by Costa Rica but Jesus...


This ain't no hula!
Aug 30, 2012
I support France like always, although I was a bigger fan during the Zidane days. I haven't really been following football for a few years and have no idea what kind of team France currently has. Oh, and let's not talk about the last World Cup. That was... something.

EDIT: Portugal has usually been my backup team.


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
King Whurdler said:
I'm Canadian, and in the context of this event, that, in itself, is pitiful. Although, I am of Scottish heritage, but they didn't qualify either, so...

Go Northern Ireland I guess. I kind of like them.
Ummm... they didn't qualify either. Sorry man.


Oct 28, 2013
Oh...right. I wondered what all the piss-taking on the shelves at the newsagent was about. Yeah, I guess I'll give it a glance, even though football really doesn't excite me as much as, say, rugby...which also doesn't excite me a great deal.

Go on then, Germany, you never fail to impress me!


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I actually want Mexico to do well, as I tend to root for the underdogs first, and no-one really considers Mexico to win. Out of the "favourites" I would probably go for Germany, as I quite like watching their technical style of play. All in all though, I am not that into football, I much prefer ice hockey.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
SirDerpy said:
Also, in terms of past matches, Spain vs. Netherlands was, frankly, tragic.
How so? Now, much as I respect the WC'10 winning team, most of that lot were already either late twenties or early thirties and they started the match against the Netherlands yesterday. That rather troubled me, to be honest...

OT: As ever, I throw my support behind Germany. Here's to hoping Klose gets a couple more to beat Mueller's record before he retires.

To England... something bordering on cursory, I guess.

But never mind all this malarkey... Essex are unbeaten in the Pro40 League this season so far!! Go Ravi! >_>

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Primary support goes to Les Bleus, who have their first match tomorrow against Honduras. I'll be cheering on the Brits, followed by Algeria and Iran just because I'm make it a point to back any team from the Middle East and North African regions. Plus, Algeria's national team nickname is Les Fennecs. How can you dislike that?


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
Well, from an English perspective this is going better than expected...

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Aaaaand the 2nd half is on. Ten bucks says Italy scores another goal.

EDIT: Sweet, happened not 5 minutes after.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
England are playing with more purpose than I've ever seen before but like so many teams this year their defence is letting them down. Still think they'll get out of the group.

I think people underestimate France. People only talk about how we crumbled four years ago, and then they act shocked when **** Nasri is left out of the squad. The French team is much more united than before and even without Ribéry our squad and especially our midfield looks very exciting. They tore apart the Netherlands in a friendly a few weeks ago (only finished 2-0 but I was shocked how much we dominated).

Very open and exciting world cup. Argentina were my pick before Brazil won the confederations cup but there's no team which stands out amongst the rest.

Still gonna pick Brazil as favourites now simply cos that home support is a hell of an advantage for them but there are at least a few teams with better squads than them.

Since I'm half French half English France are my first team and England my second. I guess Chile would be my 3rd since they play very nice football at the moment and they've been my default South American FIFA team for a while.

Hazy992 said:
Also, WTF just happened to Uruguay in the second half?
They got found out.

The Uruguay squad is really not as good as the English media makes out.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
AnarchistFish said:
I think people underestimate France. People only talk about how we crumbled four years ago, and then they act shocked when **** Nasri is left out of the squad. The French team is much more united than before and even without Ribéry our squad and especially our midfield looks very exciting. They tore apart the Netherlands in a friendly a few weeks ago (only finished 2-0 but I was shocked how much we dominated).
Raymond Domenech was an embarrassment, and had no business coaching that squad. Pretty much every part of our World Cup appearance four years ago was a complete failure on his part, but I especially object to his leaving Henry benched. Go back and watch that last match, and you can see how much the team really came together when Henry finally hit the pitch. He deserved to be captain and on the field for us from the start, not tossed in at the end when nothing could have helped us.