Sorry about that. At least you're able to remember something. Even if it's not the full picture or without external help.
lol, ok it's not as bad as that sounds. I'm not suffering from early onset alzheimers or anything. It's just, those are details that I've never found all that important to track, so they would just be forgotten. Some things stick through, little flash memories, but studies have shown that are memories are not as good as we think they are, especially those flash memories we think are perfect ones. Flash memories being things like "where were you when JFK was shot?" or "where were you when 9/11 happened?"
I'm fine, really. That's just stuff I don't track is all. Even with it being my primary hobby since...well since as far back as I can remember xD But if you asked me something like "what were the names of the titles you played on your Atari 2600", I could, right now, without actually looking up titles and box art, say "Karateka, and Defender" But I know I played several games on that thing. But if I googled their roster, and saw thumbnails of games, I'd be like "oh yeah, I remember that one, yeah that was fun." But to ask me "which one did you play first?" Psssh, no way I can answer that one. xD