I would prefer it if we just take our lumps at this point and continue on. The Sequel Trilogy had two good movies with the best setup possible and then the third blew it at the last possible second in every way it possibly could have when it could have been pure gold with hardly any effort. But, whatever, let's just accept it like the "they did something REALLY stupid" moments everything has (comic aficionados I think coined the term "Dork Age" in response to moments like Rise of Skywalker) and move on from here.
The ST should stand as a testament to Disney's utter failure in leadership and creative vision. People were seeing straight through Abram's shtick of "do the same thing but with flashier visual effects, and make the plot so fast-paced people can't think about it until they've left the theater" since the 2009 Star Trek reboot. He was the wrong person to pick to launch the sequel trilogy, and he was the wrong person to bring back for TRoS. Frankly at this point, anyone from Bad Robot or associated with them needs to be kept as far away from pop culture franchises as humanly possible in my opinion; they may pull in the odd blockbuster for short-term gain, but they're cancer to franchises.
hated TLJ with an utter passion and still see it as the point the sequel trilogy became broken past the point of salvage, but I will give Johnson credit in
at least bringing one or two decent ideas to the table. It's just a shame he dropped the plot points, or outright contradicted them past the point of viability, in the very same movie. If he was consistent and had the balls to actually subvert expectations and challenge the status quo, he would have ended it not as he did but with Kylo actually following through with his promise of creating something new, and fucked off the First Order fleet to start gunning for the galaxy's military-industrial complex based on the data brought to the First Order by the three stooges. That would leave Rey to pick up the pieces of the Resistance, and questioning herself and her faction's place in the galaxy certain to fall to the dark side.