The Game You Grew Up On


New member
Apr 22, 2009
BoneCrusherBOB said:
Earth.....Worm.....Jim. Gota love those classic's man.
This. It came free in a magazine, I think.

Also, Diddy Kong Racing. I just love that game, even though it's probably rubbish. Mario 64, Croc and Final Fantasy 7 are other contenders, along with Starcraft and Age of Empires 2.

First game I ever played? Civilization 2.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
For me it would be James Pond II: Codename Robocod for the Amiga Commodore 500. It was my sixth birthday, I'd just been taken to see Star Trek VI, and I blew all my birthday money on a copy of the game because I'd seen the Gladiators (I think) playing it on Gamesmaster and thought it looked cool.

I played it to death, even so much as that I cheated constantly and can still remember all the cheats even now! Though maybe thats not something I should be bragging about...

At any rate, there's nothing quite like surreal elasticated cod death.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Secret of Mana. Not my first game by far, but my favorite growing up and the one I played the most.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
Elite on the BBC model b micro. there is a pc version i found out on the net but i havent got the patience anymore to sit through it.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I started playing casually on a DOS IBM clone PC and on the Sega Master System.

However, the first game that I got hooked on would have to be Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis.

Followed by Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Genesis and id Software's original Doom (PC).

The next important set would have to be GoldenEye 007(N64), Mario Kart 64 and Starcraft (PC).

Despite not being included in the list of first games that hooked me on gaming...(I played them much later)
Both Civilization II and Heroes of Might and Magic II deserve a special mention.


Professional Lurker
Mar 19, 2009
It's a toss-up between several games: Pitfall!, River Raid and Super Breakout for the Atari 2600 are all up there, as well as an obscure Atari XL/XE game called Dan Strikes Back.

But I'd have to say my number one game from Way Back When was Lode Runner for the Atari XL/XE. I dimly remember Dad buying it and bringing it home. At that time, we were only just managing to keep food on the table and fuel in the car, so getting a new game was a big event. Solving the puzzles was a family affair - I remember we were all dreadfully stuck on one level quite early in the game, until Mum had a brainwave and we all kicked ourselves. (This was back when my parents still played video games - a long time ago...)

It was a great family game because it was so relaxed about difficulty levels. The little ones could slow the game right down, so that they had plenty of time to react, while Mum and Dad and I could play it at the top speed. If you were stuck on the level you were on, you could jump to the next level with Ctrl+U. It even had a keyboard shortcut to give yourself extra lives! No, not a cheat, it was listed in the manual along with all the other keyboard shortcuts... (I think modern game design could learn a lot from Lode Runner in this area, but I know that saying this will make a whole lot of hardcore gamers run out screaming, "NOOOOO they're dumbing our games down...!")

We all played the heck out of Lode Runner. Soon we all knew every one of the 150 included levels like the backs of our hands, but we kept playing it again and again. Partly because this was long after Atari's hey-day and we only had a handful of games for our obsolete computer (a new computer was out of our price range at the time), but mainly because of the level editor. The level editor was a breeze to use, and could do everything that any of the built-in levels could. I have no idea how many levels we created over the years, but there must have been dozens, maybe even hundreds. We didn't have a disk drive to save them, so it used to lead to terrible arguments: "You turned the Atari off and now my level is gone! I wasn't finished with it!" I believe Mum and Dad's house is still littered with meticulously drawn diagrams of particularly successful levels, although we never actually went back to any of the levels we'd saved so carefully.

Jay Cee

New member
Nov 27, 2008
It was the Game Boy for me. I remember Link, Mega Man and Pokemon.
First game I ever COMPLETED was Disney's Hercules.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Heh when I was just little, probably around the age of 5, I watched my dad play Duke Nukem 3D. Scary stuff back then. I think around that time I started to play it by myself. Good game.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. Crash 2 stole the majority of my time with Spyro 2 not too far behind.