The Goldmar Incident: A Superhero Role-Play { Accepting Applicants via PM }


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2008
Name: Amanda Zegers
Age: 23
Sex: Female

Appearance: Amanda stands at at a tall 6'1" feet and weighs in at about 155 lbs, giving her a slim build. She has only a little bit of noticeable muscle, but is still fairly fit for a woman her age, even if she's not exactly strong. Her skin has a constant light tan complexion due to her heritage, her being of Dutch and Native American descent. She has green eyes, a bit unusual where she's from, and light brown hair that she keeps neck long.

She has a penchant for a bit looser fitting clothes, having grown up with hand-me-downs from her older brother, and as such has more of an affinity with menswear or unisex clothing. She feels naked in a skirt or dress, and prefers trousers as part of her normal attire. Her normal clothes on campus consists of a pair of comfortable trousers, sometimes jeans, and an array of different button up shirts, or occasionally loose fitting blouses. This is complimented with a pair of tennis shoes and her oval rimless reading glasses when she has need of them. She uses a black backpack for her notes and supplies when on campus.

At her old workplace, and at special occasions, she still wears her 'finer' clothes, though dresses are still out. They consist of a set of comfortable suit trousers, a white shirt, a red tie, and a black pin-stripe vest. Leather shoes complete the attire, as she has no idea how to balance on high-heels, and thinks she would look silly in them anyway.

Personality: Amanda is a hardworking and quiet woman who takes pride in doing her best and who constantly strives to do her best to improve upon her situation. Growing up as a member of a fairly poor family has had an impact on her self esteem though, and she's pretty shy in most social situations, being used to being ignored and not seeing why anyone would take an interest in her without there being some ulterior motive. Due to her poor self esteem she also doesn't consider herself attractive, and it hasn't helped that she's taller than most of the girls, and some of the guys, she knew growing up.

At work she can get over her social shortcomings and give her best however, as she considers the job to be done more important. The feeling of gratitude towards her former boss might also have had something to do with it.

Biography: Amanda was born in Bismarck, North Dakota and went on to grow up in the same city. The younger of two siblings, Amanda grew up in the shadow of her five year older brother, Simon. It was not so much due to favoring of her older sibling or a lack of love and attention though, but simply because they didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Due to her families poor financial situation they only bought what was absolutely necessary beyond basic necessities, and while her brother occasionally got new clothes and the like, out of the virtue of being the eldest, she had to make do with his hand-me-downs.

Of course she was too young to know that this was a bad thing before a few years had passed and it started being a way for other kids to belittle her, something that certainly hasn't helped over the years when it comes to her self esteem. Still she neither grew to dislike her parents or her brother for this, telling herself that it wasn't their fault, the other kids didn't stop the treatment no matter what clothes she wore after all.

As soon as she was able Amanda took on working a part time job along side her studies to earn her spending money, as her brother had done before her and as her parents encouraged her to. She spent her years in school learning the value of hard work when it came to getting what you wanted, and that if you worked enough it would always lead to results. This was a policy that followed her into her studies, both as a point of personal pride, that even she could work hard and be as good as everyone else when it came to studying, and as a way of repaying her parents for the work that they put down every day.

During her days of high school she upped the ante when it came to working and got a proper part time job, as opposed to the often short lived jobs she had received up until that point. With a bit of help from her brother in getting an interview set up and practicing for it, she was hired as a helper at a local coffee shop the same year, a job that she would have in some form or other until she would have to move from Bismarck. The first few years while she was attending school she occasionally helped in the afternoons in the kitchen and with getting orders ready. But as she finished high school with no option to go to university due to her family's situation she became a full time employee there.

The shop The Little Coffee Company was a rather old fashioned little hole-in-the-wall with a set of returning costumers and the smattering of customers on the go needing their caffeine fix. A rather cosy place to work overall with a young, but equally old fashioned owner. He liked customers to be catered to with good old service and a refreshing and helpful atmosphere, and that the employees 'on the floor' be mindful of that, both in their demeanor and in their dress code. And though Amanda's chosen 'finery' was a bit unorthodox for a waitress, he had approved of it, saying that it 'fit well with the old place' whatever he meant.

She continued to work at the coffee shop until she received an offer about a year ago for a scholarship due to her grades, family situation, and diligence. Applying for the scholarship had been the idea of her sibling who had insisted that she'd have a good chance, nagging her until she finally gave in, despite not believing that she had a single chance. She was proven wrong though, and set about making preparations to attend university and choosing what she wanted to study, the quicker the better in her eyes. With the help of the scholarship, a small monetary 'loan' from her brother (a gift that she's vowed to repay), and her savings she's now a student at Goldmar University.

Currently she lives in the campus dorm with her roommate Maria, and studies business economics as her major with humanities and law as her minor, choosing to pursue what she considers a 'practical' and 'easily applied' series of studies. Something that will help not just her, but also her family, live a little easier.

- Generally Amanda doesn't like to go drinking due to her financial situation, but when she does she keeps away from both wine and spirits, preferring to keep to lager or ale.
- Amanda has always looked up to her older brother since she was small, and still does as he's managed to start himself a small business despite not having any higher education.
- She doesn't have a driver's license and relies on public transportation or her own two legs whenever she has business off campus.


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
Asclepion said:
Must be slow on the forum. This got way too many submissions.
My previous thread, Battlegrounds, got thirty applicants. Goldmar will close in the next couple of days, if not sooner.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
CounterAttack said:
Asclepion said:
Must be slow on the forum. This got way too many submissions.
My previous thread, Battlegrounds, got thirty applicants. Goldmar will close in the next couple of days, if not sooner.
Must have been slow then, too.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
CounterAttack said:
I don't know what you mean. Could you please elaborate?
Getting 30 character sheets isn't normal. I don't understand why people would do that when half of them are going to be turned away, and half of the remainder will participate beyond the first page. At least, that's the pattern I've seen.


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
Asclepion said:
Getting 30 character sheets isn't normal. I don't understand why people would do that when half of them are going to be turned away, and half of the remainder will participate beyond the first page. At least, that's the pattern I've seen.
People like to take their chances, I guess. As for people not posting, that's why I include a commitment clause in the rules sections of my threads. So far no-one has dropped out of Battlegrounds, though some people do post less often than others.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Asclepion said:
Getting 30 character sheets isn't normal. I don't understand why people would do that when half of them are going to be turned away, and half of the remainder will participate beyond the first page. At least, that's the pattern I've seen.
Don't think I can necessarily speak for anyone else, but I like the activity of making and fiddling with characters as a proses in and of itself. Sure I'd like to get accepted and take part in the RP, but even if I don't; I've already had some fun, gotten to think about new things in a different light, etcetera. So, ya' know, there's that.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Fishtie said:
Don't think I can necessarily speak for anyone else, but I like the activity of making and fiddling with characters as a proses in and of itself. Sure I'd like to get accepted and take part in the RP, but even if I don't; I've already had some fun, gotten to think about new things in a different light, etcetera. So, ya' know, there's that.
I understand :3


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Asclepion said:
Fishtie said:
Don't think I can necessarily speak for anyone else, but I like the activity of making and fiddling with characters as a proses in and of itself. Sure I'd like to get accepted and take part in the RP, but even if I don't; I've already had some fun, gotten to think about new things in a different light, etcetera. So, ya' know, there's that.
I understand :3
I'll agree with all the above, and Asclepion pretty sure somethings catch more interests then others, you have to admit there isn't a bunch of interesting things on the forum.


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008

The following characters have been accepted into The Goldmar Incident:

CounterAttack said:
Lisette Gray
NeoAC said:
Kai-Huei "Kayla" Lin
Lambi said:
Christine Harper
Fappy said:
Noel Brandt
Pm0n3y said:
Dominic Salazar-Tate
socialtangent said:
Brent Foster
elementsoul said:
Marcus Wickliffe
Baldrek said:
Amanda Zegers
Grim327 said:
Ryan Grayson
Dogmatic99 said:
Adam Chambers
RatRace, my co-GM, is currently without a computer as I have said previously. He will likely join as a late entrant.

The accepted characters will be edited into my reserved posts accompanying the opening post. Once that has been completed, I shall make the necessary arrangements on Skype, then begin work on the opening in-character post. As with the other two role-plays I am currently running, there will not be a second thread for in-character posts. Everything will be in the one thread for simplicity's sake.

Those who wish to receive commentary on the character they submitted, and/or an explanation of why their character was not accepted, may PM me asking about this if they wish. However, I request that the manner in which one asks be civil and polite. I don't want to be involved in any fights over my decisions, and will not respond to aggressive messages.

Thank you all for your interest and the questions you have posed.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
I assume you have something against russians, or (understandably) didn't want to put up with a terribly cheesy russian accent.

Have fun!


New member
Jun 28, 2010
My apologies for not informing you earlier, but I dropped out and was going to announce it on this thread, but shit got real.

Hope it works out, though, as it sounds ripe with potential.


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
[HEADING=2]The Goldmar Incident[/HEADING]​

[HEADING=3]Prologue: Pieces Falling Into Place[/HEADING]​


From: jsilvani
To: me
Dear Student,

You have been invited to a presentation by guest speaker Mr. Edgar Reynolds, world-renowned geneticist. Mr. Reynolds will be speaking on career options in the field of biology and genetics, and will host a Q&A session afterwards for those inclined to stay.

Location: Lecture Hall 3
Time: 10:00 AM tomorrow morning

Registration for a holiday workshop led by Mr. Reynolds will also be available after the presentation's conclusion.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Goldmar students. Hope to see you there!
Janina Silvani, Goldmar Chief Administrator

[sub]Please note: This is an automated message. Please do not reply directly to this email.[/sub]

The email had been in Lisette Gray's inbox yesterday when she had returned to her apartment from work. Genetics, eh... biology was an avenue that she had yet to explore. She had arrived at the university rather early: it was 9:30 AM on a Thursday and a lot of people were walking around with coffees in hand. All of them would have been purchased from the mini-trailer permanently set up outside Goldmar's Visitors Center.

Another semester was drawing to a close. Lisette had already completed the course that she had enrolled in, an introduction to journalism. It was an interesting topic, but... she didn't know if that was what she wanted to attach herself to. Just like everything else she'd tried. It was a mite concerning, how she hadn't figured out her career path after all this time. Her parents were supportive, but they too wanted her to find a subject and build a career on it. So Lisette was finding topics that looked good, registered for the appropriate introductory course, and given it a shot. All of them had been... well, average, once she'd gotten started. She persisted, though, and kept trying over the years.

That was why she was attending this new biology presentation. Lisette had tied her hair back this morning, and was wearing a plain shirt, pants and shoes with a slight heel to them. She made a point of looking somewhat formal for unique occasions like this. She hadn't entered the hall just yet, as she hadn't seen anyone else go in: she hated sitting alone in an empty lecture hall. For now, she waited on a bench outside in case someone else showed up, her satchel resting on the ground by her feet.


It had taken years of effort, an immaculate disguise and cover, a lot of money spent on bribes and deals, and a healthy dose of luck, but finally the project was ready to begin. The emails had been sent out, each one tailored to the recipient's choice of study, or lack thereof, and the hall booked for the appropriate time. If he was lucky, he would have a packed hall full of new test subjects.

Of course, getting the students to the hall relied on the gamble that they would actually take up the offer, especially since some candidates weren't tied down to one specific field of study, but it would work on at least some people. One subject was better than none.

These were the thoughts the suited man was going over as he sat behind the desk at the front of Lecture Hall Three, occasionally checking a laptop computer for updates. A large, three-foot-tall and two-foot-wide object occupied most of the desk, covered by a black cloth and protected by a prominent 'Do Not Touch' sign set up in front of it. If anyone approached the device, he would redirect their attention elsewhere.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
From: jsilvani
To: me
Dear Student,

You have been invited to a presentation by guest speaker Mr. Edgar Reynolds, world-renowned geneticist. Mr. Reynolds will be speaking on career options in the field of biology and genetics, and will host a Q&A session afterwards for those inclined to stay.

Location: Lecture Hall 3
Time: 10:00 AM tomorrow morning

Registration for a holiday workshop led by Mr. Reynolds will also be available after the presentation's conclusion.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Goldmar students. It is vitally important that policy makers today stay up-to-date on profound scientific discoveries and this your chance to get one step ahead! Hope to see you there!
Janina Silvani, Goldmar Chief Administrator

[sub]Please note: This is an automated message. Please do not reply directly to this email.[/sub]

"Expresso, please," Noel greeted the cashier with a grin. Although obviously exhausted, the cashier forced a smile in return and began blending her drink. Noel checked her phone. 9:31. It honestly felt like noon already. "Thanks!" Noel said cheerfully as she was handed back her credit card and sent on her way.

She hadn't originally planned to attend this presentation, but a gap in her schedule formed when it turned out they wouldn't need her help at the animal shelter today. Thankfully she still managed to get up early enough to do her hair and don a grey suit. Slightly more business than casual. She headed towards the lecture hall sipping her drink when her phone began to ring, "Noel speaking. Oh, hi Mark."

It was one of her fellow student senators. Another morning person. Noel thought he was nice enough, but he was far too opinionated for her taste, "Yes, yes I know," Noel sighed. "I know."

He had been trying to get her to come to his side on the Green Initiative they were enacting on campus, but she honestly couldn't care less about the finer details of the issue. She had far more pressing issues she'd have preferred to address. As she listened to Mark blather on she searched the area for a place to sit. The lecture wouldn't start for another 25 minutes.

She noticed another girl sitting on a bench right outside the hall. Noel smiled at her as she sat down, "No, listen Mark. I know you're passionate about," He was getting pretty fired up. Noel frantically turned the volume down, so her new neighbor couldn't hear him. "Mark. Mark! Listen! Fine, go on," Noel shook her head and rolled her eyes.


New member
Jun 24, 2012
From: jsilvani
To: me
Dear Student,

You have been invited to a presentation by guest speaker Mr. Edgar Reynolds, world-renowned behavioral psychologist and body language analyst. Mr. Reynolds will be speaking on career options in the field of criminal psychology and law enforcment, and will host a Q&A session afterwards for those inclined to stay.

Location: Lecture Hall 3
Time: 10:00 AM tomorrow morning

Registration for a holiday workshop led by Mr. Reynolds will also be available after the presentation's conclusion.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Goldmar students. Hope to see you there!
Janina Silvani, Goldmar Chief Administrator

[sub]Please note: This is an automated message. Please do not reply directly to this email.[/sub]



Adam swung his hand at the alarm clock, only reaching as far from the covers as he had to. He mashed the buttons on its top and rolled over to take a look, the bright red numbers said 08:00 AM. He cursed his morning routine and stared intently at the clock as if he could will time to reverse, all the while thinking up half hearted reasons for him not to get up. Come on! You made a commitment and you're going to stick to it. Now get up.

Half an hour later he crawled out from under the covers and squinted in front of the mirror with bloodshot eyes as he brushed his teeth. He had to admit it was times like this that he was glad he didn't have a room mate. After making himself look presentable, most of which involved trying to scrub the club stamp off of his hand, Adam was left standing in front of his open wardrobe. Looking at things plainly, he didn't have enough time to get his usual morning run in and make it back to get his things in time for the lecture. He could always do it later, it looked lie a nice enough day, no doubt the weather would hold up.

"Later it is then." He said to the room, putting on his favorite blue plaid shirt and a pair of jeans.

Adam's dorm was close to Lecture Hall 3, giving him time to grab a cup of coffee from the trailer by the visitor center first. He sped up and managed to get to the hall with time to spare. He rounded the corner, his backpack slung over one shoulder, and saw a pair of students taking up the bench outside the hall entrance.

Funny, he hadn't seen either of these two girls in any of his lectures before. Maybe they were therapy or just regular psych majors. He lent against the wall and took the time to take a good swig of his coffee (which was much easier to do now he wasn't moving). He made eye contact with the girl who wasn't on the phone and gave her a friendly nod. Had he seen her somewhere before?


An emaciated shadow
Jul 29, 2009
Expectantly, the study hall Dominic Tate occupied was quiet, and practically vacant. It was considered the best time to get homework done, and he wasn't gonna let the opportunity pass up. Or, at least he usually wouldn't. But today was different, it seemed. If going by the e-mail he received sometime yesterday, he would have to postpone the homework's completion if he were to catch that presentation. Maybe he could finish it during the presentation? No, that was definitely out of the question, he was gonna take notes during it.
From: jsilvani
To: me
Dear Student,

You have been invited to a presentation by guest speaker Lt. Edgar Reynolds, Head of SHPD's Homicide and Forensics unit. Mr. Reynolds will be speaking on career options in the field of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, and will host a Q&A session afterwards for those inclined to stay.

Location: Lecture Hall 3
Time: 10:00 AM tomorrow morning

Registration for a holiday workshop led by Mr. Reynolds will also be available after the presentation's conclusion.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Goldmar students. Hope to see you there!
Janina Silvani, Goldmar Chief Administrator

[sub]Please note: This is an automated message. Please do not reply directly to this email.[/sub]

Dom read the e-mail from his phone for a second time, making sure he was reading the time and location correctly. "Don't wanna pass this opportunity up. Can't forget." He mumbled to himself. He turned his attention back towards the homework before him, not wanting the lingering sensation of anxiousness take over his concentration. He took a sip from his coffee cup, and answered another math problem. Geometry II, a General Education elective he decided to hold off on until he needed it to pass. And with his fourth year coming to a close, it was now or never.

After powering through another gaggle of questions, He took a quick gander at his watch. "9:45. I should head to the Lecture Hall now so I can get a better seat. Hopefully this ends before 1:00, t'would give me some extra time to finish this up before class." He thought aloud, finishing off what was left of (would most likely be) his first coffee of the day. Tucking his textbook, calcualator, and notebook into his dingy brown knapsack, Dom collected his navy blue sport coat before departing, throwing the empty cup in the nearest trash receptacle as he exited the large area.

The cool breeze of morning greeted the student, causing him to put on the jacket. "Hmm, the hall shouldn't be too far from here..." Actually, he could very visibly spot the establishment from where he stood. With a pep in his step, he started for the building, and noticed others lounging about the entrance as he closed in on their position. Arriving not to far behind a more casually dressed male student, Dom was starting to feel a little underdressed (even if he was wearing a form fitting ensemble consisting of a dress shirt, tie, sweater vest, and loafers) as he got a good look at the two girls waiting outside the hall.

"Maybe I should've wore dress pants instead of slim jeans today...and shaved..." He thought, giving a greeting nod towards the trio of students before stepping inside. The hall was still relatively empty, save for the one man casually pacing behind a desk near the head of the hall. The fairly large, shrouded item adorning the desk caused Dom to raise a brief eyebrow before shrugging it off. "S'probably some new thing the school's implementing into their classes. Maybe he's going to introduce it here or something?" Dom soon found a seat along one of the halls many rows of seats, aiming for one of the rows closer to the front.


New member
May 23, 2009
Brent Foster rolled out of bed to silence his cell phone's alarm.

9:00 AM
A little bit later than he usually woke up during the semester. Even with the extra hour of sleep. Brent felt groggy and tired. He slid into a pair of jeans and threw on a green t-shirt before heading to his dorm's modest kitchen. It was big enough to house a small fridge, dishwasher, sink, microwave, and coffee machine. The coffee machine was by far the fanciest appliance in the kitchen. It was one of those fancy models that brewed cup-sized proportions in proprietary sealed "pods," but in a pinch could brew coffee grounds. It was a Christmas gift from Brent's parents, and a very welcome one at that.

On the ramen wrapper-littered counter was the can of coffee grounds. His roommate Eric must have left it out before leaving for God-knows-where. In any case, Brent removed the filter, cleaned it out, and put in enough to brew a cup. He waited patiently as the machine filled his mug with coffee in a steady trickle. After that was done, he gave his drink a healthy dose of vanilla creamer and prepared two slices of toast. Not much of a breakfast, but he wasn't going to be out long. While drinking his coffee, Brent pulled out his phone and checked the saved folder on his email account. The message he was looking for was right where he left it.

From: jsilvani
To: me
Dear Student,

You have been invited to a presentation by guest speaker Edgar Reynolds, a Senior Software Engineer for Microsoft Corporation. Mr. Reynolds will be speaking on career options in the field of Computer Science, and will host a Q&A session afterwards for those inclined to stay.

Location: Lecture Hall 3
Time: 10:00 AM tomorrow morning

Registration for a holiday workshop led by Mr. Reynolds will also be available after the presentation's conclusion.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Goldmar students. Hope to see you there!
Janina Silvani, Goldmar Chief Administrator

[sub]Please note: This is an automated message. Please do not reply directly to this email.[/sub]


Brent had promised himself that he would start seriously investigating career options at the end of the semester, and this was as good a start as any. Although a bit skeptical, he figured that going to this presentation was worth a shot. By the time Brent finished his meager breakfast and browsed his usual websites, it was already 9:36, so he threw on a black suit jacket, fixed his hair, and went out the door.

It took him about ten minutes to walk from his dorm to the lecture hall. He was in no real rush, so he took his time. The Goldmar campus was rather peaceful when it was empty like this. At least, relatively empty. There was still small amounts of activity, students going to makeup finals and staff members scurrying around to do...whatever they did at the end of the semester.

With plenty of time to spare, Brent entered the lecture hall and picked a seat towards the back. There were already a few people taking their seats, but he paid them no mind as he pulled out his phone and plugged in his earbuds. He put his music library on shuffle and made his Internet rounds again. Maybe there'd be a funny article or two to help kill the time.