He thumbed up my post. Did he thumb up yours?Really? I thought he tried to say "I was asking Johnny Novgorod" but did it in a douchey way.
I kid, but so far also not really?
He thumbed up my post. Did he thumb up yours?Really? I thought he tried to say "I was asking Johnny Novgorod" but did it in a douchey way.
Tunic is just amazing at every level. Though I got several manual pages outside the expected order because I accidentally stumbled upon the HOLY CROSS super early in the game. I actually didn't realize that what I was using was the HOLY CROSS mentioned in the manual until much, much later.the undisputed GOTY would be Tunic.
I know of it and it's in my wishlist. It never goes on sale so it keeps ranking down, but I'll probably just up and buy it sooner rather than later.Tunic is just amazing at every level. Though I got several manual pages outside the expected order because I accidentally stumbled upon the HOLY CROSS super early in the game. I actually didn't realize that what I was using was the HOLY CROSS mentioned in the manual until much, much later.
If you like the language translation stuff as a core mechanic, check out Heaven's Vault. It's a few years old now, but the language is interesting enough to play with. It's not just a modified substitution cipher like Tunic's language, though it does use English-like word order.